예제 #1
def matchStarsResiduals(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, match_radius, ret_nmatch=False, \
    sky_coords=False, lim_mag=None, verbose=False):
    """ Match the image and catalog stars with the given astrometry solution and estimate the residuals 
        between them.
        config: [Config structure]
        platepar: [Platepar structure] Astrometry parameters.
        catalog_stars: [ndarray] An array of catalog stars (ra, dec, mag).
        star_dict: [ndarray] A dictionary where the keys are JDs when the stars were recorded and values are
            2D list of stars, each entry is (X, Y, bg_level, level).
        match_radius: [float] Maximum radius for star matching (pixels).
        min_matched_stars: [int] Minimum number of matched stars on the image for the image to be accepted.

    Keyword arguments:
        ret_nmatch: [bool] If True, the function returns the number of matched stars and the average 
            deviation. False by default.
        sky_coords: [bool] If True, sky coordinate residuals in RA, dec will be used to compute the cost,
            function, not image coordinates.
        lim_mag: [float] Override the limiting magnitude from config. None by default.
        verbose: [bool] Print results. True by default.

        cost: [float] The cost function which weights the number of matched stars and the average deviation.


    if lim_mag is None:
        lim_mag = config.catalog_mag_limit

    # Estimate the FOV radius
    fov_w = platepar.X_res/platepar.F_scale
    fov_h = platepar.Y_res/platepar.F_scale

    fov_radius = np.sqrt((fov_w/2)**2 + (fov_h/2)**2)

    # print('fscale', platepar.F_scale)
    # print('FOV w:', fov_w)
    # print('FOV h:', fov_h)
    # print('FOV radius:', fov_radius)

    # Dictionary containing the matched stars, the keys are JDs of every image
    matched_stars = {}

    # Go through every FF image and its stars
    for jd in star_dict:

        # Estimate RA,dec of the centre of the FOV
        _, RA_c, dec_c, _ = xyToRaDecPP([jd2Date(jd)], [platepar.X_res/2], [platepar.Y_res/2], [1], 

        RA_c = RA_c[0]
        dec_c = dec_c[0]

        # Get stars from the catalog around the defined center in a given radius
        _, extracted_catalog = subsetCatalog(catalog_stars, RA_c, dec_c, fov_radius, lim_mag)
        ra_catalog, dec_catalog, mag_catalog = extracted_catalog.T

        # Extract stars for the given Julian date
        stars_list = star_dict[jd]
        stars_list = np.array(stars_list)

        # Convert all catalog stars to image coordinates
        cat_x_array, cat_y_array = raDecToXYPP(ra_catalog, dec_catalog, jd, platepar)

        # Take only those stars which are within the FOV
        x_indices = np.argwhere((cat_x_array >= 0) & (cat_x_array < platepar.X_res))
        y_indices = np.argwhere((cat_y_array >= 0) & (cat_y_array < platepar.Y_res))
        cat_good_indices = np.intersect1d(x_indices, y_indices).astype(np.uint32)

        # cat_x_array = cat_x_array[good_indices]
        # cat_y_array = cat_y_array[good_indices]

        # # Plot image stars
        # im_y, im_x, _, _ = stars_list.T
        # plt.scatter(im_y, im_x, facecolors='none', edgecolor='g')

        # # Plot catalog stars
        # plt.scatter(cat_y_array[cat_good_indices], cat_x_array[cat_good_indices], c='r', s=20, marker='+')

        # plt.show()

        # Match image and catalog stars
        matched_indices = matchStars(stars_list, cat_x_array, cat_y_array, cat_good_indices, match_radius)

        # Skip this image is no stars were matched
        if len(matched_indices) < config.min_matched_stars:

        matched_indices = np.array(matched_indices)
        matched_img_inds, matched_cat_inds, dist_list = matched_indices.T

        # Extract data from matched stars
        matched_img_stars = stars_list[matched_img_inds.astype(np.int)]
        matched_cat_stars = extracted_catalog[matched_cat_inds.astype(np.int)]

