class GameMenu: def __init__(self, resolution, option_list): self.label_list = [] self.resolution = resolution self.nav_pos = [(resolution[0] / 2) - 150, 430] for i in range(len(option_list)): self.label_list.append( pyglet.text.Label(option_list[i], font_name="Tempus Sans ITC", font_size=60, x=resolution[0] / 2, y=400 - (i * 100), anchor_x="center", anchor_y="center", color=[255, 255, 255, 255], bold=True)) self.menu_bg = Quad([0, resolution[1]], resolution, [10, 10, 10, 128] * 4) self.menu_nav = Quad(self.nav_pos, [300, 75], [100, 10, 0, 128] * 4) self.nav_ofs = 0 def draw(self): self.menu_bg.draw() for label in self.label_list: label.draw() self.menu_nav.draw() def update(self, offset): self.nav_pos[1] -= offset self.menu_nav = Quad(self.nav_pos, [300, 80], [100, 10, 0, 128] * 4)
class SelectionMenu: def __init__(self, resolution1, option_list): global resolution resolution = resolution1 self.p1_label_list = [] self.p2_label_list = [] self.resolution = resolution self.p1_nav_pos = [resx(100), resy(850)] self.p2_nav_pos = [resx(1520), resy(850)] for i in range(len(option_list)): self.p1_label_list.append( pyglet.text.Label(option_list[i], font_name="Tempus Sans ITC", font_size=resx(60), x=self.p1_nav_pos[0] + resx(150), y=self.p1_nav_pos[1] - (i * 100) - 35, anchor_x="center", anchor_y="center", color=[255, 255, 255, 255], bold=True)) for i in range(len(option_list)): self.p2_label_list.append( pyglet.text.Label(option_list[i], font_name="Tempus Sans ITC", font_size=resx(60), x=self.p2_nav_pos[0] + resx(150), y=self.p2_nav_pos[1] - (i * 100) - 35, anchor_x="center", anchor_y="center", color=[255, 255, 255, 255], bold=True)) self.menu_bg = Quad([0, resolution[1]], resolution, [10, 10, 10, 128] * 4) self.p1_menu_nav = Quad(self.p1_nav_pos, [300, 85], [100, 10, 0, 128] * 4) self.p2_menu_nav = Quad(self.p2_nav_pos, [300, 85], [100, 10, 0, 128] * 4) self.p1_nav_ofs = 0 self.p2_nav_ofs = 0 self.nav_step = 100 def draw(self): self.menu_bg.draw() for label in self.p1_label_list: label.draw() for label in self.p2_label_list: label.draw() self.p1_menu_nav.draw() self.p2_menu_nav.draw() self.draw_text() if self.p1_nav_ofs == 0: self.draw_ship1(200, 150) self.p1_draw_ship1_stats() elif self.p1_nav_ofs == 100: self.draw_ship2(200, 150) self.p1_draw_ship2_stats() elif self.p1_nav_ofs == 200: self.draw_ship3(200, 150) self.p1_draw_ship3_stats() if self.p2_nav_ofs == 0: self.draw_ship1(1656, 150) self.p2_draw_ship1_stats() elif self.p2_nav_ofs == 100: self.draw_ship2(1656, 150) self.p2_draw_ship2_stats() elif self.p2_nav_ofs == 200: self.draw_ship3(1656, 150) self.p2_draw_ship3_stats() pyglet.text.Label("Esc", font_name="Tempus Sans ITC", font_size=resx(15), x=0, y=resolution[1], anchor_y='top', color=[255, 255, 255, 75], bold=True).draw() def update_p1(self, offset): self.p1_nav_pos[1] -= offset self.p1_menu_nav = Quad(self.p1_nav_pos, [300, 80], [100, 10, 0, 128] * 4) def update_p2(self, offset): self.p2_nav_pos[1] -= offset self.p2_menu_nav = Quad(self.p2_nav_pos, [300, 80], [100, 10, 0, 128] * 4) def draw_text(self): dis_y = resy(450) dis_x = resx(350) f_size = resx(25) t_gap = resy(40) p_gap = resx(1220) pyglet.text.Label("PLAYER 