def get_blacklisted_users(): ''' Returns: List of blacklisted users from wiki Raises: Exception if anything goes wrong, page times out, etc ''' Reddit.wait() r = Reddit.httpy.get('') json = loads(r) wiki = json['data']['content_md'] lines = wiki.split('\r\n') blacklisted = [] for line in lines: if not '|' in line: continue fields = line.split('|') if len(fields) != 5: continue if fields[1] in ['username', ':--']: continue for user in fields[1].replace('/u/', '').split('/'): user = user.strip() if user == '': continue blacklisted.append(user) return blacklisted
def get_top_submissions(): titles = "<ul>" reddit = Reddit() reddit.open_reddit_read() submissions = reddit.top_submissions('u_hansknecht', 5) for entry in submissions: titles += "<li>{0}</li>".format(entry.title) titles += "</ul>" return titles
def is_valid_request(child, db, log): ''' Ensures request is from an account older than MINIMUM_REQUESTER_AGE days, and the accounts last request was over MINIMUM_REQUEST_DAYS days ago. If not, removes the request and comments with the reason for removal Returns: True if post is valid request, False if request is not valid and was removed. ''' if type(child) != Post: return True request_is_valid = False # Check if last request was < MINIMUM_REQUEST_DAYS days ago now = timegm(gmtime()) for (date, permalink) in'date, permalink', 'amarch_requests', 'username = ?', []): if date + (3600 * 24 * AmArch.MINIMUM_REQUEST_DAYS) > now: # Last request was < MINIMUM_REQUEST_DAYS days ago, check if the request was 'removed' post = Reddit.get(permalink) if post.banned_by == None: # Last request was < MINIMUM_REQUEST_DAYS days ago, wasn't removed child.remove(mark_as_spam=False) log('AmArch.is_valid_request: Request < %d days old: %s' % (AmArch.MINIMUM_REQUEST_DAYS, child.permalink())) body = '## Rule: [Requests must be at least %d days apart](/r/AmateurArchives/about/sidebar)\n\n' % AmArch.MINIMUM_REQUEST_DAYS body += 'The [**last request**](%s) from your account was submitted %s' % (permalink, Reddit.utc_timestamp_to_hr(post.created)) response = child.reply(body) response.distinguish() child.flair('last req < %dd' % AmArch.MINIMUM_REQUEST_DAYS) return False else: # XXX OPTIMIZATION # Last request was > MINIMUM_REQUEST_DAYS days ago but was removed # Therefore: User account must be > MINIMUM_REQUESTER_AGE days old request_is_valid = True if not request_is_valid: # Check if user is < MINIMUM_REQUESTER_AGE days old user = Reddit.get_user_info( if user.created > now - (3600 * 24 * AmArch.MINIMUM_REQUESTER_AGE): child.remove(mark_as_spam=False) log('AmArch.is_valid_request: Requester /u/%s < %d days old: %s' % (, AmArch.MINIMUM_REQUESTER_AGE, child.permalink())) body = '## Rule: [Requests must be from accounts more than %d days old](/r/AmateurArchives/about/sidebar)\n\n' % AmArch.MINIMUM_REQUESTER_AGE body += 'The account (/u/%s) was created %s.' % (, Reddit.utc_timestamp_to_hr(user.created)) response = child.reply(body) response.distinguish() child.flair('user < %dd' % AmArch.MINIMUM_REQUESTER_AGE) return False # Request is valid. Add it to the database for checking in the future log('AmArch.is_valid_request: Allowing request from /u/%s' % if db.count('amarch_requests', 'username = ?', []) == 0: db.insert('amarch_requests', (, child.created, child.permalink())) else: db.update('amarch_requests', 'date = ?, permalink = ?', 'username = ?', [child.created, child.permalink(),]) return True
