def upload(self, filepath):
        # extract zip
        files = self.extractZipFiles(filepath)
        # validate files
        xmltools = XMLTools()
        allValid = xmltools.validateFiles(files)
        if len(files) != 0 and allValid:
            REST = RESTClient()
            for filetype, content in files:
                if filetype == "cp":
                    cp = content

                    # get topic name for filename
                    tree = etree.fromstring(cp)
                    ns = {'ns': ''}
                    topic = tree.xpath('//ns:learning-design/ns:title', namespaces=ns)[0].text

                    # write cp file to db
                    r ="cp", data={'topic': topic}, payload=cp)
                    print r

                if filetype == "qti":
                    qti = content

                    # get item id for filename
                    tree = etree.fromstring(qti)
                    id = tree.xpath("/*[local-name()]")[0].attrib['identifier']
                    id = id.split("ITM_")[1]
                    fname = 'qti_' + id + '.xml'

                    #write qti file to db
                    r ="item", data={'fname': fname}, payload=qti)
                    print r
예제 #2
    def insertResources(self):
        # read learning content from json
        with open('../content/cp.json') as f:
           res = yaml.safe_load(
        # load ims cp template and merge content into cp
        loader = airspeed.CachingFileLoader(self.templates.get("path"))
        t = loader.load_template(self.templates.get("cp"))
        cp = t.merge(res, loader=loader)

        # validate ims cp (incl. ld, md)
        xmltools = XMLTools()
        scheme_path = "../xsd/IMS_master.xsd"
        xmltools.validateStreamAgainstScheme(cp, scheme_path)

        # get topic name for filename
        topic = res.get("learning_design").get("title").lower()

        # write cp file to local file
        with open('../xml/cp_'+topic+'.xml', 'w+') as f:

        # write cp file to db
        REST = RESTClient()
        r ="cp", data={'topic': topic}, payload=cp)
        print r

        # build and write qti items to db
        for la in res['learning_activities']:
            # load qti template
            t = loader.load_template(self.templates.get(la['content']['interaction']))
            qti = t.merge(la, loader=loader)

            # write qti files to local files
            fname = 'qti_' + la['id'] + '.xml'
            with open('../xml/' + fname, 'w+') as f:

            # write qti files to db
            r ="item", data={'fname': fname}, payload=qti)
            print r