def __init__(self, filterSettings=None): ''' I'm not passing any data in terms of nodes here, We'll deal with those in the PoseSave and PoseLoad calls. Leaves this open for expansion ''' self.poseDict={} self.infoDict={} self.skeletonDict={} self.posePointCloudNodes=[] self.filepath='' self.mayaUpAxis=r9Setup.mayaUpAxis() self.thumbnailRes=[128,128] self.__metaPose=False self.metaRig=None # filled by the code as we process self.matchMethod='base' #method used to match nodes internally in the poseDict self.relativePose=False self.relativeRots='projected' self.relativeTrans='projected' self.useFilter=True # make sure we have a settings object if filterSettings: if issubclass(type(filterSettings), r9Core.FilterNode_Settings): self.settings=filterSettings self.__metaPose=self.settings.metaRig else: raise StandardError('filterSettings param requires an r9Core.FilterNode_Settings object') else: self.settings=r9Core.FilterNode_Settings() self.__metaPose=self.settings.metaRig self.settings.printSettings()
def __init__(self, nodes, filterSettings=None, mesh=None): ''' :param rootReference: the object to be used as the PPT's pivot reference :param nodes: feed the nodes to process in as a list, if a filter is given then these are the rootNodes for it :param filterSettings: pass in a filterSettings object to filter the given hierarchy :param mesh: this is really for reference, rather than make a locator, pass in a reference geo which is then shapeSwapped for the PPC root node giving great reference! ''' self.mesh = mesh self.refMesh = 'posePointCloudGeoRef' self.refMeshShape = 'posePointCloudGeoRefShape' self.mayaUpAxis = r9Setup.mayaUpAxis() self.inputNodes = nodes # inputNodes for processing self.posePointCloudNodes = [] # generated ppt nodes self.posePointRoot = None self.settings = None self.prioritySnapOnly = False # ONLY make ppt points for the filterPriority nodes if filterSettings: if not issubclass(type(filterSettings), r9Core.FilterNode_Settings): raise StandardError( 'filterSettings param requires an r9Core.FilterNode_Settings object' ) elif filterSettings.filterIsActive(): self.settings = filterSettings
def test_poseLoad_relativeProjected_mirrorIndex(self): ''' load the pose with relative and check against the store 'projected' posefile ''' # mirrorIndex Match ------------------------------------------------- self.poseData.matchMethod = 'mirrorIndex' cmds.currentTime(0) requiredPose = os.path.join(self.poseFolder, 'jump_f218_projected.pose') filepath = os.path.join(self.poseFolder, 'jump_f218.pose')'L_Foot_Ctrl') self.poseData.poseLoad(self.rootNode, filepath=filepath, useFilter=True, relativePose=True, relativeRots='projected', relativeTrans='projected') print '\n\n\n########## MAYA UP AXIS : ###################', r9Setup.mayaUpAxis( ) #the pose is no longer in the same space due to the relative code, #we need up update the internal pose before comparing self.poseData.buildDataMap(self.rootNode) assert r9Pose.PoseCompare(self.poseData, requiredPose).compare()
def test_poseLoadMeta_relativeProjected(self): ''' load the pose with relative and check against the store 'projected' posefile ''' cmds.currentTime(0) requiredPose = os.path.join(self.poseFolder, 'jump_f218_projected.pose') filepath = os.path.join(self.poseFolder, 'jump_f218.pose')'L_Foot_Ctrl') self.poseData.poseLoad(self.mRig.mNode, filepath=filepath, useFilter=True, relativePose=True, relativeRots='projected', relativeTrans='projected') print '\n\n\n########## MAYA UP AXIS : ###################', r9Setup.mayaUpAxis( ) print 'status : ', self.mRig.poseCompare(requiredPose, compareDict='poseDict', supressWarning=False).status assert self.mRig.poseCompare( requiredPose, compareDict='poseDict', supressWarning=False).status # using the mRig internal wrap self.mRig.poseCacheStore( ) # build an internal poseObj on the mRig now that we've loaded in relative space assert not r9Pose.PoseCompare( self.mRig.poseCache, filepath, compareDict='poseDict').compare() assert r9Pose.PoseCompare(self.mRig.poseCache, requiredPose, compareDict='poseDict').compare()
