def pdf2img(input_pdf, postfix='.png'): img = Image(input_pdf) img.density('300') size = "%sx%s" % (img.columns(), img.rows()) output_img = Image(size, bgcolor) output_img.type = img.type output_img.composite(img, 0, 0, PythonMagick.CompositeOperator.SrcOverCompositeOp) output_img.resize(str(img.rows())) output_img.magick('JPG') output_img.quality(75) output_jpg = input_pdf.replace(".pdf", postfix) if os.path.exists(output_jpg): os.remove(output_jpg) output_img.write(output_jpg)
def getimages(request): myfile = PdfFileReader('files.pdf') pages = myfile.getNumPages() for page in pages: im = Image(myfile.getPage(i+1)) im.write('file_image{}.png'.format(i+1)) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"responce code":"100","status": "success" ,"user" : im}), content_type="application/json")
def finish_response(self, app_iter): if not self.scale: self.start_response(self.status, self.headers) self.output = app_iter return CONTENT_LENGTH.delete(self.headers) inBuffer = StringIO() try: for s in app_iter: self.logger.debug("Writing %d bytes into image buffer." % len(s)) inBuffer.write(s) finally: if hasattr(app_iter, 'close'): app_iter.close() rawImg = Blob() = inBuffer.getvalue() inBuffer.close() image = Image(rawImg) self.logger.debug("Scaling image to %s" % self.scaled_size) image.scale(self.scaled_size[0]) image.write(self.outbuffer) content_length = self.outbuffer.length() CONTENT_LENGTH.update(self.headers, content_length) CACHE_CONTROL.update(self.headers, s_maxage=CACHE_CONTROL.ONE_HOUR) self.start_response(self.status, self.headers)
def pdf2bmp(path): img = Image() f = open(path, "rb") opened_pdf = PdfFileReader(f) page_num = opened_pdf.getNumPages() if page_num == 1: output_bmp = path.replace(".pdf", ".bmp") img.write(output_bmp) else: for i in range(page_num): pdfw = PdfFileWriter() pdfw.addPage(opened_pdf.getPage(i)) output_path = os.path.splitext(path)[0] output_pdf = output_path + "_page(" + str(i + 1) + ").pdf" with open(output_pdf, "wb") as output: pdfw.write(output) output_bmp = output_pdf.replace(".pdf", ".bmp") img.write(output_bmp) f.close() return output_bmp, page_num
def generate(self): os.chdir(self.path) img = Image(self.filename) img.sample("128x128") name = self.filename.split('.')[0] img.write(name + '.ico') print(f'>>> 成功写出文件:{self.path + name}.ico')
def handle(self, *args, **options): routes = glob(options['input'] + '/routes-*.json') routes = sorted( routes, lambda x, y: cmp( stat(path.abspath(x))[8], stat(path.abspath(y))[8])) segment = 0 img = None for route in routes: self.stdout.write('Opening route "%s"\n' % route) rfile = open(route, 'r') fc = json.load(rfile) rfile.close() if segment == 0: self.stdout.write('Creating image file.\n') img = Image('1280x720', 'white') img.draw(DrawableStrokeColor('black')) img.draw(DrawableStrokeOpacity(0.01)) img.draw(DrawableStrokeWidth(1.0)) for i, feature in enumerate(fc['features']): coords = feature['geometry']['coordinates'] coords = map(lambda x: self.proj(x), coords) for start, end in zip(coords[0:-1], coords[1:]): img.draw(DrawableLine(start[0], start[1], end[0], end[1])) segment += 1 if segment == options['number']: self.stdout.write('Writing image file "%s.png".\n' % route) img.write(route + '.png') segment = 0
def on_created(self, event): filepath = event.src_path filename = os.path.basename(filepath) print('newfile: ' + filepath) time.sleep(1) Image(filepath).write("clipboard:")
