예제 #1
 def doUnfold(self, data, back=0, regdiff=0, iteration=0):
     self.data = data.Clone()
     if back != 0:
         self.data.Add(back, -1.)
         self.back = back.Clone()
         for i in range(self.data.GetNbinsX() + 2):
             if self.data.GetBinContent(i) < 0:
                 self.data.SetBinContent(i, 0)
     if regdiff != 0:
         Unfold = RooUnfoldBayes(self.response, self.data, 1, False,
                                 self.name + "_reg", self.name + "_reg")
         h2 = self.data.Clone()
         for i in range(9999):
             h1 = Unfold.Hreco().Clone()
             vaild = 0
             val = 0
             for j in range(1, h2.GetNbinsX() + 1):
                 if h2.GetBinContent(j) > 0:
                     val = h1.GetBinContent(j) / h2.GetBinContent(j)
                     val = abs(val - 1)
                     if vaild < val:
                         vaild = val
             print vaild
             if vaild < regdiff:
                 print "%d times iteration" % i
                 self.UnfoldedData = h1
                 return h1
                 h2 = h1.Clone()
                 Unfold = RooUnfoldBayes(self.response, self.data, i + 2,
                                         False, self.name + "_reg",
                                         self.name + "_reg")
     elif iteration != 0:
         s = "iter_%d" % iteration
         Unfold = RooUnfoldBayes(self.response, self.data, iteration, False,
                                 self.name + s, self.name + s)
         h1 = Unfold.Hreco().Clone()
         return h1
         Unfold = RooUnfoldInvert(self.response, self.data,
                                  self.name + "_invert",
                                  self.name + "_invert")
         self.Unfold = Unfold
         h1 = Unfold.Hreco().Clone()
         self.UnfoldedData = h1
         return h1
예제 #2
    def setup_unfolding ( self, data ):
        self.data = data
        if not self.unfoldObject:
            if not self.unfoldResponse:
                self.unfoldResponse = self._makeUnfoldResponse()
            if self.method == 'RooUnfoldBayes':
                self.unfoldObject = RooUnfoldBayes     ( self.unfoldResponse, self.data, self.Bayes_n_repeat )
            elif self.method == 'RooUnfoldBinByBin':
                self.unfoldObject = RooUnfoldBinByBin     ( self.unfoldResponse, self.data )
            elif self.method == 'RooUnfoldInvert':
                self.unfoldObject = RooUnfoldInvert     ( self.unfoldResponse, self.data )
            elif self.method == 'RooUnfoldSvd':
                if self.k_value > 0:
                    self.unfoldObject = RooUnfoldSvd( self.unfoldResponse, self.data, self.k_value, self.n_toy )
                    if self.tau >= 0:
                        self.unfoldObject = RooUnfoldSvd( self.unfoldResponse, self.data, self.tau, self.n_toy )
            elif self.method == 'RooUnfoldTUnfold':
                self.unfoldObject = RooUnfoldTUnfold ( self.unfoldResponse, data )
                if self.tau >= 0:
                    self.unfoldObject.FixTau( self.tau )
            elif self.method == 'TSVDUnfold':
                new_data = Hist( list( self.data.xedges() ), type = 'D' )
                new_data.Add( self.data )

                new_measured = Hist( list( self.measured.xedges() ), type = 'D' )
                new_measured.Add( self.measured )

                new_truth = Hist( list( self.truth.xedges() ), type = 'D' )
                new_truth.Add( self.truth )

                if self.fakes:
                    new_fakes = Hist( list ( self.fakes.xedges() ), type = 'D' )
                    new_fakes.Add ( self.fakes )
                    new_measured = new_measured - new_fakes

                new_response = Hist2D( list( self.response.xedges() ), list( self.response.yedges() ), type = 'D' )
                new_response.Add( self.response )

                # replace global objects with new ones
                self.data = new_data
                self.measured = new_measured
                self.truth = new_truth
                self.response = new_response

                self.unfoldObject = TSVDUnfold( self.data, self.measured, self.truth, self.response )
예제 #3
 def unfolderFactory(self, response, hMeas, BasisSpline_m0=0):
     if "Bayes" in self.optunf:
         # Bayes unfoldung until chi^2 cut (max 10):
         unfold = RooUnfoldBayes(response, hMeas, 10, False, True)
     elif "SVD" in self.optunf:
         # SVD unfolding with free regularisation:
         unfold = RooUnfoldSvd(response, hMeas)
     elif "TUnfold" in self.optunf:
         # TUnfold with fixed regularisation tau=0.002
         # unfold= RooUnfoldTUnfold( response, hMeas, 0.002 )
         unfold = RooUnfoldTUnfold(response, hMeas)
     elif "Invert" in self.optunf:
         unfold = RooUnfoldInvert(response, hMeas)
     elif "Reverse" in self.optunf:
         # Use equivalent Bayes with 1 iteration:
         unfold = RooUnfoldBayes(response, hMeas, 1)
     elif "BasisSplines" in self.optunf:
         # BasisSplines with automatic tau determination
         unfold = RooUnfoldBasisSplines(response, hMeas, self.nrebin, 0.0,
                                        BasisSpline_m0, 2)
     return unfold
예제 #4
def main(optunf="Bayes"):

