예제 #1
def id_list(user_id, album_id, current_id=1, size=1, relation=0):
    # type: (int, int, int, int, int) -> (list, int, int, int, int)

    user_id = int(user_id)
    album_id = int(album_id)
    current_id = int(current_id)

    size = int(size)
    relation = int(relation)

    if relation == -1:
        level_sql = ''
    elif relation == 0:
        level_sql = 'and pic.level=0'
    elif relation == 1:
        level_sql = 'and pic.level<=1'
        return False, [], []

    sql_format = \
        '(' + 'SELECT pic.id, pic.title, pic.description, pic.level, \
        file.id as "fileId", file.filename as "url", \
        file.exif_timestamp as `exif_timestamp`, file.exif_lalo as `exif_lalo` \
        FROM pic left join file on pic.file_id = file.id \
        where pic.user_id=%(user_id)s and pic.album_id=%(album_id)s {} and {}  \
        {} limit {}'.format('{}', '{}', '{}', '{}') + ')'

    sql = sql_format.format(level_sql, 'pic.id < %ld' % current_id, 'order by pic.id desc', size)
    sql += 'UNION'
    sql += sql_format.format(level_sql, 'pic.id >= %ld' % current_id, 'order by pic.id', size + 1)

    result, count, new_id = dao.execute_sql(sql, kv=True, args={
        'user_id': user_id,
        'album_id': album_id

    pre_id = []
    next_id = []
    for row in result:
        if row['id'] < current_id:
        elif row['id'] > current_id:
            current = row
        row['oUrl'] = url_with_name(row['url'], original=True)
        row['qUrl'] = url_with_name(row['url'])
        row['url'] = url_with_name(row['url'], thumb=True)

    # pre_id.reverse()
    return True, pre_id, next_id, current
예제 #2
def page_list(other_id, album_id, page=1, size=10, relation=0):
    # type: (int, int, int, int, int) -> (list, int, int, int, int)

    size = int(size)

    other_id = int(other_id)
    album_id = int(album_id)

    page = int(page)
    if page < 1:
        page = 1

    sql = "SELECT pic.id, pic.title, pic.description, pic.level, file.timestamp, file.exif_timestamp, file.filename\
            FROM pic\
            left join file on pic.file_id = file.id\
          where user_id=%(other_id)s and album_id=%(album_id)s {} order by pic.id desc".format('{}')

    if relation == -1:
        sql = sql.format('')
    elif relation == 0:
        sql = sql.format('and pic.level=0')
    elif relation == 1:
        sql = sql.format('and pic.level<=1')
        return None, 0, 0, 0, 0

    result, count, new_id = dao.execute_sql(sql, ret=False, args={
        'other_id': other_id,
        'album_id': album_id

    page_count = int(operator.truediv(count - 1, size)) + 1
    page = min(page, page_count)

    sql += ' limit %d offset %d' % (size, (page - 1) * size)

    result, this_page_count, new_id = dao.execute_sql(sql, kv=True, args={
        'other_id': other_id,
        'album_id': album_id

    page = page if this_page_count > 0 else page_count

    for row in result:
        row['url'] = url_with_name(row['filename'], thumb=True)
        row['qUrl'] = url_with_name(row['filename'])

    return result, page_count, page, size, count
예제 #3
def new_pic(user_id, pic_file, conn=None, album_id=-1, title='', desc='', level=0, full_url=False, original=False):
    if album_id is None or int(album_id) == -1:
        de_album = album.default_album(user_id, conn=conn)
        album_id = de_album.ID

    sql = "INSERT INTO pic (user_id, album_id, file_id, title, description, level) VALUES \
    (%(user_id)s, %(album_id)s, %(file_id)s, %(title)s, %(desc)s, %(level)s)"
    args = {
        'user_id': user_id,
        'album_id': album_id,
        'file_id': pic_file['id'],
        'title': title,
        'desc': desc,
        'level': level

    result, count, new_id, err = dao.do_execute_sql(sql=sql, conn=conn, new_id=True, args=args, commit=False)

    if err is not None:
        return None

    url = url_with_name(pic_file['filename'], needhost=full_url, original=original)
    return {
        'id': new_id,
        'album_id': album_id,
        'url': url,
        'exif_timestamp': pic_file['exif_timestamp'],
        'timestamp': pic_file['timestamp']
예제 #4
def album_list(user_id, other_id):
    relation = 0