def backfill_posts(legacy=True): (username, password) = db.get_credentials('reddit') reddit.login(username, password) where = '' if legacy: where = 'where legacy = 1' cur = db.conn.cursor() query = ''' select id, userid, title, selftext, url, subreddit, over_18, created, legacy, permalink, ups, downs from posts %s order by id ''' % where total = 0 ids_to_fetch = [] # Store existing values in dict for (postid, userid, title, selftext, url, subreddit, over_18, created, legacy, permalink, ups, downs) in cur.execute(query): ids_to_fetch.append(str(postid)) if len(ids_to_fetch) >= 99: total += len(ids_to_fetch) ids_to_fetch.append('1234') url = '' % ',t3_'.join( ids_to_fetch) try: posts = reddit.get(url) except HTTPError, e: print 'HTTPError: %s' % str(e) posts = [] for post in posts: oldpost = {} oldpost['title'] = post.title oldpost['url'] = post.url oldpost['selftext'] = post.selftext oldpost['subreddit'] = post.subreddit oldpost['created'] = int(post.created) oldpost['permalink'] = post.permalink() oldpost['over_18'] = int(post.over_18) oldpost['legacy'] = 0 oldpost['id'] =, '0') oldpost['ups'] = oldpost['downs'] = post.downs Reddit.debug('updating post %s by %s' % (, update_post(oldpost) db.conn.commit() ids_to_fetch = list() print 'running total: %d' % total
def __init__(self): # Single file that all output is written to, to track usage self.exit_if_already_started() self.db = DB() # Database instance log_level = self.db.get_config('log_level', default='user') if log_level == 'none': self.root_log = open(devnull, 'w') else: self.root_log = open( path.join(ImageUtils.get_root(), 'history.log'), 'a') self.logger = self.root_log # Logger used by helper classes self.reddit = Reddit() self.excluded_subs = self.db.get_excluded_subreddits()
def backfill_users(): q_users = ''' select id,username from users where deleted = 0 ''' cur = db.conn.cursor() execur = cur.execute(q_users) ids_and_users = execur.fetchall() # Get list of users + ids index = 0 for (userid, username) in ids_and_users: index += 1 print('(%d/%d) updating %s...' % (index, len(ids_and_users), username)), stdout.flush() try: ui = Reddit.get_user_info(username) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) continue q_user = ''' update users set created = %d, username = "******" where id = %d ''' % (ui.created,, userid) cur.execute(q_user) print('done') cur.close()
def backfill_users(): q_users = ''' select id,username from users where deleted = 0 ''' cur = db.conn.cursor() execur = cur.execute(q_users) ids_and_users = execur.fetchall() # Get list of users + ids index = 0 for (userid, username) in ids_and_users: index += 1 print '(%d/%d) updating %s...' % (index, len(ids_and_users), username), stdout.flush() try: ui = Reddit.get_user_info(username) except Exception, e: print str(e) continue q_user = ''' update users set created = %d, username = "******" where id = %d ''' % (ui.created,, userid) cur.execute(q_user) print 'done'
def backfill_posts(legacy=True): (username, password) = db.get_credentials('reddit') reddit.login(username, password) where = '' if legacy: where = 'where legacy = 1' cur = db.conn.cursor() query = ''' select id, userid, title, selftext, url, subreddit, over_18, created, legacy, permalink, ups, downs from posts %s order by id ''' % where total = 0 ids_to_fetch = [] # Store existing values in dict for (postid, userid, title, selftext, url, subreddit, over_18, created, legacy, permalink, ups, downs) in cur.execute(query): ids_to_fetch.append(str(postid)) if len(ids_to_fetch) >= 99: total += len(ids_to_fetch) ids_to_fetch.append('1234') url = '' % ',t3_'.join(ids_to_fetch) try: posts = reddit.get(url) except HTTPError, e: print 'HTTPError: %s' % str(e) posts = [] for post in posts: oldpost = {} oldpost['title'] = post.title oldpost['url'] = post.url oldpost['selftext'] = post.selftext oldpost['subreddit'] = post.subreddit oldpost['created'] = int(post.created) oldpost['permalink'] = post.permalink() oldpost['over_18'] = int(post.over_18) oldpost['legacy'] = 0 oldpost['id'] =, '0') oldpost['ups'] = oldpost['downs'] = post.downs Reddit.debug('updating post %s by %s' % (, update_post(oldpost) db.conn.commit() ids_to_fetch = list() print 'running total: %d' % total
def __init__(self): # Single file that all output is written to, to track usage self.exit_if_already_started() self.root_log = open(path.join(ImageUtils.get_root(), 'history.log'), 'a') self.logger = self.root_log # Logger used by helper classes self.db = DB() # Database instance self.reddit = Reddit() self.excluded_subs = self.db.get_excluded_subreddits()