    optunfs = ["Bayes", "SVD", "TUnfold", "Invert", "Reverse"]
    if not optunf in optunfs:
        txt = "Unfolding option " + optunf + " not recognised"
        raise ValueError(txt)

    global hReco, hMeas, hTrue, hTrueEE, hTrueMM, hMeasMM, hMeasEE

    #c2 = TCanvas("c2")
    print "==================================== TRAIN ===================================="
    # Create response matrix object
    inputdirZZ = "/afs/cern.ch/work/c/chasco/CMSSW_5_3_11/src/CMGTools/HtoZZ2l2nu/test/results/UNFOLDacc/HADD/UnfoldInput/"  #ZZ
    # inputdirWZ = "/afs/cern.ch/work/c/chasco/CMSSW_5_3_11/src/CMGTools/HtoZZ2l2nu/test/results/UNFOLDWZ/HADD/UnfoldInput/" #WZ
    # inputdirNoPrep = "/afs/cern.ch/work/c/chasco/CMSSW_5_3_11/src/CMGTools/HtoZZ2l2nu/test/results/ZZoutput/" #data, NRB
    inputdirDY = "/afs/cern.ch/work/c/chasco/CMSSW_5_3_11/src/CMGTools/HtoZZ2l2nu/DYbkgd/"  #gamma
    #inputGEN = "/afs/cern.ch/work/c/chasco/CMSSW_5_3_11/src/CMGTools/HtoZZ2l2nu/Unfolding/PT.root"

    inputdir = "/afs/cern.ch/work/c/chasco/CMSSW_5_3_11/src/CMGTools/HtoZZ2l2nu/test/results/EWKSET/HADD/UnfoldInput/"  #ZZ
    inputdirWZ = inputdir  #WZ
    inputdirNoPrep = "/afs/cern.ch/work/c/chasco/CMSSW_5_3_11/src/CMGTools/HtoZZ2l2nu/test/results/EWKSET/"  #data, NRB
    #inputdirNoPrep2 = "/afs/cern.ch/work/c/chasco/CMSSW_5_3_11/src/CMGTools/HtoZZ2l2nu/test/results/" #data, NRB
    inputdir2 = "/afs/cern.ch/work/c/chasco/CMSSW_5_3_11/src/CMGTools/HtoZZ2l2nu/test/results/NOSET/HADD/UnfoldInput/"
    # inputdirWZ = inputdir

    fw = '/afs/cern.ch/work/c/chasco/CMSSW_5_3_11/src/CMGTools/HtoZZ2l2nu/Unfolding/MCFM_withAcceptance/ZZlept_tota_MSTW200_90__90__test.root'
    fwo = '/afs/cern.ch/work/c/chasco/CMSSW_5_3_11/src/CMGTools/HtoZZ2l2nu/Unfolding/MCFM_withoutAcceptance/ZZlept_tota_MSTW200_90__90__test.root'

    #inputdirOTH = "/afs/cern.ch/work/c/chasco/CMSSW_5_3_11/src/CMGTools/HtoZZ2l2nu/test/results/NOSET/HADD/UnfoldInput/"
    #inputdirWZOTH = inputdirOTH

    #inputdirEWK = "/afs/cern.ch/work/c/chasco/CMSSW_5_3_11/src/CMGTools/HtoZZ2l2nu/test/results/EWKSET/HADD/UnfoldInput/" #ZZ

    PAIR = ['zptG', 'zpt']
    outputnameGR = PAIR[0] + '_vs_' + PAIR[1] + '.png'
    outputnameG = PAIR[0] + '.png'
    outputnameR = PAIR[1] + '.png'
    cutData = "(zpt>45)*(preco>0)"  #"preco"

    cutGMM = "((L1GId*L2GId)==-13*13)"
    cutRMM = "((l1id*l2id)==-13*13)"
    cutGEE = "((L1GId*L2GId)==-11*11)"
    cutREE = "((l1id*l2id)==-11*11)"
    cutQQ = "(abs(l1id*l2id) == 11*13)"

    hsWW = makehistos("DataFused.root", inputdirNoPrep)
    hsDY = makehistosDY('gamma_out_8_MoreBins_ll.root', inputdirDY)
    print "MEASURED DATA " + "=" * 30
    hMeasMM = Make1DPlot(inputdirNoPrep + "DataFused.root", "finalTree",
                         PAIR[1], "Data.png", cutRMM + "*" + cutData)
    hMeasEE = Make1DPlot(inputdirNoPrep + "DataFused.root", "finalTree",
                         PAIR[1], "Data.png", cutREE + "*" + cutData)
    #hMeasQQ = Make1DPlot(inputdirNoPrep+"DataFused.root","finalTree",PAIR[1],"Data.png",cutQQ + "*" + cutData)
    print "MEASURED DATA " + "=" * 30

    print hMeasMM.Integral(), hMeasEE.Integral(), "Measured"

    print "NRB and DY"
    print hsWW[0].Integral(), hsWW[1].Integral(), "WW"
    print hsDY[0].Integral(), hsDY[1].Integral(), "DY"