1", font_name="Tempus Sans ITC", font_size=resx(100), x=resx(300), y=resy(1000), anchor_x="center", anchor_y="center", color=[255, 255, 255, 255], bold=True).draw() pyglet.text.Label("PLAYER 2", font_name="Tempus Sans ITC", font_size=resx(100), x=resx(1620), y=resy(1000), anchor_x="center", anchor_y="center", color=[255, 255, 255, 255], bold=True).draw() for i in range(2): xanchor = 'right' if i == 0 else 'left' pyglet.text.Label("SHIP SPEED", font_name="Tempus Sans ITC", font_size=f_size, x=dis_x + (i * p_gap), y=dis_y, anchor_x=xanchor, color=[255, 255, 255, 255], bold=True).draw() pyglet.text.Label("LASER SPEED", font_name="Tempus Sans ITC", font_size=f_size, x=dis_x + (i * p_gap), y=dis_y - (t_gap), anchor_x=xanchor, color=[255, 255, 255, 255], bold=True).draw() pyglet.text.Label("LASER RANGE", font_name="Tempus Sans ITC", font_size=f_size, x=dis_x + (i * p_gap), y=dis_y - (t_gap * 2), anchor_x=xanchor, color=[255, 255, 255, 255], bold=True).draw() pyglet.text.Label("DAMAGE TAKEN", font_name="Tempus Sans ITC", font_size=f_size, x=dis_x + (i * p_gap), y=dis_y - (t_gap * 3), anchor_x=xanchor, color=[255, 255, 255, 255], bold=True).draw() pyglet.text.Label("GAURD REGEN RATE", font_name="Tempus Sans ITC", font_size=f_size, x=dis_x + (i * p_gap), y=dis_y - (t_gap * 4), anchor_x=xanchor, color=[255, 255, 255, 255], bold=True).draw() def draw_ship1(self, x, y): Sprite(preload_image(image_path + "ship1.png"), x=resx(x), y=resy(y)).draw() def draw_ship2(self, x, y): Sprite(preload_image(image_path + "ship2.png"), x=resx(x), y=resy(y)).draw() def draw_ship3(self, x, y): Sprite(preload_image(image_path + "ship3.png"), x=resx(x), y=resy(y)).draw() def p1_draw_ship1_stats(self): dis_y = resy(470) dis_x = resx(400) for i in range(5): Quad([dis_x, dis_y - (i * 40)], [ship1_stat_quad_sizes[i], 20], [255, 0, 0, 255] * 4).draw() def p1_draw_ship2_stats(self): dis_y = resy(470) dis_x = resx(400) for i in range(5): Quad([dis_x, dis_y - (i * 40)], [ship2_stat_quad_sizes[i], 20], [255, 0, 0, 255] * 4).draw() def p1_draw_ship3_stats(self): dis_y = resy(470) dis_x = resx(400) for i in range(5): Quad([dis_x, dis_y - (i * 40)], [ship3_stat_quad_sizes[i], 20], [255, 0, 0, 255] * 4).draw() def p2_draw_ship1_stats(self): dis_y = resy(450) dis_x = resx(1520) for i in range(5): Quad_Right([dis_x, dis_y - (i * 40)], [ship1_stat_quad_sizes[i], 20], [255, 0, 0, 255] * 4).draw() def p2_draw_ship2_stats(self): dis_y = resy(450) dis_x = resx(1520) for i in range(5): Quad_Right([dis_x, dis_y - (i * 40)], [ship2_stat_quad_sizes[i], 20], [255, 0, 0, 255] * 4).draw() def p2_draw_ship3_stats(self): dis_y = resy(450) dis_x = resx(1520) for i in range(5): Quad_Right([dis_x, dis_y - (i * 40)], [ship3_stat_quad_sizes[i], 20], [255, 0, 0, 255] * 4).draw()
