예제 #1
    def create_readers(self):
        if self.verbose:
            print "Setting up btag calibration readers"

        self.v_sys = getattr(ROOT, 'vector<string>')()
        for syst in self.iterative_systs:
            self.v_sys.push_back('up_' + syst)
            self.v_sys.push_back('down_' + syst)

        self.reader = BTagCalibrationReader(3, 'central', self.v_sys)
        self.reader.load(self.calibrator, 0, 'iterativefit')
        self.reader.load(self.calibrator, 1, 'iterativefit')
        self.reader.load(self.calibrator, 2, 'iterativefit')
예제 #2
    def create_readers(self):
        if self.verbose > 0:
            print "Setting up btag calibration readers"
        self.readers = {}

        # Create empty vector for systematics.
        # It would be better to create a single reader, as pointed out here https://hypernews.cern.ch/HyperNews/CMS/get/btag/1341.html , but this would mean reworking this whole module.
        # For now, adopted the quicker solution. Will implement the full one in a longer timescale. P.
        v_sys = getattr(ROOT, 'vector<string>')()

        for wp in [0, 1, 2]:
            for syst in [
                    'central', 'up', 'down', 'up_correlated', 'down_correlated'
                for flavor in [0, 1, 2]:
                    self.readers[(self.mtypes[flavor], wp, syst,
                                  flavor)] = BTagCalibrationReader(
                                      wp, syst, v_sys)
                    self.readers[(self.mtypes[flavor], wp, syst,
                                  flavor)].load(self.calibrator, flavor,

                    if self.csvfastsim and 'correlated' not in syst:

                        self.readers[('fastsim', wp, syst,
                                      flavor)] = BTagCalibrationReader(
                                          wp, syst, v_sys)
                        self.readers[('fastsim', wp, syst,
                                                    flavor, 'fastsim')

        allsysts = ["up_%s" % s for s in self.iterative_systs]
        allsysts += ["down_%s" % s for s in self.iterative_systs]
        allsysts += ["central"]
        for syst in allsysts:
            v_iterativefit_sys = getattr(ROOT, 'vector<string>')()
            self.readers[('iterative', syst)] = BTagCalibrationReader(
                3, syst, v_iterativefit_sys)
            self.readers[('iterative', syst)].load(
                0,  #..., #flavour
예제 #3
    def __init__(self,
        """Load b tag weights from CSV file."""
        print "Loading BTagWeightTool for %s (%s WP)..." % (tagger, wp)

        assert (year
                in [2016, 2017,
                    2018]), "You must choose a year from: 2016, 2017, or 2018."
        assert (tagger in [
            'CSVv2', 'DeepCSV'
        ]), "BTagWeightTool: You must choose a tagger from: CSVv2, DeepCSV!"
        assert (wp in [
            'loose', 'medium', 'tight'
        ]), "BTagWeightTool: You must choose a WP from: loose, medium, tight!"
        assert (sigma in [
            'central', 'up', 'down'
        ]), "BTagWeightTool: You must choose a WP from: central, up, down!"
        #assert(channel in ['mutau','eletau','tautau','mumu']), "BTagWeightTool: You must choose a channel from: mutau, eletau, tautau, mumu!"

        # FILE
        if year == 2016:
            if 'deep' in tagger.lower():
                csvname = path + 'DeepCSV_Moriond17_B_H.csv'
                effname = path + 'DeepCSV_2016_Moriond17_eff.root'
                csvname = path + 'CSVv2_Moriond17_B_H.csv'
                effname = path + 'CSVv2_2016_Moriond17_eff.root'
        elif year == 2017:
            if 'deep' in tagger.lower():
                csvname = path + 'DeepCSV_94XSF_V3_B_F.csv'
                effname = path + 'DeepCSV_2017_12Apr2017_eff.root'
                csvname = path + 'CSVv2_94XSF_V2_B_F.csv'
                effname = path + 'CSVv2_2017_12Apr2017_eff.root'
        elif year == 2018:
            if 'deep' in tagger.lower():
                csvname = path + 'DeepCSV_94XSF_V3_B_F.csv'
                effname = path + 'DeepCSV_2018_Autumn18_eff.root'
                csvname = path + 'CSVv2_94XSF_V2_B_F.csv'
                effname = path + 'CSVv2_2018_Autumn18_eff.root'

        # TAGGING WP
        self.wp = getattr(BTagWPs(tagger, year), wp)
        if 'deep' in tagger.lower():
            tagged = lambda e, i: e.Jet_btagDeepB[i] > self.wp
            tagged = lambda e, i: e.Jet_btagCSVV2[i] > self.wp