def test_poseLoadMeta_relativeProjected(self): ''' load the pose with relative and check against the store 'projected' posefile ''' cmds.currentTime(0) requiredPose=os.path.join(self.poseFolder,'jump_f218_projected.pose') filepath=os.path.join(self.poseFolder,'jump_f218.pose')'L_Foot_Ctrl') self.poseData.poseLoad(self.mRig.mNode, filepath=filepath, useFilter=True, relativePose=True, relativeRots='projected', relativeTrans='projected') print '\n\n\n########## MAYA UP AXIS : ###################', r9Setup.mayaUpAxis() print 'status : ', self.mRig.poseCompare(requiredPose, compareDict='poseDict', supressWarning=False).status assert self.mRig.poseCompare(requiredPose, compareDict='poseDict', supressWarning=False).status # using the mRig internal wrap self.mRig.poseCacheStore() # build an internal poseObj on the mRig now that we've loaded in relative space assert not r9Pose.PoseCompare(self.mRig.poseCache, filepath, compareDict='poseDict').compare() assert r9Pose.PoseCompare(self.mRig.poseCache, requiredPose, compareDict='poseDict').compare()
def test_poseLoad_relativeProjected_mirrorIndex(self): ''' load the pose with relative and check against the store 'projected' posefile ''' # mirrorIndex Match ------------------------------------------------- self.poseData.matchMethod='mirrorIndex' cmds.currentTime(0) requiredPose=os.path.join(self.poseFolder,'jump_f218_projected.pose') filepath=os.path.join(self.poseFolder,'jump_f218.pose')'L_Foot_Ctrl') self.poseData.poseLoad(self.rootNode, filepath=filepath, useFilter=True, relativePose=True, relativeRots='projected', relativeTrans='projected') print '\n\n\n########## MAYA UP AXIS : ###################', r9Setup.mayaUpAxis() #the pose is no longer in the same space due to the relative code, #we need up update the internal pose before comparing self.poseData.buildDataMap(self.rootNode) assert r9Pose.PoseCompare(self.poseData, requiredPose).compare()
def __init__(self, filterSettings=None): ''' I'm not passing any data in terms of nodes here, We'll deal with those in the PoseSave and PoseLoad calls. Leaves this open for expansion ''' self.poseDict = {} self.infoDict = {} self.skeletonDict = {} self.posePointCloudNodes = [] self.filepath = '' self.mayaUpAxis = r9Setup.mayaUpAxis() self.thumbnailRes = [128, 128] self.poseCurrentCache = { } # cached dict storing the current state of the objects prior to applying the pose self.__metaPose = False self.metaRig = None # filled by the code as we process self.matchMethod = 'base' # method used to match nodes internally in the poseDict self.relativePose = False self.relativeRots = 'projected' self.relativeTrans = 'projected' self.useFilter = True self.prioritySnapOnly = False self.skipAttrs = [] # attrs to completely ignore in any pose handling # make sure we have a settings object if filterSettings: if issubclass(type(filterSettings), r9Core.FilterNode_Settings): self.settings = filterSettings self.__metaPose = self.settings.metaRig else: raise StandardError( 'filterSettings param requires an r9Core.FilterNode_Settings object' ) else: self.settings = r9Core.FilterNode_Settings() self.__metaPose = self.settings.metaRig self.settings.printSettings()