class MyWindow(pyglet.window.Window): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # WINDOW INITIALIZATIONS super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.frame_rate = 1 / 60.0 self.fps_display = FPSDisplay(self) self.fps_display.label.font_size = 50 self.nav_ofs = 0 # MAKING THE PRIMITIVE DRAWINGS TRANSPARENT glEnable(GL_BLEND) glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) = GameMenu(resolution, game_menu_text) # SPACE BG INITIALIZATIONS self.space_list = [] self.space_img = preload_image(space_bg_img) for i in range(2): self.space_list.append( DisplayObjects(0, i * 1200, Sprite(self.space_img))) for space in self.space_list: space.vel_y = -space_scroll_speed # PLAYER INITIALIZATIONS self.player1 = DisplayPlayers(p1_pos_x, p1_pos_y, p1_sprite, p1_speed, p1_laser_img, p1_fire_type) self.player2 = DisplayPlayers(p2_pos_x, p2_pos_y, p2_sprite, p2_speed, p2_laser_img, p2_fire_type) self.p1_hp = Quad(p1_hp_pos, p1_hp_size, p1_hp_color, 'p1') self.p2_hp = Quad(p2_hp_pos, p2_hp_size, p2_hp_color, 'p2') self.p1_gaurd = Quad(p1_gaurd_pos, p1_gaurd_size, p1_gaurd_color, 'p1') self.p2_gaurd = Quad(p2_gaurd_pos, p2_gaurd_size, p2_gaurd_color, 'p2') self.p1_dhp = Quad(p1_dhp_pos, p1_dhp_size, p1_dhp_color, 'p1') self.p2_dhp = Quad(p2_dhp_pos, p2_dhp_size, p2_dhp_color, 'p2') def on_resize(self, width, height): width = max(1, width) height = max(1, height) glViewport(0, 0, width, height) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() glOrtho(0, width, 0, height, -1, 1) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers): global game_running, game_options, game_credits, game_paused if symbol == key.ESCAPE: if game_options: game_options = False if game_credits: game_credits = False # FOR PAUSING THE GAME if game_running and not game_paused: game_paused = True game_running = False = GameMenu(resolution, ["resume", "controls", "credits", "exit"]) if symbol == key.ENTER: # FOR STARTING THE GAME if not game_running and not game_over and self.nav_ofs == 0: game_running = True game_paused = False # FOR ENTERING THE CONTROLS MENU elif not game_running and not game_over and self.nav_ofs == 100: game_options = True # FOR ENTERING THE CREDITS MENU elif not game_running and not game_over and self.nav_ofs == 200: game_credits = True # FOR EXITING THE GAME elif not game_running and not game_over and self.nav_ofs == 300: # FOR RELOADING THE GAME AFTER GAME OVER if not game_running and game_over: self.reload() # PLAYER 1 KEY PRESS EVENTS if symbol == key.D: self.player1.right = True if symbol == key.A: self.player1.left = True if symbol == key.W: self.player1.up = True # FOR NAVIGATING UP IN GAME MENU if not game_running and not game_over and not game_options and not game_credits: if self.nav_ofs > 0: self.nav_ofs -= game_menu_nav_step elif self.nav_ofs == 0: self.nav_ofs = (len(game_menu_text) - 1) * game_menu_nav_step ((len(game_menu_text) - 1) * game_menu_nav_step)) if symbol == key.S: self.player1.down = True # FOR NAVIGATING DOWN IN GAME MENU if not game_running and not game_over and not game_options and not game_credits: if self.nav_ofs < (len(game_menu_text) - 1) * game_menu_nav_step: self.nav_ofs += game_menu_nav_step elif self.nav_ofs == (len(game_menu_text) - 1) * game_menu_nav_step: self.nav_ofs = 0 (len(game_menu_text) - 1) * game_menu_nav_step)) if symbol == key.F and game_running: # TOGGLE FIRE (MANUAL/AUTO) if self.player1.fire_type == "auto": self.player1.fire_type = "manual" else: self.player1.fire_type = "auto" if symbol == key.SPACE and game_running: if self.player1.fire_type == "auto": = True else: self.player1.laser_list.append( DisplayLasers(self.player1.pos_x + 90, self.player1.pos_y + 30, Sprite(self.player1.fire_img))) if symbol == key.LSHIFT and game_running: self.player1.gaurd = True # PLAYER 2 KEY PRESS EVENTS if symbol == key.RIGHT: self.player2.right = True if symbol == key.LEFT: self.player2.left = True if symbol == key.UP: self.player2.up = True if symbol == key.DOWN: self.player2.down = True if symbol == key.NUM_0 and game_running: if self.player2.fire_type == "auto": self.player2.fire_type = "manual" else: self.player2.fire_type = "auto" if symbol == key.P and game_running: if self.player2.fire_type == "auto": = True else: self.player2.laser_list.append( DisplayLasers(self.player2.pos_x - 15, self.player2.pos_y + 30, Sprite(self.player2.fire_img))) if symbol == key.RALT and game_running: self.player2.gaurd = True def on_key_release(self, symbol, modifiers): # PLAYER 1 KEY RELEASE EVENTS if symbol == key.D: self.player1.right = False if symbol == key.A: self.player1.left = False if symbol == key.W: self.player1.up = False if symbol == key.S: self.player1.down = False if symbol == key.SPACE: if self.player1.fire_type == "auto": = False if symbol == key.LSHIFT and game_running: self.player1.gaurd = False # PLAYER 1 KEY RELEASE EVENTS if symbol == key.RIGHT: self.player2.right = False if symbol == key.LEFT: self.player2.left = False if symbol == key.UP: self.player2.up = False if symbol == key.DOWN: self.player2.down = False if symbol == key.P: if self.player2.fire_type == "auto": = False if symbol == key.RALT and game_running: self.player2.gaurd = False def on_draw(self): self.clear() # SPACE BG DRAWING for space in self.space_list: space.draw() # PLAYER DRAWINGS if not self.player1.lost: self.player1.draw() if not self.player2.lost: self.player2.draw() # GAME MENU DRAWINGS if game_options: Quad([0, resolution[1]], resolution, [100, 10, 10, 128] * 4).draw() elif game_credits: Quad([0, resolution[1]], resolution, [10, 10, 100, 128] * 4).draw() elif not game_running and not game_over: pyglet.text.Label("DUAL", font_name="Tempus Sans ITC", font_size=150, x=resolution[0] / 2, y=700, anchor_x="center", anchor_y="center", color=[200, 255, 255, 255], bold=True).draw() if game_running: # PLAYER LASER DRAWINGS for lsr in self.player1.laser_list: lsr.draw() for lsr in self.player2.laser_list: lsr.draw() # PLAYER HP DRAWINGS self.p1_dhp.draw() self.p2_dhp.draw() self.p1_hp.draw() self.p2_hp.draw() # PLAYER GAURD DRAWINGS self.p1_gaurd.draw() self.p2_gaurd.draw() # PLAYER EXPLOSION DRAWINGS for explosion in self.player1.exp_list: explosion.draw() for explosion in self.player2.exp_list: explosion.draw() # GAME OVER MENU DRAWINGS if game_over: pyglet.text.Label(winner + " WINS", font_name="Tempus Sans ITC", font_size=80, x=resolution[0] / 2, y=(resolution[1] / 2) + 200, anchor_x="center", anchor_y="center", color=[255, 255, 255, 255], bold=True).draw() pyglet.text.Label("PRESS ENTER TO RELOAD", font_name="Tempus Sans ITC", font_size=60, x=resolution[0] / 2, y=resolution[1] / 2, anchor_x="center", anchor_y="center", color=[255, 255, 255, 