        # CSV READER
        op = OP_LOOSE if wp == 'loose' else OP_MEDIUM if wp == 'medium' else OP_TIGHT if wp == 'tight' else OP_RESHAPING
        type_udsg = 'incl'
        type_bc = 'comb'  # 'mujets' for QCD; 'comb' for QCD+TT
        calib = BTagCalibration(tagger, csvname)
        reader = BTagCalibrationReader(op, sigma)
        reader.load(calib, FLAV_B, type_bc)
        reader.load(calib, FLAV_C, type_bc)
        reader.load(calib, FLAV_UDSG, type_udsg)

        ptbins = array(
            'd', [10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 140, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 1500])
        etabins = array('d', [-2.5, -1.5, 0.0, 1.5, 2.5])
        bins = (len(ptbins) - 1, ptbins, len(etabins) - 1, etabins)
        hists = {}
        effs = {}
        efffile = ensureTFile(effname)
        for flavor in [0, 4, 5]:
            flavor = flavorToString(flavor)
            histname = "%s_%s_%s" % (tagger, flavor, wp)
            effname = "%s/eff_%s_%s_%s" % (channel, tagger, flavor, wp)
            hists[flavor] = TH2F(histname, histname, *bins)
            hists[flavor + '_all'] = TH2F(histname + '_all', histname + '_all',
            effs[flavor] = efffile.Get(effname)
            hists[flavor + '_all'].SetDirectory(0)

        self.tagged = tagged
        self.calib = calib
        self.reader = reader
        self.hists = hists
        self.effs = effs
예제 #4
    def __init__(self,
        """Load b tag weights from CSV file."""

        assert (year
                in [2016, 2017,
                    2018]), "You must choose a year from: 2016, 2017, or 2018."
        assert (tagger in [
            'CSVv2', 'DeepCSV'
        ]), "BTagWeightTool: You must choose a tagger from: CSVv2, DeepCSV!"
        assert (wp in [
            'loose', 'medium', 'tight'
        ]), "BTagWeightTool: You must choose a WP from: loose, medium, tight!"
        assert (sigma in [
            'central', 'up', 'down'
        ]), "BTagWeightTool: You must choose a WP from: central, up, down!"
        #assert(channel in ['mutau','eletau','tautau','mumu']), "BTagWeightTool: You must choose a channel from: mutau, eletau, tautau, mumu!"

        # FILE
        if year == 2016:
            if 'deep' in tagger.lower():
                csvname = path + 'DeepCSV_Moriond17_B_H.csv'
                effname = path + 'DeepCSV_2016_Moriond17_eff.root'
                csvname = path + 'CSVv2_Moriond17_B_H.csv'
                effname = path + 'CSVv2_2016_Moriond17_eff.root'
        elif year == 2017:
            if 'deep' in tagger.lower():
                csvname = path + 'DeepCSV_94XSF_V3_B_F.csv'
                effname = path + 'DeepCSV_2017_12Apr2017_eff.root'
                csvname = path + 'CSVv2_94XSF_V2_B_F.csv'
                effname = path + 'CSVv2_2017_12Apr2017_eff.root'
        elif year == 2018:
            if 'deep' in tagger.lower():
                csvname = path + 'DeepCSV_94XSF_V3_B_F.csv'
                effname = path + 'DeepCSV_2018_Autumn18_eff.root'
                csvname = path + 'CSVv2_94XSF_V2_B_F.csv'
                effname = path + 'CSVv2_2018_Autumn18_eff.root'

        # TAGGING WP
        self.wpname = wp
        self.wp = getattr(BTagWPs(tagger, year), wp)
        if 'deep' in tagger.lower():
            tagged = lambda e, i: e.Jet_btagDeepB[i] > self.wp
            tagged = lambda e, i: e.Jet_btagCSVV2[i] > self.wp

