예제 #1
    def test_equals(self):
        # Test __eq and = both
        qlObjs = QueryableListObjs(self.dataObjs)

        found = qlObjs.filter(a='six')

        assert len(
            found) == 1, 'Expected to find one item in query(=), found %d' % (
                len(found), )

        assert found[0].a == 'six' and found[
            0].c == 'eleven', 'Found wrong item from equals query'

        found = qlObjs.filter(a__eq='six')
        assert len(
        ) == 1, 'Expected to find one item in query(__eq), found %d' % (
            len(found), )

        assert found[0].a == 'six' and found[
            0].c == 'eleven', 'Found wrong item from equals query'

        found = QueryableListObjs(self.dataObjs).filter(a__eq='one')

        assert len(
            found) == 2, 'Expected to find two items in query, found %d' % (
                len(found), )
        assert found.count(
        ) == 2, 'Expected count() to return 2 elements. Got: %d' % (
            found.count(), )
    def test_Objs(self):

        gotException = False

            qlObjs = QueryableListObjs(self.dataObjs)
            found = qlObjs.filter(a='one')
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is False, 'Got Exception for QueryableListObjs when should not have: %s%s' % (
            str(type(e)), str(e))
        assert len(found) == 2, 'Did not find correct number of items'

        gotException = False
            dObjs = QueryableListObjs(self.dataDicts)
            found = dObjs.filter(a='one')
        except Exception as e:
            # I personally think this should raise an exception, so test is written like this,
            #  but it would be too performant loss to check every time.
            gotException = e

        #assert gotException is not False, 'Expected to get exception, but did not.'
        assert len(
        ) == 0, 'Expected not to find any items when using QueryableListObjs with list of dicts'
예제 #3
    def test_performance(self):
        # Test __eq and = both
        qlObjs = QueryableListObjs(self.dataObjs)
        qlDicts = QueryableListDicts(self.dataDicts)

        start = time.time()

        for i in range(1, NUMI + 1, 1):
            filterA = 'x' * ((i * 7) % 5)
            filterA2 = 'x' * ((i * 13) % 5)

            filterB = 'y' * ((i * 11) % 5)
            filterB2 = 'y' * ((i * 3) % 5)

            filterNums1 = [(i * 100) % 5, (i * 33) % 5, (i * 121) % 5]
            filterNums2 = [(i * 177) % 5, (i * 62) % 5, (i * 101) % 5]

            res = qlObjs.filter(
                b__in=[filterB[:min(len(filterB) - 1, 1)],
                       filterB]).filterOr(num__gt=filterNums1[i % 3],
                                          num__ne=filterNums2[i % 3])

        end = time.time()

        print("Total time: %f" % (end - start, ))
예제 #4
    def test_copy(self):

        qlObjs = QueryableListObjs(self.dataObjs)

        assert copy.copy(
            qlObjs) == qlObjs, "Expected copy to equal the original"

        assert id(copy.copy(qlObjs)) != id(
            qlObjs), 'Expected id of copy to not euqla original'

        assert copy.deepcopy(
            qlObjs) != qlObjs, "Expected deepcopy to NOT equal the original"

        assert copy.deepcopy(qlObjs).count() == qlObjs.count(
        ), 'Expected deepcopy to have same number of items'

        aObjs = qlObjs.filter(a='one')

        assert copy.copy(
        ) == aObjs, 'After filter, expected copy to equal filtered original'

        assert id(copy.copy(aObjs)) != id(
        ), 'After filter, expected id of copy to not equal id of filtered original'

        assert copy.deepcopy(
        ) != aObjs, 'After filter, expected deepcopy to NOT equal filtered original'

        assert copy.deepcopy(aObjs).count() == aObjs.count(
        ), 'Expected deepcopy to have same number of items'
예제 #5
    def test_ne(self):
        qlObjs = QueryableListObjs(self.dataObjs)

        found = qlObjs.filter(a__ne='one')

        assert len(
            found) == 1, 'Expected to find one item in query, found %d' % (
                len(found), )

        assert found[0].a == 'six' and found[
            0].c == 'eleven', 'Found wrong item from equals query'
예제 #6
    def test_chaining(self):
        qlObjs = QueryableListObjs(self.dataObjs)

        found = qlObjs.filter(a__eq='one').filter(b__eq='two')

        assert len(
        ) == 1, 'Expected chained filter to return one element, got %d' % (
            len(found), )

        assert found[0].a == 'one' and found[
            0].b == 'two', 'Got wrong item in chained query'
    def test_Objs(self):

        gotException = False

            qlObjs = QueryableListObjs(self.dataObjs)
            found = qlObjs.filter(a='one')
        except Exception as e:
            gotException = e

        assert gotException is False, 'Got Exception for QueryableListObjs when should not have: %s%s' %(str(type(e)), str(e)) 
        assert len(found) == 2, 'Did not find correct number of items'

        gotException = False
            dObjs = QueryableListObjs(self.dataDicts)
            found = dObjs.filter(a='one')
        except Exception as e:
            # I personally think this should raise an exception, so test is written like this,
            #  but it would be too performant loss to check every time.
            gotException = e

        #assert gotException is not False, 'Expected to get exception, but did not.'
        assert len(found) == 0, 'Expected not to find any items when using QueryableListObjs with list of dicts'
예제 #8
    def test_all(self):
        qlObjs = QueryableListObjs(self.dataObjs)

        qlObjsAll = qlObjs.all()

        assert qlObjsAll == qlObjs, 'Expected .all() to equal original'

        assert id(qlObjsAll) != id(
            qlObjs), 'Expected id of .all() to not equal id of original'

        aObjs = qlObjs.filter(a='one')
        aObjsAll = aObjs.all()

        assert aObjs == aObjsAll, 'After filter, Expected .all() to equal filtered original'

        assert id(aObjs) != id(
        ), 'After filter, expected id of .all() NOT to equal id of filtered original'
예제 #9
        SampleDataObj(colour='red', age=55, name='Jack', likes=['puppies', 'milk']),
            'colour' : 'green', 'age' : 88, 'name' : 'John', 'likes' : ['puppies', 'games']
            'colour' : 'orange', 'age' : 18, 'name' : 'Phil', 'likes' : ['puppies', 'gnomes']

#    data = QueryableListDicts(data)
    data = QueryableListObjs(data)

    sys.stdout.write("Data: %s\n\n" %(data,))

    sys.stdout.write('People who are over 22 years old:\n%s\n\n' %(data.filter(age__gt=22),))

#    sys.stdout.write('People who like puppies or bricks, and their favourite colour is purple:\n\n' %(data.filter(likes__containsAny=('puppies', 'bricks')).filter(colour__ieq='purple'),))
    sys.stdout.write('People who like puppies or bricks, and their favourite colour is purple:\n%s\n\n' %(data.filter(likes__containsAny=('puppies', 'bricks'), colour__ieq='purple'),))

    sys.stdout.write('People who are at least 30 years old or like cheese:\n%s\n\n' %(data.filterOr(likes__contains='cheese', age__gte=30),))

    # Create a QueryBuilder to execute a query
    builder = QueryBuilder()
    builder.addFilter("AND", age__gt=22)

    # Execute on a QueryableList
    sys.stdout.write('Over 22 and likes puppies (dataset1):\n%s\n\n' %(str(builder.execute(data))))
    # Execute on a normal list, creating a QueryableListMixed