def processPlague(self, iPlayer): # collect cities with and without plague lInfectedCities = [city for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer) if city.isHasRealBuilding(iPlague)] lUninfectedCities = [city for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer) if not city.isHasRealBuilding(iPlague)] for city in lInfectedCities: # let plague affect city self.losePopulation(city) # let plague spread to vassals if city.isCapital(): self.spreadToVassals(iPlayer) # let plague affect surrounding area self.spreadToSurroundings(city) # let plague damage nearby units self.damageNearbyUnits(city) # let plague spread through trade routes self.spreadAlongTradeRoutes(city) # spread within the civilization self.spreadBetweenCities(iPlayer, lInfectedCities, lUninfectedCities)
def processPlague(self, iPlayer): # collect cities with and without plague lInfectedCities = [ city for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer) if city.isHasRealBuilding(iPlague) ] lUninfectedCities = [ city for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer) if not city.isHasRealBuilding(iPlague) ] for city in lInfectedCities: # let plague affect city self.losePopulation(city) # let plague spread to vassals if city.isCapital(): self.spreadToVassals(iPlayer) # let plague affect surrounding area self.spreadToSurroundings(city) # let plague damage nearby units self.damageNearbyUnits(city) # let plague spread through trade routes self.spreadAlongTradeRoutes(city) # spread within the civilization self.spreadBetweenCities(iPlayer, lInfectedCities, lUninfectedCities)
def onChangeWar(self, bWar, iTeam, iOtherTeam): # reset Mongol UP flags when peace is made if not bWar: if iTeam == iMongolia: for city in utils.getCityList(iOtherTeam): city.setMongolUP(False) elif iOtherTeam == iMongolia: for city in utils.getCityList(iTeam): city.setMongolUP(False)
def greekConquestUP(self, iEnemy, iNumTargets=1): # Unused lEnemyCities = [] print "Getting closest city." for city in utils.getCityList(iEnemy): iDist = utils.calculateDistance(pCity.getX(), pCity.getY(), pGreece.getCapitalCity().getX(), pGreece.getCapitalCity().getY()) lEnemyCities.append((iDist, pCity)) lEnemyCities.sort() for i in range(iNumTargets): if len(lEnemyCities) > 0: pTargetCity = lEnemyCities.pop(0)[1] tPlot = utils.findNearestLandPlot((pTargetCity.getX(), pTargetCity.getY()), iGreece) iExtra = 0 if utils.getHumanID() not in [iGreece, iEnemy]: iExtra = 1 if iEnemy == iPersia: iExtra = 2 utils.makeUnitAI(iGreekHoplite, iGreece, tPlot, UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK_CITY, 2+iExtra*2) utils.makeUnitAI(iCatapult, iGreece, tPlot, UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK_CITY, 1+iExtra*2) utils.makeUnitAI(iGreekHetairoi, iGreece, tPlot, UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK_CITY, 1+iExtra*2) CyInterface().addMessage(iEnemy, False, iDuration, CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_UP_GREEK_CONQUESTS_TARGET", ()), "", 0, "", ColorTypes(iWhite), -1, -1, True, True)
def tamilConquestUP(self, iEnemy, iNumTargets=1): # Unused lEnemyCities = [] print "Getting closest city." for pCity in utils.getCityList(iEnemy): iDist = utils.calculateDistance(pCity.getX(), pCity.getY(), pTamils.getCapitalCity().getX(), pTamils.getCapitalCity().getY()) lEnemyCities.append((iDist, pCity)) lEnemyCities.sort() for i in range(iNumTargets): if lEnemyCities: pTargetCity = lEnemyCities.pop(0)[1] tPlot = utils.findNearestLandPlot( (pTargetCity.getX(), pTargetCity.getY()), iTamils) utils.makeUnitAI(iSwordsman, iTamils, tPlot, UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK_CITY, 2) utils.makeUnitAI(iWarElephant, iTamils, tPlot, UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK_CITY, 1) utils.makeUnitAI(iCatapult, iTamils, tPlot, UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK_CITY, 1) CyInterface().addMessage( iEnemy, False, iDuration, CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_UP_TAMIL_CONQUESTS_TARGET", ()), "", 0, "", ColorTypes(iWhite), -1, -1, True, True)
def reformationno(self, iCiv): # Unused cityList = utils.getCityList(iCiv) for city in cityList: if city.isHasReligion(iCatholicism): rndnum = gc.getGame().getSorenRandNum(100, 'ReformationAnyway') if rndnum >= lReformationMatrix[iCiv]: city.setHasReligion(iProtestantism, True, False, False)
def romanConquestUP(self, iEnemy, iNumTargets=1, lPreferredTargetRegions=[]): # Unused lEnemyCities = [] lPreferredCities = [] print "Getting closest city." for city in utils.getCityList(iEnemy): iDist = utils.calculateDistance(pCity.getX(), pCity.getY(), pRome.getCapitalCity().getX(), pRome.getCapitalCity().getY()) lEnemyCities.append((iDist, pCity)) if pCity.getRegionID() in lPreferredTargetRegions: lPreferredCities.append((iDist, pCity)) if lPreferredCities: lEnemyCities = lPreferredCities lEnemyCities.sort() for i in range(iNumTargets): if lEnemyCities: pTargetCity = lEnemyCities.pop(0)[1] tPlot = utils.findNearestLandPlot((pTargetCity.getX(), pTargetCity.getY()), iRome) iExtra = 0 if utils.getHumanID() != iRome and utils.getHumanID() != iEnemy: iExtra = 1 utils.makeUnitAI(iLegion, iRome, tPlot, UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK_CITY, 2+iExtra) utils.makeUnitAI(iCatapult, iRome, tPlot, UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK_CITY, 1+iExtra*2) #utils.debugTextPopup("Roman conquerors against "+CyTranslator().getText(str(gc.getPlayer(iEnemy).getCivilizationShortDescriptionKey()), ())) CyInterface().addMessage(iRome, False, iDuration, CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_UP_ROMAN_CONQUESTS",(gc.getPlayer(iEnemy).getCivilizationShortDescriptionKey(),)), "", 0, "", ColorTypes(iWhite), -1, -1, True, True) CyInterface().addMessage(iEnemy, False, iDuration, CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_UP_ROMAN_CONQUESTS_TARGET", ()), "", 0, "", ColorTypes(iWhite), -1, -1, True, True) print ("Message displayed.")