        # Put the matched stars to a dictionary
        matched_stars[jd] = [matched_img_stars, matched_cat_stars, dist_list]

        # # Plot matched stars
        # im_y, im_x, _, _ = matched_img_stars.T
        # cat_y = cat_y_array[matched_cat_inds.astype(np.int)]
        # cat_x = cat_x_array[matched_cat_inds.astype(np.int)]

        # plt.scatter(im_x, im_y, c='r', s=5)
        # plt.scatter(cat_x, cat_y, facecolors='none', edgecolor='g')

        # plt.xlim([0, platepar.X_res])
        # plt.ylim([platepar.Y_res, 0])

        # plt.show()

    # If residuals on the image should be computed
    if not sky_coords:

        unit_label = 'px'

        # Extract all distances
        global_dist_list = []
        # level_list = []
        # mag_list = []
        for jd in matched_stars:
            # matched_img_stars, matched_cat_stars, dist_list = matched_stars[jd]

            _, _, dist_list = matched_stars[jd]
            global_dist_list += dist_list.tolist()

            # # TEST
            # level_list += matched_img_stars[:, 3].tolist()
            # mag_list += matched_cat_stars[:, 2].tolist()

        # # Plot levels vs. magnitudes
        # plt.scatter(mag_list, np.log10(level_list))
        # plt.xlabel('Magnitude')
        # plt.ylabel('Log10 level')
        # plt.show()

    # Compute the residuals on the sky

        unit_label = 'arcmin'

        global_dist_list = []

        # Go through all matched stars
        for jd in matched_stars:

            matched_img_stars, matched_cat_stars, dist_list = matched_stars[jd]

            # Go through all stars on the image
            for img_star_entry, cat_star_entry in zip(matched_img_stars, matched_cat_stars):

                # Extract star coords
                star_y = img_star_entry[0]
                star_x = img_star_entry[1]
                cat_ra = cat_star_entry[0]
                cat_dec = cat_star_entry[1]

                # Convert image coordinates to RA/Dec
                _, star_ra, star_dec, _ = xyToRaDecPP([jd2Date(jd)], [star_x], [star_y], [1], \

                # Compute angular distance between the predicted and the catalog position
                ang_dist = np.degrees(angularSeparation(np.radians(cat_ra), np.radians(cat_dec), \
                    np.radians(star_ra[0]), np.radians(star_dec[0])))

                # Store the angular separation in arc minutes

    # Number of matched stars
    n_matched = len(global_dist_list)

    if n_matched == 0:

        if verbose:
            print('No matched stars with radius {:.2f} px!'.format(match_radius))
        if ret_nmatch:
            return 0, 9999.0, 9999.0, {}

            return 9999.0

    # Calculate the average distance
    avg_dist = np.mean(global_dist_list)

    cost = (avg_dist**2)*(1.0/np.sqrt(n_matched + 1))

    if verbose:

        print('Matched {:d} stars with radius of {:.2f} px'.format(n_matched, match_radius))
        print('Avg dist', avg_dist, unit_label)
        print('Cost:', cost)

    if ret_nmatch:
        return n_matched, avg_dist, cost, matched_stars

        return cost
예제 #2
def matchStarsResiduals(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, match_radius, ret_nmatch=False, \
    sky_coords=False, lim_mag=None, verbose=False):
    """ Match the image and catalog stars with the given astrometry solution and estimate the residuals
        between them.

        config: [Config structure]
        platepar: [Platepar structure] Astrometry parameters.
        catalog_stars: [ndarray] An array of catalog stars (ra, dec, mag).
        star_dict: [ndarray] A dictionary where the keys are JDs when the stars were recorded and values are
            2D list of stars, each entry is (X, Y, bg_level, level, fwhm).
        match_radius: [float] Maximum radius for star matching (pixels).
        min_matched_stars: [int] Minimum number of matched stars on the image for the image to be accepted.
    Keyword arguments:
        ret_nmatch: [bool] If True, the function returns the number of matched stars and the average
            deviation. False by default.
        sky_coords: [bool] If True, sky coordinate residuals in RA, dec will be used to compute the cost,
            function, not image coordinates.
        lim_mag: [float] Override the limiting magnitude from config. None by default.
        verbose: [bool] Print results. True by default.
        cost: [float] The cost function which weights the number of matched stars and the average deviation.

