예제 #1
def import_proc():
    """Import a three-column ASCII file (TODO: CIF). Any line whose first non-whitespace character
    is not [0-9.+-] is considered to be a comment and ignored. Columns are assumed to be in
    order of angle,intensity,error."""
    from Reduction import AddCifMetadata

    import_file = str(external_filename.value)
    import_wl = float(external_wavelength.value)
    lines = open(import_file).readlines()
    print "File %s: %d lines read in" % (import_file, len(lines))
    # Remove empty lines
    lines = map(lambda a: a.strip(), lines)
    lines = filter(lambda a: len(a) > 0, lines)
    # Choose only numeric-valued lines
    lines = filter(lambda a: a.strip()[0] in "0123456789.+-", lines)
    print "File %s: %d lines accepted" % (import_file, len(lines))
    split_lines = map(lambda a: a.split(), lines)
    float_lines = map(lambda b: map(lambda a: float(a), b), split_lines)
    columns = zip(*float_lines)
    # Now create the dataset
    ds = Dataset(columns[1])
    # Auto-detect GSAS centidegrees
    axis = Array(columns[0])
    if axis.max() > 361:
        # Assume centidegrees
        axis = axis / 100.0
    ds.set_axes([axis], anames=["Two theta"], aunits=["Degrees"])
    if len(columns) >= 3:
        ds.var = Array(columns[2]) ** 2
    ds.add_metadata("_diffrn_radiation_wavelength", import_wl, "CIF")
    ds.title = os.path.basename(import_file)
    Plot2.title = ds.title
예제 #2
 def setUp(self):
     import copy
     self.core_array1 = [[1.0,2.0,4.0],[16.0,9.0,1.0]]
     self.core_array2 = [[25,25,25],[25.0,25.0,25.0]]
     # norm vals represents counts in a monitor detector, so we
     # should multiply by the values below to get the actual detected
     # counts
     norm_vals = [10.0,20.0,5.0,15.0]
     # repeat this core array 4 times
     test_array = []
     for i in range(4):
         test_array = test_array + [copy.deepcopy(self.core_array2)]
     self.test_array = Dataset(test_array)
     # now unnormalise
     for i in range(4):
         self.test_array[i] *= norm_vals[i]/20.0
     self.test_array.bm1_counts = Array(norm_vals)
     self.test_array.var = Array(self.test_array)
예제 #3
 def setUp(self):
     """Note that normalisation changes the values in place"""
     import copy
     self.core_array2 = [[25,25,25],[25.0,25.0,25.0]]
     self.back_vals = [[10.0,10.0,10.0],[15.0,15.0,15.0]]
     # repeat this core array 4 times
     test_array = []
     back_array = []
     for i in range(4):
         test_array = test_array + [copy.deepcopy(self.core_array2)]
         back_array = back_array + [copy.deepcopy(self.back_vals)]
     self.test_array = Dataset(test_array)
     self.back_array = Dataset(back_array)
     # now add variances
     self.test_array.var = Array(self.test_array)
     self.test_array.bm1_counts = Array([5.0,5.0,5.0,5.0])
     self.back_array.var = Array(self.back_array)
     self.back_array.bm1_counts = Array([10.0,4.0,10.0,10.0])
예제 #4
def __run_script__(fns):
    from Reduction import reduction,AddCifMetadata
    from os.path import basename
    from os.path import join
    import os,re
    import time           #how fast are we going?
    from Formats import output
    num_step = 9
    prog_bar.max = len(fns) * num_step
    prog_bar.selection = 1

    elapsed = time.clock()
    print 'Started working at %f' % (time.clock()-elapsed)
    # save user preferences
    prof_names,prof_values = save_user_prefs()

    # store current Git versions for data output
    code_versions = {"GUI":__UI_gitversion[4:-1],
                     "Reduction library":reduction.gitversion[4:-1]}
    # check input
    if (fns is None or len(fns) == 0) :
        print 'no input datasets'

    # pre-check that we can write the result
    output_destination = out_folder.value
    if output_xyd.value or output_fxye.value:
        if not os.access(output_destination,os.W_OK):
            open_error("Unable to write to folder %s" % output_destination)
    # check if input needs to be normalized
    if norm_apply.value:
        # norm_ref is the source of information for normalisation
        # norm_tar is the value norm_ref should become,
        # by multiplication.  If 'auto', the maximum value of norm_ref
        # for the first dataset is used, otherwise any number may be entered.
        norm_ref = str(norm_reference.value)
        if norm_ref.strip() == '':
            open_error("You have asked to apply normalisation but not specified any normalisation reference")
        norm_tar = str(norm_target).lower()