def romanConquestUP(self, iEnemy, iNumTargets=1, lPreferredTargetRegions=[]): # Unused lEnemyCities = [] lPreferredCities = [] print "Getting closest city." for city in utils.getCityList(iEnemy): iDist = utils.calculateDistance(pCity.getX(), pCity.getY(), pRome.getCapitalCity().getX(), pRome.getCapitalCity().getY()) lEnemyCities.append((iDist, pCity)) if pCity.getRegionID() in lPreferredTargetRegions: lPreferredCities.append((iDist, pCity)) if lPreferredCities: lEnemyCities = lPreferredCities lEnemyCities.sort() for i in range(iNumTargets): if lEnemyCities: pTargetCity = lEnemyCities.pop(0)[1] tPlot = utils.findNearestLandPlot((pTargetCity.getX(), pTargetCity.getY()), iRome) iExtra = 0 if utils.getHumanID() != iRome and utils.getHumanID() != iEnemy: iExtra = 1 utils.makeUnitAI(iRomanLegion, iRome, tPlot, UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK_CITY, 2+iExtra) utils.makeUnitAI(iCatapult, iRome, tPlot, UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK_CITY, 1+iExtra*2) #utils.debugTextPopup("Roman conquerors against "+CyTranslator().getText(str(gc.getPlayer(iEnemy).getCivilizationShortDescriptionKey()), ())) CyInterface().addMessage(iRome, False, iDuration, CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_UP_ROMAN_CONQUESTS",(gc.getPlayer(iEnemy).getCivilizationShortDescriptionKey(),)), "", 0, "", ColorTypes(iWhite), -1, -1, True, True) CyInterface().addMessage(iEnemy, False, iDuration, CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_UP_ROMAN_CONQUESTS_TARGET", ()), "", 0, "", ColorTypes(iWhite), -1, -1, True, True) print ("Message displayed.")
def greekConquestUP(self, iEnemy, iNumTargets=1): # Unused lEnemyCities = [] print "Getting closest city." for city in utils.getCityList(iEnemy): iDist = utils.calculateDistance(pCity.getX(), pCity.getY(), pGreece.getCapitalCity().getX(), pGreece.getCapitalCity().getY()) lEnemyCities.append((iDist, pCity)) lEnemyCities.sort() for i in range(iNumTargets): if len(lEnemyCities) > 0: pTargetCity = lEnemyCities.pop(0)[1] tPlot = utils.findNearestLandPlot( (pTargetCity.getX(), pTargetCity.getY()), iGreece) iExtra = 0 if utils.getHumanID() not in [iGreece, iEnemy]: iExtra = 1 if iEnemy == iPersia: iExtra = 2 utils.makeUnitAI(iHoplite, iGreece, tPlot, UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK_CITY, 20 + iExtra * 2) utils.makeUnitAI(iCatapult, iGreece, tPlot, UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK_CITY, 10 + iExtra * 2) CyInterface().addMessage( iEnemy, False, iDuration, CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_UP_GREEK_CONQUESTS_TARGET", ()), "", 0, "", ColorTypes(iWhite), -1, -1, True, True)
def stopPlague(self, iPlayer): data.players[iPlayer].iPlagueCountdown = -utils.getTurns(iImmunity) if data.players[iPlayer].bFirstContactPlague: data.players[iPlayer].iPlagueCountdown = -utils.getTurns(iImmunity-30) data.players[iPlayer].bFirstContactPlague = False for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer): city.setHasRealBuilding(iPlague, False)
def checkChristianity(self, iGameTurn): if not gc.getGame().isReligionFounded(iJudaism): return if gc.getGame().isReligionFounded(iOrthodoxy): return iOffset = utils.getTurns(data.iSeed % 15) if iGameTurn == getTurnForYear(0) + iOffset: pHolyCity = gc.getGame().getHolyCity(iJudaism) if pHolyCity.getOwner() != utils.getHumanID() and gc.getGame( ).getSorenRandNum(2, "Holy city?") == 0: pChristianCity = pHolyCity self.foundReligion( (pChristianCity.getX(), pChristianCity.getY()), iOrthodoxy) return lJewishCities = [] for iPlayer in range(iNumTotalPlayersB): lJewishCities.extend([ city for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer) if city.isHasReligion(iJudaism) and city.getOwner() != utils.getHumanID() ]) if lJewishCities: pChristianCity = utils.getRandomEntry(lJewishCities) self.foundReligion( (pChristianCity.getX(), pChristianCity.getY()), iOrthodoxy)
def infectCitiesNear(self, iPlayer, startingX, startingY): for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer): if utils.calculateDistance(city.getX(), city.getY(), startingX, startingY) <= 3: self.infectCity(city) if (gc.getDefineINT("PYTHON_LOG_ON_MAIN_PLAGUE") == 1): utils.logwithid(iPlayer, ' is infecting near city') self.announceForeignPlagueSpread(city)
def stopPlague(self, iPlayer): data.players[iPlayer].iPlagueCountdown = -utils.getTurns(iImmunity) if data.players[iPlayer].bFirstContactPlague: data.players[iPlayer].iPlagueCountdown = -utils.getTurns( iImmunity - 30) data.players[iPlayer].bFirstContactPlague = False for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer): city.setHasRealBuilding(iPlague, False)
def preStopPlague(self, iPlayer): cityList = [city for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer) if city.hasBuilding(iPlague)] if cityList: iModifier = 0 for city in cityList: if gc.getGame().getSorenRandNum(100, 'roll') > 30 - 5*city.healthRate(False, 0) + iModifier: city.setHasRealBuilding(iPlague, False) iModifier += 5 #not every city should quit
def onBuildingBuilt(self, argsList): city, iBuildingType = argsList iOwner = city.getOwner() tCity = (city.getX(), city.getY()) vic.onBuildingBuilt(iOwner, iBuildingType) self.rel.onBuildingBuilt(city, iOwner, iBuildingType) if iOwner < iNumPlayers:, iBuildingType, city) if isWorldWonderClass(gc.getBuildingInfo(iBuildingType).getBuildingClassType()): sta.onWonderBuilt(iOwner, iBuildingType) if iBuildingType == iPalace: sta.onPalaceMoved(iOwner) dc.onPalaceMoved(iOwner) if city.isHasRealBuilding(iAdministrativeCenter): city.setHasRealBuilding(iAdministrativeCenter, False) # Leoreth: in case human Phoenicia moves palace to Carthage if iOwner == iCarthage and tCity == (58, 39): utils.setReborn(iCarthage, True) # Leoreth: update trade routes when Porcelain Tower is built to start its effect if iBuildingType == iPorcelainTower: gc.getPlayer(iOwner).updateTradeRoutes() # Leoreth/Voyhkah: Empire State Building if iBuildingType == iEmpireStateBuilding: iPop = city.getPopulation() city.setBuildingCommerceChange(gc.getInfoTypeForString("BUILDINGCLASS_EMPIRE_STATE_BUILDING"), 0, iPop) # Leoreth: Machu Picchu if iBuildingType == iMachuPicchu: iNumPeaks = 0 for i in range(21): if city.getCityIndexPlot(i).isPeak(): iNumPeaks += 1 city.setBuildingCommerceChange(gc.getInfoTypeForString("BUILDINGCLASS_MACHU_PICCHU"), 0, iNumPeaks * 2) # Leoreth: Great Wall if iBuildingType == iGreatWall: for iPlot in range(gc.getMap().numPlots()): plot = gc.getMap().plotByIndex(iPlot) if plot.getOwner() == iOwner and not plot.isWater(): plot.setWithinGreatWall(True) # Leoreth: La Mezquita if iBuildingType == iMezquita: lGPList = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] for city in utils.getCityList(iOwner): for i in range(7): iSpecialistUnit = utils.getUniqueUnit(iOwner, iGreatProphet + i) lGPList[i] += city.getGreatPeopleUnitProgress(iSpecialistUnit) iGPType = utils.getUniqueUnit(iOwner, iGreatProphet + utils.getHighestIndex(lGPList)) utils.makeUnit(iGPType, iOwner, tCity, 1) CyInterface().addMessage(iOwner, False, iDuration, CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_MEZQUITA_FREE_GP", (gc.getUnitInfo(iGPType).getText(), city.getName())), "", InterfaceMessageTypes.MESSAGE_TYPE_MINOR_EVENT, gc.getUnitInfo(iGPType).getButton(), ColorTypes(iWhite), city.getX(), city.getY(), True, True)
def counterReformation(self, iCiv): for city in utils.getCityList(iCiv): if city.isHasReligion(iCatholicism): if self.chooseProtestantism(iCiv): if city.getPopulation() >= 8: city.spreadReligion(iProtestantism) if iCiv < iNumPlayers: data.players[iCiv].iReformationDecision = 2
def selectRandomCitySourceCiv(self, iCiv): # Unused if gc.getPlayer(iCiv).isAlive(): cityList = [ city for city in utils.getCityList(iCiv) if city.getPopulation() > 1 ] if cityList: return utils.getRandomEntry(cityList) return False
def selectRandomCityTargetCiv(self, iCiv): # Unused if gc.getPlayer(iCiv).isAlive(): lCities = [] for city in utils.getCityList(iCiv): if not city.isDisorder() and city.foodDifference(False) > 0: lCities.append(city) if lCities: return utils.getRandomEntry(lCities) return False
def counterReformation(self, iCiv): for city in utils.getCityList(iCiv): if city.isHasReligion(iCatholicism): if self.chooseProtestantism(iCiv): if city.getPopulation() > 6: city.setHasReligion(iProtestantism, True, False, False) if iCiv < iNumPlayers: data.players[iCiv].iReformationDecision = 2
def isHasLegendaryCity(self, iPlayer): """Checks whether iPlayer has a city with Legendary culture.""" # apCityList = PyPlayer(iPlayer).getCityList apCityList = utils.getCityList(iPlayer) for pCity in apCityList: if pCity.GetCy().getCultureTimes100(iPlayer) >= utils.getTurns( 2500000): return True return False
def tolerateReformation(self, iCiv): for city in utils.getCityList(iCiv): if city.isHasReligion(iCatholicism): if self.isProtestantAnyway(iCiv): if city.getPopulation() <= 9 and not city.isHolyCityByType(iCatholicism): city.setHasReligion(iCatholicism, False, False, False) city.setHasReligion(iProtestantism, True, False, False) if iCiv < iNumPlayers: data.players[iCiv].iReformationDecision = 1
def getNewWorldCities(self): # Unused lCityList = [] for iPlayer in range(iNumPlayers): pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer) if pPlayer.getCapitalCity().getRegionID() in lNewWorld: for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer): if city.getRegionID() in lNewWorld: lCityList.append(city) return lCityList
def selectRandomCityReligion(self, iReligion): # Unused if gc.getGame().isReligionFounded(iReligion): cityList = [] for iPlayer in range(iNumPlayers): for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer): if city.isHasReligion(iReligion): cityList.append(city) if cityList: iCity = utils.getRandomEntry(cityList) return (city.getX(), city.getY()) return False
def onCityRazed(self, city, iNewOwner): if city.hasBuilding(iPlague): if data.players[iNewOwner].iPlagueCountdown > 0: iNumCitiesInfected = 0 for otherCity in utils.getCityList(iNewOwner): if (otherCity.getX(), otherCity.getY()) != (city.getX(), city.getY()): #because the city razed still has the plague if otherCity.hasBuilding(iPlague): iNumCitiesInfected += 1 print ("iNumCitiesInfected", iNumCitiesInfected) if iNumCitiesInfected == 0: data.players[iNewOwner].iPlagueCountdown = 0 #undo spreadPlague called in onCityAcquired()
def tolerateReformation(self, iCiv): for city in utils.getCityList(iCiv): if city.isHasReligion(iCatholicism): if self.isProtestantAnyway(iCiv): if city.getPopulation() <= 8 and not city.isHolyCityByType(iCatholicism): city.replaceReligion(iCatholicism, iProtestantism) else: city.spreadReligion(iProtestantism) if iCiv < iNumPlayers: data.players[iCiv].iReformationDecision = 1
def onReleasedPlayer(self, argsList): iPlayer, iReleasedPlayer = argsList lCities = [] for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer): if city.plot().isCore(iReleasedPlayer) and not city.plot().isCore(iPlayer) and not city.isCapital(): lCities.append(city) sta.doResurrection(iReleasedPlayer, lCities, False) gc.getPlayer(iReleasedPlayer).AI_changeAttitudeExtra(iPlayer, 2)
def checkCompany(self, iCompany, iGameTurn): if (iCompany == iSilkRoute and iGameTurn > getTurnForYear(1500)) or (iCompany == iTradingCompany and iGameTurn > getTurnForYear(1800)) or (iCompany == iTextileIndustry and iGameTurn > getTurnForYear(1920)): iMaxCompanies = 0 else: iMaxCompanies = tCompaniesLimit[iCompany] # count the number of companies iCompanyCount = 0 for iLoopPlayer in range(iNumPlayers): if gc.getPlayer(iLoopPlayer).isAlive(): iCompanyCount += gc.getPlayer(iLoopPlayer).countCorporations(iCompany) # return if gameturn is beyond company fall date and removed from all cities if iMaxCompanies == 0 and iCompanyCount == 0: return # loop through all cities, check the company value for each and add the good ones to a list of tuples (city, value) cityValueList = [] for iPlayer in range(iNumPlayers): if gc.getTeam(gc.getPlayer(iPlayer).getTeam()).isHasTech(tCompanyTechs[iCompany]) and (gc.getTeam(gc.getPlayer(iPlayer).getTeam()).isHasTech(iEconomics) or iCompany <= iTradingCompany): for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer): iValue = self.getCityValue(city, iCompany) if iValue > 0: cityValueList.append((city, iValue * 10 + gc.getGame().getSorenRandNum(10, 'random bonus'))) elif city.isHasCorporation(iCompany): # quick check to remove companies city.setHasCorporation(iCompany, False, True, True) # sort cities from highest to lowest value cityValueList.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) #debugText = 'ID: %d, ' %(iCompany) # spread the company for i in range(len(cityValueList)): city = cityValueList[i][0] if city.isHasCorporation(iCompany): #debugText += '%s:%d(skip), ' %(city.getName(), cityValueList[i][1]) continue if iMaxCompanies == 0: break if iCompanyCount >= iMaxCompanies and i >= iMaxCompanies: # don't spread to weak cities if the limit was reached #debugText += 'limit reached' break city.setHasCorporation(iCompany, True, True, True) #debugText += '%s(OK!), ' %(city.getName()) break #print debugText # if the limit was exceeded, remove company from the worst city if iCompanyCount > iMaxCompanies: for i in range(len(cityValueList)-1, 0, -1): city = cityValueList[i][0] if city.isHasCorporation(iCompany): city.setHasCorporation(iCompany, False, True, True) break
