예제 #1
def test_run_raise_subprocesserror(monkeypatch):
    def mock_check_output_raise_subprocesserror(args, stderr, universal_newlines,
                                                input, timeout):
        raise OSError
    monkeypatch.setattr(subprocess, "check_output",
    m = Matcher(rule_1)
    m.run("org.reactobus.test", "uuid", "0", "lavaserver",
          {"something": "myself"})
예제 #2
def test_run_raise_timeout(monkeypatch):
    def mock_check_output_raise_oserror(args, stderr, universal_newlines,
                                        input, timeout):
        import subprocess
        raise subprocess.TimeoutExpired(args[0], timeout)
    monkeypatch.setattr(subprocess, "check_output",
    m = Matcher(rule_1)
    m.run("org.reactobus.test", "uuid", "0", "lavaserver",
          {"something": "myself"})
예제 #3
def test_build_args_errors():
    m = Matcher(rule_5)

    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        m.build_args("org.reactobus.lava.hello", "uuid", "", "lavauser", {})

    m = Matcher(rule_3)
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        m.build_args("org.reactobus", "uuid", "", "lavauser",
                     {"username": "******"})
예제 #4
def test_simple_matching():
    m = Matcher(rule_1)

    assert m.match({"topic": "org.reactobus.lava"}, {}) is True
    assert m.match({"topic": "org.reactobus.lava.job"}, {}) is True
    assert m.match({"topic": "reactobus.lava"}, {}) is False
    # Non existing field will return False
    assert m.match({"topi": "reactobus.lava"}, {}) is False
예제 #5
def test_data_matching():
    m = Matcher(rule_3)

    assert m.match({}, {"submitter": "kernel-ci"}) is True
    assert m.match({}, {"submitter": "kernel"}) is False
예제 #6
def test_simple_matching_2():
    m = Matcher(rule_2)

    assert m.match({"topic": "something", "username": "******"}, {}) is True
    # Non existing field will return False
    assert m.match({"topic": "something", "user": "******"}, {}) is False
예제 #7
def test_run(monkeypatch):
    m_args = []
    m_input = ""
    m_timeout = 0

    def mock_check_output(args, stderr, universal_newlines, input, timeout):
        nonlocal m_args
        nonlocal m_input
        nonlocal m_timeout
        m_args = args
        m_input = input
        m_timeout = timeout
        return ""

    monkeypatch.setattr(subprocess, "check_output", mock_check_output)
    m = Matcher(rule_1)

    m.run("org.reactobus", "uuid", "0", "lavauser", {})
    assert m_args == [m.binary, "topic", "org.reactobus", "username",
    assert m_input == ""
    assert m_timeout == 1

    m.run("org.reactobus.test", "uuid", "0", "kernel", {})
    assert m_args == [m.binary, "topic", "org.reactobus.test", "username",
    assert m_input == ""
    assert m_timeout == 1

    m = Matcher(rule_7)
    m.run("org.reactobus.test", "uuid", "0", "lavaserver",
          {"submitter": "myself"})
    assert m_args == [m.binary, "stdin", "myself"]
    assert m_input == "hello\norg.reactobus.test\nmyself"
    assert m_timeout == 4

    m_args = None
    m.run("org.reactobus.test", "uuid", "0", "lavaserver",
          {"something": "myself"})
    assert m_args is None
예제 #8
def test_build_args():
    m = Matcher(rule_1)

    # Test for classical substitution
    (args, stdin) = m.build_args("org.reactobus.lava.hello", "uuid", "",
                                 "lavauser", {})
    assert args == [m.binary, "topic", "org.reactobus.lava.hello",
                    "username", "lavauser"]
    assert stdin == ''
    (args, stdin) = m.build_args("org.reactobus.lava.something", "uuid",
                                 "erty", "kernel-ci", {})
    assert args == [m.binary, "topic", "org.reactobus.lava.something",
                    "username", "kernel-ci"]
    assert stdin == ''

    # Test for data.* substitution
    m = Matcher(rule_3)
    (args, stdin) = m.build_args("org.reactobus", "uuid", "", "lavauser",
                                 {"submitter": "health"})
    assert args == [m.binary, "topic", "org.reactobus", "submitter", "health"]
    assert stdin == ''

    # Without args
    m = Matcher(rule_6)
    (args, stdin) = m.build_args("org.reactobus", "uuid", "", "lavauser",
                                 {"submitter": "health"})
    assert args == [m.binary]
    assert stdin == ''

