def identification(config): text = TPaveText(0.0, 0.95, 1.0, 1.0, "blNDC") text.AddText(config.message) text.SetBorderSize(0) text.SetTextAlign(12) text.SetTextSizePixels(10) text.SetTextFont(82) text.SetFillColor(0) return text
def __draw_text(self): """Draw potential text into pad """ if not self._texts: return if not self.pave_boxes: self.pave_boxes = [] for text in self._texts: pave_box = TPaveText(self.__adjust_coordinate_x(text.x_low), self.__adjust_coordinate_y(text.y_low), self.__adjust_coordinate_x(1), self.__adjust_coordinate_y(text.y_low + text.size), "brNDC") pave_box.SetLineWidth(0) pave_box.AddText(text.text) pave_box.SetBorderSize(0) pave_box.SetFillStyle(0) pave_box.SetTextAlign(10) pave_box.SetTextFont(63) pave_box.SetTextSizePixels(self.__adjust_text_size(text.size)) self.pave_boxes.append(pave_box) pave_box.Draw()
class Plotter(object): _ihist = count(0) def __init__(self, comps, lumi): self.comps = comps for comp in self.comps: set_style(comp) self.lumi = lumi def _project(self, comp, var, cut, *bins): # hist_name = '{}_{}'.format(, hist_name = hist = TH1F(hist_name, '', *bins) if comp.tree != None: comp.tree.Project(hist.GetName(), var, cut) print hist_name, comp.rootfile return hist def _prepare_plot(self, var, cut, bins): plot = DataMCPlot('var', histPref) for comp in self.comps: hist = self._project(comp, var, cut, *bins) if hasattr(comp, 'smooth') and comp.smooth: hist.Smooth(comp.smooth) if hasattr(comp, 'preprocess'): hist = comp.preprocess(hist) plot.AddHistogram(, hist) plot.histosDict[].SetWeight(comp.getWeight(self.lumi).GetWeight()) plot.histosDict[].uncertainty = comp.uncertainty plot.legendBorders = (0.22, 0.65, 0.44, 0.92) return plot def draw(self, var, cut, bins, xtitle='', ytitle=''): self.plot = self._prepare_plot(var, cut, bins) self.plot.DrawStack() # self.plot.supportHist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.35) # self.plot.supportHist.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(5) # self.plot.supportHist.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(5) self.plot.supportHist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) self.plot.supportHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ytitle) print 'variable:' print var print 'cut:' print cut def write(self, fname): the_file = open(fname, 'w') the_file.write(str(self.plot)) the_file.close() def print_info(self, detector, xmin=None, ymin=None): lumitext = '' lumi = self.lumi if lumi > 1e15: lumi = int(self.lumi / 1e15) lumitext = '{lumi} ab^{{-1}}'.format(lumi=lumi) elif lumi > 1e12: lumi = int(self.lumi / 1e12) lumitext = '{lumi} fb^{{-1}}'.format(lumi=lumi) if not xmin: xmin = 0.62 if not ymin: ymin = 0.8 xmax, ymax = xmin + 0.288, ymin + 0.12 self.pave = TPaveText(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, 'ndc') self.pave.AddText(detector) self.pave.AddText(lumitext) self.pave.SetTextSizePixels(28) self.pave.SetTextAlign(11) self.pave.SetBorderSize(0) self.pave.SetFillColor(0) self.pave.SetFillStyle(0) self.pave.Draw()