def __init__(self, filename, i): self.image = Image() self.image.density('%d' % DENSITY)'%s[%d]' % (filename, i)) temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') self.image.write( self.pimage = pygame.image.load( temp.close()
def pdf2img(input_pdf, postfix='.png', **kwargs): # print os.path.exists(input_pdf) img = Image(input_pdf) img.density('300') size = "%sx%s" % (img.columns(), img.rows()) output_img = Image(size, bgcolor) output_img.type = img.type output_img.composite(img, 0, 0, PythonMagick.CompositeOperator.SrcOverCompositeOp) output_img.resize(str(img.rows())) output_img.magick('JPG') output_img.quality(75) if 'out_path' in kwargs: output_jpg = kwargs['out_path'] else: output_jpg = input_pdf + postfix if os.path.exists(output_jpg): os.remove(output_jpg) output_img.write(output_jpg)
def extractCover(uuid, data): """Extract the cover, resize, and save.""" f = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) f.write(data) f.close() image = Image( image.magick('JPEG') image.sample('256x256') image.write('htdocs/images/'+uuid+'.jpg') unlink(
def pdf2image(pdf_filepath): if not os.path.exists(pdf_filepath): return ''' pdf = PdfFileReader(pdf_filepath) for page_number in range(pdf.getNumPages()): image = Image(pdf.getPage(page_number+1)) image.write('file_image{}.png'.format(page_number+1)) pass ''' im = Image(pdf_filepath) im.write("file_img%d.png")
def readPdf_page_by_page(filepath): #获取一个pdf对象 pdf_input = PdfFileReader(open(filepath, 'rb')) #获取pdf页数 page_count = pdf_input.getNumPages() #获取pdf第n页的内容 for n in range(page_count): im = Image() #im.density("300") + '[' + str(1) + ']') im.magick("jpg") im.write(filepath + str(n + 1) + ".jpg")
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print('invalid usage!') return pdf_filename = sys.argv[1] pdf = PdfFileReader(file(pdf_filename, "rb")) npage = pdf.getNumPages() fname = pdf_filename.split('/')[-1] tmppath = '/dev/shm/' for p in range(npage): im = Image() im.density('300') + '[' + str(p) + ']') im.write(tmppath + fname + '_' + str(p) + out_format)
def pdf_to_image(): for pdf in [ pdf_file for pdf_file in os.listdir(pdf_dir) if pdf_file.endswith(".pdf") ]: input_pdf = pdf_dir + "\\" + pdf + "[1]" img = Image() img.density('300') print input_pdf size = "%sx%s" % (img.columns(), img.rows()) output_img = Image(size, bg_colour) output_img.type = img.type output_img.composite(img, 0, 0, PythonMagick.CompositeOperator.SrcOverCompositeOp) output_img.resize(str(img.rows())) output_img.magick('JPG') output_img.quality(75) output_jpg = input_pdf.replace(".pdf", ".jpg") output_img.write(output_jpg)
def conver_pdf(): try: pdf = "/temp/view_book/amin_amino_axit_protein_bai_tap.pdf" from pyPdf import PdfFileReader from PythonMagick import Image myfile = PdfFileReader(open(pdf, 'rb')) pages = count_pages(pdf) print(pages) for i in range(0, pages): im = Image(myfile.getPage(i)) im.write('/home/view_book/file_image{}.png'.format(i)) except Exception as ex: print(str(ex) + " on line: " + str(sys.exc_traceback.tb_lineno)) return dict(error=str(ex) + " on line: " + str(sys.exc_traceback.tb_lineno))
def thumbnail(self, infile, outfile, size, quality, no_upscale=False): #image = Image(infile) #image.resize(size) #image.write(outfile) quality = str(quality) if infile.endswith('.gif') or no_upscale: size = size + '>' resize = run([ '/usr/bin/convert', '-interlace', "Plane", '-quality', quality, '-strip', '-thumbnail', size, infile, outfile ]) image = Image(outfile) return { 'width': image.size().width(), \ 'height': image.size().height() }
