예제 #1
def test_secrets_adapter_invalid_baseclass(mock_env_default):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
예제 #2
def test_secrets_custom_adapter_get_secret(mock_env_default):
    MockAdapter.value = "mock-secret"
    library = Vault(default_adapter=MockAdapter)
    assert library.get_secret("mock-name") == "mock-secret"
    assert MockAdapter.name == "mock-name"
예제 #3
def test_secrets_adapter_missing_import(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setenv("RPA_SECRET_MANAGER", "RPA.AdapterNotExist")
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
예제 #4
def test_secrets_custom_adapter_arguments(mock_env_default):
    library = Vault("pos-value", key="key-value", default_adapter=MockAdapter)
    library.get_secret("not-relevant")  # Adapter created on first request
    assert MockAdapter.args == (("pos-value", ), {"key": "key-value"})
예제 #5
def test_secrets_vault_missing_token(mock_env_default, mock_env_vault,
    monkeypatch.delenv("RC_API_SECRET_TOKEN", raising=False)
    library = Vault()
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        _ = library.adapter
예제 #6
def test_secrets_vault_as_default(mock_env_default, mock_env_vault):
    library = Vault()
    assert isinstance(library.adapter, RobocorpVault)
예제 #7
 def __init__(self):
     self._vault = Vault()
     self._key = None
     listener = RobotLogListener()
         ["RPA.Crypto.generate_key", "RPA.Crypto.use_encryption_key"])
예제 #8
class Crypto:
    """Library for common encryption and hashing operations.

    It uses the `Fernet <https://github.com/fernet/spec/blob/master/Spec.md>`_
    format for encryption. More specifically, it uses AES in
    CBC mode with a 128-bit key for encryption and HMAC with SHA256 for

    To use the encryption features, generate a key with the command line
    utility ``rpa-crypto`` or with the keyword ``Generate Key``. Store
    the key in a secure place, such as Robocorp Vault, and load it within
    the execution before calling encryption/decryption keywords.

    **Example usage with Robocorp Vault**

    Create an encryption key with the CLI utility:

    .. code-block:: console

        > rpa-crypto key

    Store the key in Robocorp Vault, in this case with the name ``EncryptionKey``.

    Load the key from the vault before encryption operations:

    .. code-block:: robotframework

        Use encryption key from vault    EncryptionKey
        ${encrypted}=   Encrypt file    orders.xlsx
        Add work item file    ${encrypted}    name=Orders

    In another task, this same key can be used to decrypt the file:

    .. code-block:: robotframework

        Use encryption key from vault    EncryptionKey
        ${encrypted}=    Get work item file    Orders
        ${orders}=   Decrypt file    ${encrypted}


    def __init__(self):
        self._vault = Vault()
        self._key = None
        listener = RobotLogListener()
            ["RPA.Crypto.generate_key", "RPA.Crypto.use_encryption_key"])

    def generate_key(self) -> str:
        """Generate a Fernet encryption key as base64 string.

        This key can be used for encryption/decryption operations
        with this library.

        *NOTE:* Store the generated key in a secure place!
        If the key is lost, the encrypted data can not be recovered.
        If anyone else gains access to it, they can decrypt your data.
        return Fernet.generate_key().decode("utf-8")

    def use_encryption_key(self, key: str):
        """Set key for all following encryption/decryption operations.

        :param key: Encryption key as base64 string

        Assumes the given key has been generated previously using
        either the keyword ``Generate Key`` or with the matching command
        line utility.


        .. code-block:: robotframework

            ${key}=    Read file    encryption.key
            Use encryption key      ${key}
        self._key = Fernet(key)

    def use_encryption_key_from_vault(self,
                                      name: str,
                                      key: Optional[str] = None):
        """Load an encryption key from Robocorp Vault.

        :param name: Name of secret in Vault
        :param key: Name of encryption key in secret

        If the secret only has one value, the key argument is optional.


        .. code-block:: robotframework

            # Secret with one value
            Use encryption key from vault    Encryption
            # Secret with multiple values
            Use encryption key from vault    name=Encryption    key=CryptoKey
        secret = self._vault.get_secret(name)

        if key:
            value = secret[key]
        elif len(secret) == 1:
            value = list(secret.values())[0]
        elif len(secret) == 0:
            raise ValueError(f"Secret '{name}' has no values")
            options = ", ".join(str(k) for k in secret.keys())
            raise ValueError(f"Secret '{name}' has multiple values: {options}")


    def hash_string(self,
                    text: str,
                    method: Hash = Hash.SHA1,
                    encoding="utf-8") -> str:
        """Calculate a hash from a string, in base64 format.