def onReleasedPlayer(self, argsList): iPlayer, iReleasedPlayer = argsList lCities = [] for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer): if city.plot().isCore(iReleasedPlayer) and not city.plot().isCore( iPlayer) and not city.isCapital(): lCities.append(city) sta.doResurrection(iReleasedPlayer, lCities, False) gc.getPlayer(iReleasedPlayer).AI_changeAttitudeExtra(iPlayer, 2)
def calculateTopCities_FOOD(): lCities = [] for iLoopPlayer in range(iNumPlayers): for city in utils.getCityList(iLoopPlayer): if (1 == 1): iValue = city.getYieldRate(YieldTypes.YIELD_FOOD) else: iValue = ((city.getCulture(iLoopPlayer) / 5) + (city.getYieldRate(YieldTypes.YIELD_FOOD) + city.getYieldRate(YieldTypes.YIELD_PRODUCTION) \ + city.getYieldRate(YieldTypes.YIELD_COMMERCE))) * city.getPopulation() lCities.append((city, iValue)) lCities.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1]) lCities = lCities return lCities
def reformationyes(self, iCiv): # Unused for city in utils.getCityList(iCiv): city.replaceReligion(iCatholicism, iProtestantism) if city.getPopulation() > 7: iRand = gc.getGame().getSorenRandNum(100, "Reformation residual") if iRand <= lReformationMatrix[iCiv]: city.setHasReligion(iCatholicism, True, False, False) pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iCiv) pPlayer.changeGold(500) if pPlayer.getStateReligion() == iCatholicism: pPlayer.setLastStateReligion(0)
def preStopPlague(self, iPlayer): cityList = [ city for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer) if city.hasBuilding(iPlague) ] if cityList: iModifier = 0 for city in cityList: if gc.getGame().getSorenRandNum( 100, 'roll' ) > 30 - 5 * city.healthRate(False, 0) + iModifier: city.setHasRealBuilding(iPlague, False) iModifier += 5 #not every city should quit
def reformation(self): for iPlayer in range(iNumPlayers): if [city for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer) if city.getOwner() == iPlayer]: self.reformationChoice(iPlayer) for iPlayer in range(iNumPlayers): if data.players[iPlayer].iReformationDecision == 2: for iTargetPlayer in range(iNumPlayers): if data.players[iTargetPlayer].iReformationDecision == 0 and utils.getHumanID() != iTargetPlayer and iTargetPlayer != iNetherlands and not utils.isAVassal(iTargetPlayer): gc.getTeam(iPlayer).declareWar(iTargetPlayer, True, WarPlanTypes.WARPLAN_DOGPILE) pHolyCity = gc.getGame().getHolyCity(iProtestantism) if data.players[pHolyCity.getOwner()].iReformationDecision == 0: pHolyCity.setNumRealBuilding(iProtestantShrine, 1)
def onCityRazed(self, city, iNewOwner): if city.hasBuilding(iPlague): if data.players[iNewOwner].iPlagueCountdown > 0: iNumCitiesInfected = 0 for otherCity in utils.getCityList(iNewOwner): if (otherCity.getX(), otherCity.getY()) != (city.getX(), city.getY( )): #because the city razed still has the plague if otherCity.hasBuilding(iPlague): iNumCitiesInfected += 1 print("iNumCitiesInfected", iNumCitiesInfected) if iNumCitiesInfected == 0: data.players[ iNewOwner].iPlagueCountdown = 0 #undo spreadPlague called in onCityAcquired()
def checkSchism(self, iGameTurn): if not gc.getGame().isReligionFounded(iOrthodoxy): return if gc.getGame().isReligionFounded(iCatholicism): return if gc.getGame().countReligionLevels(iOrthodoxy) < 10: return lStateReligionCities = [] lNoStateReligionCities = [] lDifferentStateReligionCities = [] lMinorCities = [] for iPlayer in range(iNumTotalPlayersB): iStateReligion = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer).getStateReligion() lCities = [city for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer) if city.isHasReligion(iOrthodoxy)] if iStateReligion == iOrthodoxy: lStateReligionCities.extend(lCities) elif gc.getPlayer(iPlayer).isMinorCiv() or gc.getPlayer(iPlayer).isBarbarian(): lMinorCities.extend(lCities) elif iStateReligion == -1: lNoStateReligionCities.extend(lCities) else: lDifferentStateReligionCities.extend(lCities) if not lStateReligionCities: return if not lNoStateReligionCities and not lMinorCities: return if len(lStateReligionCities) >= len(lNoStateReligionCities) + len(lMinorCities): return lOrthodoxCapitals = [city for city in lStateReligionCities if city.isCapital()] if lOrthodoxCapitals: pOrthodoxCapital = utils.getHighestEntry(lOrthodoxCapitals, lambda city: gc.getPlayer(city.getOwner()).getScoreHistory(iGameTurn)) else: pOrthodoxCapital = gc.getGame().getHolyCity(iOrthodoxy) lCatholicCities = [] lCatholicCities.extend(lNoStateReligionCities) lCatholicCities.extend(lMinorCities) pCatholicCapital = utils.getHighestEntry([city for city in lCatholicCities if city.plot().getSpreadFactor(iCatholicism) >= 3 and city != pOrthodoxCapital], lambda city: city.getPopulation()) if not pCatholicCapital: pCatholicCapital = utils.getHighestEntry(lCatholicCities, lambda city: city.getPopulation()) self.foundReligion((pCatholicCapital.getX(), pCatholicCapital.getY()), iCatholicism) lIndependentCities = [] lIndependentCities.extend(lDifferentStateReligionCities) lIndependentCities.extend(lMinorCities) self.schism(pOrthodoxCapital, pCatholicCapital, lNoStateReligionCities, lIndependentCities)