def __init__(self): # Single file that all output is written to, to track usage self.exit_if_already_started() self.root_log = open(path.join(ImageUtils.get_root(), 'history.log'), 'a') self.logger = self.root_log # Logger used by helper classes self.db = DB() # Database instance self.reddit = Reddit() try: (username, password) = self.db.get_credentials('reddit') try: self.reddit.login(username, password) except Exception, e: self.debug('__init__: failed to login to reddit: %s' % str(e)) except Exception, e: self.debug('__init__: failed to get reddit credentials: %s' % str(e))
class Gonewild(object): def __init__(self): # Single file that all output is written to, to track usage self.exit_if_already_started() self.root_log = open(path.join(ImageUtils.get_root(), 'history.log'), 'a') self.logger = self.root_log # Logger used by helper classes self.db = DB() # Database instance self.reddit = Reddit() try: (username, password) = self.db.get_credentials('reddit') try: self.reddit.login(username, password) except Exception, e: self.debug('__init__: failed to login to reddit: %s' % str(e)) except Exception, e: self.debug('__init__: failed to get reddit credentials: %s' % str(e))
def get_blacklisted_urls(): ''' Returns: List of blacklisted urls from wiki Raises: Exception if anything goes wrong, page times out, etc ''' Reddit.wait() r = Reddit.httpy.get('') json = loads(r) wiki = json['data']['content_md'] illicit = [] for url in Reddit.httpy.between(r, '](http://', ')'): if not 'imgur' in url: continue url = 'http://%s' % url illicit.append(url) return illicit
def backfill_comments(): (username, password) = db.get_credentials('reddit') reddit.login(username, password) cur = db.conn.cursor() query = ''' select id, userid, postid, subreddit, text, created, legacy, permalink, ups, downs from comments where legacy = 1 order by id ''' execur = cur.execute(query) results = execur.fetchall() for (commentid, userid, postid, subreddit, text, created, legacy, permalink, ups, downs) in results: # Get comment from reddit post = Reddit.get('' % (postid, commentid)) if len(post.comments) > 0: comment = post.comments[0] # Update db query = ''' update comments set postid = ?, subreddit = ?, text = ?, created = ?, permalink = ?, legacy = 0, ups = ?, downs = ? where id = ? ''' cur.execute(query, (postid, subreddit, text, created, permalink, legacy, ups, downs, commentid) ) db.commit() cur.close()
def __init__(self): # Single file that all output is written to, to track usage self.exit_if_already_started() self.db = DB() # Database instance log_level = self.db.get_config('log_level', default='user') if log_level == 'none': self.root_log = open(devnull, 'w') else: self.root_log = open(path.join(ImageUtils.get_root(), 'history.log'), 'a') self.logger = self.root_log # Logger used by helper classes self.reddit = Reddit() self.excluded_subs = self.db.get_excluded_subreddits()
def backfill_comments(): (username, password) = db.get_credentials('reddit') reddit.login(username, password) cur = db.conn.cursor() query = ''' select id, userid, postid, subreddit, text, created, legacy, permalink, ups, downs from comments where legacy = 1 order by id ''' execur = cur.execute(query) results = execur.fetchall() for (commentid, userid, postid, subreddit, text, created, legacy, permalink, ups, downs) in results: # Get comment from reddit post = Reddit.get('' % (postid, commentid)) if len(post.comments) > 0: comment = post.comments[0] # Update db query = ''' update comments set postid = ?, subreddit = ?, text = ?, created = ?, permalink = ?, legacy = 0, ups = ?, downs = ? where id = ? ''' cur.execute(query, (postid, subreddit, text, created, permalink, legacy, ups, downs, commentid)) db.commit() cur.close()