        :param text: String to hash
        :param method: Used hashing method
        :param encoding: Used text encoding


        .. code-block:: robotframework

            ${digest}=    Hash string    A value that will be hashed
            Should be equal    ${digest}    uSlyRHlbu8NzY29YMZhDUpdErP4=
        if isinstance(text, str):
            text = text.encode(encoding)

        context = to_hash_context(method)

        digest = context.finalize()
        return base64.b64encode(digest).decode("utf-8")

    def hash_file(self, path: str, method: Hash = Hash.SHA1) -> str:
        """Calculate a hash from a file, in base64 format.

        :param path: Path to file
        :param method: The used hashing method


        .. code-block:: robotframework

            ${digest}=    Hash file    orders.xlsx    method=MD5
            Should not be equal    ${digest}    uSlyRHlbu8NzY29YMZhDUpdErP4=
        context = to_hash_context(method)
        with open(path, "rb") as infile:
            while True:
                chunk = infile.read(65536)
                if not chunk:

        digest = context.finalize()
        return base64.b64encode(digest).decode("utf-8")

    def encrypt_string(self,
                       text: Union[bytes, str],
                       encoding="utf-8") -> bytes:
        """Encrypt a string.

        :param text: Source text to encrypt
        :param encoding: Used text encoding


        .. code-block:: robotframework

            Use encryption key    ${key}
            ${token}=    Encrypt string    This is a secret, don't share it
        if not self._key:
            raise ValueError("No encryption key set")

        if isinstance(text, str):
            text = text.encode(encoding)

        token = self._key.encrypt(text)
        return token

    def decrypt_string(self,
                       data: Union[bytes, str],
                       encoding="utf-8") -> Union[str, bytes]:
        """Decrypt a string.

        :param data: Encrypted data as base64 string
        :param encoding: Original encoding of string

        Returns the decrypted string that is parsed with the given encoding,
        or if the encoding is ``None`` the raw bytes are returned.


        .. code-block:: robotframework

            Use encryption key    ${key}
            ${text}=    Decrypt string    ${token}
            Log    Secret string is: ${text}
        if not self._key:
            raise ValueError("No encryption key set")

        if isinstance(data, str):
            data = data.encode("utf-8")

            text = self._key.decrypt(data)
        except InvalidToken as err:
            raise ValueError(
                "Failed to decrypt string (malformed content or invalid signature)"
            ) from err

        if encoding is not None:
            text = text.decode(encoding)

        return text

    def encrypt_file(self, path: str, output: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
        """Encrypt a file.

        :param path: Path to source input file
        :param output: Path to encrypted output file

        If not output path is given, it will generate one from the input path.
        The resulting output path is returned.


        .. code-block:: robotframework

            Use encryption key    ${key}
            ${path}=    Encrypt file    orders.xlsx
            Log    Path to encrypted file is: ${path}
        path = Path(path)
        if not self._key:
            raise ValueError("No encryption key set")

        if output:
            output = Path(output)
            output = path.parent / (path.name + ".enc")

        with open(path, "rb") as infile:
            data = infile.read()
            token = self._key.encrypt(data)

        with open(output, "wb") as outfile:
            return str(output)

    def decrypt_file(self, path: str, output: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
        """Decrypt a file.

        :param path: Path to encrypted input file
        :param output: Path to decrypted output file

        If not output path is given, it will generate one from the input path.
        The resulting output path is returned.


        .. code-block:: robotframework

            Use encryption key    ${key}
            ${path}=    Decrypt file    orders.xlsx.enc
            Log    Path to decrypted file is: ${path}
        path = Path(path)
        if not self._key:
            raise ValueError("No encryption key set")

        if output:
            output = Path(output)
        elif path.name.endswith(".enc"):
            output = path.parent / path.name[:-len(".enc")]
            parts = (path.stem, "dec", path.suffix[1:])
            output = path.parent / ".".join(part
                                            for part in parts if part.strip())

            with open(path, "rb") as infile:
                token = infile.read()
                data = self._key.decrypt(token)
        except InvalidToken as err:
            raise ValueError(
                "Failed to decrypt file (malformed content or invalid signature)"
            ) from err

        with open(output, "wb") as outfile:
            return str(output)