def FindPointCandidateWay_Grid(csvfilepath, candidatewaypath, candidatewayname): """ :param csvfilepath: csv文件路径 例:H:\TrunksArea\\334e4763-f125-425f-ae42-8028245764fe.csv" :param candidatewaypath: 轨迹点候选路段保存路径 :param candidatewayname: 候选路段保存的文件名 :return: """ if not os.path.isdir(candidatewaypath): os.mkdir(candidatewaypath) # 读时间 经纬度 网格编号 #df = pd.read_csv("H:\GPS_Data\Road_Network\BYQBridge\TrunksArea\\334e4763-f125-425f-ae42-8028245764fe.csv",header=None, usecols=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) df = pd.read_csv(csvfilepath, header=None, usecols=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) points_num = df.shape[0] # 坐标数量 pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) # print(df.iloc[:,1:4]) drop_list = [] # 要删除的索引列表 for row in range(1, points_num): if row == points_num: break points_dis = Common_Functions.haversine(df.iloc[row, 1], df.iloc[row, 2], df.iloc[row - 1, 1], df.iloc[row - 1, 2]) # 相邻坐标点之间的距离 if points_dis < 0.01: # 距离小于10米 drop_list.append(row) newdf = df.drop(drop_list) # 删除相邻点在10米之内的点 newdf = newdf.reset_index(drop=True) txtname = candidatewayname + ".txt" file = open(os.path.join(candidatewaypath, txtname), 'a') print("本轨迹段共查找坐标点数为:{}".format(newdf.shape[0])) for row in range(newdf.shape[0]): dic = {} #candidatacode = BigGridCode.Neighbor(newdf.iloc[row, 1], newdf.iloc[row, 2]) # 查找附近八个区域 # for subcode in candidatacode: # if subcode: # waysets = list(Common_Functions.GetWay_ByGridCode(subcode[1])) # for subway in waysets: # dic[subway[0]] = subcode[1] pointCode = BigGridCode.Encode(newdf.iloc[row, 1], newdf.iloc[row, 2]) waysets = list(Common_Functions.GetWay_ByGridCode(pointCode[1])) if waysets: for subway in waysets: dic[subway[0]] = pointCode[1] #print(f"{newdf.iloc[row, 1]},{newdf.iloc[row, 2]}CandidateWay>>>{str(dic)}") if dic: file.write("PointID-" + str(row + 1) + "CandidateWay>>>" + str(dic) + "\n") file.close()
def AllwayConn(waysjsonpath): """ 对左右的路段进行连通性判断 permutations(Allwayset,2) 二二组合,(A,B,C)->AB AC BA BC CA CB :param waysjsonpath:所有路段json文件路径 :return: """ AllwaysLists = [] with open(waysjsonpath, 'r') as file: dic = json.loads( for key in dic.keys(): AllwaysLists.append(key) Allwaysset = set(AllwaysLists) for twowaytuple in permutations(Allwaysset, 2): try: print(f"正在查看路段:{twowaytuple[0]}与路段:{twowaytuple[1]}的连通性......") way1_x, way1_y = Getway_startendnode_coordi( twowaytuple[0]) # 路段1的起点坐标 way2_x, way2_y = Getway_startendnode_coordi( twowaytuple[1]) # 路段2的起始坐标 print(way1_x, way1_y, way2_x, way2_y) if way1_x != 0 and way1_y != 0 and way2_x != 0 and way2_y != 0: waydis = Common_Functions.haversine(way1_x, way1_y, way2_x, way2_y) print(waydis) if waydis < 3: connectroute = Common_Functions.InquireConn( twowaytuple[0], twowaytuple[1], "connects") # 先查表 # connectroute = -1 if connectroute != 0 and connectroute != 1: # 表中没有记录 再用简易导航 connectroute = MapNavigation.waytoway( twowaytuple[0], twowaytuple[1]) # 为列表 if connectroute: print( f"路段{twowaytuple[0]}---->{twowaytuple[1]}的路线:{connectroute}" ) else: print(f"路段{twowaytuple[0]}不能到达路段{twowaytuple[1]}") else: print("数据库中已存在,跳过") else: pass except Exception as e: print(e)