class Expunger: deleteMsg = "Deleted" shouldDelete = False verboseMode = False def __init__(self, username, password, clientId, clientSecret): self.reddit = Reddit(username, password, clientId, clientSecret) def run(self): allComments = self.reddit.getComments() if self.reddit.login() is True: for commentId in allComments: deleteMsg = self.deleteMsg + " " + self.randomString(8) editSuccess = self.reddit.editComment(commentId, deleteMsg) print(commentId + " - Edit " + ("Successful" if editSuccess else "Failed")) if self.verboseMode: print("New comment body: \"" + deleteMsg + "\"") print("Operation completed") else: print("Login failed - check your details") def setDeleteMsg(self, msg): self.deleteMsg = msg def setVerboseMode(self, value): self.verboseMode = value def randomString(self, length): return "".join( random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(length))
class Test_Reddit_test(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.reddit = Reddit() return super().setUp() def test_connect_as_read(self): self.reddit.open_reddit_read() self.assertTrue(self.reddit.is_read_only()) def test_connect_as_write(self): self.reddit.open_reddit_write() self.assertFalse(self.reddit.is_read_only()) def test_returns_generator(self): self.reddit.open_reddit_read() top_submissions = 5 sut = self.reddit.top_submissions('u_hansknecht', top_submissions) count = 0 for submission in sut: count += 1 print(submission.title) self.assertEqual(count, top_submissions, "The top ten submissions were not collected")
def __init__(self): = Data() self.teams = Teams() self.scoreboard = Scoreboard() self.reddit = Reddit('nba')
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from HackerNews import HackerNews from Reddit import Reddit from RSS import RSS from Tweet import Tweet # CONSTANTS RETRIES = 10 # Number of retries on URL failure WAIT_TIME = 20 * 60 # Time to wait between posting (in seconds) tweet = Tweet() if (tweet.check_last_tweet()): news = HackerNews(WAIT_TIME) news.tweet_stories(5) reddit = Reddit(WAIT_TIME) reddit.tweet_stories(3) rss = RSS(WAIT_TIME) rss.tweet_stories(2)
class Gonewild(object): def __init__(self): # Single file that all output is written to, to track usage self.exit_if_already_started() self.db = DB() # Database instance log_level = self.db.get_config('log_level', default='user') if log_level == 'none': self.root_log = open(devnull, 'w') else: self.root_log = open( path.join(ImageUtils.get_root(), 'history.log'), 'a') self.logger = self.root_log # Logger used by helper classes self.reddit = Reddit() self.excluded_subs = self.db.get_excluded_subreddits() def debug(self, text): tstamp = strftime('[%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ]', gmtime()) text = '%s Gonewild: %s' % (tstamp, text) self.root_log.write('%s\n' % text) if self.logger != self.root_log: self.logger.write('%s\n' % text) stderr.write('%s\n' % text) def user_already_added(self, user): return self.db.user_already_added(user) def user_has_gone_wild(self, user): # Look at last 100 submissions try: children = self.reddit.get_user('%s/submitted' % user, max_pages=1) except Exception: # User is 404 return False for child in children: if type(child) == Post: if 'gonewild' in child.subreddit.lower() or \ 'gw' in child.subreddit.lower() or \ 'asstastic' in child.subreddit.lower() or \ 'girlsgone' in child.subreddit.lower() or \ 'gone' in child.subreddit.lower(): return True return False def add_excluded_subreddit(self, subreddit): return self.db.add_excluded_subreddit(subreddit) def setup_loggers_for_user(self, user): # Create directories if needed user_dir = path.join(ImageUtils.get_root(), 'content', user) ImageUtils.create_subdirectories(user_dir) # Setup logger log_level = self.db.get_config('log_level', default='user') if log_level == 'none': self.logger = open(devnull, 'w') elif log_level == 'user': self.logger = open(path.join(user_dir, 'history.log'), 'a') elif log_level == 'global': self.logger = self.root_log self.db.logger = self.logger ImageUtils.logger = self.logger self.reddit.logger = self.logger