def onCityCaptureGold(self, argsList): city, iPlayer, iGold = argsList if iGold > 0: if gc.getPlayer(iPlayer).isHasBuildingEffect(iGurEAmir): for loopCity in utils.getCityList(iPlayer): if loopCity.isHasRealBuilding(iGurEAmir): CyInterface().addMessage( iPlayer, False, iDuration, CyTranslator().getText( "TXT_KEY_BUILDING_GUR_E_AMIR_EFFECT", (iGold, city.getName(), loopCity.getName())), "", 0, "", ColorTypes(iWhite), -1, -1, True, True) loopCity.changeCulture(iPlayer, iGold, True) break if iPlayer == iVikings and iGold > 0: vic.onCityCaptureGold(iPlayer, iGold)
def checkSchism(self, iGameTurn): if not gc.getGame().isReligionFounded(iOrthodoxy): return if gc.getGame().isReligionFounded(iCatholicism): return lStateReligionCities = [] lNoStateReligionCities = [] lDifferentStateReligionCities = [] lMinorCities = [] for iPlayer in range(iNumTotalPlayersB): iStateReligion = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer).getStateReligion() lCities = [city for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer) if city.isHasReligion(iOrthodoxy)] if iStateReligion == iOrthodoxy: lStateReligionCities.extend(lCities) elif gc.getPlayer(iPlayer).isMinorCiv() or gc.getPlayer(iPlayer).isBarbarian(): lMinorCities.extend(lCities) elif iStateReligion == -1: lNoStateReligionCities.extend(lCities) else: lDifferentStateReligionCities.extend(lCities) if not lStateReligionCities: return if not lNoStateReligionCities and not lMinorCities: return if len(lStateReligionCities) >= len(lNoStateReligionCities) + len(lMinorCities): return lOrthodoxCapitals = [city for city in lStateReligionCities if city.isCapital()] if lOrthodoxCapitals: pOrthodoxCapital = utils.getHighestEntry(lOrthodoxCapitals, lambda city: gc.getPlayer(city.getOwner()).getScoreHistory(iGameTurn)) else: pOrthodoxCapital = gc.getGame().getHolyCity(iOrthodoxy) lCatholicCities = [] lCatholicCities.extend(lNoStateReligionCities) lCatholicCities.extend(lMinorCities) pCatholicCapital = utils.getHighestEntry([city for city in lCatholicCities if city.plot().getSpreadFactor(iCatholicism) >= 3 and city != pOrthodoxCapital], lambda city: city.getPopulation()) if not pCatholicCapital: pCatholicCapital = utils.getHighestEntry(lCatholicCities, lambda city: city.getPopulation()) self.foundReligion((pCatholicCapital.getX(), pCatholicCapital.getY()), iCatholicism) lIndependentCities = [] lIndependentCities.extend(lDifferentStateReligionCities) lIndependentCities.extend(lMinorCities) self.schism(pOrthodoxCapital, pCatholicCapital, lNoStateReligionCities, lIndependentCities)
def doRomanWar(self, iCiv): # Unused if iCiv in [iCarthage, iPersia, iCeltia, iEgypt]: iNumTargets = 2 self.romanConquestUP(iCiv, iNumTargets) elif iCiv == iGreece and utils.getHumanID() != iGreece: bEgypt = False for city in utils.getCityList(iGreece): if city.getRegionID() == rEgypt: bEgypt = True break if bEgypt: iNumTargets = 2 self.romanConquestUP(iCiv, iNumTargets, [rEgypt]) else: iNumTargets = 3 self.romanConquestUP(iCiv, iNumTargets)
def embraceReformation(self, iCiv): iNumCatholicCities = 0 for city in utils.getCityList(iCiv): if city.isHasReligion(iCatholicism): iNumCatholicCities += 1 if city.getPopulation() >= 8 and not self.chooseProtestantism(iCiv): city.spreadReligion(iProtestantism) else: city.replaceReligion(iCatholicism, iProtestantism) pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iCiv) pPlayer.changeGold(iNumCatholicCities * utils.getTurns(100)) pPlayer.setLastStateReligion(iProtestantism) pPlayer.setConversionTimer(10) if iCiv < iNumPlayers: data.players[iCiv].iReformationDecision = 0
def onBuildingBuilt(self, city, iPlayer, iBuilding): if iBuilding == iSaintSophia: for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer): if city.plot().getSpreadFactor(iOrthodoxy) in [RegionSpreadTypes.REGION_SPREAD_CORE, RegionSpreadTypes.REGION_SPREAD_HISTORICAL]: city.spreadReligion(iOrthodoxy) if iBuilding == iHinduTemple: if gc.getGame().isReligionFounded(iBuddhism): return self.foundBuddhism(city) if iBuilding == iOrthodoxCathedral: if gc.getGame().isReligionFounded(iCatholicism): return pOrthodoxHolyCity = gc.getGame().getHolyCity(iOrthodoxy) if pOrthodoxHolyCity.getOwner() != iPlayer: self.foundReligion((city.getX(), city.getY()), iCatholicism) pCatholicHolyCity = gc.getGame().getHolyCity(iCatholicism) self.schism(pOrthodoxHolyCity, pCatholicHolyCity, [], [city for city in utils.getAllCities() if city.isHasReligion(iOrthodoxy) and city.getOwner() != pOrthodoxHolyCity.getOwner()])
def tamilConquestUP(self, iEnemy, iNumTargets=1): # Unused lEnemyCities = [] print "Getting closest city." for pCity in utils.getCityList(iEnemy): iDist = utils.calculateDistance(pCity.getX(), pCity.getY(), pTamils.getCapitalCity().getX(), pTamils.getCapitalCity().getY()) lEnemyCities.append((iDist, pCity)) lEnemyCities.sort() for i in range(iNumTargets): if lEnemyCities: pTargetCity = lEnemyCities.pop(0)[1] tPlot = utils.findNearestLandPlot((pTargetCity.getX(), pTargetCity.getY()), iTamils) utils.makeUnitAI(iSwordsman, iTamils, tPlot, UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK_CITY, 2) utils.makeUnitAI(iWarElephant, iTamils, tPlot, UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK_CITY, 1) utils.makeUnitAI(iCatapult, iTamils, tPlot, UnitAITypes.UNITAI_ATTACK_CITY, 1) CyInterface().addMessage(iEnemy, False, iDuration, CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_UP_TAMIL_CONQUESTS_TARGET", ()), "", 0, "", ColorTypes(iWhite), -1, -1, True, True)
def embraceReformation(self, iCiv): iNumCatholicCities = 0 for city in utils.getCityList(iCiv): if city.isHasReligion(iCatholicism): iNumCatholicCities += 1 city.replaceReligion(iCatholicism, iProtestantism) if city.getPopulation() > 7: if not self.chooseProtestantism(iCiv): city.setHasReligion(iCatholicism, True, False, False) pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iCiv) pPlayer.changeGold(iNumCatholicCities*100) pPlayer.setLastStateReligion(iProtestantism) pPlayer.setConversionTimer(10) if iCiv < iNumPlayers: data.players[iCiv].iReformationDecision = 0
def computeAliyahBonus(self): capital = gc.getPlayer(iIsrael).getCapitalCity() #count all cities with Judaism in civs who have open borders with Israel openjewishcities = 0 for iPlayer in range(iNumPlayers): if gc.getTeam(iPlayer).isOpenBorders(iIsrael): openjewishcities += len([ city for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer) if city.isHasReligion(iJudaism) ]) capital.setBuildingYieldChange( gc.getBuildingInfo(iPalace).getBuildingClassType(), 0, openjewishcities) capital.setBuildingYieldChange( gc.getBuildingInfo(iPalace).getBuildingClassType(), 1, openjewishcities) capital.setBuildingYieldChange( gc.getBuildingInfo(iPalace).getBuildingClassType(), 2, openjewishcities)