    #MCFM rescaling and plotting
    hMCFM = GetMCFMHisto(fwo, True)
    hMCFM.Scale(143.2 / hMCFM.Integral())

    print hMCFM.Integral()


    MWO = GetMCFMHisto(fwo, True)
    MW = GetMCFMHisto(fw, False)




    # MWO = REBIN(GetMCFMHisto(fwo,True))
    # MW = REBIN(GetMCFMHisto(fw, False))

    # MWO.Divide(MW)

    # MWO.Print("range")


    systematic = [
        '_jer', '_jes', '_umet', '_les', '_pu', '_btag', '_qcd', '_pdf'
    ]  #'_jer','_jes','_umet','_les','_pu','_btag','_sherpa','_qcd','_pdf']
    # systematic = ['_jer','_jes','_qcd','_pdf']
    UD = ['up', 'down']
    SYST_UD = ['']
    for syst in systematic:
        for ud in UD:
            SYST_UD.append(syst + ud)

    MCGenHistos = []
    MCRecoHistos = []
    hTrues = []
    hDiffs = []
    hCloses = []
    hunfolds = []
    MCGenHistosMM = []
    MCRecoHistosMM = []
    hTruesMM = []
    hDiffsMM = []
    hClosesMM = []
    hunfoldsMM = []
    MCGenHistosEE = []
    MCRecoHistosEE = []
    hTruesEE = []
    hDiffsEE = []
    hClosesEE = []
    hunfoldsEE = []
    MCGenHistosMM2 = []
    MCGenHistosEE2 = []
    MCGenHistos2 = []

    for syst_ud in SYST_UD:
        print "=O" * 40
        print syst_ud
        print "O=" * 40
        SYS = "(sys" + syst_ud + ">0)"
        cutR = "Eweight*XS*BR*LUM*(1/NGE)*(B2/B3)*(preco>0)*" + SYS
        # cutG = "Eweight*BR*(B2/B3)*(pgen>0)*"+SYS #Accstring
        # [5718.8469039797783, 1737.4891278286839, 1737.4891278286839] fb
        #SSS = 2.1299863918*(3.0)
        #SSS = 2.1299863918*(3.0/2.0)
        #SSS = (3.0/2.0)
        #SSS = (3.0)
        #cutG = str(SSS)+"*Eweight*XS*BR*LUM*(1/NGE)*(B2/B3)*(pgen>0)*"+SYS #Accstring
        cutG = "Eweight*XS*BR*LUM*(1/NGE)*(B2/B3)*(pgen>0)*" + SYS  #Accstring
        # cutG = str(SSS)+"*Eweight*XS*BR*LUM*(1/NGE)*(B2/B3)*(1/Acc2)*(pgen>0)*"+SYS #Accstring
        #cutG = str(SSS)+"*Eweight*XS*BR*LUM*(1/NGE)*(B2/B3)*(pgen>0)*"+SYS #Accstring
        cutGR = "Eweight*XS*BR*LUM*(1/NGE)*(B2/B3)*(pgen>0)*(preco>0)*" + SYS  #+Accstring
        cutWZ = "Eweight*XS*BR*LUM*(1/NGE)*(B2/B3)*(preco>0)*" + SYS

        cutGEN = "XS*LUM*(1/NGE)*(B2/B3)*(g_pt>45.0)"
        cutee = "(ee>0.0)"
        cutmm = "(mumu>0.0)"