    if lim_mag is None:
        lim_mag = config.catalog_mag_limit

    # Estimate the FOV radius
    fov_radius = getFOVSelectionRadius(platepar)

    # Dictionary containing the matched stars, the keys are JDs of every image
    matched_stars = {}

    # Go through every FF image and its stars
    for jd in star_dict:

        # Estimate RA,dec of the centre of the FOV
        _, RA_c, dec_c, _ = xyToRaDecPP([jd2Date(jd)], [platepar.X_res/2], [platepar.Y_res/2], [1], \
            platepar, extinction_correction=False)

        RA_c = RA_c[0]
        dec_c = dec_c[0]

        # Get stars from the catalog around the defined center in a given radius
        _, extracted_catalog = subsetCatalog(catalog_stars, RA_c, dec_c, jd, platepar.lat, platepar.lon, \
            fov_radius, lim_mag)
        ra_catalog, dec_catalog, mag_catalog = extracted_catalog.T

        # Extract stars for the given Julian date
        stars_list = star_dict[jd]
        stars_list = np.array(stars_list)

        # Convert all catalog stars to image coordinates
        cat_x_array, cat_y_array = raDecToXYPP(ra_catalog, dec_catalog, jd,

        # Take only those stars which are within the FOV
        x_indices = np.argwhere((cat_x_array >= 0)
                                & (cat_x_array < platepar.X_res))
        y_indices = np.argwhere((cat_y_array >= 0)
                                & (cat_y_array < platepar.Y_res))
        cat_good_indices = np.intersect1d(x_indices,

        # cat_x_array = cat_x_array[good_indices]
        # cat_y_array = cat_y_array[good_indices]

        # # Plot image stars
        # im_y, im_x, _, _ = stars_list.T
        # plt.scatter(im_y, im_x, facecolors='none', edgecolor='g')

        # # Plot catalog stars
        # plt.scatter(cat_y_array[cat_good_indices], cat_x_array[cat_good_indices], c='r', s=20, marker='+')

        # plt.show()

        # Match image and catalog stars
        matched_indices = matchStars(stars_list, cat_x_array, cat_y_array,
                                     cat_good_indices, match_radius)

        # Skip this image is no stars were matched
        if len(matched_indices) < config.min_matched_stars:

        matched_indices = np.array(matched_indices)
        matched_img_inds, matched_cat_inds, dist_list = matched_indices.T

        # Extract data from matched stars
        matched_img_stars = stars_list[matched_img_inds.astype(np.int)]
        matched_cat_stars = extracted_catalog[matched_cat_inds.astype(np.int)]

        # Put the matched stars to a dictionary
        matched_stars[jd] = [matched_img_stars, matched_cat_stars, dist_list]

        # # Plot matched stars
        # im_y, im_x, _, _ = matched_img_stars.T
        # cat_y = cat_y_array[matched_cat_inds.astype(np.int)]
        # cat_x = cat_x_array[matched_cat_inds.astype(np.int)]

        # plt.scatter(im_x, im_y, c='r', s=5)
        # plt.scatter(cat_x, cat_y, facecolors='none', edgecolor='g')

        # plt.xlim([0, platepar.X_res])
        # plt.ylim([platepar.Y_res, 0])

        # plt.show()

    # If residuals on the image should be computed
    if not sky_coords:

        unit_label = 'px'

        # Extract all distances
        global_dist_list = []
        # level_list = []
        # mag_list = []
        for jd in matched_stars:
            # matched_img_stars, matched_cat_stars, dist_list = matched_stars[jd]