def checkChristianity(self, iGameTurn): if not gc.getGame().isReligionFounded(iJudaism): return if gc.getGame().isReligionFounded(iOrthodoxy): return iEthiopiaOffset = 0 if utils.getHumanID() == iEthiopia: iEthiopiaOffset = utils.getTurns(10 + data.iSeed % 5) iOffset = utils.getTurns(data.iSeed % 15) if iGameTurn == getTurnForYear(0) + iOffset + iEthiopiaOffset: pHolyCity = gc.getGame().getHolyCity(iJudaism) if pHolyCity.getOwner() != utils.getHumanID() and gc.getGame().getSorenRandNum(2, "Holy city?") == 0: pChristianCity = pHolyCity self.foundReligion((pChristianCity.getX(), pChristianCity.getY()), iOrthodoxy) return lJewishCities = [] for iPlayer in range(iNumTotalPlayersB): lJewishCities.extend([city for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer) if city.isHasReligion(iJudaism) and city.getOwner() != utils.getHumanID()]) if lJewishCities: pChristianCity = utils.getRandomEntry(lJewishCities) self.foundReligion((pChristianCity.getX(), pChristianCity.getY()), iOrthodoxy)
def selectClaims(self, iPlayer): pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer) iGameTurn = gc.getGame().getGameTurn() iNumPlayersAlive = gc.getGame().countCivPlayersAlive() lPlots = [] for iLoopPlayer in range(iNumTotalPlayers+1): if iLoopPlayer == iPlayer: continue if not gc.getPlayer(iLoopPlayer).isAlive(): continue # after a war: winners can only claim from losers and vice versa if self.bPostWar: if iPlayer in self.lWinners and iLoopPlayer not in self.lLosers: continue if iPlayer in self.lLosers and iLoopPlayer not in self.lWinners: continue # AI civs: cannot claim cities from friends if utils.getHumanID() != iPlayer and pPlayer.AI_getAttitude(iLoopPlayer) >= AttitudeTypes.ATTITUDE_FRIENDLY: continue # recently born if iGameTurn < getTurnForYear(tBirth[iLoopPlayer]) + utils.getTurns(20): continue # recently resurrected if iGameTurn < pPlayer.getLatestRebellionTurn() + utils.getTurns(20): continue # recently reborn if utils.isReborn(iLoopPlayer) and tRebirth != -1 and iGameTurn < getTurnForYear(tRebirth[iLoopPlayer]) + utils.getTurns(20): continue # exclude master/vassal relationships if gc.getTeam(iPlayer).isVassal(iLoopPlayer): continue if gc.getTeam(iLoopPlayer).isVassal(iPlayer): continue # cannot demand cities while at war if gc.getTeam(iPlayer).isAtWar(iLoopPlayer): continue for city in utils.getCityList(iLoopPlayer): x, y = city.getX(), city.getY() plot = gc.getMap().plot(x, y) iSettlerMapValue = plot.getSettlerValue(iPlayer) iValue = 0 if not plot.isRevealed(iPlayer, False): continue if city.isCapital(): continue # after a war: losers can only claim previously owned cities if self.bPostWar and iPlayer in self.lLosers: if city.getGameTurnPlayerLost(iPlayer) < gc.getGame().getGameTurn() - utils.getTurns(25): continue # city culture iTotalCulture = city.countTotalCultureTimes100() if iTotalCulture > 0: iCultureRatio = city.getCultureTimes100(iPlayer) * 100 / iTotalCulture if iCultureRatio > 20: if iLoopPlayer != iAmerica: iValue += iCultureRatio / 20 # ever owned if city.isEverOwned(iPlayer): iValue += 3 # own core if plot.isCore(iPlayer): iValue += 5 # colonies if iPlayer in lCivGroups[0]: if iLoopPlayer >= iNumPlayers or (iLoopPlayer not in lCivGroups[0] and utils.getStabilityLevel(iLoopPlayer) < iStabilityShaky) or (iLoopPlayer in lCivGroups[0] and utils.getHumanID() != iLoopPlayer and pPlayer.AI_getAttitude(iLoopPlayer) < AttitudeTypes.ATTITUDE_PLEASED): if plot.getRegionID() not in lEurope and plot.getRegionID() not in lMiddleEast: if iSettlerMapValue > 90: iValue += max(1, iSettlerMapValue / 100) # weaker and collapsing empires if iLoopPlayer < iNumPlayers: if gc.getGame().getPlayerRank(iLoopPlayer) > iNumPlayersAlive / 2 and gc.getGame().getPlayerRank(iLoopPlayer) < iNumPlayersAlive / 2: if data.players[iLoopPlayer].iStabilityLevel == iStabilityCollapsing: if iSettlerMapValue >= 90: iValue += max(1, iSettlerMapValue / 100) # close to own empire closestCity = gc.getMap().findCity(x, y, iPlayer, TeamTypes.NO_TEAM, False, False, TeamTypes.NO_TEAM, DirectionTypes.NO_DIRECTION, city) iDistance = stepDistance(x, y, closestCity.getX(), closestCity.getY()) if iDistance < 5: iValue += 5-iDistance # after war: war targets if self.bPostWar: iValue += plot.getWarValue(iPlayer) / 2 # AI America receives extra value for claims in the west if iPlayer == iAmerica and utils.getHumanID() != iPlayer: if utils.isPlotInArea((x, y), tAmericanClaimsTL, tAmericanClaimsBR): iValue += 5 # help AI Australia gain Australia if iPlayer == iAustralia and utils.getHumanID() != iPlayer: if utils.isPlotInArea((x, y), tAustraliaTL, tAustraliaBR): iValue += 5 # help Canada gain Labrador and Newfoundland if iPlayer == iCanada: if utils.isPlotInArea((x, y), tNewfoundlandTL, tNewfoundlandBR): iValue += 5 if iValue > 0: lPlots.append((x, y, iValue)) # extra spots for colonial civs -> will be settled # not available after wars because these congresses are supposed to reassign cities if iPlayer in lCivGroups[0] and not self.bPostWar: for (x, y) in utils.getWorldPlotsList(): if utils.getHumanID() == iPlayer and not plot.isRevealed(iPlayer, False): continue plot = gc.getMap().plot(x, y) if not plot.isCity() and not plot.isPeak() and not plot.isWater() and pPlayer.canFound(x, y): if plot.getRegionID() in [rWestAfrica, rSouthAfrica, rEthiopia] or (plot.getRegionID() == [rAustralia, rOceania] and gc.getGame().getGameTurn() < tBirth[iAustralia]) or (plot.getRegionID() == rSouthAfrica and gc.getGame().getGameTurn() < tBirth[iBoers]): iSettlerMapValue = plot.getSettlerValue(iPlayer) if iSettlerMapValue >= 90 and cnm.getFoundName(iPlayer, (x, y)): closestCity = gc.getMap().findCity(x, y, PlayerTypes.NO_PLAYER, TeamTypes.NO_TEAM, False, False, TeamTypes.NO_TEAM, DirectionTypes.NO_DIRECTION, CyCity()) if stepDistance(x, y, closestCity.getX(), closestCity.getY()) > 2: lPlots.append((x, y, max(1, iSettlerMapValue / 100 - 1))) lPlots = utils.getSortedList(lPlots, lambda x: x[2] + gc.getGame().getSorenRandNum(3, 'Randomize city value'), True) return lPlots[:10]