        # MCRecoHistoMM = REBIN(Make1DPlot(inputdir+"ZZ.root","tmvatree",PAIR[1],outputnameR,cutR+"*"+cutRMM))
        # MCRecoHistoEE = REBIN(Make1DPlot(inputdir+"ZZ.root","tmvatree",PAIR[1],outputnameR,cutR+"*"+cutREE))
        # MCGenHistoMM = REBIN(Make1DPlot(inputdir+"ZZ.root","tmvatree",PAIR[0],outputnameG,cutG+"*"+cutGMM))
        # MCGenHistoEE = REBIN(Make1DPlot(inputdir+"ZZ.root","tmvatree",PAIR[0],outputnameG,cutG+"*"+cutGEE))
        MCRecoHistoMM = Make1DPlot(inputdir + "ZZ.root", "tmvatree", PAIR[1],
                                   outputnameR, cutR + "*" + cutRMM)
        MCRecoHistoEE = Make1DPlot(inputdir + "ZZ.root", "tmvatree", PAIR[1],
                                   outputnameR, cutR + "*" + cutREE)
        MCGenHistoMM = Make1DPlotGEN(inputdir + "ZZ.root", "tmvatree", PAIR[0],
                                     outputnameG, cutG + "*" + cutGMM)
        MCGenHistoEE = Make1DPlotGEN(inputdir + "ZZ.root", "tmvatree", PAIR[0],
                                     outputnameG, cutG + "*" + cutGEE)
        # MCGenHistoMM = Make1DPlotGEN(inputGEN,"GPT","g_pt",outputnameG,cutGEN+"*"+cutmm)
        # MCGenHistoEE = Make1DPlotGEN(inputGEN,"GPT","g_pt",outputnameG,cutGEN+"*"+cutee)
        # MCGenHistoMM.Print("range")
        # sys.exit("done")
        GenVsReco2DHistoMM = Make2DPlot(inputdir + "ZZ.root", "tmvatree", PAIR,
                                        'MM' + outputnameGR,
                                        cutGR + "*" + cutGMM + "*" + cutRMM,
        GenVsReco2DHistoEE = Make2DPlot(inputdir + "ZZ.root", "tmvatree", PAIR,
                                        'EE' + outputnameGR,
                                        cutGR + "*" + cutGEE + "*" + cutREE,
        # sys.exit("done")
        MCGenHistoMM2 = Make1DPlotGEN(inputdir2 + "ZZ.root", "tmvatree",
                                      PAIR[0], outputnameG,
                                      cutG + "*" + cutGMM)
        MCGenHistoEE2 = Make1DPlotGEN(inputdir2 + "ZZ.root", "tmvatree",
                                      PAIR[0], outputnameG,
                                      cutG + "*" + cutGEE)

        #MCGenHistoMM2 = Make1DPlotMCFM(1)
        #MCGenHistoEE2 = Make1DPlotMCFM(1)

        hWZMM = Make1DPlot(inputdirWZ + "WZ.root", "tmvatree", PAIR[1],
                           "WZ.png", cutWZ + "*" + cutRMM)  #MC
        hWZEE = Make1DPlot(inputdirWZ + "WZ.root", "tmvatree", PAIR[1],
                           "WZ.png", cutWZ + "*" + cutREE)  #MC

        print hWZMM.Integral(), hWZEE.Integral(), "WZ MM EE"
        print MCRecoHistoMM.Integral(), MCRecoHistoEE.Integral(), "ZZ MM EE"

        BKGDSMM = [REBIN(hsWW[0]), REBIN(hsDY[0]), hWZMM]
        BKGDSEE = [REBIN(hsWW[1]), REBIN(hsDY[1]), hWZEE]

        for bk in (BKGDSMM + BKGDSEE):
            print bk.Integral(), "subtract"

        print hMeasMM.Integral()
        print hMeasEE.Integral()

        hDiffMM = SubtractMany1DPlots(hMeasMM, BKGDSMM)
        hDiffEE = SubtractMany1DPlots(hMeasEE, BKGDSEE)

        # hDiffMM = hMeasMM
        # hDiffEE = hMeasEE

        print hDiffMM.Integral(), quadadd(BinError(hDiffMM))
        print hDiffEE.Integral(), quadadd(BinError(hDiffEE))
        print "Difference between Data and Background^"

        print hMeasMM.Integral(), quadadd(BinError(hMeasMM))
        print hMeasEE.Integral(), quadadd(BinError(hMeasEE))
        print "DATA yield^"

        print REBIN(hsWW[0]).Integral(), quadadd(BinError(REBIN(hsWW[0])))
        print REBIN(hsWW[1]).Integral(), quadadd(BinError(REBIN(hsWW[1])))
        print "NRB yield^"

        print REBIN(hsDY[0]).Integral(), quadadd(BinError(REBIN(hsDY[0])))
        print REBIN(hsDY[1]).Integral(), quadadd(BinError(REBIN(hsDY[1])))
        print "DY yield^"

        print hWZMM.Integral(), quadadd(BinError(hWZMM))
        print hWZEE.Integral(), quadadd(BinError(hWZEE))
        print "WZ yield^"

        print MCRecoHistoMM.Integral(), quadadd(BinError(MCRecoHistoMM))
        print MCRecoHistoEE.Integral(), quadadd(BinError(MCRecoHistoEE))
        print "ZZ yield^"


        responseMM = RooUnfoldResponse(MCRecoHistoMM, MCGenHistoMM,
        responseEE = RooUnfoldResponse(MCRecoHistoEE, MCGenHistoEE,
        # MCRecoHistoMM.Print("range")
        # MCGenHistoMM.Print("range")
        # GenVsReco2DHistoMM.Print("range")