def TrajectorySplit(csvfilepath, processpath): """ :param csvfilepath: 原始轨迹csv文件 :param processpath: 存储原轨迹分段之后的csv文件 :return: """ (path, file) = os.path.split(csvfilepath) (filename, extension) = os.path.splitext(file) filesavepath = os.path.join(processpath, filename) #文件分段之后保存的路径 if not os.path.isdir(filesavepath): os.mkdir(filesavepath) df = pd.read_csv(csvfilepath, header=None, usecols=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], names=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) df = df.sort_values(by=0) # 时间排序 points_num = df.shape[0] # 坐标数量 pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) drop_list = [] # 要删除的索引列表 df.iloc[:, 0] = pd.to_datetime(df.iloc[:, 0], format="%Y%m%d ") for row in range(1, points_num): if row == points_num: break points_dis = Common_Functions.haversine(df.iloc[row, 1], df.iloc[row, 2], df.iloc[row - 1, 1], df.iloc[row - 1, 2]) # 相邻坐标点之间的距离 Time_difference = (df.iloc[row, 0] - df.iloc[row - 1, 0]).seconds #相邻两个坐标点的时间差,单位:秒 if points_dis < 0.01: # 距离小于10米 drop_list.append(row) if Time_difference != 0: speed = points_dis / Time_difference #速度 秒 else: speed = 0 if speed >= 0.034: drop_list.append(row) #时速大于120 ,0.034时速为122 newdf = df.drop(drop_list) # 删除相邻点在10米之内的点和时速大于120的异常点 newdf = newdf.reset_index(drop=True) #Candidate_pointName = filename + ".csv" #newdf.to_csv(os.path.join(filesavepath, os.path.join()), index=0,header=0, encoding='utf_8_sig') #筛选出的被匹配的轨迹点 #以上为处理所有的相邻点距离小于10米的坐标 #以下循环为分段 start_row = 0 #文件分割的起始行数 endrow = 0 #结束行数 part_num = 1 part_name = "part" + str(part_num) + ".csv" #tem_df = pd.DataFrame(None) Is_Save_flag = 0 #记录该轨迹段是否保存 for row in range(1, newdf.shape[0]): #Time_difference = (newdf.iloc[row, 0] - newdf.iloc[row - 1, 0]).seconds # 相邻两个坐标点的时间差,单位:秒 Adjacent_two_points_dis = Common_Functions.haversine( newdf.iloc[row, 1], newdf.iloc[row, 2], newdf.iloc[row - 1, 1], newdf.iloc[row - 1, 2]) # 相邻坐标点之间的距离 if Adjacent_two_points_dis > 5: endrow = row - 1 Is_Save_flag = 1 if row == newdf.shape[0] - 1: #tem_df = newdf.loc[start_row:row+1, :] endrow = row Is_Save_flag = 1 if Is_Save_flag == 1: newdf.loc[start_row:endrow, :].to_csv(os.path.join( filesavepath, part_name), index=0, header=0, encoding='utf_8_sig') start_row = endrow + 1 Is_Save_flag = 0 #tem_df.drop(tem_df.index, inplace=True) part_num += 1 part_name = "part" + str(part_num) + ".csv"
def FindPointCandidateWay(csvfilepath, candidatewaypath, candidatewayname): """ 处理北野场桥 找出坐标点的候选路段,此部分已经通过角度(大于90)、距离(大于30米)筛除一部分候选路段 :param csvfilepath: csv文件路径 例:H:\TrunksArea\\334e4763-f125-425f-ae42-8028245764fe.csv" :param candidatewaypath: 轨迹点候选路段保存路径 :param candidatewayname: 候选路段保存的文件名 :return: """ if not os.path.isdir(candidatewaypath): os.mkdir(candidatewaypath) # 读时间 经纬度 网格编号 #df = pd.read_csv("H:\GPS_Data\Road_Network\BYQBridge\TrunksArea\\334e4763-f125-425f-ae42-8028245764fe.csv",header=None, usecols=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) df = pd.read_csv(csvfilepath, header=None, usecols=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) points_num = df.shape[0] # 坐标数量 pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) # print(df.iloc[:,1:4]) drop_list = [] # 要删除的索引列表 for row in range(1, points_num): if row == points_num: break points_dis = Common_Functions.haversine(df.iloc[row, 1], df.iloc[row, 2], df.iloc[row - 1, 1], df.iloc[row - 1, 2]) # 相邻坐标点之间的距离 if points_dis < 0.01: # 距离小于10米 drop_list.append(row) # print(drop_list) newdf = df.drop(drop_list) # 删除相邻点在10米之内的点 # print(newdf.iloc[:,1:3]) newdf = newdf.reset_index(drop=True) #file = open("H:\GPS_Data\Road_Network\BYQBridge\CandidateWay\\NewStrategy\\334e4763-f125-425f-ae42-8028245764fe.txt", 'a') txtname = candidatewayname + ".txt" file = open(os.path.join(candidatewaypath, txtname), 'a') print("本轨迹段共查找坐标点数为:{}".format(newdf.shape[0])) for row in range(newdf.shape[0]): if row == 0: #print("处理起始坐标点{}".format([newdf.iloc[row, 1], newdf.iloc[row, 2], newdf.iloc[row, 3], newdf.iloc[row, 4]])) dic = Common_Functions.Find_Candidate_Route([ newdf.iloc[row, 1], newdf.iloc[row, 2], newdf.iloc[row, 3], newdf.iloc[row, 4] ], [ newdf.iloc[row + 1, 1], newdf.iloc[row + 1, 2], newdf.iloc[row + 1, 3], newdf.iloc[row + 1, 4] ], flag=1) if dic: # 有候选路段才保存 file.write("PointID-" + str(row + 1) + "CandidateWay>>>" + str(dic) + "\n") elif row == newdf.shape[0] - 1: #print("处理终点坐标点{}".format([df.iloc[row - 1, 2], df.iloc[row - 1, 3], df.iloc[row, 2], df.iloc[row, 3]])) dic = Common_Functions.Find_Candidate_Route([ newdf.iloc[row - 1, 1], newdf.iloc[row - 1, 2], newdf.iloc[row - 1, 3], newdf.iloc[row - 1, 4] ], [ newdf.iloc[row, 1], newdf.iloc[row, 2], newdf.iloc[row, 3], newdf.iloc[row, 4] ], flag=2) if dic: file.write("PointID-" + str(row + 1) + "CandidateWay>>>" + str(dic) + "\n") else: dis1 = Common_Functions.haversine(newdf.iloc[row, 1], newdf.iloc[row, 2], newdf.iloc[row - 1, 1], newdf.iloc[row - 1, 2]) dis2 = Common_Functions.haversine(newdf.iloc[row, 1], newdf.iloc[row, 2], newdf.iloc[row + 1, 1], newdf.iloc[row + 1, 2]) # 找相邻最近的点做为轨迹方向 if dis2 > dis1: #print("处理终点坐标点{}".format([newdf.iloc[row - 1, 1], newdf.iloc[row - 1, 2], newdf.iloc[row - 1, 3], newdf.iloc[row - 1, 4]])) dic = Common_Functions.Find_Candidate_Route([ newdf.iloc[row - 1, 1], newdf.iloc[row - 1, 2], newdf.iloc[row - 1, 3], newdf.iloc[row - 1, 4] ], [ newdf.iloc[row, 1], newdf.iloc[row, 2], newdf.iloc[row, 3], newdf.iloc[row, 4] ], flag=2) else: #print("处理起始坐标点{}".format([newdf.iloc[row, 1], newdf.iloc[row, 2], newdf.iloc[row, 3], newdf.iloc[row, 4]])) dic = Common_Functions.Find_Candidate_Route([ newdf.iloc[row, 1], newdf.iloc[row, 2], newdf.iloc[row, 3], newdf.iloc[row, 4] ], [ newdf.iloc[row + 1, 1], newdf.iloc[row + 1, 2], newdf.iloc[row + 1, 3], newdf.iloc[row + 1, 4] ], flag=1) if dic: file.write("PointID-" + str(row + 1) + "CandidateWay>>>" + str(dic) + "\n") file.close()