def __init__(self, filterSettings=None): """ I'm not passing any data in terms of nodes here, We'll deal with those in the PoseSave and PoseLoad calls. Leaves this open for expansion """ self.poseDict = {} self.infoDict = {} self.skeletonDict = {} self.posePointCloudNodes = [] self.filepath = "" self.mayaUpAxis = r9Setup.mayaUpAxis() self.thumbnailRes = [128, 128] self.poseCurrentCache = {} # cached dict storing the current state of the objects prior to applying the pose self.__metaPose = False self.metaRig = None # filled by the code as we process self.matchMethod = "base" # method used to match nodes internally in the poseDict self.relativePose = False self.relativeRots = "projected" self.relativeTrans = "projected" self.useFilter = True self.prioritySnapOnly = False self.skipAttrs = [] # attrs to completely ignore in any pose handling # make sure we have a settings object if filterSettings: if issubclass(type(filterSettings), r9Core.FilterNode_Settings): self.settings = filterSettings self.__metaPose = self.settings.metaRig else: raise StandardError("filterSettings param requires an r9Core.FilterNode_Settings object") else: self.settings = r9Core.FilterNode_Settings() self.__metaPose = self.settings.metaRig self.settings.printSettings()
def __init__(self, nodes, filterSettings=None, mesh=None): ''' :param rootReference: the object to be used as the PPT's pivot reference :param nodes: feed the nodes to process in as a list, if a filter is given then these are the rootNodes for it :param filterSettings: pass in a filterSettings object to filter the given hierarchy :param mesh: this is really for reference, rather than make a locator, pass in a reference geo which is then shapeSwapped for the PPC root node giving great reference! ''' self.mesh = mesh self.refMesh = 'posePointCloudGeoRef' self.refMeshShape = 'posePointCloudGeoRefShape' self.mayaUpAxis = r9Setup.mayaUpAxis() self.inputNodes = nodes # inputNodes for processing self.posePointCloudNodes = [] # generated ppt nodes self.posePointRoot = None self.settings = None self.prioritySnapOnly=False # ONLY make ppt points for the filterPriority nodes if filterSettings: if not issubclass(type(filterSettings), r9Core.FilterNode_Settings): raise StandardError('filterSettings param requires an r9Core.FilterNode_Settings object') elif filterSettings.filterIsActive(): self.settings=filterSettings
import maya.standalone maya.standalone.initialize(name='python') import maya.cmds as cmds import os # import Red9_Meta as r9Meta import Red9.core.Red9_Meta as r9Meta import Red9.core.Red9_CoreUtils as r9Core import Red9.core.Red9_PoseSaver as r9Pose import Red9.startup.setup as r9Setup r9Setup.start(Menu=False) # force the upAxis, just in case r9Setup.mayaUpAxis('y') red9MetaRigConfig = os.path.join(r9Setup.red9Presets(), 'Red9_MetaRig_unitTest.cfg') def getPoseFolder(): return os.path.join(r9Setup.red9ModulePath(), 'tests', 'testFiles', 'MetaRig_Poses') class Test_MetaRig(): ''' these are wrapped calls on MetaRig itself, note that compare goes via the skeletonDict in the internal metaRig compare calls ''' def setup(self): cmds.file(os.path.join(r9Setup.red9ModulePath(), 'tests', 'testFiles', 'MetaRig_anim_jump.mb'), open=True, f=True) self.mRig = r9Meta.getMetaNodes(mTypes=r9Meta.MetaRig)[0]
''' #import pymel.core as pm import maya.standalone maya.standalone.initialize(name='python') import Red9.core.Red9_AnimationUtils as r9Anim import Red9.startup.setup as r9Setup import maya.cmds as cmds import os r9Setup.start(Menu=False) #force the upAxis, just in case r9Setup.mayaUpAxis('y') class Test_MirrorSetups(object): def setup(self): self.leftWrist='leftWrist' self.leftFoot = 'leftFoot' self.rightWrist = 'rightWrist' self.rightFoot = 'rightFoot' self.root = 'root' cmds.polyCube(n=self.leftWrist)[0] cmds.polyCube(n=self.leftFoot)[0] cmds.polyCube(n=self.rightWrist)[0] cmds.polyCube(n=self.rightFoot)[0] cmds.polyCube(n=self.root)[0]