        # print "==================================== TEST ====================================="
        # #hTrue= TH1D( "true", "Test Truth", 20, -40.0, 40.0 )
        # #hMeas= TH1D( "meas", "Test Measured", 40, -10.0, 10.0 )
        # #hTrue= TH1D( "true", "Test Truth", 10, 40.0, 760.0 )
        # # hMeas= TH1D( "meas", "Test Measured", 10, 0.0, 800.0 )

        print "==================================== UNFOLD ==================================="
        print "Unfolding method:", optunf
        if "Bayes" in optunf:
            # Bayes unfoldung with 4 iterations
            #unfoldMM= RooUnfoldBayes( responseMM, hDiffMM, 4)
            closureMM = RooUnfoldBayes(responseMM, MCRecoHistoMM, 4)

            #unfoldEE= RooUnfoldBayes( responseEE, hDiffEE, 4)
            closureEE = RooUnfoldBayes(responseEE, MCRecoHistoEE, 4)

            unfoldsysMM = RooUnfoldBayes(responseMM, hDiffMM, 4)
            unfoldsysEE = RooUnfoldBayes(responseEE, hDiffEE, 4)

            # if syst_ud == "":
            #   unfoldsysMM.SetNToys(100)
            #   unfoldsysMM.IncludeSystematics()
            #   unfoldsysEE.SetNToys(100)
            #   unfoldsysEE.IncludeSystematics()

            print "Bayes " * 20
            #closure= RooUnfoldBayes( response, MCRecoHisto , 4 )
            #unfold= RooUnfoldBayes( response, hMeas, 10, False, True )
        elif "SVD" in optunf:
            # SVD unfoding with free regularisation
            # unfold= RooUnfoldSvd( response, hMeas, 20 )
            unfold = RooUnfoldSvd(response, hMeas)
        elif "TUnfold" in optunf:
            # TUnfold with fixed regularisation tau=0.002
            # unfold= RooUnfoldTUnfold( response, hMeas )
            unfold = RooUnfoldTUnfold(response, hMeas, 0.002)
        elif "Invert" in optunf:
            unfold = RooUnfoldInvert(response, hMeas)
        elif "Reverse" in optunf:
            unfold = RooUnfoldBayes(response, hMeas, 1)

        #hTrueMM= unfoldMM.Hreco()
        hCloseMM = closureMM.Hreco()
        #hTrueEE= unfoldEE.Hreco()
        hCloseEE = closureEE.Hreco()

        if syst_ud == "":
            # unfoldsysMM.IncludeSystematics(0) # 0 DATA ONLY
            unfoldsysMM.IncludeSystematics(1)  # 1 EVERYTHING
            # unfoldsysMM.IncludeSystematics(2) # 2 MC RESPONSE
            # hunfoldMM = unfoldsysMM.Hreco(2) # 2 DIRECT ERROR PROAGATION, ONLY WITH IncludeSystematics(0) -- data only. Can't directly propagate MC response unc.
            hunfoldMM = unfoldsysMM.Hreco(2)
            hunfoldEE = unfoldsysEE.Hreco(
            )  # 3 Toy MC error evaluation. Would apply to both data-MC uncertainty, and MC response uncertainty.
            print "STUFF" * 40

            print "UNFOLDED NUMBERS :--:" * 10
            print hunfoldMM.Integral(), quadadd(BinError(hunfoldMM))
            print hunfoldEE.Integral(), quadadd(BinError(hunfoldEE))
            print "UNFOLDED NUMBERS :--:" * 10

            #IMPORTANT!!! Includesys&Hreco: 0&2, 1&2 (some errors), N&2 (bayesian)*, 1&3, 2&3
            hunfoldMM = unfoldsysMM.Hreco()
            hunfoldEE = unfoldsysEE.Hreco()

        print "      ---- TEST @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ "

        # print hTrueMM.Integral(), hTrueEE.Integral(), "True"
        print MCGenHistoMM.Integral(), MCGenHistoEE.Integral(), "Gen"
        print hunfoldMM.Integral(), hunfoldEE.Integral(), "unfold"

        #RESCALE TO MCFM with kinematic cut ratios
        SSS = 3.0  #3.0 for single channel, 3.0/2.0 for both

        print MCGenHistoMM.Integral(), MCGenHistoEE.Integral(), "Gen"
        print hunfoldMM.Integral(), hunfoldEE.Integral(), "unfold"


        #For mumu channel
        hDiffsEE.append([hDiffEE, syst_ud])
        hunfoldsEE.append([hunfoldEE, syst_ud])
        if syst_ud == "":
            hClosesEE.append([hCloseEE, syst_ud])
            MCGenHistosEE.append([MCGenHistoEE, syst_ud])
            MCRecoHistosEE.append([MCRecoHistoEE, syst_ud])

        #For mumu channel
        hDiffsMM.append([hDiffMM, syst_ud])
        hunfoldsMM.append([hunfoldMM, syst_ud])
        if syst_ud == "":
            hClosesMM.append([hCloseMM, syst_ud])
            MCGenHistosMM.append([MCGenHistoMM, syst_ud])
            MCRecoHistosMM.append([MCRecoHistoMM, syst_ud])
            MCGenHistosMM2.append([hMCFM, syst_ud])