def restore_loggers(self): log_level = self.db.get_config('log_level', default='user') if log_level == 'user': self.logger.close() self.logger = self.root_log self.db.logger = self.logger ImageUtils.logger = self.logger self.reddit.logger = self.logger def is_excluded_child(self, child): if child.subreddit.lower() in [x.lower() for x in self.excluded_subs]: self.debug( '''%s: poll_user: Ignoring post/comment in excluded subreddit ("%s") Permalink: %s Ignored: %s''' % (, child.subreddit, child.permalink(), str(child))) return True return False def get_and_process_urls_from_child(self, child): urls = self.get_urls(child) try: if type(child) == Post: self.db.add_post(child) elif type(child) == Comment: self.db.add_comment(child) except Exception, e: if 'already exists' not in str(e): self.debug('%s: poll_user: %s' % (, str(e))) return # If we can't add the post/comment to DB, skip it if len(urls) > 0: self.debug('%s: poll_user: found %d url(s) in child %s' % (, len(urls), child.permalink())) for url_index, url in enumerate(urls): self.process_url(url, url_index, child)
def gonewild_check(child, json, db, log): ''' Check if image(s) in child were posted to gonewild and the child author is not the original gonewild author. Remove child and explain in comment. Args: child: reddit child (post) json: results from rarchives Returns: True if post originated on gonewild, False otherwise. ''' # Disable this on /r/AmateurArchives if child.subreddit.lower() == 'amateurarchives': return False # XXX Only enforce posts by gonewild users (not comments) for post in json['posts']: if post['subreddit'].lower() == 'gonewild' and \ post['author'].lower() != and \ post['author'] != '[deleted]': # Child author is not the gonewild user, image *is* though # Remove and comment the source child.remove(mark_as_spam=False) log('Rarchives.gonewild_check: Removed %s - matches /u/%s @' % (child.permalink(), post['author'], post['permalink'])) title = post['title'].replace('[', '\\[').replace('(', '\\(').replace(']', '\\]').replace(')', '\\)').replace('*', '') body = '## This post was removed because it is a repost of a /r/gonewild submission:\n\n' body += '* **/u/%s** submitted [*%s*](%s) %s' % (post['author'], title, post['permalink'], Reddit.utc_timestamp_to_hr(post['created'])) try: response = child.reply(body) response.distinguish() child.flair('Gonewild repost: /u/%s' % post['author']) except Exception, e: log('Rarchives.gonewild_check: Error while replying to %s : %s' % (child.permalink(), str(e))) # Update 'log_amarch' db table db.insert('log_amarch', ('removed', child.permalink(), timegm(gmtime()), 'gonewild repost of /u/%s: %s' % (post['author'], post['permalink']))) return True
SK = Skyrock(json['login'], json['pass'], json['text'], json['link'], json['datetime'], json['page_post'], json['groupe_post'], json['title'], json['image_link'], json['hashtags'], json['gropes_links'], json['priority']) print(SK.get_bugrep()) if json['id'] == 'wh': WH = WeHear(json['login'], json['pass'], json['text'], json['link'], json['datetime'], json['page_post'], json['groupe_post'], json['title'], json['image_link'], json['hashtags'], json['gropes_links'], json['priority']) print(WH.get_bugrep()) if json['id'] == 'rd': RD = Reddit(json['login'], json['pass'], json['text'], json['link'], json['datetime'], json['page_post'], json['groupe_post'], json['title'], json['image_link'], json['hashtags'], json['gropes_links'], json['priority']) print(RD.get_bugrep()) if json['id'] == 'li': LI = LinkedIn(json['login'], json['pass'], json['text'], json['link'], json['datetime'], json['page_post'], json['groupe_post'], json['title'], json['image_link'], json['hashtags'], json['gropes_links'], json["priority"]) print(LI.get_bugrep()) if json['id'] == 'tr': TR = Tumblr(json['login'], json['pass'], json['text'], json['link'], json['datetime'], json['page_post'], json['groupe_post'], json['title'], json['image_link'], json['hashtags'], json['gropes_links'])
<meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <div class="container mb-5"> <h1>Your feed for {today.strftime('%d %b %Y')}</h1> """) w = Weather() w.write_weather() e = Events() e.write_events() r = Reddit() with open(feed_path, "a") as file: file.write("<h2>Reddit</h2>") r.fetch_subs_and_write("reactjs") r.fetch_subs_and_write("webdev") r.fetch_subs_and_write("frontend") r.fetch_subs_and_write("python") r.fetch_subs_and_write("rollerblading") with open(feed_path, "a") as file: file.write("<h2>CNA</h2>") cna = CNA()
def lambda_handler(event, context): red = Reddit() return red.scan()
asstastic ''' SUBS = [x.strip() for x in SUBS_TEXT.strip().split('\n')] while '' in SUBS: SUBS.remove('') db = DB() last_post = db.get_config('last_post') reddit_url = '' % '+'.join(SUBS) print 'firehose from %s' % reddit_url while True: sleep(2) try: posts = Reddit.get(reddit_url) except Exception, e: #print 'error when querying %s: %s' % (reddit_url, str(e)) continue for post in posts: if last_post != None and == last_post: break if post.selftext != None: # TODO self-text, skip it continue url = post.url shorturl = '' % subreddit = post.subreddit author = title = post.title print ','.join( [shorturl, url, subreddit, author, title] )
from Reddit import Reddit if __name__ == '__main__': f = open("dictionaries/insultos.txt", "r") paraulesclau = f.readlines() f.close() f = open("dictionaries/topics.txt", "r") paraulesclau += f.readlines() f.close() index = 0 for p in paraulesclau: paraulesclau[index] = p[:-1].lower() index += 1 # print(paraulesclau) #inicialitzem reddit Reddit('comments', paraulesclau)
class Gonewild(object): def __init__(self): # Single file that all output is written to, to track usage self.exit_if_already_started() self.db = DB() # Database instance log_level = self.db.get_config('log_level', default='user') if log_level == 'none': self.root_log = open(devnull, 'w') else: self.root_log = open(path.join(ImageUtils.get_root(), 'history.log'), 'a') self.logger = self.root_log # Logger used by helper classes self.reddit = Reddit() self.excluded_subs = self.db.get_excluded_subreddits() def debug(self, text): tstamp = strftime('[%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ]', gmtime()) text = '%s Gonewild: %s' % (tstamp, text) self.root_log.write('%s\n' % text) if self.logger != self.root_log: self.logger.write('%s\n' % text) stderr.write('%s\n' % text) def user_already_added(self, user): return self.db.user_already_added(user) def user_has_gone_wild(self, user): # Look at last 100 submissions try: children = self.reddit.get_user('%s/submitted' % user, max_pages=1) except Exception: # User is 404 return False for child in children: if type(child) == Post: if 'gonewild' in child.subreddit.lower() or \ 'gw' in child.subreddit.lower() or \ 'asstastic' in child.subreddit.lower() or \ 'girlsgone' in child.subreddit.lower() or \ 'gone' in child.subreddit.lower(): return True return False def add_excluded_subreddit(self, subreddit): return self.db.add_excluded_subreddit(subreddit) def setup_loggers_for_user(self, user): # Create directories if needed user_dir = path.join(ImageUtils.get_root(), 'content', user) ImageUtils.create_subdirectories(user_dir) # Setup logger log_level = self.db.get_config('log_level', default='user') if log_level == 'none': self.logger = open(devnull, 'w') elif log_level == 'user': self.logger = open(path.join(user_dir, 'history.log'), 'a') elif log_level == 'global': self.logger = self.root_log self.db.logger = self.logger ImageUtils.logger = self.logger self.reddit.logger = self.logger def restore_loggers(self): log_level = self.db.get_config('log_level', default='user') if log_level == 'user': self.logger.close() self.logger = self.root_log self.db.logger = self.logger ImageUtils.logger = self.logger self.reddit.logger = self.logger def is_excluded_child(self, child): if child.subreddit.lower() in [x.lower() for x in self.excluded_subs]: self.debug('''%s: poll_user: Ignoring post/comment in excluded subreddit ("%s") Permalink: %s Ignored: %s''' % (, child.subreddit, child.permalink(), str(child))) return True return False def get_and_process_urls_from_child(self, child): urls = self.get_urls(child) try: if type(child) == Post: self.db.add_post(child) elif type(child) == Comment: self.db.add_comment(child) except Exception, e: if 'already exists' not in str(e): self.debug('%s: poll_user: %s' % (, str(e))) return # If we can't add the post/comment to DB, skip it if len(urls) > 0: self.debug('%s: poll_user: found %d url(s) in child %s' % (, len(urls), child.permalink())) for url_index, url in enumerate(urls): self.process_url(url, url_index, child)
def __init__(self, username, password, clientId, clientSecret): self.reddit = Reddit(username, password, clientId, clientSecret)
''' Created on Oct 14, 2017 @author: Tyler-OC ''' from Discord_API import Discord from Database import Database from Reddit import Reddit import time discord = Discord() Data = Database() Red = Reddit() count = 0 while True: Page = Red.getPage("") Products = Red.getProducts(Page) for product in Products: if "[monitor]" in product.lower(): if Data.CheckProduct(product): print("Product in database!") else: Data.newProduct(product, Products[product]) Message = "There is a new Product to Check out! \n" + product + "\n" + Products[product] discord.sendMessage(Message)
from SQLHandler import SQLHandler from Reddit import Reddit from Analyzer import Analyzer import time def thenOrThan(words): return "then" if "then" in words else "than" count = 0 while True: sql = SQLHandler() reddit = Reddit() analyzer = Analyzer() count += 1 print "Beginning Iteration " + str(count) print "Gathering Comments" comments = reddit.getNewComments() views = sql.getViews() print "Processing Data" for comment in comments: flag = True words = [x.lower().strip() for x in comment[0].split()] thenorthan = thenOrThan(words) for i in views: if comment[1] == i[0]:
print '[!] inserting "blank" admin' total_scores = db.select_one('sum(score)', 'admins', 'username != ""') db.update('admins', 'score = ?', 'username = ""', [total_removed - total_scores]) print '[!] updated "blank" admin with score: %d' % total_scores db.commit() ####################### # Login to reddit print '[ ] logging in to reddit' username = db.get_config('reddit_user') password = db.get_config('reddit_pw') if username == None or password == None: print '[!] "reddit_user" or "reddit_pw" were not found in "config" table in database' Reddit.login(username, password) print '[ ] executing functionality...' def log(txt): print txt AmArch.execute(db, log) # MODERATED SUBS (real-time) print '[ ] finding modded subs...' current = Reddit.get_modded_subreddits() print '[ ] found %d subs modded by /u/%s' % (len(current), username) # remove subs that should be ignored to_ignore = db.get_config('ignore_subreddits') if to_ignore != None: for ignore in to_ignore.split(','):
#!/usr/bin/python """ "Backfill" existing database data. Gets titles, permalinks, dates, etc from reddit. Overwrites existing 'bad' data with accurate data. """ from DB import DB from Reddit import Reddit from sys import exit, stdout from urllib2 import HTTPError from os import remove as osremove from ImageUtils import ImageUtils db = DB() reddit = Reddit() def backfill_users(): q_users = ''' select id,username from users where deleted = 0 ''' cur = db.conn.cursor() execur = cur.execute(q_users) ids_and_users = execur.fetchall() # Get list of users + ids index = 0 for (userid, username) in ids_and_users: index += 1 print '(%d/%d) updating %s...' % (index, len(ids_and_users), username),