def doImmigration(self): # get available migration and immigration cities lSourceCities = [] lTargetCities = [] for iPlayer in range(iNumPlayers): if iPlayer in lCivBioNewWorld and not utils.isReborn(iPlayer): continue # no immigration to natives pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer) lCities = [] bNewWorld = pPlayer.getCapitalCity().getRegionID() in lNewWorld for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer): iFoodDifference = city.foodDifference(False) iHappinessDifference = city.happyLevel() - city.unhappyLevel(0) if city.getRegionID() in lNewWorld and bNewWorld: if iFoodDifference <= 0 or iHappinessDifference <= 0: continue iNorthAmericaBonus = 0 if city.getRegionID() in [rCanada, rUnitedStates]: iNorthAmericaBonus = 5 lCities.append((city, iHappinessDifference + iFoodDifference / 2 + city.getPopulation() / 2 + iNorthAmericaBonus)) elif city.getRegionID() not in lNewWorld and not bNewWorld: iValue = 0 if iFoodDifference < 0: iValue -= iFoodDifference / 2 if iHappinessDifference < 0: iValue -= iHappinessDifference if iValue > 0: lCities.append((city, iValue)) if lCities: lCities.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) if bNewWorld: lTargetCities.append(lCities[0]) else: lSourceCities.append(lCities[0]) # sort highest to lowest for happiness/unhappiness lSourceCities.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) lTargetCities.sort(key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) #utils.debugTextPopup(str([(x.getName(), y) for (x,y) in lTargetCities])) #utils.debugTextPopup("Target city: "+targetCity.getName()) #utils.debugTextPopup("Source city: "+sourceCity.getName()) iNumMigrations = min(len(lSourceCities) / 4, len(lTargetCities)) for iMigration in range(iNumMigrations): sourceCity = lSourceCities[iMigration][0] targetCity = lTargetCities[iMigration][0] sourceCity.changePopulation(-1) targetCity.changePopulation(1) if sourceCity.getPopulation() >= 9: sourceCity.changePopulation(-1) targetCity.changePopulation(1) # extra cottage growth for target city's vicinity x = targetCity.getX() y = targetCity.getY() for (i, j) in utils.surroundingPlots((x, y), 2): pCurrent = gc.getMap().plot(i, j) if pCurrent.getWorkingCity() == targetCity: pCurrent.changeUpgradeProgress(utils.getTurns(10)) # migration brings culture targetPlot = gc.getMap().plot(x, y) iTargetPlayer = targetCity.getOwner() iSourcePlayer = sourceCity.getOwner() iCultureChange = targetPlot.getCulture(iTargetPlayer) / targetCity.getPopulation() targetPlot.setCulture(iSourcePlayer, iCultureChange, False) # chance to spread state religion if in source city if gc.getPlayer(iSourcePlayer).isStateReligion(): iReligion = gc.getPlayer(iSourcePlayer).getStateReligion() if sourceCity.isHasReligion(iReligion) and not targetCity.isHasReligion(iReligion): iRandom = gc.getGame().getSorenRandNum(3, 'random religion spread') if iRandom == 0: targetCity.setHasReligion(iReligion, True, True, True) # notify affected players if utils.getHumanID() == iSourcePlayer: CyInterface().addMessage(iSourcePlayer, False, iDuration, CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_UP_EMIGRATION", (sourceCity.getName(),)), "", InterfaceMessageTypes.MESSAGE_TYPE_MINOR_EVENT, gc.getUnitInfo(iSettler).getButton(), ColorTypes(iYellow), sourceCity.getX(), sourceCity.getY(), True, True) elif utils.getHumanID() == iTargetPlayer: CyInterface().addMessage(iTargetPlayer, False, iDuration, CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_UP_IMMIGRATION", (targetCity.getName(),)), "", InterfaceMessageTypes.MESSAGE_TYPE_MINOR_EVENT, gc.getUnitInfo(iSettler).getButton(), ColorTypes(iYellow), x, y, True, True) if iTargetPlayer == iCanada: self.canadianUP(targetCity)
def selectRandomCityCiv(self, iCiv): # Unused if gc.getPlayer(iCiv).isAlive(): city = utils.getRandomEntry(utils.getCityList(iCiv)) if city: return (city.getX(), city.getY()) return False
def getReligionCities(self, iReligion): # Unused lCities = [] for iPlayer in range(iNumTotalPlayersB): lCities.extend(utils.getCityList(iPlayer)) return [city for city in lCities if city.isHasReligion(iReligion)]
def selectClaims(self, iPlayer): pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer) iGameTurn = gc.getGame().getGameTurn() iNumPlayersAlive = gc.getGame().countCivPlayersAlive() lPlots = [] for iLoopPlayer in range(iNumTotalPlayers+1): if iLoopPlayer == iPlayer: continue if not gc.getPlayer(iLoopPlayer).isAlive(): continue # after a war: winners can only claim from losers and vice versa if self.bPostWar: if iPlayer in self.lWinners and iLoopPlayer not in self.lLosers: continue if iPlayer in self.lLosers and iLoopPlayer not in self.lWinners: continue # AI civs: cannot claim cities from friends if utils.getHumanID() != iPlayer and pPlayer.AI_getAttitude(iLoopPlayer) >= AttitudeTypes.ATTITUDE_FRIENDLY: continue # recently born if iGameTurn < getTurnForYear(tBirth[iLoopPlayer]) + utils.getTurns(20): continue # recently resurrected if iGameTurn < pPlayer.getLatestRebellionTurn() + utils.getTurns(20): continue # recently reborn if utils.isReborn(iLoopPlayer) and tRebirth != -1 and iGameTurn < getTurnForYear(tRebirth[iLoopPlayer]) + utils.getTurns(20): continue # exclude master/vassal relationships if gc.getTeam(iPlayer).isVassal(iLoopPlayer): continue if gc.getTeam(iLoopPlayer).isVassal(iPlayer): continue # cannot demand cities while at war if gc.getTeam(iPlayer).isAtWar(iLoopPlayer): continue for city in utils.getCityList(iLoopPlayer): x, y = city.getX(), city.getY() plot = gc.getMap().plot(x, y) iSettlerMapValue = plot.getSettlerValue(iPlayer) iValue = 0 if not plot.isRevealed(iPlayer, False): continue if city.isCapital(): continue # after a war: losers can only claim previously owned cities if self.bPostWar and iPlayer in self.lLosers: if city.getGameTurnPlayerLost(iPlayer) < gc.getGame().getGameTurn() - utils.getTurns(25): continue # city culture iTotalCulture = city.countTotalCultureTimes100() if iTotalCulture > 0: iCultureRatio = city.getCultureTimes100(iPlayer) * 100 / iTotalCulture if iCultureRatio > 20: if iLoopPlayer != iAmerica: iValue += iCultureRatio / 20 # ever owned if city.isEverOwned(iPlayer): iValue += 3 # own core if plot.isCore(iPlayer): iValue += 5 # colonies if iPlayer in lCivGroups[0]: if iLoopPlayer >= iNumPlayers or (iLoopPlayer not in lCivGroups[0] and utils.getStabilityLevel(iLoopPlayer) < iStabilityShaky) or (iLoopPlayer in lCivGroups[0] and utils.getHumanID() != iLoopPlayer and pPlayer.AI_getAttitude(iLoopPlayer) < AttitudeTypes.ATTITUDE_PLEASED): if plot.getRegionID() not in lEurope and plot.getRegionID() not in lMiddleEast: if iSettlerMapValue > 90: iValue += max(1, iSettlerMapValue / 100) # weaker and collapsing empires if iLoopPlayer < iNumPlayers: if gc.getGame().getPlayerRank(iLoopPlayer) > iNumPlayersAlive / 2 and gc.getGame().getPlayerRank(iLoopPlayer) < iNumPlayersAlive / 2: if data.players[iLoopPlayer].iStabilityLevel == iStabilityCollapsing: if iSettlerMapValue >= 90: iValue += max(1, iSettlerMapValue / 100) # close to own empire closestCity = gc.getMap().findCity(x, y, iPlayer, TeamTypes.NO_TEAM, False, False, TeamTypes.NO_TEAM, DirectionTypes.NO_DIRECTION, city) iDistance = stepDistance(x, y, closestCity.getX(), closestCity.getY()) if iDistance < 5: iValue += 5-iDistance # after war: war targets if self.bPostWar: iValue += plot.getWarValue(iPlayer) / 2 # AI America receives extra value for claims in the west if iPlayer == iAmerica and utils.getHumanID() != iPlayer: if utils.isPlotInArea((x, y), tAmericanClaimsTL, tAmericanClaimsBR): iValue += 5 # help Canada gain Labrador and Newfoundland if iPlayer == iCanada: if utils.isPlotInArea((x, y), tNewfoundlandTL, tNewfoundlandBR): iValue += 5 if iValue > 0: lPlots.append((x, y, iValue)) # extra spots for colonial civs -> will be settled # not available after wars because these congresses are supposed to reassign cities if iPlayer in lCivGroups[0] and not self.bPostWar: for (x, y) in utils.getWorldPlotsList(): if utils.getHumanID() == iPlayer and not plot.isRevealed(iPlayer, False): continue plot = gc.getMap().plot(x, y) if not plot.isCity() and not plot.isPeak() and not plot.isWater() and pPlayer.canFound(x, y): if plot.getRegionID() in [rWestAfrica, rSouthAfrica, rEthiopia, rAustralia, rOceania]: iSettlerMapValue = plot.getSettlerValue(iPlayer) if iSettlerMapValue >= 90 and cnm.getFoundName(iPlayer, (x, y)): closestCity = gc.getMap().findCity(x, y, PlayerTypes.NO_PLAYER, TeamTypes.NO_TEAM, False, False, TeamTypes.NO_TEAM, DirectionTypes.NO_DIRECTION, CyCity()) if stepDistance(x, y, closestCity.getX(), closestCity.getY()) > 2: lPlots.append((x, y, max(1, iSettlerMapValue / 100 - 1))) lPlots = utils.getSortedList(lPlots, lambda x: x[2] + gc.getGame().getSorenRandNum(3, 'Randomize city value'), True) return lPlots[:10]
def selectRandomCitySourceCiv(self, iCiv): # Unused if gc.getPlayer(iCiv).isAlive(): cityList = [city for city in utils.getCityList(iCiv) if city.getPopulation() > 1] if cityList: return getRandomEntry(cityList) return False
def onTechAcquired(self, argsList): iTech, iTeam, iPlayer, bAnnounce = argsList iHuman = utils.getHumanID() iEra = gc.getTechInfo(iTech).getEra() if utils.getScenario() == i600AD and gc.getGame().getGameTurn() == getTurnForYear(600): #late start condition return if utils.getScenario() == i1700AD and gc.getGame().getGameTurn() == getTurnForYear(1700): return sta.onTechAcquired(iPlayer, iTech) AIParameters.onTechAcquired(iPlayer, iTech) if gc.getGame().getGameTurn() > getTurnForYear(tBirth[iPlayer]): vic.onTechAcquired(iPlayer, iTech) cnm.onTechAcquired(argsList[2]) if gc.getPlayer(iPlayer).isAlive() and gc.getGame().getGameTurn() > getTurnForYear(tBirth[iPlayer]) and iPlayer < iNumPlayers: self.rel.onTechAcquired(argsList[0], argsList[2]) if (gc.getGame().getGameTurn() > getTurnForYear(1700)): self.aiw.forgetMemory(argsList[0], argsList[2]) if iTech == iAstronomy: if iPlayer in [iSpain, iFrance, iEngland, iGermany, iVikings, iNetherlands, iPortugal]: data.players[iPlayer].iAstronomyTurn = gc.getGame().getGameTurn() elif iTech == iCompass: if iPlayer == iVikings: gc.getMap().plot(49, 62).setTerrainType(iCoast, True, True) elif iTech == iMedicine: self.pla.onTechAcquired(argsList[0], argsList[2]) elif iTech == iRailroad: self.rnf.onRailroadDiscovered(argsList[2]) if iTech in [iAstronomy, iGunpowder]: teamPlayer = gc.getTeam(iPlayer) if teamPlayer.isHasTech(iAstronomy) and teamPlayer.isHasTech(iGunpowder): self.rnf.earlyTradingCompany(iPlayer) if iTech in [iEconomics, iRifling]: teamPlayer = gc.getTeam(iPlayer) if teamPlayer.isHasTech(iEconomics) and teamPlayer.isHasTech(iRifling): self.rnf.lateTradingCompany(iPlayer) if utils.getHumanID() != iPlayer: if iPlayer == iJapan and iEra == iIndustrial: utils.moveCapital(iPlayer, (116, 47)) # Toukyou elif iPlayer == iItaly and iEra == iIndustrial: utils.moveCapital(iPlayer, (60, 44)) # Roma elif iPlayer == iVikings and iEra == iRenaissance: utils.moveCapital(iPlayer, (63, 59)) # Stockholm elif iPlayer == iHolyRome and iEra == iRenaissance: utils.moveCapital(iPlayer, (62, 49)) # Wien # Spain's core extends when reaching the Renaissance and there are no Moors in Iberia # at the same time, the Moorish core relocates to Africa if iPlayer == iSpain and iEra == iRenaissance and not utils.isReborn(iSpain): bNoMoors = True if gc.getPlayer(iMoors).isAlive(): for city in utils.getCityList(iMoors): if city.plot().getRegionID() == rIberia: bNoMoors = False if bNoMoors: utils.setReborn(iSpain, True) utils.setReborn(iMoors, True) # Italy's core extends when reaching the Industrial era if iPlayer == iItaly and iEra == iIndustrial: utils.setReborn(iItaly, True) # Arabia's core moves to Iraq when Philosophy is discovered if iPlayer == iArabia and iTech == iPhilosophy: utils.setReborn(iArabia, True) # Japan's core extends when reaching the Industrial era if iPlayer == iJapan and iEra == iIndustrial: utils.setReborn(iJapan, True) # Germany's core shrinks when reaching the Modern era if iPlayer == iGermany and iEra == iModern: utils.setReborn(iGermany, True)
def infectCitiesNear(self, iPlayer, startingX, startingY): for city in utils.getCityList(iPlayer): if utils.calculateDistance(city.getX(), city.getY(), startingX, startingY) <= 3: self.infectCity(city) self.announceForeignPlagueSpread(city)