        #For combined channel
        hDiffs.append([ADDER(hDiffMM, hDiffEE, 1), syst_ud])
        hunfolds.append([ADDER(hunfoldMM, hunfoldEE, 1), syst_ud])
        if syst_ud == "":
            hCloses.append([ADDER(hCloseMM, hCloseEE, 1), syst_ud])
            MCGenHistos.append([ADDER(MCGenHistoMM, MCGenHistoEE, 1), syst_ud])
                [ADDER(MCRecoHistoMM, MCRecoHistoEE, 1), syst_ud])
                [ADDER(MCGenHistoMM2, MCGenHistoEE2, 1), syst_ud])

        print "=|" * 20
        print syst_ud * 20
        print "unfold yield:"
        print(hunfoldMM.Integral() + hunfoldEE.Integral()) / 19.7
        print(MCGenHistoMM.Integral() + MCGenHistoEE.Integral()) / 19.7, "Gen"

        print ">GEN<" * 40

        print "=|" * 20

        # print "=|"*20
        # print "unfold yield:"
        # print (hunfoldMM.Integral()+hunfoldEE.Integral())/19.7
        # print "=|"*20

        # hDiffs.append([hDiffEE,syst_ud])
        # hunfolds.append([hunfoldEE,syst_ud])
        # if syst_ud == "":
        #   hCloses.append([hCloseEE,syst_ud])
        #   MCGenHistos.append([MCGenHistoEE,syst_ud])
        #   MCRecoHistos.append([MCRecoHistoEE,syst_ud])

    #QQQ = makeComparison(LUMscale(MCGenHistos),LUMscale(MCRecoHistos),LUMscale(hunfolds),LUMscale(hDiffs),LUMscale(MCGenHistos2),"comb")
    #QQQ= makeComparison(LUMscale(MCGenHistosEE),LUMscale(MCRecoHistosEE),LUMscale(hunfoldsEE),LUMscale(hDiffsEE),MCGenHistosMM2,"ee")
    #QQQ = makeComparison(LUMscale(MCGenHistosMM),LUMscale(MCRecoHistosMM),LUMscale(hunfoldsMM),LUMscale(hDiffsMM),MCGenHistosMM2,"mm")

    #QQQ = makeComparison(LUMscale(MCGenHistos),LUMscale(MCRecoHistos),LUMscale(hunfolds),LUMscale(hDiffs),MCGenHistosMM2,"comb")
    QQQ = makeComparison(LUMscale(MCGenHistosEE), LUMscale(MCRecoHistosEE),
                         LUMscale(hunfoldsEE), LUMscale(hDiffsEE),
                         MCGenHistosMM2, "ee")
    #QQQ = makeComparison(LUMscale(MCGenHistosMM),LUMscale(MCRecoHistosMM),LUMscale(hunfoldsMM),LUMscale(hDiffsMM),MCGenHistosMM2,"mm")
    Neemm = QQQ[0]
    #Nee = makeComparison(LUMscale(MCGenHistosEE),LUMscale(MCRecoHistosEE),LUMscale(hunfoldsEE),LUMscale(hDiffsEE),LUMscale(hClosesEE),"ee")
    #Nmm = makeComparison(LUMscale(MCGenHistosMM),LUMscale(MCRecoHistosMM),LUMscale(hunfoldsMM),LUMscale(hDiffsMM),LUMscale(hClosesMM),"mm")
    # #makeComparison(MCGenHistos,MCRecoHistos,hunfolds,hDiffs,hCloses)
    # print len(MCRecoHistos)
    # print len(hunfolds)

    # print "Bin Content Check"
    # print "#"*30
    # print "#"*10, "DIMUON CHANNEL", "#"*10
    # print "MCReco", MCRecoHistosMM[0][0].Integral(), BinContent(MCRecoHistosMM[0][0])
    # print "MCGen", MCGenHistosMM[0][0].Integral(), BinContent(MCGenHistosMM[0][0])
    # print "True", hunfoldsMM[0][0].Integral(), BinContent(hunfoldsMM[0][0])
    # print "Diff", hDiffsMM[0][0].Integral(), BinContent(hDiffsMM[0][0])

    # print "#"*30
    # print "#"*10, "DIELECTRON CHANNEL", "#"*10
    # print "MCReco", MCRecoHistosEE[0][0].Integral(), BinContent(MCRecoHistosEE[0][0])
    # print "MCGen", MCGenHistosEE[0][0].Integral(), BinContent(MCGenHistosEE[0][0])
    # print "True", hunfoldsEE[0][0].Integral(), BinContent(hunfoldsEE[0][0])
    # print "Diff", hDiffsEE[0][0].Integral(), BinContent(hDiffsEE[0][0])

