예제 #1
    def sampleGC(self, phase_angles):
        """ Sample the fitted great circle and return RA/dec of points for the given phase angles. 
            phase_angles: [ndarray] An array of phase angles (degrees).

            ra, dec: [ndarrays] Arrays of RA and Dec (degrees).

        # Sample the great circle
        x_array, y_array, z_array = greatCircle(np.radians(phase_angles),
                                                self.theta0, self.phi0)

        if isinstance(x_array, float):
            x_array = [x_array]
            y_array = [y_array]
            z_array = [z_array]

        # Compute RA/Dec of every points
        ra_array = []
        dec_array = []
        for x, y, z in zip(x_array, y_array, z_array):
            ra, dec = vector2RaDec(np.array([x, y, z]))


        return np.array(ra_array), np.array(dec_array)
예제 #2
    def fitGC(self):
        """ Fits great circle to observations. """

        self.cartesian_points = []

        self.ra_array = np.array(self.ra_array)
        self.dec_array = np.array(self.dec_array)

        for ra, dec in zip(self.ra_array, self.dec_array):

            vect = vectNorm(raDec2Vector(ra, dec))


        self.cartesian_points = np.array(self.cartesian_points)

        # Set begin and end pointing vectors
        self.beg_vect = self.cartesian_points[0]
        self.end_vect = self.cartesian_points[-1]

        # Compute alt of the begining and the last point
        self.beg_azim, self.beg_alt = raDec2AltAz(self.ra_array[0], self.dec_array[0], self.jd_array[0], \
            self.lat, self.lon)
        self.end_azim, self.end_alt = raDec2AltAz(self.ra_array[-1], self.dec_array[-1], self.jd_array[-1], \
            self.lat, self.lon)

        # Fit a great circle through observations
        x_arr, y_arr, z_arr = self.cartesian_points.T
        coeffs, self.theta0, self.phi0 = fitGreatCircle(x_arr, y_arr, z_arr)

        # Calculate the plane normal
        self.normal = np.array([coeffs[0], coeffs[1], -1.0])

        # Norm the normal vector to unit length
        self.normal = vectNorm(self.normal)

        # Compute RA/Dec of the normal direction
        self.normal_ra, self.normal_dec = vector2RaDec(self.normal)

        # Take pointing directions of the beginning and the end of the meteor
        self.meteor_begin_cartesian = vectNorm(self.cartesian_points[0])
        self.meteor_end_cartesian = vectNorm(self.cartesian_points[-1])

        # Compute angular distance between begin and end (radians)
        self.ang_be = angularSeparationVect(self.beg_vect, self.end_vect)

        # Compute meteor duration in seconds
        self.duration = (self.jd_array[-1] - self.jd_array[0])*86400.0

        # Set the reference JD as the JD of the beginning
        self.jdt_ref = self.jd_array[0]

        # Compute the solar longitude of the beginning (degrees)
        self.lasun = np.degrees(jd2SolLonSteyaert(self.jdt_ref))
예제 #3
def estimateMeteorHeight(config, meteor_obj, shower):
    """ Estimate the height of a meteor from single station give a candidate shower. 

        config: [Config instance]
        meteor_obj: [MeteorSingleStation instance]
        shower: [Shower instance]

        ht: [float] Estimated height in meters.

    ### Compute all needed values in alt/az coordinates ###

    # Compute beginning point vector in alt/az
    beg_ra, beg_dec = vector2RaDec(meteor_obj.beg_vect)
    beg_azim, beg_alt = raDec2AltAz(beg_ra, beg_dec, meteor_obj.jdt_ref,
                                    meteor_obj.lat, meteor_obj.lon)
    beg_vect_horiz = raDec2Vector(beg_azim, beg_alt)

    # Compute end point vector in alt/az
    end_ra, end_dec = vector2RaDec(meteor_obj.end_vect)
    end_azim, end_alt = raDec2AltAz(end_ra, end_dec, meteor_obj.jdt_ref,
                                    meteor_obj.lat, meteor_obj.lon)
    end_vect_horiz = raDec2Vector(end_azim, end_alt)

    # Compute radiant vector in alt/az
    radiant_azim, radiant_alt = raDec2AltAz(shower.ra, shower.dec, meteor_obj.jdt_ref, meteor_obj.lat, \
    radiant_vector_horiz = raDec2Vector(radiant_azim, radiant_alt)

