예제 #1
import multiprocessing as mp
import copy
import math
from array import array
from ROOT import gROOT, TFile, TTree, TObject, TH1, TH1F, AddressOf
# Import objects (structs)
#similar to root[0] bash: .L means load
gROOT.ProcessLine('.L /afs/desy.de/user/h/hezhiyua/private/git1/skim/Objects.h+')
#gROOT.ProcessLine('.L /home/brian/skimtest/Objects_m1.h+')
from ROOT import JetType, JetTypeSmall

#args = '/home/brian/skimtest/'
args = '/afs/desy.de/user/h/hezhiyua/private/git1/skim/'
#jobs = []
# Struct
Jet1o = JetType()
Jet2o = JetType()
Jet3o = JetType()
Jet4o = JetType()
Jets1 = JetTypeSmall()
Jets2 = JetTypeSmall()
Jets3 = JetTypeSmall()
Jets4 = JetTypeSmall()

a = ['pt','eta','phi','chf','nhf','phf','elf','muf','chm','cm','nm','dR_q1','dR_q2','dR_q3','dR_q4']
aa =''
for s in a:
    #aa = aa + s+'/f:'
    aa = '        Jets4.'+s+' = Jet4o.'+s
예제 #2
import multiprocessing as mp
import copy
import math
import argparse
from array import array
import pandas as pd
from tools import ptrank, padd, showTimeLeft
from templates import *
from ROOT import ROOT, gROOT, TDirectory, TFile, gFile, TBranch, TLeaf, TTree
from ROOT import AddressOf
pwd = os.popen('pwd').read()
pwd = pwd.split('\n')[0]
pl = '.L ' + pwd + '/Objects' + '/Objects_m1.h+'
from ROOT import JetType, JetTypeSmall, JetTypePFC_fourVect, JetTypePFC_fiveVect, JetTypePFC_sixVect
Js = JetType()

# settings      #
path = '/beegfs/desy/user/hezhiyua/backed/fromLisa/fromLisaLLP//'
#path              = '/beegfs/desy/user/hezhiyua/backed/dustData/'+'crab_folder_v2/'#'/home/brian/datas/roottest/'
#inName            = 'VBFH_HToSSTobbbb_MH-125_MS-40_ctauS-500_jetOnly.root'
num_of_jets = 1  #3#1#4
DisplacedJets_Trigger = 0  #1
testOn = 0
nonLeadingJetsOn = 0  #1
nLimit = 1000000000000  #100000#1000000
numOfEntriesToScan = 100  #only when testOn = 1
NumOfVecEl = 6
Npfc = 40
예제 #3
def skim_c(name, newFileName):
    Jet_old_dict = {}
    for j in range(num_of_jets):
        #if 'ctauS' in name:
        Jet_old_dict[j + 1] = JetType()
        #if 'ctauS' in name:
        if NJT == 1:
            Jet_old_dict[j + 1] = JetTypeSgn()

    print 'filename:', name

    oldFile = TFile(name, "READ")
    oldTree = oldFile.Get("reconstruction/tree")
    #locate and register the Jet branches of the old ttree
    #oldTree.SetBranchAddress("Jet1", AddressOf(Jet1o, 'pt') );
    for j in range(num_of_jets):
        if 'QCD' in name:
            oldTree.SetBranchAddress('Jet' + str(j + 1),
                                     AddressOf(Jet_old_dict[j + 1], 'pt'))
        elif 'ctauS' in name:
            oldTree.SetBranchAddress('MatchedJet' + str(j + 1),
                                     AddressOf(Jet_old_dict[j + 1], 'pt'))

    print 'skimming file', oldFile.GetName(), '\tevents =', oldTree.GetEntries(
    ), '\tweight =', oldTree.GetWeight()

    newFile = TFile('Skim/' + newFileName, "RECREATE")
    newTree = TTree("tree44", "tree44")
        'Jet1s', Jets1,
    #newTree.Branch( 'Jet2s', Jets2, 'pt/F:eta/F:chf/F:nhf/F:phf/F:elf/F:muf/F:chm/I:cm/I:nm/I:dR_q1/F:dR_q2/F:dR_q3/F:dR_q4/F' )
    # this attribute list must exactly match (the order of) the features in the header file!!!!

