예제 #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.rec_m = RecManip()  # Records Manipulator
     self.projects = {}
     self.isSetup = False
예제 #2
class Expense(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.rec_m = RecManip()  # Records Manipulator
        self.projects = {}
        self.isSetup = False

    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        """If isSetup attribute was False, when get a attributes of
        Expense's instance will raise AttributeError except setUp,
        addRecord and isSetup three attributes.
        @Note: Should call setUp method to avoid AttributeError.
        if (
            not name.startswith("__")
            and not name.startswith("_")
            and name not in ("setUp", "addRecord", "isSetup", "rec_m", "projects")
            and not self.isSetup
            raise AttributeError

        return super(Expense, self).__getattribute__(name)

    def updatePassword(self, oldpwd, newpwd):
        """Update the password of pyExpenses
        self.rec_m.updatePassword(oldpwd, newpwd)

    def cancelPassword(self, oldpwd):
        """Do not use password authentication for pyExpenses

    def setUp(self, rmArgs={}):
        """It's the method setup the Expense's instance, this should be
        called after initialise finish. 

        self.isSetup = True

    def addRecord(self, rdate, baserec):
        if self.isSetup:
            self.rec_m.addItem(rdate, baserec)
            self._checkProjects(rdate, baserec, act="add")
            buf = record2buf(rdate, baserec)
            recbuf = Config.getRecordBuffer()

    def deleteRecord(self, rdate, baserec):
        self.rec_m.delItem(rdate, baserec)
        self._checkProjects(rdate, baserec, act="del")

    def updateRecord(self, rdate, baserec, updaterec):
        self.rec_m.updateItem(rdate, baserec, updaterec)
        self._checkProjects(rdate, baserec, updaterec, act="upd")

    def allRecords(self):
        """return a dataflow containing all records in storage.
        return self.rec_m.getAll()

    def getRecords(self, bdate, edate):
        """return a dataflow containing specific records that specified
        by date range in storage.
        return self.rec_m.date_range(bdate, edate)

    def listProject(self, ptype=None):
        """Return all the projects of the Expense instance. If ptype is
        provided, then return all the projects of specific type by ptype.
        if not ptype:
            return self.projects.iteritems()
            return ((name, proj) for name, proj in self.projects.iteritems() if proj.p_type == ptype)

    def addProject(self, name, project):
        """Add a specific project to Expense instance.
        if self.projects.has_key(name):
            return False
        self.projects[name] = project
        return True

    def deleteProject(self, name):
        """Delete a specific project from Expense instance.
        del self.projects[name]

    def parseByRecords(self, records, parsers=[]):
        """Use the group of parsers to parse the records, and return the
        parsing result.
        parser = RP.MainParser(records)
        return parser.parse()

    def parseByDateRange(self, bdate, edate, parsers=[]):
        """Use the group of parsers to parse the records specify by date
        range, and return the parsing result.
        data = self.rec_m.date_range(bdate, edate)
        return self.parseByRecords(data, parsers)

    def saveProjects(self):
        savebuf = {}
        for name, proj in self.projects.items():
            savebuf[name] = proj.export_to_dict()
            savebuf[name]["projtype"] = proj.__class__.__name__

    def saveRecords(self):

    def save(self):

    def importData(self, filename):
        """import a backup file that was implemented by CSV format from 
        specify file, note that it will override original data."""

    def exportData(self, filename):
        """Export textual data records that is implemented by CSV format
        into the specified file.

    def resetAll(self):
        """This method reset all the data of the Expense to default status.
        Be careful when call this method, it should be make a warning
        message to the user.
        for key in self.projects:
            del self.projects[key]

    def _setUpProjects(self):
        projbuf = Config.getProjectBuffer()
        if projbuf:
            # projbuf is not a empty dict
            for name, dictbuf in projbuf.items():
                projtype = dictbuf["projtype"]
                proj = Projects.__dict__[projtype]()
                self.projects[name] = proj

    def _setUpRecords(self):
        recbuf = Config.getRecordBuffer()
        if recbuf:
            # recbuf is not a empty list
            for buf in recbuf:
                rdate, rec = buf2record(buf)
                self.addRecord(rdate, rec)
        # set record buffer up to default value a empty list.

    def _checkProjects(self, rdate, baserec, newrec=None, act="add"):
        if not self.projects:
            # there is no project in self.projects

        for proj in self.projects.values():
            if proj.p_type == "statistic":
                proj.register(rdate, baserec, newrec, act)