    # Reject the pairing if the radiant is below the horizon
    if radiant_alt < 0:
        return -1

    # Get distance from Earth's centre to the position given by geographical coordinates for the
    #   observer's latitude
    earth_radius = EARTH.EQUATORIAL_RADIUS / np.sqrt(
        1.0 - (EARTH.E**2) * np.sin(np.radians(config.latitude))**2)

    # Compute the distance from Earth's centre to the station (including the sea level height of the station)
    re_dist = earth_radius + config.elevation

    ### ###

    # Compute the distance the meteor traversed during its duration (meters)
    dist = shower.v_init * meteor_obj.duration

    # Compute the angle between the begin and the end point of the meteor (rad)
    ang_beg_end = np.arccos(
        np.dot(vectNorm(beg_vect_horiz), vectNorm(end_vect_horiz)))

    # Compute the angle between the radiant vector and the begin point (rad)
    ang_beg_rad = np.arccos(
        np.dot(vectNorm(radiant_vector_horiz), -vectNorm(beg_vect_horiz)))

    # Compute the distance from the station to the begin point (meters)
    dist_beg = dist * np.sin(ang_beg_rad) / np.sin(ang_beg_end)

    # Compute the height using the law of cosines
    ht = np.sqrt(dist_beg**2 + re_dist**2 - 2 * dist_beg * re_dist *
                 np.cos(np.radians(90 + meteor_obj.beg_alt)))
    ht -= earth_radius
    ht = abs(ht)

    return ht
예제 #4
def estimateMeteorHeight(meteor_obj, shower):
    """ Estimate the height of a meteor from single station give a candidate shower. 

        meteor_obj: [MeteorSingleStation instance]
        shower: [Shower instance]

        ht: [float] Estimated height in meters.

    ### Compute all needed values in alt/az coordinates ###

    # Compute beginning point vector in alt/az
    beg_ra, beg_dec = vector2RaDec(meteor_obj.beg_vect)
    beg_azim, beg_alt = raDec2AltAz(beg_ra, beg_dec, meteor_obj.jdt_ref,
                                    meteor_obj.lat, meteor_obj.lon)
    beg_vect_horiz = raDec2Vector(beg_azim, beg_alt)

    # Compute end point vector in alt/az
    end_ra, end_dec = vector2RaDec(meteor_obj.end_vect)
    end_azim, end_alt = raDec2AltAz(end_ra, end_dec, meteor_obj.jdt_ref,
                                    meteor_obj.lat, meteor_obj.lon)
    end_vect_horiz = raDec2Vector(end_azim, end_alt)

    # Compute normal vector in alt/az
    normal_azim, normal_alt = raDec2AltAz(meteor_obj.normal_ra, meteor_obj.normal_dec, meteor_obj.jdt_ref, \
        meteor_obj.lat, meteor_obj.lon)
    normal_horiz = raDec2Vector(normal_azim, normal_alt)

    # Compute radiant vector in alt/az
    radiant_azim, radiant_alt = raDec2AltAz(shower.ra, shower.dec, meteor_obj.jdt_ref, meteor_obj.lat, \
    radiant_vector_horiz = raDec2Vector(radiant_azim, radiant_alt)

    # Reject the pairing if the radiant is below the horizon
    if radiant_alt < 0:
        return -1

    ### ###

    # Compute cartesian coordinates of the pointing at the beginning of the meteor
    pt = vectNorm(beg_vect_horiz)

    # Compute reference vector perpendicular to the plane normal and the radiant
    vec = vectNorm(np.cross(normal_horiz, radiant_vector_horiz))

    # Compute angles between the reference vector and the pointing
    dot_vb = np.dot(vec, beg_vect_horiz)
    dot_ve = np.dot(vec, end_vect_horiz)
    dot_vp = np.dot(vec, pt)

    # Compute distance to the radiant intersection line
    r_mag = 1.0 / (dot_vb**2)
    r_mag += 1.0 / (dot_ve**2)
    r_mag += -2 * np.cos(meteor_obj.ang_be) / (dot_vb * dot_ve)
    r_mag = np.sqrt(r_mag)
    r_mag = shower.v_init * meteor_obj.duration / r_mag
    pt_mag = r_mag / dot_vp

    # Compute the height
    ht  = pt_mag**2 + EARTH.EQUATORIAL_RADIUS**2 \
        - 2*pt_mag*EARTH.EQUATORIAL_RADIUS*np.cos(np.radians(90 - meteor_obj.beg_alt))
    ht = np.sqrt(ht)
    ht = abs(ht)

    return ht