        # check if normalization target needs to be determined
        if len(norm_tar) == 0:
            norm_ref = None
            norm_tar = None
            print 'WARNING: no reference for normalization was specified'
        elif norm_tar == 'auto':
            # set flag
            norm_tar = -1
            # iterate through input datasets
            location = norm_table[norm_ref]     
            print 'utilized reference value for "' + norm_ref + '" is:', norm_tar
        # use provided reference value
            norm_tar = float(norm_tar)
        norm_ref = None
        norm_tar = None
    # check if bkg-map needs to be loaded
    if bkg_apply.value:
        if not bkg_map.value:
            bkg = None
            print 'WARNING: no bkg-map was specified'
            bkg = Dataset(str(bkg_map.value)).get_reduced()
        bkg = None
    # check if eff-map needs to be loaded
    if eff_apply.value:
        if not eff_map.value:
            eff = None
            print 'WARNING: no eff-map was specified'
            eff_map_canonical = str(eff_map.value)
            if eff_map_canonical[0:5] != 'file:':
                eff_map_canonical = 'file:' + eff_map_canonical
            if not eff_map_canonical in eff_map_cache:
                    eff_map_cache[eff_map_canonical] = reduction.read_efficiency_cif(eff_map_canonical)
                    open_error("Failed to read efficiency file %s" % eff_map_canonical)
                print 'Found in cache ' + `eff_map_canonical`
        eff = eff_map_cache[eff_map_canonical]
        eff = None
    # check if vertical tube correction needs to be loaded
    if vtc_apply.value:
        if not vtc_file.value:
            vtc = None
            print 'WARNING: no vtc-file was specified'
            vtc = str(vtc_file.value)
        vtc = None
    # check if horizontal tube correction needs to be loaded
    if htc_apply.value:
        if not htc_file.value:
            htc = None
            print 'WARNING: no htc-file was specified'
            htc = str(htc_file.value)
        htc = None