def _ps2png(self, filename, relative): "Try to converts -> bands.png and returns absolute filename" try: pspath = self.bandsPS() pngpath = os.path.join(self._resultPath.localPath(), PNGBAND) # Absolute # Rotate 90 degrees and convert .ps -> .png from PythonMagick import Image img = Image(pspath) img.rotate(90) # For some reason plotband.x rotates image img.write(pngpath) # Write to .png file fpngpath = os.path.join(self._resultPath.localPath(relative), PNGBAND) # Format dependent return fpngpath # If success, return path to .png file except: return None
def walk_menu(entry): if isinstance(entry, xdg.Menu.Menu) and entry.Show is True: map(walk_menu, entry.getEntries()) elif isinstance(entry, xdg.Menu.MenuEntry) and entry.Show is True: # byte 1 signals another entry conn.sendall('\x01') img_path = icon_attr(entry.DesktopEntry).encode('utf-8') if img_path and os.path.isfile(img_path): try: # Create an empty image and set the background color to # transparent. This is important to have transparent background # when converting from SVG img = Image() img.backgroundColor(Color(0, 0, 0, 0xffff)) # scale the image to 48x48 pixels img.scale(Geometry(48, 48)) # ensure the image is converted to ICO img.magick('ICO') b = Blob() img.write(b) # icon length plus data conn.sendall(struct.pack('i', len( conn.sendall( except Exception: conn.sendall(struct.pack('i', 0)) else: conn.sendall(struct.pack('i', 0)) name = entry.DesktopEntry.getName() # name length plus data conn.sendall(struct.pack('i', len(name))) conn.sendall(name) command = re.sub(' -caption "%c"| -caption %c', ' -caption "%s"' % name, entry.DesktopEntry.getExec()) command = re.sub(' [^ ]*%[fFuUdDnNickvm]', '', command) if entry.DesktopEntry.getTerminal(): command = 'xterm -title "%s" -e %s' % (name, command) # command length plus data conn.sendall(struct.pack('i', len(command))) conn.sendall(command)
def pdf_page_to_png( src_pdf, pagenum=0, resolution=72, ): """ Returns specified PDF page as wand.image.Image png. :param PyPDF2.PdfFileReader src_pdf: PDF from which to take pages. :param int pagenum: Page number to take. :param int resolution: Resolution for resulting png in DPI. """ dst_pdf = PyPDF2.PdfFileWriter() dst_pdf.addPage(src_pdf.getPage(pagenum)) pdf_bytes = io.BytesIO() dst_pdf.write(pdf_bytes) img = Image(pdf_bytes, resolution=resolution) img.convert("png") return img
def screenshot(word, word_eol, userdata): try: Image("clipboard:").write("PNG32:clipmage.png") except RuntimeError: xchat.prnt('no image in the clipboard') return xchat.EAT_ALL response = cStringIO.StringIO() c = pycurl.Curl() values = [("key", "37c8847d8ce46eb4bb4175ad4573441b"), ("image", (c.FORM_FILE, "clipmage.png"))] c.setopt(c.URL, "") c.setopt(c.HTTPPOST, values) c.setopt(c.WRITEFUNCTION, response.write) c.perform() c.close() os.remove('clipmage.png') try: xchat.command( 'say %s' % response.getvalue().split('<original>')[1].split('</original>')[0]) except IndexError: xchat.prnt('couldn\'t upload the image') return xchat.EAT_ALL