    ti = 80000
    #theweight = oldTree.GetWeight()
    for i in range(0, oldTree.GetEntries()):  # why -1?
        if i == 0:
            start = timer()
        elif i % ti == 2:
            start = timer()

        # selections
        # Trigger
        if  Jet1o.pt>15 \
            and \
            (Jet1o.eta>-2.4 or Jet1o.eta<2.4) \
            and \
            ( \
            (Jet1o.dR_q1<0.4 and Jet1o.dR_q2>0.4 and Jet1o.dR_q3>0.4 and Jet1o.dR_q4>0.4) \
            or \
            (Jet1o.dR_q2<0.4 and Jet1o.dR_q1>0.4 and Jet1o.dR_q3>0.4 and Jet1o.dR_q4>0.4) \
            or \
            (Jet1o.dR_q3<0.4 and Jet1o.dR_q2>0.4 and Jet1o.dR_q1>0.4 and Jet1o.dR_q4>0.4) \
            or \
            (Jet1o.dR_q4<0.4 and Jet1o.dR_q2>0.4 and Jet1o.dR_q3>0.4 and Jet1o.dR_q1>0.4) \
            ) \
            # set new leaf values to old ones  
            # this attribute list must exactly match (the order of) the features in the header file!!!!    
            Jets1.pt    = Jet1o.pt
            Jets1.eta   = Jet1o.eta
            Jets1.phi   = Jet1o.phi
            Jets1.chf   = Jet1o.chf
            Jets1.nhf   = Jet1o.nhf
            Jets1.phf   = Jet1o.phf
            Jets1.elf   = Jet1o.elf
            Jets1.muf   = Jet1o.muf     
            Jets1.chm   = Jet1o.chm
            Jets1.cm    = Jet1o.cm
            Jets1.nm    = Jet1o.nm
            Jets1.dR_q1 = Jet1o.dR_q1
            Jets1.dR_q2 = Jet1o.dR_q2
            Jets1.dR_q3 = Jet1o.dR_q3
            Jets1.dR_q4 = Jet1o.dR_q4
        for j in range(num_of_jets):
            if cut_on == 0:
                condition_str_dict[j + 1] = '1'

            if eval(condition_str_dict[j + 1]):
                Jets1.pt = Jet_old_dict[j + 1].pt
                Jets1.eta = Jet_old_dict[j + 1].eta
                Jets1.phi = Jet_old_dict[j + 1].phi
                Jets1.chf = Jet_old_dict[j + 1].chf
                Jets1.nhf = Jet_old_dict[j + 1].nhf
                Jets1.phf = Jet_old_dict[j + 1].phf
                Jets1.elf = Jet_old_dict[j + 1].elf
                Jets1.muf = Jet_old_dict[j + 1].muf
                Jets1.chm = Jet_old_dict[j + 1].chm
                Jets1.cm = Jet_old_dict[j + 1].cm
                Jets1.nm = Jet_old_dict[j + 1].nm
                Jets1.dR_q1 = Jet_old_dict[j + 1].dR_q1
                Jets1.dR_q2 = Jet_old_dict[j + 1].dR_q2
                Jets1.dR_q3 = Jet_old_dict[j + 1].dR_q3
                Jets1.dR_q4 = Jet_old_dict[j + 1].dR_q4

        if i % 2 == 0:
            ss = '.'
        elif i % 2 == 1:
            ss = 'o'
        if i % ti == 1 and i > ti:
            end = timer()
            dt = end - start
            tl = int(((oldTree.GetEntries() - i) / ti) * dt)
            if tl > 60:
                sys.stdout.write("\r" + 'time left: ' + str(tl / 60) + 'min' +
                sys.stdout.write("\r" + 'time left: ' + str(tl / 60) + 's')

    print 'produced skimmed file', newFile.GetName(
    ), '\tevents =', newTree.GetEntries(), '\tweight =', newTree.GetWeight()