        # CSV READER
        print "Loading BTagWeightTool for %s (%s WP)..." % (tagger, wp)
        op = OP_LOOSE if wp == 'loose' else OP_MEDIUM if wp == 'medium' else OP_TIGHT if wp == 'tight' else OP_RESHAPING
        type_udsg = 'incl'
        type_bc = 'comb'  # 'mujets' for QCD; 'comb' for QCD+TT
        calib = BTagCalibration(tagger, csvname)
        reader = BTagCalibrationReader(op, sigma)
        reader.load(calib, FLAV_B, type_bc)
        reader.load(calib, FLAV_C, type_bc)
        reader.load(calib, FLAV_UDSG, type_udsg)

        hists = {}  # histograms to compute the b tagging efficiencies in MC
        effmaps = {
        }  # b tag efficiencies in MC to compute b tagging weight for an event
        efffile = ensureTFile(effname)
        default = False
        if not efffile:
                "File %s with efficiency histograms does not exist! Reverting to default efficiency histogram..."
                % (effname),
            default = True
        for flavor in [0, 4, 5]:
            flavor = flavorToString(flavor)
            histname = "%s_%s_%s" % (tagger, flavor, wp)
            effname = "%s/eff_%s_%s_%s" % (channel, tagger, flavor, wp)
            hists[flavor] = createEfficienyMap(
                histname)  # numerator   = b tagged jets
            hists[flavor + '_all'] = createEfficienyMap(
                histname + '_all')  # denominator = all jets
            if efffile:
                effmaps[flavor] = efffile.Get(effname)
                if not effmaps[flavor]:
                        "histogram '%s' does not exist in %s! Reverting to default efficiency histogram..."
                        % (effname, efffile.GetName()),
                    default = True
                    effmaps[flavor] = createDefaultEfficiencyMap(
                        effname, flavor, wp)
                effmaps[flavor] = createDefaultEfficiencyMap(
                    effname, flavor, wp)

        if default:
            warning("Made use of default efficiency histograms! The b tag weights from this module should be regarded as placeholders only,\n"+\
                    "and should NOT be used for analyses. B (mis)tag efficiencies in MC are analysis dependent. Please create your own\n"+\
                    "efficiency histogram with corrections/btag/getBTagEfficiencies.py after running all MC samples with BTagWeightTool.",title="BTagWeightTool")

        self.tagged = tagged
        self.calib = calib
        self.reader = reader
        self.hists = hists
        self.effmaps = effmaps
        self.maxeta = maxeta
    def __init__(self,
        """Load b tag weights from CSV file."""
        #print "Loading BTagWeightTool for %s (%s WP)..."%(tagger,wp)

        assert (year
                in [2016, 2017,
                    2018]), "You must choose a year from: 2016, 2017, or 2018."
        assert (tagger in [
            'CSVv2', 'DeepCSV'
        ]), "BTagWeightTool: You must choose a tagger from: CSVv2, DeepCSV!"
        assert (wp in [
            'loose', 'medium', 'tight'
        ]), "BTagWeightTool: You must choose a WP from: loose, medium, tight!"
        assert (sigma in [
            'central', 'up', 'down'
        ]), "BTagWeightTool: You must choose a WP from: central, up, down!"
        self.jettype = jettype

        # FILE
        if year == 2016:
            csvname = path + 'DeepCSV_2016LegacySF_V1.csv'
            effname = path + 'DeepCSV_%s_2016_eff.root' % jettype
        elif year == 2017:
            csvname = path + 'DeepCSV_94XSF_V5_B_F.csv'
            effname = path + 'DeepCSV_%s_2017_eff.root' % jettype
        elif year == 2018:
            csvname = path + 'DeepCSV_102XSF_V1.csv'
            effname = path + 'DeepCSV_%s_2018_eff.root' % jettype
        # TAGGING WP
        self.wp = getattr(BTagWPs(tagger, year), wp)

        # CSV READER
        op = OP_LOOSE if wp == 'loose' else OP_MEDIUM if wp == 'medium' else OP_TIGHT if wp == 'tight' else OP_RESHAPING
        type_udsg = 'incl'
        type_bc = 'comb'  # 'mujets' for QCD; 'comb' for QCD+TT
        calib = BTagCalibration(tagger, csvname)
        reader = BTagCalibrationReader(op, sigma)
        reader.load(calib, FLAV_B, type_bc)
        reader.load(calib, FLAV_C, type_bc)
        reader.load(calib, FLAV_UDSG, type_udsg)
        self.sigma = sigma

        ptbins = array(
            'd', [10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 140, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 1500])
        etabins = array('d', [-2.5, -1.5, 0.0, 1.5, 2.5])
        bins = (len(ptbins) - 1, ptbins, len(etabins) - 1, etabins)
        hists = {}
        effs = {}