def convert_directory_to_tiff(source, destination, remove_source_directory): """This method converts a directory containing bitmaps to tiffs and stores them in a new location. PythonMagick is used in the process of conversion the resulting images are uncompressed and are of the same size as the original bitmaps therefore implying loss-less conversion remove_source_directory takes 'yes' or 'no' """ if remove_source_directory == 'yes' or 'no': list_of_files_in_the_directory = os.listdir(source) for files in list_of_files_in_the_directory: name, ext = os.path.splitext(files) if ext.lower() == '.bmp': Image(os.path.join(source, files)).write( os.path.join(source, name + str('.tiff'))) refresh_list = os.listdir(source) tiff_folder = os.path.join( destination,'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')) TIFFManipulation.recent_converted_directory = tiff_folder os.mkdir(tiff_folder) for tiffs in refresh_list: name, ext = os.path.splitext(tiffs) if ext.lower() == '.tiff': shutil.move(os.path.join(source, tiffs), os.path.join(tiff_folder, tiffs)) if remove_source_directory == 'yes': def on_rm_error(func, path, exc_info): # path contains the path of the file that couldn't be removed # let's just assume that it's read-only and unlink it. os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE) os.unlink(path) shutil.rmtree(source, onerror=on_rm_error) else: print "The third argument is either the string 'yes' or 'no'"
def convert(args): dirname = getcwd() ifilename = path.join( dirname, args.ifile) if not path.isabs(args.ifile) else args.ifile ofilename = path.join( dirname, args.ofile) if not path.isabs(args.ofile) else args.ofile ofilename_n_ext = path.splitext(ofilename)[0] reader = PdfFileReader(open(ifilename, "rb")) for page_num in xrange(reader.getNumPages()): writer = PdfFileWriter() writer.addPage(reader.getPage(page_num)) with open(path.join(dirname, 'temp.pdf'), 'wb') as temp: writer.write(temp) im = Image() im.density("300") # DPI, for better quality im.backgroundColor('white') im.fillColor('white'), 'temp.pdf')) im.write("%s_%d.jpg" % (ofilename_n_ext, page_num)) remove(path.join(dirname, 'temp.pdf'))
from PythonMagick import Image bilde= Image("8x8","#33FFCC") x=y=0 for i in range(0,4): bilde.pixelColor(i,1, "#993300") for i in range(0,4): bilde.pixelColor(i,7, "#993300") for i in range (2,4): bilde.pixelColor(i,3,"#993300") for i in range (2,4): bilde.pixelColor(i,5,"#993300") bilde.pixelColor(4,2, "#993300") bilde.pixelColor(4,4, "#993300") bilde.pixelColor(4,6, "#993300") bilde.scale("200x200") bilde.write("236.png")
pdfname='??' DPI='85' APP_ID='??' API_KEY='??' SECRET_KEY='??' path_wk=r'pdfkit安装位置设置' pdfkit_config=pdfkit.configuration(wkhtmltopdf=path_wk) pdfkit_options={'encoding':'UTF-8',} os.chdir(path) pdf_input=PdfFileReader(open(pdfname, 'rb')) page_count=pdf_input.getNumPages() page_range=range(page_count) for page_num in page_range: im=Image() im.density(DPI) + '[' + str(page_num) +']') im.write(str(page_num)+ '.jpg') client=AipOcr(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY) def get_file_content(filePath): with open(filePath, 'rb') as fp: return options={} options["language_type"]="CHN_ENG" options["detect_direction"]="false" options["detect_language"]="false" options["probability"]="false" allteststr=[]
# print - start_time from wand.image import Image from PIL import Image as PI import sys import os from pyocr import pyocr from pyocr import builders import io #TESSERACT_CMD = os.environ["TESSDATA_PREFIX"] + os.sep + 'tesseract.exe' if == 'nt' else 'tesseract' tool = pyocr.get_available_tools()[0] print tool lang = tool.get_available_languages() print lang req_image = [] final_text = [] image_pdf = Image(file="test_pf.pdf", resolution=300) image_jpeg = image_pdf.convert('jpeg') for img in image_jpeg.sequence: img_page = Image(image=img) req_image.append(img_page.make_blob('jpeg')) for