    # print "#"*30
    # print "#"*10, "COMBINED CHANNEL", "#"*10
    # print "MCReco", MCRecoHistos[0][0].Integral(), BinContent(MCRecoHistos[0][0])
    # print "MCGen", MCGenHistos[0][0].Integral(), BinContent(MCGenHistos[0][0])
    # print "True", hunfolds[0][0].Integral(), BinContent(hunfolds[0][0])
    # print "Diff", hDiffs[0][0].Integral(), BinContent(hDiffs[0][0])
    # print "#"*30
    # print "#"*30
    # print "#"*30

    # print hunfoldsMM[0][0].Integral()*(3.0)*2.13, "ZZ->2l2nu cross section, muon"
    # print hunfoldsEE[0][0].Integral()*(3.0)*2.13, "ZZ->2l2nu cross section, electron"
    # print hunfolds[0][0].Integral()*(3.0/2.0)*2.13, "ZZ->2l2nu cross section, combined"

    # print "#"*30

    # print Nmm
    # print Nee
    print Neemm

    print QQQ[1]
    #print Nmm
    #print Nee

    # print "@"*30
    # print "@"*30
    # print "@"*30

    # S=2.1299863918
    # dS=0.0451194907919

    # print numpy.multiply(Nmm,S*3)
    # print numpy.multiply(Nee,S*3)
    # print numpy.multiply(Neemm,S*3.0/2.0)

    # print "#"*30
    # print "#"*30
    # print "#"*30
    # print numpy.multiply(RescaleToPreZpt45(Nmm,S,dS),3.0), "muons"
    # print numpy.multiply(RescaleToPreZpt45(Nee,S,dS),3.0), "electrons"
    # print numpy.multiply(RescaleToPreZpt45(Neemm,S,dS),3.0/2.0), "combined"

    # Just unfolding
    # [ 317.58667967  124.62000891  124.62000891] muons
    # [ 204.44743361   93.817413     93.817413  ] electrons
    # [ 261.01705568   78.68129176   78.68129176] combined

    #all else
    # Bin Content Check
    # ##############################
    # ########## DIMUON CHANNEL ##########
    # MCReco 5.48821856594 [1.6566265821456909, 1.5307177305221558, 2.0848486423492432, 0.21176119148731232, 0.0042644194327294827]
    # MCGen 50.3628177345 [28.911533355712891, 8.1944065093994141, 11.555961608886719, 1.5890809297561646, 0.11183533072471619]
    # True 49.7008933779 [27.718360900878906, 7.7494301795959473, 13.04161262512207, 1.2007522583007812, -0.0092625860124826431]
    # Diff 5.54152165353 [1.6073417663574219, 1.4832497835159302, 2.371938943862915, 0.16530285775661469, -0.086311697959899902]
    # ##############################
    # ########## DIELECTRON CHANNEL ##########
    # MCReco 3.674643751 [1.0442177057266235, 0.9972614049911499, 1.4791457653045654, 0.15098364651203156, 0.0030352284666150808]
    # MCGen 33.3869778588 [18.415399551391602, 5.4404187202453613, 8.2116708755493164, 1.2221240997314453, 0.097364611923694611]
    # True 31.9951079488 [22.219881057739258, 3.5517585277557373, 5.7815923690795898, 0.44187599420547485, 0.0]
    # Diff 3.02480854467 [1.2913563251495361, 0.70207256078720093, 1.0841209888458252, 0.059399198740720749, -0.11214052885770798]
    # ##############################
    # ########## COMBINED CHANNEL ##########
    # MCReco 9.16539874254 [2.7004456520080566, 2.5281918048858643, 3.5664489269256592, 0.36300751566886902, 0.0073048430494964123]
    # MCGen 83.7497940361 [47.326930999755859, 13.634824752807617, 19.767633438110352, 2.8112049102783203, 0.2091999351978302]
    # True 81.6960010286 [49.938240051269531, 11.301189422607422, 18.823205947875977, 1.6426281929016113, -0.0092625860124826431]
    # Diff 8.56633037329 [2.8986983299255371, 2.1853222846984863, 3.4560599327087402, 0.22470206022262573, -0.19845223426818848]
    # ##############################
    # ##############################
    # ##############################
    # 317.588708685 ZZ->2l2nu cross section, muon
    # 204.448739793 ZZ->2l2nu cross section, electron
    # 261.018723287 ZZ->2l2nu cross section, combined
    # ##############################
    # [49.700893377885222, 24.356035601246898, 24.954409212519852]
    # [31.99510794878006, 17.444453802993618, 19.251802135458732]
    # [81.696001028642058, 34.234254955780528, 37.056285190785381]
    # ##############################
    # ##############################
    # ##############################
    # [ 317.58667967  155.77940538  159.59950658] muons       93.47233023637472982875, 99.70885557387058841952 quaddifference to just unfolding
    # [ 204.44743361  111.55344624  123.09443832] electrons   60.35283246052335146028, 79.69023631100434516015
    # [ 261.01705568  109.51740717  118.52311228] combined    76.17950380658385143785, 88.63962134122213690629