    # check if gain correction needs to be loaded
    regain_data = []
    if regain_load.value:
        if not regain_load_filename.value:
            open_error("You have requested loading of gain correction from a file but no file has been specified")
        rlf = str(regain_load_filename.value)
        regain_data = reduction.load_regain_values(rlf)
    # iterate through input datasets
    # note that the normalisation target (an arbitrary number) is set by
    # the first dataset unless it has already been specified.
    prog_bar.selection = 2
    fn_idx = 0
    for fn in fns:
        # load dataset
        ds = df[fn]
        if not norm_uniform.value:
            norm_tar = -1   #reinitialise
            prog_bar.selection = fn_idx * num_step
            # extract basic metadata
            print 'Code versions:' + `code_versions`
            ds = AddCifMetadata.extract_metadata(ds,codeversions=code_versions)
            # remove redundant dimensions and convert to floating point
            rs = ds.get_reduced()*1.0
            # check if normalized is required 
            if norm_ref:
                ds,norm_tar = reduction.applyNormalization(rs, reference=norm_table[norm_ref], target=norm_tar)
                ds = rs
            if bkg:
                ds = reduction.getBackgroundCorrected(ds, bkg, norm_table[norm_ref], norm_tar)
            print 'Finished normalisation, background subtraction at %f' % (time.clock()-elapsed)
            prog_bar.selection = fn_idx * num_step + 1
            # check that we have the necessary dimensions
            dims = ds.shape
            if dims[1] != 128:
                rebin_factor = int(dims[1]/128)
                print 'Need to rebin from %d to 128, factor of %d; stand by...' % (dims[1],rebin_factor)
                ds = reduction.rebin(ds,axis=1,factor=rebin_factor)
                print 'No need to rebin, dataset shape is ' + repr(dims)
            # check if vertical tube correction is required
            if vtc:
                ds = reduction.getVerticallyCorrected(ds, vtc)
            print 'Finished vertical offset correction at %f' % (time.clock()-elapsed)
            prog_bar.selection = fn_idx * num_step + 2
            # check if efficiency correction is required
            if eff:
                ds = reduction.getEfficiencyCorrected(ds, eff)
            print 'Finished efficiency correction at %f' % (time.clock()-elapsed)
            prog_bar.selection = fn_idx * num_step + 3
            # Before fiddling with axes, get the ideal stepsize
            stepsize = reduction.get_stepsize(ds)
            print 'Ideal stepsize determined to be %f' % stepsize
            prog_bar.selection = fn_idx * num_step + 4
            # check if horizontal tube correction is required
            if htc:
                ds = reduction.getHorizontallyCorrected(ds, htc)
            print 'Finished horizontal correction at %f' % (time.clock()-elapsed)
            prog_bar.selection = fn_idx * num_step + 5
            # Stitching. If we are recalculating gain, this is purely for
            # informational purposes. We don't want to take the 100x time penalty of
            # multiplying a 2D array by the gain factor for each tube, so we
            # stitch using a 1D array after doing the gain re-refinement.
            drop_tubes = str(asm_drop_tubes.value)
            if ds.ndim > 2:
                # See if we are ignoring any tubes
                stitched = reduction.getStitched(ds,ignore=str(asm_drop_frames.value),drop_tubes=drop_tubes)
            # Display dataset
            print 'Finished stitching at %f' % (time.clock()-elapsed)
            prog_bar.selection = fn_idx * num_step + 6
            Plot1.title = stitched.title
            n_logger.log_plot(Plot1, footer = Plot1.title)
            # check if we are recalculating gain 
            if regain_apply.value:
               bottom = int(vig_lower_boundary.value)
               top = int(vig_upper_boundary.value)
               dumpfile = None
#               if regain_dump_tubes.value:
#                   dumpfile = filename_base+".tubes"
               cs,gain,esds,chisquared,no_overlaps = reduction.do_overlap(ds,regain_iterno.value,bottom=bottom,top=top,
               if cs is not None:
                   print 'Have new gains at %f' % (time.clock() - elapsed)
                   fg = Dataset(gain)
                   fg.var = esds**2
                   # set horizontal axis (ideal values)
                   Plot4.set_dataset(Dataset(chisquared))   #chisquared history
                   Plot5.set_dataset(fg)   #final gain plot
                   # now save the file if requested
                   if regain_store.value and not regain_load.value:
                       gain_comment = "Gains refined from file %s" % fn
                   open_error("Cannot do gain recalculation as the scan ranges do not overlap.")
            if not vig_apply_rescale.value:
                norm_const = -1.0
                norm_const = float(vig_rescale_target.value)
            # set the cluster value
            if str(vig_cluster.value) in ['Merge','Sum']:
                cluster = (stepsize * 0.6,str(vig_cluster.value))  #60 percent of ideal
                cluster = (0.0,'None')
            if not regain_apply.value:  #already done
                final_result = reduction.getVerticalIntegrated(stitched, axis=0, normalization=norm_const,
                                                     cluster=cluster,bottom = int(vig_lower_boundary.value),
                print 'Finished vertical integration at %f' % (time.clock()-elapsed)
                if str(vig_cluster.value) == 'Sum':  #simulate a sum for the gain recalculated value
                    cs *= no_overlaps
                    info_string = "\nFinal values were multiplied by %d to simulate summation of individual points." % no_overlaps
                if norm_const > 0:  #rescale requested but not performed
                final_result = cs
            prog_bar.selection = fn_idx * num_step + 7
            # Display reduced dataset
            n_logger.log_plot(Plot2, footer = Plot2.title)
            if copy_acc.value:   #user wants us to accumulate it
            # Output datasets
            # Calculate inserted string: %s for sample name, %t for temperature
            stem = str(output_stem.value)
            stem = re.sub(r'[^\w+=()*^@~:{}\[\].%-]','_',stem)
            if '%s' in stem:
                 samplename = final_result.harvest_metadata("CIF")['_pd_spec_special_details']
                 name_front = samplename.split()[0]
                 stem = stem.replace('%s',name_front)
            if '%t' in stem:
                 temperature = 'Unknown_temperature'
                 stem = stem.replace('%t',temperature)
            print 'Filename stem is now ' + stem
            filename_base = join(str(out_folder.value),basename(str(fn))[:-7] + '_' + stem)
            if output_xyd.value or output_fxye.value or output_topas.value:  #write CIF if other files written
            if output_xyd.value:
                add_header = output_naked.value
            if output_fxye.value:
            if output_topas.value:
            # ds.save_copy(join(str(out_folder.value), 'reduced_' + basename(str(fn))))
            print 'Finished writing data at %f' % (time.clock()-elapsed)
            prog_bar.selection = fn_idx * num_step + 8
            fn_idx += 1
            prog_bar.selection = 0