        if tagger in ['CSVv2', 'DeepCSV']:
            efffile = ensureTFile(effname)
            for flavor in [0, 4, 5]:
                flavor = flavorToString(flavor)
                histname = "%s_%s_%s" % (tagger, flavor, wp)
                effname = "%s/eff_%s_%s_%s" % (channel, tagger, flavor, wp)
                hists[flavor] = TH2F(histname, histname, *bins)
                hists[flavor + '_all'] = TH2F(histname + '_all',
                                              histname + '_all', *bins)
                effs[flavor] = efffile.Get(effname)
                hists[flavor + '_all'].SetDirectory(0)
            efffile = ensureTFile(effname)
            for flavor in [0, 4, 5]:
                flavor = flavorToString(flavor)
                histname = "%s_%s_%s" % (tagger, flavor, wp)
                effname = "%s/eff_%s_%s_%s" % (channel, tagger, flavor, wp)
                hists[flavor] = TH2F(histname, histname, *bins)
                hists[flavor + '_all'] = TH2F(histname + '_all',
                                              histname + '_all', *bins)
                #effs[flavor]         = efffile.Get(effname)
                hists[flavor + '_all'].SetDirectory(0)

        self.calib = calib
        self.reader = reader
        self.hists = hists
        self.effs = effs
예제 #6
class BTagCSVFullShape(object):
    def __init__(self, csvfile, verbose=False):
        self.csvfile = csvfile
        self.verbose = True  #verbose
        self.algo = 'csvv2'

        self.iterative_systs = [
            'jes', 'lf', 'hf', 'hfstats1', 'hfstats2', 'lfstats1', 'lfstats2',
            'cferr1', 'cferr2'


    def init(self):
        if self.verbose:
            print "Initializing btag calibrator from %s" % self.csvfile
        self.calibrator = BTagCalibration(self.algo, self.csvfile)

    def create_readers(self):
        if self.verbose:
            print "Setting up btag calibration readers"

        self.v_sys = getattr(ROOT, 'vector<string>')()
        for syst in self.iterative_systs:
            self.v_sys.push_back('up_' + syst)
            self.v_sys.push_back('down_' + syst)

        self.reader = BTagCalibrationReader(3, 'central', self.v_sys)
        self.reader.load(self.calibrator, 0, 'iterativefit')
        self.reader.load(self.calibrator, 1, 'iterativefit')
        self.reader.load(self.calibrator, 2, 'iterativefit')

    def get_SF(self, pt, eta, flavor, val, syst='central'):

        fl_index = min(-flavor + 5, 2)
            Note the flavor convention: hadronFlavor is b=5, c=4, f=0
            Convert them to the btagging group convention of 0,1,2

        syst = syst.lower()
        return self.reader.eval_auto_bounds(
            syst if self.relevant_iterative_systs(fl_index, syst) else
            'central', fl_index, eta, pt, val)