            _, _, dist_list = matched_stars[jd]

            global_dist_list += dist_list.tolist()

            # # TEST
            # level_list += matched_img_stars[:, 3].tolist()
            # mag_list += matched_cat_stars[:, 2].tolist()

        # # Plot levels vs. magnitudes
        # plt.scatter(mag_list, np.log10(level_list))
        # plt.xlabel('Magnitude')
        # plt.ylabel('Log10 level')
        # plt.show()

    # Compute the residuals on the sky

        unit_label = 'arcmin'

        global_dist_list = []

        # Go through all matched stars
        for jd in matched_stars:

            matched_img_stars, matched_cat_stars, dist_list = matched_stars[jd]

            # Go through all stars on the image
            for img_star_entry, cat_star_entry in zip(matched_img_stars,

                # Extract star coords
                star_y = img_star_entry[0]
                star_x = img_star_entry[1]
                cat_ra = cat_star_entry[0]
                cat_dec = cat_star_entry[1]

                # Convert image coordinates to RA/Dec
                _, star_ra, star_dec, _ = xyToRaDecPP([jd2Date(jd)], [star_x], [star_y], [1], \
                    platepar, extinction_correction=False)

                # Compute angular distance between the predicted and the catalog position
                ang_dist = np.degrees(angularSeparation(np.radians(cat_ra), np.radians(cat_dec), \
                    np.radians(star_ra[0]), np.radians(star_dec[0])))

                # Store the angular separation in arc minutes
                global_dist_list.append(ang_dist * 60)

    # Number of matched stars
    n_matched = len(global_dist_list)

    if n_matched == 0:

        if verbose:
                'No matched stars with radius {:.1f} px!'.format(match_radius))

        if ret_nmatch:
            return 0, 9999.0, 9999.0, {}

            return 9999.0

    # Calculate the average distance
    avg_dist = np.median(global_dist_list)

    cost = (avg_dist**2) * (1.0 / np.sqrt(n_matched + 1))

    if verbose:

        print("Matched {:d} stars with radius of {:.1f} px".format(
            n_matched, match_radius))
        print("    Average distance = {:.3f} {:s}".format(
            avg_dist, unit_label))
        print("    Cost function    = {:.5f}".format(cost))

    if ret_nmatch:
        return n_matched, avg_dist, cost, matched_stars

        return cost
예제 #3
파일: CheckFit.py 프로젝트: ytchenak/RMS
def matchStarsResiduals(config,
    """ Match the image and catalog stars with the given astrometry solution and estimate the residuals 
        between them.
        config: [Config structure]
        platepar: [Platepar structure] Astrometry parameters.
        catalog_stars: [ndarray] An array of catalog stars (ra, dec, mag).
        star_dict: [ndarray] A dictionary where the keys are JDs when the stars were recorded and values are
            2D list of stars, each entry is (X, Y, bg_level, level).
        match_radius: [float] Maximum radius for star matching (pixels).
        min_matched_stars: [int] Minimum number of matched stars on the image for the image to be accepted.

    Keyword arguments:
        ret_nmatch: [bool] If True, the function returns the number of matched stars and the average 
            deviation. False by defualt.

        cost: [float] The cost function which weights the number of matched stars and the average deviation.


    # Estimate the FOV radius
    fov_w = platepar.X_res / platepar.F_scale
    fov_h = platepar.Y_res / platepar.F_scale

    fov_radius = np.sqrt((fov_w / 2)**2 + (fov_h / 2)**2)

    # print('fscale', platepar.F_scale)
    # print('FOV w:', fov_w)
    # print('FOV h:', fov_h)
    # print('FOV radius:', fov_radius)

    # Dictionary containing the matched stars, the keys are JDs of every image
    matched_stars = {}

    # Go through every FF image and its stars
    for jd in star_dict:

        # Estimate RA,dec of the centre of the FOV
        _, RA_c, dec_c, _ = XY2CorrectedRADecPP([jd2Date(jd)],
                                                [platepar.X_res / 2],
                                                [platepar.Y_res / 2], [0],