class Plotter(object): _ihist = count(0) def buildCanvas(self): can = self.can pad = self.pad padr = self.padr if not all([can, pad, padr]): can = self.can = TCanvas('can'+self.comps[0].var, '', 800, 800) if not can else can can.Divide(1, 2, 0.0, 0.0) pad = self.pad = can.GetPad(1) if not pad else pad padr = self.padr = can.GetPad(2) if not padr else padr #Set Y axes Log scale pad.SetLogy() # Set Pad sizes pad.SetPad(0.0, 0.32, 1., 1.0) padr.SetPad(0.0, 0.00, 1., 0.34) pad.SetTopMargin(0.08) pad.SetLeftMargin(0.16) pad.SetBottomMargin(0.03) pad.SetRightMargin(0.05) padr.SetBottomMargin(0.35) padr.SetLeftMargin(0.16) padr.SetRightMargin(0.05) import locale; locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8') can.Draw() pad.Draw() padr.Draw() def __init__(self, comps, lumi): self.can = None self.pad = None self.padr = None self.comps = comps for comp in self.comps: set_style(comp) self.lumi = lumi def _project(self, comp, var, cut, *bins): # hist_name = '{}_{}'.format(, hist_name = hist = TH1F(hist_name, '', *bins) if comp.tree != None: comp.tree.Project(hist.GetName(), var, cut) print hist_name return hist def _prepare_plot(self, xtitle): plot = DataMCPlot('CHANGEME', histPref) for comp in self.comps: hist = comp.histogram plot.AddHistogram(, hist) return plot def draw(self, xtitle, ytitle, makecanvas=True): self.plot = self._prepare_plot(xtitle) if makecanvas: self.buildCanvas() self.plot.DrawStack() Xaxis = self.plot.supportHist.GetXaxis() Yaxis = self.plot.supportHist.GetYaxis() Xaxis.SetTitle(xtitle) Yaxis.SetTitle(ytitle) if makecanvas: self.ratioplot = copy.deepcopy(self.plot) self.ratioplot.DrawDataOverMCMinus1(-0.5,0.5) ratioXaxis = self.ratioplot.dataOverMCHist.GetXaxis() ratioYaxis = self.ratioplot.dataOverMCHist.GetYaxis() ratioXaxis.SetTitleSize(Xaxis.GetTitleSize()*2.) ratioYaxis.SetTitleSize(Yaxis.GetTitleSize()*2.) # ratioXaxis.SetTitleOffset(Xaxis.GetTitleOffset()/2.) ratioYaxis.SetTitleOffset(Yaxis.GetTitleOffset()/2.) ratioXaxis.SetLabelSize(Xaxis.GetLabelSize()*2.) ratioYaxis.SetLabelSize(Yaxis.GetLabelSize()*2.) Xaxis.SetLabelColor(0) Xaxis.SetLabelSize(0) if makecanvas: self.padr.Update() gPad.Update() def write(self, fname): self.can.SaveAs(fname) if '.tex' in fname: import os os.system("sed -i 's|mark=|mark=*|g' "+fname) def print_info(self, detector, xmin=None, ymin=None): lumitext = '' lumi = self.lumi if lumi > 1e18: lumi = int(self.lumi / 1e18 *10.)/10. lumitext = '{lumi} ab^{{-1}}'.format(lumi=lumi) elif lumi > 1e15: lumi = int(self.lumi / 1e15 *10.)/10. lumitext = '{lumi} fb^{{-1}}'.format(lumi=lumi) elif lumi > 1e12: lumi = int(self.lumi / 1e12 *10.)/10. lumitext = '{lumi} pb^{{-1}}'.format(lumi=lumi) if not xmin: xmin = 0.62 if not ymin: ymin = 0.8 xmax, ymax = xmin + 0.288, ymin + 0.12 self.pave = TPaveText(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, 'ndc') self.pave.AddText(detector) self.pave.AddText(lumitext) self.pave.SetTextSizePixels(28) self.pave.SetTextAlign(11) self.pave.SetBorderSize(0) self.pave.SetFillColor(0) self.pave.SetFillStyle(0) self.pave.Draw()
class Plotter(object): _ihist = count(0) def buildCanvas(self): can = self.can pad = self.pad padr = self.padr if not all([can, pad, padr]): can = self.can = TCanvas('can' + self.comps[0].var, '', 800, 800) if not can else can can.Divide(1, 2, 0.0, 0.0) pad = self.pad = can.GetPad(1) if not pad else pad padr = self.padr = can.GetPad(2) if not padr else padr #Set Y axes Log scale if self.set_log_y: pad.SetLogy() # Set Pad sizes pad.SetPad(0.0, 0.32, 1., 1.0) padr.SetPad(0.0, 0.00, 1., 0.34) pad.SetTopMargin(0.08) pad.SetLeftMargin(0.16) pad.SetBottomMargin(0.03) pad.SetRightMargin(0.05) padr.SetBottomMargin(0.35) padr.SetLeftMargin(0.16) padr.SetRightMargin(0.05) import locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8') can.Draw() pad.Draw() padr.Draw() def __init__(self, comps, lumi, channel): self.can = None self.pad = None self.padr = None self.comps = comps = channel