    lastPicUrl = 'lastPicUrl'
    coverUrl = 'coverUrl'

    sql = "SELECT ab.*, covers.filename as '{}', jp.filename as '{}' \
                    FROM \
                    album as ab \
                    left join (select file.filename, pic.album_id \
                        from pic, file \
                        where pic.file_id = file.id and pic.user_id = %(other_id)s \
                        order by file.timestamp desc limit 1) as jp \
                            on jp.album_id = ab.id \
                    left join (select file.filename, pic.id \
                          from pic, file \
                          where pic.file_id = file.id and pic.user_id = %(other_id)s) as covers \
                          on covers.id = ab.cover \
                    where ab.user_id=%(other_id)s {} order by ab.id desc".format(
        coverUrl, lastPicUrl, '{}')

    if user.isHome(user_id, other_id):
        sql = sql.format('')
        relation = user.get_relation(other_id, user_id)
        if relation == 0:
            sql = sql.format('and level=0')
        elif relation == 1:
            sql = sql.format('and level<=1')
            return None, relation
    result, count, new_id = dao.execute_sql(sql,
                                            args={'other_id': other_id})

    if count > 0:
        for row in result:
            if row[lastPicUrl] is not None:
                row[lastPicUrl] = url_with_name(row[lastPicUrl], thumb=True)
            if row[coverUrl] is not None:
                row[coverUrl] = url_with_name(row[coverUrl], thumb=True)
        return result, relation
        return None, relation
예제 #5
def user_with_db_result(result=None,
    if need_icon:
        icon = files.filename(
            result[6], needUrl=True) if icon_name is None else url_with_name(
                icon_name, thumb=True)
        icon = None

    if need_bg:
        bg = files.filename(
            result[7], needUrl=True) if bg_name is None else url_with_name(
                bg_name, original=True)
        bg = None

    username = result[1]
    if need_email:
        data = User.RGOpenIdController.user_data(username=username)
        email = data['email'] if (data is not None
                                  and 'email' in data) else None
        email = None

    my_user = user(result[0], username if need_username else None,
                   result[2] if need_pwd else None, result[3], result[4],
                   result[5], icon, bg, result[8], result[9], result[10],
                   result[11], result[12], result[13], result[14], email)
    my_user.iconId = result[6]
    my_user.bgId = result[7]
    return my_user
예제 #6
def filename(file_id, needUrl=False):
    if file_id is None:
        return None

    sql = 'SELECT * FROM file where id=%(file_id)s'
    result, count, new_id = dao.execute_sql(sql,
                                            args={'file_id': file_id})
    if count > 0:
        name = result[0]['filename']
        if needUrl:
            return url_with_name(name)
            return name
        return None
예제 #7
def friend_page_list(user_id, page=1, size=10):
    user_id = int(user_id)
    size = int(size)
    page = int(page)
    if page < 1:
        page = 1

    sql_temp = "SELECT %s FROM user_relation as re, user as u %s \
    where re.relation=1 and re.m_user_id=%s and re.o_user_id = u.id \
    order by %s DESC" % ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')

    sql = sql_temp % ('count(*)', '', '%(user_id)s', 're.addtime')

    result, count, new_id = dao.execute_sql(sql,
                                                'user_id': user_id,

    if count > 0:
        count = result[0][0]
    page_count = int(operator.truediv(count - 1, size)) + 1
    page = min(page, page_count)

    sql = sql_temp % ("re.addtime as 'follow_time', file.filename as 'icon', \
        u.nickname, u.tag, u.id as 'ID', u.title as 'title', u.description as 'desc', u.addtime as 'addTime'",
                      ' left join file on file.id = u.icon', '%(user_id)s',

    offset = (size, (page - 1) * size)
    sql += (' limit %d offset %d' % offset)

    result, this_page_count, new_id = dao.execute_sql(sql,
                                                          'user_id': user_id,

    page = page if this_page_count > 0 else page_count

    for row in result:
        icon = row['icon']
        if icon is not None and len(icon):
            row['icon'] = url_with_name(icon, thumb=True)

    return result, page_count, page, size, count