        RA_c = RA_c[0]
        dec_c = dec_c[0]

        # Get stars from the catalog around the defined center in a given radius
        _, extracted_catalog = subsetCatalog(catalog_stars, RA_c, dec_c,
        ra_catalog, dec_catalog, mag_catalog = extracted_catalog.T

        # Extract stars for the given Julian date
        stars_list = star_dict[jd]
        stars_list = np.array(stars_list)

        # Convert all catalog stars to image coordinates
        cat_x_array, cat_y_array = raDecToCorrectedXYPP(
            ra_catalog, dec_catalog, jd, platepar)

        # Take only those stars which are within the FOV
        x_indices = np.argwhere((cat_x_array >= 0)
                                & (cat_x_array < platepar.X_res))
        y_indices = np.argwhere((cat_y_array >= 0)
                                & (cat_y_array < platepar.Y_res))
        cat_good_indices = np.intersect1d(x_indices,

        # cat_x_array = cat_x_array[good_indices]
        # cat_y_array = cat_y_array[good_indices]

        # # Plot image stars
        # im_y, im_x, _, _ = stars_list.T
        # plt.scatter(im_y, im_x, facecolors='none', edgecolor='g')

        # # Plot catalog stars
        # plt.scatter(cat_y_array[cat_good_indices], cat_x_array[cat_good_indices], c='r', s=20, marker='+')

        # plt.show()

        # Match image and catalog stars
        matched_indices = matchStars(stars_list, cat_x_array, cat_y_array,
                                     cat_good_indices, match_radius)

        # Skip this image is no stars were matched
        if len(matched_indices) < config.min_matched_stars:

        matched_indices = np.array(matched_indices)
        matched_img_inds, matched_cat_inds, dist_list = matched_indices.T

        # Extract data from matched stars
        matched_img_stars = stars_list[matched_img_inds.astype(np.int)]
        matched_cat_stars = extracted_catalog[matched_cat_inds.astype(np.int)]

        # Put the matched stars to a dictionary
        matched_stars[jd] = [matched_img_stars, matched_cat_stars, dist_list]

        # # Plot matched stars
        # im_y, im_x, _, _ = matched_img_stars.T
        # cat_y = cat_y_array[matched_cat_inds.astype(np.int)]
        # cat_x = cat_x_array[matched_cat_inds.astype(np.int)]

        # plt.scatter(im_x, im_y, c='r', s=5)
        # plt.scatter(cat_x, cat_y, facecolors='none', edgecolor='g')

        # plt.xlim([0, platepar.X_res])
        # plt.ylim([platepar.Y_res, 0])

        # plt.show()

    # Extract all distances
    global_dist_list = []
    # level_list = []
    # mag_list = []
    for jd in matched_stars:
        # matched_img_stars, matched_cat_stars, dist_list = matched_stars[jd]

        _, _, dist_list = matched_stars[jd]

        global_dist_list += dist_list.tolist()

        # # TEST
        # level_list += matched_img_stars[:, 3].tolist()
        # mag_list += matched_cat_stars[:, 2].tolist()

    # # Plot levels vs. magnitudes
    # plt.scatter(mag_list, np.log10(level_list))
    # plt.xlabel('Magnitude')
    # plt.ylabel('Log10 level')
    # plt.show()

    # Number of matched stars
    n_matched = len(global_dist_list)

    if n_matched == 0:

        if ret_nmatch:
            return 0, 9999.0, 9999.0, {}

            return 9999.0

    # Calculate the average distance
    avg_dist = np.mean(global_dist_list)

    cost = (avg_dist**2) * (1.0 / np.sqrt(n_matched + 1))

    print('Matched {:d} stars with radius of {:.2f} px'.format(
        n_matched, match_radius))
    print('Avg dist', avg_dist)
    print('Cost:', cost)

    if ret_nmatch:
        return n_matched, avg_dist, cost, matched_stars

        return cost