for comp in self.comps: set_style(comp, self.lumi = lumi def _project(self, comp, var, cut, *bins): # hist_name = '{}_{}'.format(, hist_name = hist = TH1F(hist_name, '', *bins) if comp.tree != None: comp.tree.Project(hist.GetName(), var, cut) print hist_name return hist def _prepare_plot(self, xtitle, NormalizeToBinWidth=False, channel='default'): plot = DataMCPlot('CHANGEME', histPref[channel]) for comp in self.comps: hist = comp.histogram hist.SetStats(0) plot.AddHistogram(, hist, NormalizeToBinWidth=NormalizeToBinWidth) return plot def draw(self, xtitle, ytitle, makecanvas=True, sys_error_hist=None, category=None, channel_str=None, set_log_x=False, set_log_y=True, x_range=None, y_range=None, blind=True, NormalizeToBinWidth=False, ratio_range_var=.6): self.plot = self._prepare_plot(xtitle, NormalizeToBinWidth=NormalizeToBinWidth, self.set_log_y = set_log_y if makecanvas: self.buildCanvas() self.plot.DrawStack() if sys_error_hist: self.sys_error_hist = sys_error_hist self.sys_error_hist.SetFillColor(15) self.sys_error_hist.SetFillStyle(3002) self.sys_error_hist.SetMarkerStyle(0) if NormalizeToBinWidth: for i in range(1, self.sys_error_hist.GetNbinsX() + 1): self.sys_error_hist.SetBinContent( i, self.sys_error_hist.GetBinContent(i) / self.sys_error_hist.GetBinWidth(i)) self.sys_error_hist.SetBinError( i, self.sys_error_hist.GetBinError(i) / self.sys_error_hist.GetBinWidth(i)) self.sys_error_hist.Draw('e2 same') Xaxis = self.plot.supportHist.GetXaxis() Yaxis = self.plot.supportHist.GetYaxis() if xtitle == 'mt_tot': xtitle = 'm_{#rm T}^{#rm tot} #text{ (GeV)}' Xaxis.SetTitle(xtitle) Yaxis.SetTitle(ytitle) if category and not channel_str: _string = category elif category and channel_str: _string = '{} # #rm {} '.format(channel_str, category) elif channel_str and not category: _string = channel_str else: _string = None if _string: self.category = TPaveText(.15, .93, .40, .98, "NDC") self.category.SetFillColor(0) self.category.SetFillStyle(0) self.category.SetLineColor(0) self.category.AddText(_string) self.category.Draw("same") self.lumibox = TPaveText(.80, .93, .95, .98, "NDC") self.lumibox.SetFillColor(0) self.lumibox.SetFillStyle(0) self.lumibox.SetLineColor(0) self.lumibox.AddText("#SI{41.5}{fb^{-1}}") self.lumibox.Draw("same") if xtitle == 'm_{#rm T}^{#rm tot} #text{ (GeV)}': if x_range is None: Xaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 900) ymax = max( self.plot.supportHist.weighted.GetBinContent( self.plot.supportHist.weighted.GetMaximumBin()), self.plot.BGHist().weighted.GetBinContent( self.plot.BGHist().weighted.GetMaximumBin())) Yaxis.SetRangeUser(0.0001, ymax * 1.3) if blind: self.plot.Blind(130, 4000, False) else: ymax = max( self.plot.supportHist.weighted.GetBinContent( self.plot.supportHist.weighted.GetMaximumBin()), self.plot.BGHist().weighted.GetBinContent( self.plot.BGHist().weighted.GetMaximumBin())) Yaxis.SetRangeUser(0.01, ymax * 1000) if x_range is not None: Xaxis.SetRangeUser(x_range[0], x_range[1]) if y_range is not None: Yaxis.SetRangeUser(y_range[0], y_range[1]) if makecanvas: self.ratioplot = copy.deepcopy(self.plot) self.ratioplot.DrawDataOverMCMinus1(-ratio_range_var, ratio_range_var) if sys_error_hist: self.sys_error_hist_rel = copy.copy(self.sys_error_hist) for b in range(self.sys_error_hist.GetNbinsX()): self.sys_error_hist_rel.SetBinContent(b + 1, 1) if abs(self.sys_error_hist.GetBinContent( b + 1)) < 1e-4 and abs( self.sys_error_hist.GetBinError(b + 1)) < 1e-4: rel_bin_error = 1 # really? else: rel_bin_error = self.sys_error_hist.GetBinError( b + 1) / self.sys_error_hist.GetBinContent(b + 1) self.sys_error_hist_rel.SetBinError(b + 1, rel_bin_error) self.sys_error_hist_rel.Draw('e2 same') ratioXaxis = self.ratioplot.dataOverMCHist.GetXaxis() ratioYaxis = self.ratioplot.dataOverMCHist.GetYaxis() ratioXaxis.SetTitleSize(0.12) ratioYaxis.SetTitleSize(0.08) ratioYaxis.SetTitleOffset(0.5) ratioXaxis.SetLabelSize(0.08) ratioYaxis.SetLabelSize(0.08) Xaxis.SetLabelColor(0) Xaxis.SetLabelSize(0) ratioXaxis.SetMoreLogLabels() ratioXaxis.SetNoExponent() if set_log_x: self.pad.SetLogx() self.padr.SetLogx() if makecanvas: self.padr.Update() gPad.Update() def write(self, fname): self.can.SaveAs(fname) if '.tex' in fname: import os os.system("sed -i 's|mark=|mark=*|g' " + fname) os.system("sed -i 's|pattern=dots|pattern=crosshatch dots|g' " + fname) def print_info(self, detector, xmin=None, ymin=None): lumitext = '' lumi = self.lumi if lumi > 1e18: lumi = int(self.lumi / 1e18 * 10.) / 10. lumitext = '{lumi} ab^{{-1}}'.format(lumi=lumi) elif lumi > 1e15: lumi = int(self.lumi / 1e15 * 10.) / 10. lumitext = '{lumi} fb^{{-1}}'.format(lumi=lumi) elif lumi > 1e12: lumi = int(self.lumi / 1e12 * 10.) / 10. lumitext = '{lumi} pb^{{-1}}'.format(lumi=lumi) if not xmin: xmin = 0.62 if not ymin: ymin = 0.8 xmax, ymax = xmin + 0.288, ymin + 0.12 self.pave = TPaveText(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, 'ndc') self.pave.AddText(detector) self.pave.AddText(lumitext) self.pave.SetTextSizePixels(28) self.pave.SetTextAlign(11) self.pave.SetBorderSize(0) self.pave.SetFillColor(0) self.pave.SetFillStyle(0) self.pave.Draw()
class HistPlotter(object): _ihist = count(0) def __init__(self, hists, lumi): self.hists = hists self.lumi = lumi self.styles = dict() self._set_styles() def _set_styles(self): for hist in self.hists: lsize = 0.05 tsize = 0.06 hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(lsize) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(tsize) hist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(lsize) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(tsize) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) found = False style = None for key, pref in histPref.iteritems(): if fnmatch.fnmatch(hist.GetName(), key): style = pref['style'] found = True if not found: style = sData self.styles[hist.GetName()] = style def _prepare_plot(self): plot = DataMCPlot('var', histPref) for hist in self.hists: name = hist.GetName() plot.AddHistogram(name, hist) plot.histosDict[name].SetWeight(1) plot.legendBorders = (0.22, 0.65, 0.44, 0.92) return plot def draw(self, xtitle='', ytitle=''): self.plot = self._prepare_plot() self.plot.DrawStack() self.plot.supportHist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) self.plot.supportHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ytitle) def write(self, fname): the_file = open(fname, 'w') the_file.write(str(self.plot)) the_file.close() def print_info(self, detector, xmin=None, ymin=None): lumitext = '' lumi = self.lumi if lumi > 1e15: lumi = int(self.lumi / 1e15) lumitext = '{lumi} ab^{{-1}}'.format(lumi=lumi) elif lumi > 1e12: lumi = int(self.lumi / 1e12) lumitext = '{lumi} fb^{{-1}}'.format(lumi=lumi) if not xmin: xmin = 0.62 if not ymin: ymin = 0.8 xmax, ymax = xmin + 0.288, ymin + 0.12 self.pave = TPaveText(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, 'ndc') self.pave.AddText(detector) self.pave.AddText(lumitext) self.pave.SetTextSizePixels(28) self.pave.SetTextAlign(11) self.pave.SetBorderSize(0) self.pave.SetFillColor(0) self.pave.SetFillStyle(0) self.pave.Draw()