    # os.system(str(Npm)+' > output.txt')
    # SystematicErrors(MCRecoHistos,MCGenHistos,hTrues,hDiffs,hCloses)

예제 #5
f = ROOT.TFile("unfoldSample.root", "RECREATE")
responseBB = RooUnfoldResponse(recBB, genBB, reMBB, "reBB", "reBB")
print recBB.GetNbinsX()
print reMBB.GetNbinsX()
print "Print values of RooUnfold response matrix for BB category"
print "Print values of response matrix for calculated by hand for BB category"
reMBBList = []
for i in range(1, reMBB.GetNbinsX() + 1):
    column = []
    for j in range(1, reMBB.GetNbinsX() + 1):
        column.append(reMBBn.GetBinContent(i, j))
    print column
invertBB = RooUnfoldInvert(responseBB, hmuBB, "UnfoldedBB", "UnfoldedBB")
inverthmuBB = invertBB.Hreco()
c1 = ROOT.TCanvas("c1", "c1", 800, 800)
responseBE = RooUnfoldResponse(recBE, genBE, reMBE, "reBB", "reBB")
print "Print values of RooUnfold response matrix for BE category"
예제 #6
파일: unfold.py 프로젝트: jingyucms/MyChi
                Proj2D_Y(Reco2d, minMass, maxMass, Reco2d.GetName(), True))

        if compToGen:
                Proj2D_Y(Gen2d, minMass, maxMass, Gen2d.GetName(), True))
                Proj2D_Y(Reco2d, minMass, maxMass, Reco2d.GetName(), True))

        ## now do unfolding
        print "CCLA: Unfolding ", Reco2d, "using matix ", response

        if DAgostini == True:
            unfold2d = RooUnfoldBayes(response, Reco2d, NITER)
            unfold2d = RooUnfoldInvert(response, Reco2d)




        hUnf2d = unfold2d.Hreco(2)

        hErr2d = unfold2d.Ereco(2)

        #chi2 = RooUnfold.Chi2 (unfold2d,2)
        chi2comp = Proj2D_Y(Gen2d, minMass, maxMass, Gen2d.GetName(), True)
        hraw = Proj2D_Y(Reco2d, minMass, maxMass, Gen2d.GetName(), True)
        hUnf1d = Proj2D_Y(hUnf2d, minMass, maxMass, Gen2d.GetName(), True)
예제 #7
def main(optunf="Bayes"):

    optunfs = ["Bayes", "SVD", "TUnfold", "Invert", "Reverse"]
    if not optunf in optunfs:
        txt = "Unfolding option " + optunf + " not recognised"
        raise ValueError(txt)

    global hReco, hMeas, hTrue

    print "==================================== TRAIN ===================================="
    # Create response matrix object for 40 measured and 20
    # unfolded bins:
    response = RooUnfoldResponse(40, -10.0, 10.0, 20, -10.0, 10.0)

    #  Train with a Breit-Wigner, mean 0.3 and width 2.5.
    for i in xrange(100000):
        # xt= gRandom.BreitWigner( 0.3, 2.5 )
        xt = gRandom.Gaus(0.0, 5.0)
        x = smear(xt)
        if x != None:
            response.Fill(x, xt)

    print "==================================== TEST ====================================="
    hTrue = TH1D("true", "Test Truth", 20, -10.0, 10.0)
    hMeas = TH1D("meas", "Test Measured", 40, -10.0, 10.0)
    #  Test with a Gaussian, mean 0 and width 2.
    for i in xrange(10000):
        # xt= gRandom.Gaus( 0.0, 2.0 )
        xt = gRandom.BreitWigner(0.3, 2.5)
        x = smear(xt)
        if x != None:

    print "==================================== UNFOLD ==================================="
    print "Unfolding method:", optunf
    if "Bayes" in optunf:
        # Bayes unfoldung with 4 iterations
        # unfold= RooUnfoldBayes( response, hMeas, 4 )
        unfold = RooUnfoldBayes(response, hMeas, 10, False, True)
    elif "SVD" in optunf:
        # SVD unfoding with free regularisation
        # unfold= RooUnfoldSvd( response, hMeas, 20 )
        unfold = RooUnfoldSvd(response, hMeas)
    elif "TUnfold" in optunf:
        # TUnfold with fixed regularisation tau=0.002
        # unfold= RooUnfoldTUnfold( response, hMeas )
        unfold = RooUnfoldTUnfold(response, hMeas, 0.002)
    elif "Invert" in optunf:
        unfold = RooUnfoldInvert(response, hMeas)
    elif "Reverse" in optunf:
        unfold = RooUnfoldBayes(response, hMeas, 1)

    hReco = unfold.Hreco()
    # unfold.PrintTable( cout, hTrue )
    unfold.PrintTable(cout, hTrue, 2)

