topSequence += AthPoolEx__WriteData("WriteData")

from AthenaPoolExampleAlgorithms.AthenaPoolExampleAlgorithmsConf import AthPoolEx__WriteTag
WriteTag = AthPoolEx__WriteTag( "WriteTag" )
WriteTag.Magic = 1
topSequence += WriteTag

from AthenaPoolCnvSvc.WriteAthenaPool import AthenaPoolOutputStream
Stream2 = AthenaPoolOutputStream ( "Stream2" , "SimplePoolFileB.root" , True )
Stream2.WritingTool.AttributeListKey = "RunEventTag"

# Event Collection Registration
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStreamTagTool
TagTool = RegistrationStreamTagTool("TagTool")

from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStream
RegStream2 = RegistrationStream( "RegStream2" , CollectionType="ExplicitROOT" , Tool=TagTool )
RegStream2.WriteInputDataHeader = False
RegStream2.OutputCollection = "SimplePoolCollection2.root"
RegStream2.CollectionOpenMode = "UPDATE"
RegStream2.ItemList += [ "DataHeader#Stream2" ]
RegStream2.ItemList += [ "TagAthenaAttributeList#RunEventTag" ]
topSequence += RegStream2

# Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL)
svcMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = 3
svcMgr.PoolSvc.OutputLevel = 2
# prov stage included
if addProv:
        RegStream2.IncludeProvStages = ProvIncludes
        print "Prov in attributelist will be set based on first data header"

# List of data object references to be added to collection:
RegStream2.ItemList += ["DataHeader#*"]

# List of attribute list objects to be added to collection:
RegStream2.ItemList += ["AthenaAttributeList#SimpleTag"]

topSequence += RegStream2

RegStreamTool3 = RegistrationStreamTagTool("TagTool")
RegStreamTool3.Slave = False
RegStreamTool3.OutputCollection = "TagTool.root"

RegStream3 = RegistrationStream("RegStream3")

RegStream3.OutputLevel = INFO
RegStream3.Tool = RegStreamTool3

# Specifies whether collection references input or output data file:
    RegStream3.WriteInputDataHeader = WriteInputHeader
    RegStream3.WriteInputDataHeader = FALSE
if inCollType == "MonteCarlo":
    RegStream3.WriteInputDataHeader = FALSE
예제 #3
athOutSeq += Stream1
athOutSeq += Stream2
athOutSeq += Stream3
athOutSeq += Others
athOutSeq += Bad

# Now do collections
# Explicit (i.e. not just files) collections (ROOT)
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStream
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStreamLCGTool
from RegistrationServices.RegistrationServicesConf import RegistrationStreamTagTool

TagTool = RegistrationStreamTagTool("TagTool")
TagTool.OutputLevel = INFO

# bit 1
CollBit1 = RegistrationStream("CollBit1")
CollBit1.CollectionType = "ExplicitROOT"
#CollBit1.OutputCollection = "AthenaPoolMultiTest_Split1"; # The output file name
CollBit1.OutputCollection = "Collection_Split1.root"
CollBit1.ItemList += ["DataHeader#*"]
CollBit1.ItemList += ["AthenaAttributeList#SimpleTag"]
CollBit1.ItemList += ["CollectionMetadataContainer#*"]
CollBit1.OutputLevel = INFO
CollBit1.AcceptAlgs = ["Splitter1"]
#CollBit1.CollectionOpenMode = "UPDATE"

# bit ( 2 | 3 )