    # With "stdin:" and "$data."
    m = Matcher(rule_7)
    (args, stdin) = m.build_args("org.reactobus", "uuid", "", "",
                                 {"submitter": "kernel-ci", "key": "value"})
    assert args == [m.binary, "stdin", "kernel-ci"]
    assert stdin == "hello\norg.reactobus\nkernel-ci"

    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        (args, stdin) = m.build_args("org.reactobus", "uuid", "", "",
                                     {"key": "value"})
예제 #9
def test_lookup():
    assert Matcher.lookup("username", {"username": "******"}, {}) == "kernel"
    assert Matcher.lookup("msg",
                          {"username": "******",
                           "msg": "hello"}, {}) == "hello"

    # $data
    assert Matcher.lookup("data", {"msg": "something"}, {}) == "{}"
    assert Matcher.lookup("data", {"msg": "something"}, "just a string") == "just a string"
    assert Matcher.lookup("data", {"msg": "something"},
                          {"hello": "world"}) == '{"hello": "world"}'
    assert Matcher.lookup("data", {"msg": "something"},
                          ["hello", "world"]) == '["hello", "world"]'

    # $data.key
    assert Matcher.lookup("data.key", {"msg": "something"},
                          {"key": "value"}) == "value"
    assert Matcher.lookup("data.hello", {"msg": "something"},
                          {"hello": "world"}) == "world"
    assert Matcher.lookup("data.hello", {"msg": "something"},
                          {"hello": []}) == "[]"
    assert Matcher.lookup("data.hello", {"msg": "something"},
                          {"hello": [{"world": 1}, {"wordl": 2}]}) == '[{"world": 1}, {"wordl": 2}]'

    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        Matcher.lookup("msg", {}, {})
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        Matcher.lookup("msg", {}, {"msg": "value"})
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        Matcher.lookup("msg", {"username": "******"}, {})
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        Matcher.lookup("data.username", {"username": "******"}, {})
예제 #10
def test_worker_and_matchers(monkeypatch):
    # Replace zmq.Context.instance()
    zmq_instance = mock.ZMQContextInstance()
    monkeypatch.setattr(zmq.Context, "instance", zmq_instance)

    m_args = []
    m_input = ""
    m_timeout = 0

    def mock_check_output(args, stderr, universal_newlines, input, timeout):
        nonlocal m_args
        nonlocal m_input
        nonlocal m_timeout
        m_args = args
        m_input = input
        m_timeout = timeout
        return ""

    monkeypatch.setattr(subprocess, "check_output", mock_check_output)

    rule_1 = {
        "name": "first test",
        "match": {
            "field": "topic",
            "pattern": "^org.reactobus.lava"
        "exec": {
            "path": "/bin/true",
            "args": ["topic", "$topic", "username", "$username"],
            "timeout": 1
    rule_2 = {
        "name": "second test",
        "match": {
            "field": "username",
            "pattern": ".*kernel.*"
        "exec": {
            "path": "/bin/true",
            "args": ["topic", "$topic", "username", "$username"],
            "timeout": 1
    rule_3 = {
        "name": "data matching",
        "match": {
            "field": "data.submitter",
            "pattern": "kernel-ci"
        "exec": {
            "path": "/bin/true",
            "args": ["topic", "$topic", "submitter", "$data.submitter"],
            "timeout": 1

    # Create the matchers
    matchers = [Matcher(rule_1), Matcher(rule_2), Matcher(rule_3)]
    w = Worker(matchers)

    # Run for nothing to create the sockets
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    dealer = zmq_instance.socks[zmq.DEALER]
    assert dealer.connected and not dealer.bound

    # Create some work for rule_1
    data = [[b"0", b"org.reactobus.lava", b"", b"", b"lavauser", b"{}"]]
    dealer.recv = data

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    assert m_args == [
        "/bin/true", "topic", "org.reactobus.lava", "username", "lavauser"

    # Create some work for rule_2
    data = [[b"1", b"org.kernel.git", b"", b"", b"kernelci", b"{}"]]
    dealer.recv = data

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    assert m_args == [
        "/bin/true", "topic", "org.kernel.git", "username", "kernelci"

    # Create some work for rule_3
    data = [[
        b"2", b"org.linaro.validation", b"", b"", b"lavauser",
        b"{\"submitter\": \"kernel-ci\"}"
    dealer.recv = data

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    assert m_args == [
        "/bin/true", "topic", "org.linaro.validation", "submitter", "kernel-ci"

    m_args = []
    # Create some invalid work for rule_3
    data = [[
        b"2", b"org.linaro.validation", b"", b"", b"lavauser",
        b"{\"submitter: \"kernel-ci\"}"
    dealer.recv = data

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):

    assert m_args == []