예제 #1
    def run_step(self, vehicle: Vehicle, next_waypoint: Transform,
                 **kwargs) -> VehicleControl:
        Execute one step of control invoking both lateral and longitudinal
        PID controllers to reach a target waypoint at a given target_speed.

            vehicle: New vehicle state
            next_waypoint:  target location encoded as a waypoint

            Next Vehicle Control
        super(VehiclePIDController, self).run_step(vehicle, next_waypoint)
        curr_speed = Vehicle.get_speed(self.vehicle)
        if curr_speed < 60:
            self._lat_controller.k_d = OPTIMIZED_LATERAL_PID_VALUES[60].K_D
            self._lat_controller.k_i = OPTIMIZED_LATERAL_PID_VALUES[60].K_I
            self._lat_controller.k_p = OPTIMIZED_LATERAL_PID_VALUES[60].K_P
        elif curr_speed < 100:
            self._lat_controller.k_d = OPTIMIZED_LATERAL_PID_VALUES[100].K_D
            self._lat_controller.k_i = OPTIMIZED_LATERAL_PID_VALUES[100].K_I
            self._lat_controller.k_p = OPTIMIZED_LATERAL_PID_VALUES[100].K_P
        elif curr_speed < 150:
            self._lat_controller.k_d = OPTIMIZED_LATERAL_PID_VALUES[150].K_D
            self._lat_controller.k_i = OPTIMIZED_LATERAL_PID_VALUES[150].K_I
            self._lat_controller.k_p = OPTIMIZED_LATERAL_PID_VALUES[150].K_P

        acceptable_target_speed = self.target_speed
        if abs(self.vehicle.control.steering) < 0.05:
            acceptable_target_speed += 20  # eco boost

        acceleration = self._lon_controller.run_step(acceptable_target_speed)
        current_steering = self._lat_controller.run_step(next_waypoint)
        control = VehicleControl()

        if acceleration >= 0.0:
            control.throttle = min(acceleration, self.max_throttle)
            # control.brake = 0.0
            control.throttle = 0
            # control.brake = min(abs(acceleration), self.max_brake)

        # Steering regulation: changes cannot happen abruptly, can't steer too much.
        if current_steering > self.past_steering + 0.1:
            current_steering = self.past_steering + 0.1
        elif current_steering < self.past_steering - 0.1:
            current_steering = self.past_steering - 0.1

        if current_steering >= 0:
            steering = min(self.max_steer, current_steering)
            steering = max(-self.max_steer, current_steering)
        if abs(current_steering) > 0.03 and curr_speed > 110:
            # if i am doing a sharp (>0.5) turn, i do not want to step on full gas
            control.throttle = -1

        control.steering = steering
        self.past_steering = steering
        return control
예제 #2
    def run_step(self, vehicle: Vehicle, next_waypoint: Transform,
                 **kwargs) -> VehicleControl:
        super(VehicleMPCController, self).run_step(vehicle, next_waypoint)
        # get vehicle location (x, y)
        # location = self.vehicle.transform.location
        location = vehicle.transform.location
        x, y = location.x, location.y
        # get vehicle rotation
        # rotation = self.vehicle.transform.rotation
        rotation = vehicle.transform.rotation
        ψ = rotation.yaw / 180 * np.pi  # transform into radient
        cos_ψ = np.cos(ψ)
        sin_ψ = np.sin(ψ)
        # get vehicle speed
        # v = Vehicle.get_speed(self.vehicle)
        v = Vehicle.get_speed(vehicle)
        # get next waypoint location
        wx, wy = next_waypoint.location.x, next_waypoint.location.y
        # debug logging
        # self.logger.debug(f"car location:  ({x}, {y})")
        # self.logger.debug(f"car ψ: {ψ}")
        # self.logger.debug(f"car speed: {v}")
        # self.logger.debug(f"next waypoint: ({wx}, {wy})")

        ### 3D ###
        # get the index of next waypoint
        # waypoint_index = self.get_closest_waypoint_index_3D(location,
        # next_waypoint.location)
        # # find more waypoints index to fit a polynomial
        # waypoint_index_shifted = waypoint_index - 2
        # indeces = waypoint_index_shifted + self.steps_poly * np.arange(
        # self.poly_degree + 1)
        # indeces = indeces % self.track_DF.shape[0]
        # # get waypoints for polynomial fitting
        # pts = np.array([[self.track_DF.iloc[i][0], self.track_DF.iloc[i][
        # 1]] for i in indeces])

        ### 2D ###
        index_2D = self.get_closest_waypoint_index_2D(location,
        index_2D_shifted = index_2D - 5
        indeces_2D = index_2D_shifted + self.steps_poly * np.arange(
            self.poly_degree + 1)
        indeces_2D = indeces_2D % self.pts_2D.shape[0]
        pts = self.pts_2D[indeces_2D]

        # self.logger.debug(f'\nwaypoint index:\n  {index_2D}')
        # self.logger.debug(f'\nindeces:\n  {indeces_2D}')

        # transform waypoints from world to car coorinate
        pts_car = VehicleMPCController.transform_into_cars_coordinate_system(
            pts, x, y, cos_ψ, sin_ψ)
        # fit the polynomial
        poly = np.polyfit(pts_car[:, 0], pts_car[:, 1], self.poly_degree)

        # Debug
        # self.logger.debug(f'\nwaypoint index:\n  {waypoint_index}')
        # self.logger.debug(f'\nindeces:\n  {indeces}')
        # self.logger.debug(f'\npts for poly_fit:\n  {pts}')
        # self.logger.debug(f'\npts_car:\n  {pts_car}')


        cte = poly[-1]
        eψ = -np.arctan(poly[-2])

        init = (0, 0, 0, v, cte, eψ, *poly)
        self.state0 = self.get_state0(v, cte, eψ, self.steer, self.throttle,
        result = self.minimize_cost(self.bounds, self.state0, init)

        # self.steer = -0.6 * cte - 5.5 * (cte - self.prev_cte)
        # self.prev_cte = cte
        # self.throttle = VehicleMPCController.clip_throttle(self.throttle,
        # v, self.target_speed)

        control = VehicleControl()
        if 'success' in result.message:
            self.steer = result.x[-self.steps_ahead]
            self.throttle = result.x[-2 * self.steps_ahead]
            self.logger.debug('Unsuccessful optimization')

        control.steering = self.steer
        control.throttle = self.throttle

        return control