img in req_image: txt = tool.image_to_string(, lang=lang, final_text.append(txt)
dir, fname = os.path.split(_pdf_path) base, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) out_base, _ = os.path.splitext(_pdf_path) # convert the pdf file to the jpg images command = 'pdftoppm %s %s -jpeg' % (_pdf_path.replace( ' ', '\ '), out_base.replace(' ', '\ ')) os.system(command) paths = [] # convert the jpg files to the list of cv image for f in os.listdir(dir): path = os.path.join(dir, f) if os.path.exists(path) and f.find( base) != -1 and os.path.splitext(f)[1].find('jpg') != -1: paths.append(path) return paths if __name__ == '__main__': import os, PythonMagick from PythonMagick import Image from datetime import datetime bg_colour = "#ffffff" input_pdf = pdf_dir + "\\" + pdf img = Image() img.density('300')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2021/1/14 # @Author : jhh # @File : # @Software: PyCharm # import pdfminer # import pdfplumber # import pandas as pd # path = r'2.pdf' # with as pdf: # first_page = pdf.pages[0] # 获取第一页 # print(first_page.extract_text()) # print(1) from PythonMagick import Image import cv2 as cv with Image(filename=r'E:\work\segmentation\2.pdf') as img: with img.convert('jpeg') as converted:'image.jpeg')
from PythonMagick import Image photo = Image("9x9", "#0404B4") x = y = 0 photo.pixelColor(2, 3, '#04B404') photo.pixelColor(3, 2, '#04B404') photo.pixelColor(4, 1, '#04B404') photo.pixelColor(5, 2, '#04B404') photo.pixelColor(6, 3, '#04B404') photo.pixelColor(2, 5, '#04B404') photo.pixelColor(3, 4, '#04B404') photo.pixelColor(4, 3, '#04B404') photo.pixelColor(5, 4, '#04B404') photo.pixelColor(6, 5, '#04B404') for i in range(2, 7): photo.pixelColor(i, 0, '#04B404') for i in range(3, 6): photo.pixelColor(i, 7, '#04B404') for i in range(2, 5): photo.pixelColor(8, i, '#04B404') for i in range(2, 5): photo.pixelColor(0, i, '#04B404') for i in range(5, 7): photo.pixelColor(i / 3, i, '#04B404') photo.pixelColor(1, 1, '#04B404') photo.pixelColor(7, 1, '#04B404') photo.pixelColor(7, 5, '#04B404') photo.pixelColor(6, 6, '#04B404') photo.scale("200x200") photo.write("239.png")
from PythonMagick import Image bilde = Image("16x16", "#00FFFF") x=y=0 for a in range(0,5): bilde.pixelColor(a,8,"#FFFF00") for a in range(11,16): bilde.pixelColor(a,8,"#FFFF00") for a in range(6,11): bilde.pixelColor(5,a,"#FF0000") for a in range(6,11): bilde.pixelColor(11,a,"#FF0000") for a in range(5,12): bilde.pixelColor(a,6,"#FF0000") for a in range(5,12): bilde.pixelColor(a,11,"#FF0000") bilde.scale("200x200") bilde.write("234.png")
#Fails #Autors Reinis Prockans from PythonMagick import Image #Izgatavojam jaunu objektu - bilde #Objekta izmers 3x3 pixels bilde = Image("32x32", "#22aaff") #Izgatavojam mainigos x un y x = y = 0 #Uzstada objekta 'bilde' x,y pixela krasu bilde.pixelColor(1, 13, "#eeff22") bilde.pixelColor(1, 14, "#eeff22") bilde.pixelColor(1, 15, "#eeff22") bilde.pixelColor(1, 16, "#eeff22") bilde.pixelColor(1, 17, "#eeff22") bilde.pixelColor(1, 18, "#eeff22") bilde.pixelColor(1, 19, "#eeff22") bilde.pixelColor(1, 20, "#eeff22") bilde.pixelColor(2, 13, "#eeff22") bilde.pixelColor(3, 13, "#eeff22") bilde.pixelColor(4, 13, "#eeff22") bilde.pixelColor(5, 13, "#eeff22") bilde.pixelColor(5, 14, "#eeff22") bilde.pixelColor(5, 15, "#eeff22") bilde.pixelColor(5, 16, "#eeff22") bilde.pixelColor(4, 16, "#eeff22") bilde.pixelColor(3, 16, "#eeff22") bilde.pixelColor(2, 16, "#eeff22")