    def relevant_iterative_systs(self, flavor, syst):
        """Returns true if a flavor/syst combination is relevant"""
        if flavor == 0:
            return syst in [
                "central", "up_jes", "down_jes", "up_lf", "down_lf",
                "up_hfstats1", "down_hfstats1", "up_hfstats2", "down_hfstats2"
        elif flavor == 1:
            return syst in [
                "central", "up_cferr1", "down_cferr1", "up_cferr2",
        elif flavor == 2:
            return syst in [
                "central", "up_jes", "down_jes", "up_hf", "down_hf",
                "up_lfstats1", "down_lfstats1", "up_lfstats2", "down_lfstats2"
        return True
예제 #7
 def __init__(self, tagger='DeepCSV', wp='medium', sigmabc='central', sigmalight='central', channel='ttbar', year=2016):
     """Load b tag weights from CSV file."""
     assert(year in [2016,2017,2018]), "You must choose a year from: 2016, 2017, or 2018."
     assert(tagger in ['CSVv2','DeepCSV']), "BTagWeightTool: You must choose a tagger from: CSVv2, DeepCSV!"
     assert(wp in ['loose','medium','tight']), "BTagWeightTool: You must choose a WP from: loose, medium, tight!"
     assert(sigmabc in ['central','up_correlated','down_correlated','up_uncorrelated','down_uncorrelated']), "BTagWeightTool: You must choose a WP for b/c jets from: central, up_correlated, down_correlated, up_uncorrelated, down_uncorrelated!"
     assert(sigmalight in ['central','up_correlated','down_correlated','up_uncorrelated','down_uncorrelated']), "BTagWeightTool: You must choose a WP for light jets from: central, up_correlated, down_correlated, up_uncorrelated, down_uncorrelated!"
     #assert(channel in ['mutau','eletau','tautau','mumu']), "BTagWeightTool: You must choose a channel from: mutau, eletau, tautau, mumu!"
     # FILE
     if year==2016:
       if 'deep' in tagger.lower():
         csvnamebc = path+'DeepCSV_2016LegacySF_V1_YearCorrelation-V1.csv'
         csvnamelight = path+'DeepCSV_2016LegacySF_WP_V1.csv'
         effname = path+'DeepCSV_2016_Moriond17_eff.root'
         csvnamebc = path+'CSVv2_Moriond17_B_H.csv'
         csvnamelight = path+'CSVv2_Moriond17_B_H.csv'
         effname = path+'CSVv2_2016_Moriond17_eff.root'
     elif year==2017:
       if 'deep' in tagger.lower():
         csvnamebc = path+'DeepCSV_94XSF_V4_B_F_YearCorrelation-V1.csv'
         csvnamelight = path+'DeepCSV_94XSF_WP_V4_B_F.csv'
         effname = path+'DeepCSV_2017_Fall17_eff.root'
         csvnamebc = path+'CSVv2_Moriond17_B_H.csv'
         csvnamelight = path+'CSVv2_Moriond17_B_H.csv'
         effname = path+'CSVv2_2017_Fall17_eff.root'
     elif year==2018:
       if 'deep' in tagger.lower():
         csvnamebc = path+'DeepCSV_102XSF_V1_YearCorrelation-V1.csv'
         csvnamelight = path+'DeepCSV_102XSF_WP_V1.csv'
         effname = path+'DeepCSV_2018_Autumn18_eff.root'
         csvnamebc = path+'CSVv2_94XSF_V2_B_F.csv'
         csvnamelight = path+'CSVv2_94XSF_V2_B_F.csv'
         effname = path+'CSVv2_2018_Autumn18_eff.root'
     self.wpname = wp
     self.wp     = getattr(BTagWPs(tagger,year),wp)
     if 'deep' in tagger.lower():
       tagged = lambda j: j.btagDeepB>self.wp
       tagged = lambda j: j.btagCSVV2>self.wp
     print "Loading BTagWeightTool for %s (%s WP)..."%(tagger,wp)
     op        = OP_LOOSE if wp=='loose' else OP_MEDIUM if wp=='medium' else OP_TIGHT if wp=='tight' else OP_RESHAPING
     type_udsg = 'incl'
     type_bc   = 'mujets' # 'mujets' for QCD; 'comb' for QCD+TT
     #Load reader for b/c jets
     calibbc     = BTagCalibration(tagger, csvnamebc)
     readerbc    = BTagCalibrationReader(op, sigmabc)
     readerbc.load(calibbc, FLAV_B, type_bc)
     readerbc.load(calibbc, FLAV_C, type_bc)
     #Load reader for light jets
     caliblight  = BTagCalibration(tagger, csvnamelight)
     readerlight = BTagCalibrationReader(op, sigmalight)
     readerlight.load(caliblight, FLAV_UDSG, type_udsg)
     effmaps    = { } # b tag efficiencies in MC to compute b tagging weight for an event
     efffile    = ensureTFile(effname)
     default    = False
     if not efffile:
       warning("File %s with efficiency histograms does not exist! Reverting to default efficiency histogram..."%(effname),title="BTagWeightTool")
       default  = True
     for flavor in [0,4,5]:
       flavor   = flavorToString(flavor)
       histname = "%s_%s_%s"%(tagger,flavor,wp)
       effname  = "%s/eff_%s_%s_%s"%(channel,tagger,flavor,wp)
       if efffile:
         effmaps[flavor]    = efffile.Get(effname)
         if not effmaps[flavor]:
           warning("histogram '%s' does not exist in %s! Reverting to default efficiency histogram..."%(effname,efffile.GetName()),title="BTagWeightTool")
           default          = True
           effmaps[flavor]  = createDefaultEfficiencyMap(effname,flavor,wp)
         effmaps[flavor]    = createDefaultEfficiencyMap(effname,flavor,wp)
     if default:
       warning("Made use of default efficiency histograms! The b tag weights from this module should be regarded as placeholders only,\n"+\
               "and should NOT be used for analyses. B (mis)tag efficiencies in MC are analysis dependent. Please create your own\n"+\
               "efficiency histogram with corrections/btag/getBTagEfficiencies.py after running all MC samples with BTagWeightTool.",title="BTagWeightTool")
     self.tagged  = tagged
     self.calibbc   = calibbc
     self.readerbc  = readerbc
     self.caliblight = caliblight
     self.readerlight = readerlight
     self.effmaps = effmaps