pass elif (sys.argv[flag] == "--image" or sys.argv[flag] == "-i"): pass elif (sys.argv[flag] == "--nsfw" or sys.argv[flag] == "-NSFW"): pass elif (sys.argv[flag] == "--" or sys.argv[flag][0] != "-"): break else: print("invalid flag", sys.argv[flag]) usage() r = Reddit(User) bot = 'bot1' d = Display(praw.Reddit(bot, user_agent=bot)) if (argc > shift + 1 and (sys.argv[shift + 1] == "list" or sys.argv[shift + 1] == "l")): pass elif (argc > shift + 1 and (sys.argv[shift + 1] == "print" or sys.argv[shift + 1] == "p")): pass elif (argc > shift + 1 and (sys.argv[shift + 1] == "collect" or sys.argv[shift + 1] == "c")): payload = r.updown(Sub)
def main(): # Just a quick note. I prefer camelCase over underscores so that is what I used for the variable names I changed. authFile = "auth.txt" creds = import_credentials(authFile) if creds is False or len(creds) < 3: print("The OAuth file is not valid, or it does not exist.") print("Please provide valid OAuth credentials in ", authFile, ".", sep="") sys.exit( ) # sys.exit() is I believe the more pythonic way of doing this. # sys.exit() is meant more for programs where as exit(0) is meant for the interactive console. I think. else: reddit = Reddit(*creds) # By creating a Reddit object we don't need to worry about passing credentials when we want to use the, inital_user = input("Enter username (enter 'q' to quit): ") if inital_user == "q": # Why don't you just do this? sys.exit() print("Getting original user's top 5 subreddits...") # Original user's top 5 subreddits top_subreddits = reddit.ranked_subreddits( reddit.full_comment_and_submission_history(inital_user), max_count=10) user_scores = {} # Set this to the maximum number of latest users you want from each subreddit MAX_USERS_PER_SUBREDDIT = 100 # Last 100 users in each of the top 5 subreddits for sub_count, sub_reddit in enumerate( top_subreddits ): # enumerate gets you a iterable and an index variable # In this case sub_count was just the index+1 print("Getting last 100 users in " + sub_reddit[0] + " (" + str(sub_count + 1) + " of " + str(len(top_subreddits)) + ")...") users_list = reddit.last_subreddit_users( sub_reddit[0], max_count=MAX_USERS_PER_SUBREDDIT) # Top 5 subreddits for each of the users in the current subreddit user_count = 1 for user in users_list: print("Getting top subreddits for user " + str(user_count) + " of " + str(len(users_list)) + "...", end="\r", flush=True) user_top_subreddits = reddit.ranked_subreddits( reddit.full_comment_and_submission_history(user), max_count=5) score = 1 user_count += 1 for comp_sub in user_top_subreddits: if comp_sub in top_subreddits: score += 1 if score > 1: user_scores.update({user: score}) print("\nMatched users so far: " + str(user_scores)) matched_users = sorted(user_scores.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) print("\nUsers most like " + inital_user + ":") for match in matched_users: print("User: "******" | Score: " + str(match[1]))
""" "Backfill" existing database data. Gets titles, permalinks, dates, etc from reddit. Overwrites existing 'bad' data with accurate data. """ from DB import DB from Reddit import Reddit from sys import exit, stdout from urllib2 import HTTPError from os import remove as osremove from ImageUtils import ImageUtils db = DB() reddit = Reddit() def backfill_users(): q_users = ''' select id,username from users where deleted = 0 ''' cur = db.conn.cursor() execur = cur.execute(q_users) ids_and_users = execur.fetchall() # Get list of users + ids index = 0 for (userid, username) in ids_and_users: index += 1 print '(%d/%d) updating %s...' % (index, len(ids_and_users), username), stdout.flush()
from SQLHandler import SQLHandler from Reddit import Reddit from Analyzer import Analyzer import time def thenOrThan(words): return "then" if "then" in words else "than" count = 0 while True: sql = SQLHandler() reddit = Reddit() analyzer = Analyzer() count += 1 print "Beginning Iteration " + str(count) print "Gathering Comments" comments = reddit.getNewComments() views = sql.getViews() print "Processing Data" for comment in comments: flag = True words = [x.lower().strip() for x in comment[0].split()] thenorthan = thenOrThan(words)
def setUp(self): self.reddit = Reddit() return super().setUp()