def __str__(self): list_of_files = next_file = TIter(list_of_files) self.logger.logDEBUG("Input file list is given below.") self.logger.logDEBUG("Absolute path: ", os.path.dirname(next_file.GetTitle())) ifile = next_file.Begin() for f in range(list_of_files.GetEntries()): self.logger.logDEBUG("\t{0}".format( os.path.basename(ifile.GetTitle())), Stamp=False) ifile = next_file.Next() self.logger.logDEBUG("End of the input file list.") return 1
def LoadAllHists(self, filename, prefix="", suffix="", low=100, high=1000, binwidth=20, setOverflow=True): # # Same as load_all_hists() but reduces the hist range # Range is hardcoded at the moment 100-550 # Also, trying to merge electroweak category # # these histograms will be merged together under name in ewkName ewk = ['Wjets', 'WW', 'WZ', 'ZZ', 'Zjets', 'SingleToptW', 'SingleTopT'] ewkName = 'Ewk' infile = TFile(filename, "read") _keys = TIter(infile.GetListOfKeys()) _key = _keys.Begin() _nhists = 0 while _key: _name = _key.GetName() _name = str(prefix + _name + suffix) # merge certain electroweak histos into one for hname in ewk: _name = _name.replace(hname + '_', ewkName + '_') if _name not in self.hist_names: self.hist_names.append(_name) #_id = tuple(_name.split('_')) _nhists += 1 #self.hist_ids.append(_id) _xbins = array('d') _low = low _high = high _width = binwidth for ind in range(0, int((_high - _low) / _width + 0.5) + 1, 1): #for binLow in range(_low, int(_high + _width+0.1), _width): binLow = _low + ind * _width _xbins.append(binLow) _hist = copy.deepcopy(infile.Get(_key.GetName())) #firstOverflowBin = _hist.FindFirstBinAbove(_high-1.5*_width) # including the bin before overflow originalBinWidth = _hist.GetBinWidth( 1) # assume the input binned uniformly firstOverflowBin = int((_high - _low) / originalBinWidth) lastOverflowBin = _hist.GetNbinsX( ) + 1 # including the actual overflow overflowErr = ROOT.Double() _overflow = _hist.IntegralAndError(firstOverflowBin, lastOverflowBin, overflowErr) print originalBinWidth, firstOverflowBin, lastOverflowBin, _overflow, overflowErr if setOverflow: _hist.SetBinContent(firstOverflowBin, _overflow) _hist.SetBinError(firstOverflowBin, overflowErr) _hist = _hist.Rebin(len(_xbins) - 1, 'copyhist', _xbins) # if this hist already exists, append to it if _name in self.hists: self.hists[_name].Add(copy.deepcopy(_hist)) else: self.hists[_name] = copy.deepcopy(_hist) self.hists[_name].SetName(_name) _key = _keys.Next() print 'Loaded', len(self.hists), 'histograms'
def load_all_hists(self, filename, prefix="", suffix="", zero_overflow=False, projection_x=None, projection_y=None, merge_ewk=False, merge_top=False, strip_suffix=False, rebin_ngroup=None, rebin_low=None, rebin_high=None, move_overflow=False, scale_bin_error=None, excluded_list=[]): # # merge histograms, works on 1d, 2d... # legend = '[TprimeData.load_all_hists]:' #print legend, excluded_list # special prefix for 1D projections prefix_1d = 'hist_' # these histograms will be merged together under name in ewkName #ewk = ['Wjets', 'WW', 'WZ', 'ZZ', 'Zjets', 'SingleToptW', 'SingleTopT', 'SM', 'QCD','SinTop'] ewk = [ 'SingleToptW', 'SingleTopT', 'SingleTopS', 'SingleTopbarT', 'SingleTopbarS', 'SinTop', 'Wjets', 'WW', 'WZ', 'ZZ', 'Zjets', 'SM', 'QCD', 'Ewk' ] ewkName = 'ewk' # these histograms will be merged together under name in topName top = ['TTjets', 'TOP', 'Top', 'top'] topName = 'top' # these histogram names will be changed to tprimeName tprime = ['TPrime', 'Tprime', 'tprime', 'TPRIME'] tprimeName = 'tprime' # these histogram names will be changed to dataName datanames = ['DATA', 'Data', 'data'] dataName = 'DATA' infile = TFile(filename, "read") _keys = TIter(infile.GetListOfKeys()) _key = _keys.Begin() _nhists = 0 while _key: _name = _key.GetName() # fix double underscores # _new_name = '' # _was_underscore = False # for _let in _name: # if _let=='_': # if _was_underscore: # print 'double underscore fixed' # else: # _was_underscore = True # _new_name += _let # else: # _new_name += _let # _was_underscore = False # # _name = _new_name if strip_suffix: #_name = _name.strip().split('_')[0] _newname = _name.strip().split('_')[0] if '__jes__plus' in _name: _newname += '__jes__plus' if '__jes__minus' in _name: _newname += '__jes__minus' _name = _newname _name = prefix + _name + suffix # merge certain histos into one if merge_ewk: for hname in ewk: #_name = _name.replace(hname+'_', ewkName+'_') _name = _name.replace(hname, ewkName) # merge top templates if merge_top: for hname in top: #_name = _name.replace(hname+'_', topName+'_') _name = _name.replace(hname, topName) # uniform signal names for hname in tprime: _name = _name.replace(hname, tprimeName) # uniform data names for hname in datanames: _name = _name.replace(hname, dataName) # skip histos from the excluded list if _name in excluded_list: _key = _keys.Next() continue _hist = copy.deepcopy(infile.Get(_key.GetName())) # scale error in each bin (in case of multiple use of the same source) _nbinx = _hist.GetNbinsX() _nbiny = None if 'TH2' in _hist.ClassName(): _nbiny = _hist.GetNbinsY() if scale_bin_error: print legend, 'histogram errors are multiplied by', float( scale_bin_error) for i in range(0, _nbinx + 2): for j in range(0, _nbiny + 2): _ibin = _hist.GetBin(i, j) _err = _hist.GetBinError(_ibin) _hist.SetBinError(_ibin, _err * float(scale_bin_error)) # move over- and underflow to adjacent visible bins # fixme: unfinished if move_overflow: _binx = _hist.GetNbinsX() _biny = None if 'TH2' in _hist.ClassName(): _biny = _hist.GetNbinsY() for i in range(0, _binx + 2): for j in range(0, _biny + 2): _ibin = GetBin(i, j) # project onto 1D if requested and the hist is 2D _class_name = _hist.ClassName() if 'TH2' in _class_name: if projection_x or projection_y: _tmpname = _name + '_tmp' _hist.SetName(_tmpname) if projection_x: _hist = copy.deepcopy( _hist.ProjectionX(_name + '_proj', 0, -1, 'e')) if projection_y: _hist = copy.deepcopy( _hist.ProjectionY(_name + '_proj', 0, -1, 'e')) _hist.SetName(_name) # rebin if requested if rebin_ngroup: self.tmphist = _hist _hist = self.Rebin1dHist(self.tmphist, rebin_ngroup, rebin_low, rebin_high, move_overflow=True) # add the hist to the list and dictionary if _name not in self.hist_names: self.hist_names.append(_name) self.hists[_name] = copy.deepcopy(_hist) else: self.hists[_name].Add(copy.deepcopy(_hist)) _nhists += 1 self.hists[_name].SetName(_name) # set True to remove overflow if zero_overflow: # zero overflow/underflow bins (assuming that they are already added to the adjacent visible bins) # print 'Will zero out overflow and underflow bins!!!' #print self.hists[_name].ClassName() if 'TH2' in self.hists[_name].ClassName(): print legend, 'TH2 detected...' print legend, 'Will zero out overflow and underflow bins (no copying)!!!' _binx = self.hists[_name].GetNbinsX() _biny = self.hists[_name].GetNbinsY() for _x in range(0, _binx + 2): for _y in range(0, _biny + 2): if _x == 0 or _x == _binx + 1 or _y == 0 or _y == _biny + 1: # sanity check #if self.hists[_name].GetBinContent(_x,_y) > 0.000001: # print 'Overflow:', self.hists[_name].GetBinContent(_x,_y), 'set to 0' self.hists[_name].SetBinContent(_x, _y, 0.0) self.hists[_name].SetBinError(_x, _y, 0.0) else: print legend, 'cannot comply with request to zero out over-/underflow for 1D hist' _key = _keys.Next() # second loop over all hists # for name in self.hist_names: # # rebin # if rebin_ngroup: # self.hists[name] = copy.deepcopy(self.Rebin1dHist(self.hists[name], # rebin_ngroup, rebin_low, rebin_high, # move_overflow = True) ) print 'Merged into', len(self.hists), 'histograms'