255], bold=True).draw() # FPS LABEL DRAWING self.fps_display.draw() def update(self, dt): self.update_space(dt) if game_running and not game_paused: self.update_player(self.player1, p1_base, dt) self.update_player(self.player2, p2_base, dt) self.player_auto_fire(dt) self.update_player_laser(dt) self.update_explosion(self.player1) self.update_explosion(self.player2) self.p1_hp.update(p1_hp_pos, p1_hp_size) self.p2_hp.update(p2_hp_pos, p2_hp_size) self.update_gaurd() self.update_dhp() def update_space(self, dt): # FOR SCROLLING SPACE BG for space in self.space_list: space.update(dt) if space.pos_y <= -1300: self.space_list.remove(space) self.space_list.append( DisplayObjects(0, 1100, Sprite(self.space_img))) space.vel_y = -space_scroll_speed def update_player(self, player, player_base, dt): # PLAYER MOVEMENTS INSIDE PLAYER BASE if player.right and player.pos_x < player_base[1] - player.width: player.pos_x += player.speed * dt if player.left and player.pos_x > player_base[0]: player.pos_x -= player.speed * dt if player.up and player.pos_y < resolution[1] - player.height - 100: player.pos_y += player.speed * dt if player.down and player.pos_y > 0: player.pos_y -= player.speed * dt # UPDATING PLAYER MOVEMENTS player.update(dt) def player_auto_fire(self, dt): if and self.player1.fire_type == "auto": self.player1.fire_rate -= dt if self.player1.fire_rate <= 0: self.player1.laser_list.append( DisplayLasers(self.player1.pos_x + 90, self.player1.pos_y + 30, Sprite(self.player1.fire_img))) self.player1.fire_rate += 1 - p1_fire_rate if and self.player2.fire_type == "auto": self.player2.fire_rate -= dt if self.player2.fire_rate <= 0: self.player2.laser_list.append( DisplayLasers(self.player2.pos_x - 15, self.player2.pos_y + 30, Sprite(self.player2.fire_img))) self.player2.fire_rate += 1 - p2_fire_rate def update_player_laser(self, dt): global p2_hp_score, p1_hp_score sp = 15 # UPDATING LASER POSITIONS OF PLAYER 1 for lsr in self.player1.laser_list: lsr.update() lsr.pos_x += p1_laser_speed * dt if lsr.pos_x > lsr.initial_pos_x + p1_laser_range: self.player1.laser_list.remove(lsr) elif self.player2.pos_x + self.player2.width > lsr.pos_x + lsr.width > self.player2.pos_x + sp: if self.player2.pos_y < lsr.pos_y + lsr.height and lsr.pos_y < self.player2.pos_y + self.player2.height: if not self.player2.gaurd or ( self.player2.gaurd and p2_gaurd_pos[0] >= resolution[0]): self.player1.laser_list.remove(lsr) p2_hp_pos[0] += p2_damage_taken p2_hp_score -= 1 self.check_game_status() self.player1.exp_list.append( SpriteAnimation( explosion_img, [4, 5], [480, 384], 0.1, [lsr.pos_x + lsr.width - 48, lsr.pos_y - 48 ]).get_sprite()) self.player1.exp_timer.append(explosion_time) # UPDATING LASER POSITIONS OF PLAYER 2 for lsr in self.player2.laser_list: lsr.update() lsr.pos_x -= p2_laser_speed * dt if lsr.pos_x < lsr.initial_pos_x - p2_laser_range: self.player2.laser_list.remove(lsr) elif self.player1.pos_x < lsr.pos_x < self.player1.pos_x + self.player1.width - sp: if self.player1.pos_y < lsr.pos_y < self.player1.pos_y + self.player1.height: if not self.player1.gaurd or (self.player1.gaurd and p1_gaurd_size[0] <= 