class Plotter(object): _ihist = count(0) def __init__(self, comps, lumi): self.comps = comps for comp in self.comps: set_style(comp) self.lumi = lumi def _project(self, comp, var, cut, *bins): # hist_name = '{}_{}'.format(, hist_name = hist = TH1F(hist_name, '', *bins) if comp.tree != None: comp.tree.Project(hist.GetName(), var, cut) print hist_name return hist def _prepare_plot(self): plot = DataMCPlot('CHANGEME', histPref) for comp in self.comps: hist = comp.histogram plot.AddHistogram(, hist) return plot def draw(self, xtitle, ytitle): self.plot = self._prepare_plot() self.plot.DrawStack() # self.plot.supportHist.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.35) # self.plot.supportHist.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(5) # self.plot.supportHist.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(5) self.plot.supportHist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) self.plot.supportHist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(ytitle) minX = self.plot.supportHist.GetXaxis().GetXmin() maxX = self.plot.supportHist.GetXaxis().GetXmax() NbinsX = self.plot.supportHist.GetXaxis().GetNbins() NticksX = 5 # for tick_num in range(1,NticksX): # bin_to_label = int(tick_num * 1. * NbinsX/NticksX) # bin_label = int(minX + tick_num * 1. * (maxX-minX)/NticksX) # self.plot.supportHist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(bin_to_label,"{}".format(bin_label)) # self.plot.supportHist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(1,"{}".format(int(minX))) # self.plot.supportHist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(NbinsX-1,"{}".format(int(maxX))) # self.plot.supportHist.GetXaxis().LabelsOption("h") minY = self.plot.supportHist.GetYaxis().GetXmin() maxY = self.plot.supportHist.GetYaxis().GetXmax() NbinsY = self.plot.supportHist.GetYaxis().GetNbins() NticksY = 5 # for tick_num in range(1,NticksY): # bin_to_label = int(tick_num * 1. * NbinsY/NticksY) # bin_label = int(minY + tick_num * 1. * (maxY-minY)/NticksY) # self.plot.supportHist.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel(bin_to_label,"{}".format(bin_label)) # self.plot.supportHist.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel(1,"{}".format(int(minY))) # self.plot.supportHist.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel(NbinsY-1,"{}".format(int(maxY))) # self.plot.supportHist.GetYaxis().LabelsOption("h") #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() gPad.Update() def write(self, fname): the_file = open(fname, 'w') the_file.write(str(self.plot)) the_file.close() def print_info(self, detector, xmin=None, ymin=None): lumitext = '' lumi = self.lumi if lumi > 1e18: lumi = int(self.lumi / 1e18 * 10.) / 10. lumitext = '{lumi} ab^{{-1}}'.format(lumi=lumi) elif lumi > 1e15: lumi = int(self.lumi / 1e15 * 10.) / 10. lumitext = '{lumi} fb^{{-1}}'.format(lumi=lumi) elif lumi > 1e12: lumi = int(self.lumi / 1e12 * 10.) / 10. lumitext = '{lumi} pb^{{-1}}'.format(lumi=lumi) if not xmin: xmin = 0.62 if not ymin: ymin = 0.8 xmax, ymax = xmin + 0.288, ymin + 0.12 self.pave = TPaveText(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, 'ndc') self.pave.AddText(detector) self.pave.AddText(lumitext) self.pave.SetTextSizePixels(28) self.pave.SetTextAlign(11) self.pave.SetBorderSize(0) self.pave.SetFillColor(0) self.pave.SetFillStyle(0) self.pave.Draw()