0): self.player2.laser_list.remove(lsr) p1_hp_size[0] -= p1_damage_taken p1_hp_score -= 1 self.check_game_status() self.player2.exp_list.append( SpriteAnimation( explosion_img, [4, 5], [480, 384], 0.1, [lsr.pos_x + lsr.width - 48, lsr.pos_y - 48 ]).get_sprite()) self.player2.exp_timer.append(explosion_time) def update_explosion(self, player): exploded = False for i in range(len(player.exp_timer)): player.exp_timer[i] -= 1 if player.exp_timer[i] <= 0: exploded = True if exploded: player.exp_list.pop(0) player.exp_timer.pop(0) def update_gaurd(self): global p1_gaurd_size, p2_gaurd_size self.p1_gaurd.update(p1_gaurd_pos, p1_gaurd_size) self.p2_gaurd.update(p2_gaurd_pos, p2_gaurd_size) if self.player1.gaurd and p1_gaurd_size[0] > 0: p1_gaurd_size[0] -= p1_guard_consumption_rate elif p1_gaurd_size[0] < p1_total_gaurd: p1_gaurd_size[0] += p1_gaurd_regen_rate if self.player2.gaurd and p2_gaurd_pos[0] < resolution[0]: p2_gaurd_pos[0] += p2_guard_consumption_rate elif p2_gaurd_pos[0] > resolution[0] - p2_total_gaurd: p2_gaurd_pos[0] -= p2_gaurd_regen_rate def check_game_status(self): global game_running, game_over, winner, explosion_time if p1_hp_score <= 0: game_running = False game_over = True winner = "PLAYER 2" self.player1.lost = True explosion_time = 25 if p2_hp_score <= 0: game_running = False game_over = True winner = "PLAYER 1" self.player2.lost = True explosion_time = 25 def reload(self): global game_running, game_over, winner, p1_hp_pos, p1_total_life, p1_hp_size, p1_hp_score, p2_hp_pos, \ p2_hp_size, p2_total_life, p2_hp_score, explosion_time, p1_gaurd_size, p2_gaurd_pos, p1_dhp_pos, p1_dhp_size, p2_dhp_pos, p2_dhp_size # GAME DETAILS game_running = False game_over = False winner = None # PLAYER 1 DETAILS p1_total_life = 550 p1_hp_pos = [0, 800] p1_hp_size = [p1_total_life, 20] p1_hp_score = p1_total_life / p1_damage_taken p1_gaurd_size = [p1_total_gaurd, 20] p1_dhp_pos = p1_hp_pos.copy() p1_dhp_size = p1_hp_size.copy() # PLAYER 2 DETAILS p2_total_life = 550 p2_hp_pos = [resolution[0] - p2_total_life, 800] p2_hp_size = [p2_total_life, 20] p2_hp_score = p2_total_life / p2_damage_taken p2_gaurd_pos = [resolution[0] - p2_total_gaurd, 770] p2_dhp_pos = p2_hp_pos.copy() p2_dhp_size = p2_hp_size.copy() # OTHER DETAILS explosion_time = 15 # in ms # PLAYER INITIALIZATIONS self.player1 = DisplayPlayers(p1_pos_x, p1_pos_y, p1_sprite, p1_speed, p1_laser_img, p1_fire_type) self.player2 = DisplayPlayers(p2_pos_x, p2_pos_y, p2_sprite, p2_speed, p2_laser_img, p2_fire_type) # self.p1_hp = Quad(p1_hp_pos, p1_hp_size, p1_hp_color, 'p1') self.p2_hp = Quad(p2_hp_pos, p2_hp_size, p2_hp_color, 'p2') self.p1_dhp = Quad(p1_dhp_pos, p1_dhp_size, p1_dhp_color, 'p1') self.p2_dhp = Quad(p2_dhp_pos, p2_dhp_size, p2_dhp_color, 'p2') self.p1_gaurd = Quad(p1_gaurd_pos, p1_gaurd_size, p1_gaurd_color, 'p1') self.p2_gaurd = Quad(p2_gaurd_pos, p2_gaurd_size, p2_gaurd_color, 'p2') = GameMenu(resolution, game_menu_text) def update_dhp(self): global p1_dhp_size, p2_dhp_pos self.p1_dhp.update(p1_dhp_pos, p1_dhp_size) self.p2_dhp.update(p2_dhp_pos, p2_dhp_size) if p1_hp_size[0] < p1_dhp_size[0]: p1_dhp_size[0] -= 1.5 if p2_hp_pos[0] > p2_dhp_pos[0]: p2_dhp_pos[0] += 1.5