예제 #1
def backingUp(motorRuntime):

    # Loading Robot as an object
    # Reads variables from the file
    robot = loadRobot('ROBOSON.json')
    backingupDutyCycle = robot.backing_up_dutycycle

    # Preparing the array information sent to the bluepill

    # Check serial port issues
    # If the connection is not extablished, send in the angle back
    # Otherwise start the motor
        ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB0", 9600)
    except serial.SerialException:
        return False

        while (not contactState):
            contactState = GPIO.input(poleContactPin)

# Motors will run for this period of time

# sending the value of zero to the motors in order to stop them

    # Check serial port issues
    # If the connection is not extablished, send in the angle back
    # Otherwise start the motor
        ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB0", 9600)
    except serial.SerialException:
        return False

    return timePeriod
예제 #2
def Contact_Pole(angle = 0):
	# Loading Robot as an object
    # Reads variables from the file
    robot = loadRobot('ROBOSON.json')
    poleContactPin = robot.pole_contact_pin
    poleContactDutycycle = robot.pole_contact_dutycycle

    # Setting the contact pole pin as a input pin
	GPIO.setup(poleContactPin, GPIO.IN)

	# We initially read the GPIO pin
	contactState = GPIO.input(poleContactPin)

	# These two times will be used to find the period 
	# when the motor was on
	motorStartTime = 0 
	motorEndTime = 0

	# The main program will start if the pin is not pushed 
	# meaing we are not in contact with the pole
	if (not contactState):

		# Preparing the array information sent to the bluepill

	    motorStartTime = time.time()

		# Check serial port issues
	    # If the connection is not extablished, send in the angle back
	    # Otherwise start the motor
	        ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB0", 9600)
	    except serial.SerialException:
	        return False
		while(not contactState):
			contactState = GPIO.input(poleContactPin)

		# sending the value of zero to the motors in order to stop them

	    motorEndTime = time.time()

		# Check serial port issues
	    # If the connection is not extablished, send in the angle back
	    # Otherwise start the motor
	        ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB0", 9600)
	    except serial.SerialException:
	        return False
    	timePeriod = motorEndTime - motorStartTime
	    return timePeriod
예제 #3
def Follow_Line(testMode=False,

    # Adjusting Robot variables
    baseSpeed = robot.speed.base
    maxSpeed = robot.speed.max
    minSpeed = robot.speed.min

    # Value used for the binary filter
    BIN_CUT = robot.line_finder.binary_cut

    # Loading PID values
    MultiCoefficient = robot.pid.total
    PCoefficient = robot.pid.pro
    DCoefficient = robot.pid.der

    camera = PiCamera()
    camera.color_effects = (128, 128)
    cameraResolution = robot.line_finder.resolution
    camera.resolution = (cameraResolution[0], cameraResolution[1])
    rawCapture = PiRGBArray(camera,
                            size=(cameraResolution[0], cameraResolution[1]))

    # Check serial port issues
    # if there is no serial connection, this function
    # simply returned the untouched queue
        ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB0", 9600)
        serialByteArray = []
    except serial.SerialException:
        return intersectionQueue

    # Changinig the mode to showing the frames or not
    if testMode:
        cv2.namedWindow("Original_frame", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
        cv2.namedWindow("binary", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
        cv2.resizeWindow("binary", 100, 100)
        cv2.resizeWindow("Original_frame", 100, 100)

    # Reads width of the line from the file
    with open('LineWidth.txt') as f:
        black_line_width = int(f.readline())

    # Minimum width for a fork
    fork_min_width = robot.fork_black_line_min_width * black_line_width

    # Kernel setup
    n = 3
    kernel = np.array([[0, 1 / n, 0] * n])

    # Camera initialization and start
    camera.capture(rawCapture, format='bgr')
    frame = rawCapture.array[:, :, 0]

    # Retrieving the height and the with of the frame
    height = len(frame)
    width = len(frame[0])

    # Sensor lines used for the line follower
    # You could change the distances
    linesY = np.linspace(int(2 * height / 3), height - 10, 5, dtype=int)


    # List of errors and times for PID plots
    if testMode:
        errorList = []
        timeList = []

    # Initializing distances
    currentDeltaX = 0
    previousDeltaX = 0

    # Initializing times
    currentTime = time.time()
    frameEndTime = time.time()
    frameStartTime = time.time()

    # A parameter indicating wether the line
    # following must end or continue
    lineFollowingEnded = False

    intersectionDetected = False
    intersectionInProcess = False
    intersectionMode = False
    intersectionDirection = None
    numberOfLinesDetectingIntersection = 0

    # There are two ways to exit this main loop
    # 1) The serial connection is lost
    # 2) queue of the turns has reached character "X"

    # Main for loop starting
    # Frame is taken as a 3 channgel grayscaled image
    for frame in camera.capture_continuous(rawCapture,

        if not intersectionMode:

            # Algorithm start time
            algorithmStartTime = time.time()

            # Sample frame taken time
            frameStartTime = time.time()
            frameTakingTime = frameStartTime - frameEndTime
            print("Frame taking time:", frameTakingTime)

            # Appending time to list

            # Assignet previous delta X used for the derivative
            previousDeltaX = currentDeltaX

            frameArray = frame.array
            # Creating a grayscale copy of the frame by taking only one of the channels
            # and only including the lines indicated for the line follwoing algorithm
            # This step is included to reduce the computer time
            frameCopy = frameArray.copy()[linesY][:, :, 0]
            frameCopyTime = time.time()
            print("transform time", frameCopyTime - algorithmStartTime)

            # Taking the kernel of the image
            kerneledImage = cv2.filter2D(frameCopy, -1, kernel)
            kernelTime = time.time()
            print("kernel time: ", kernelTime - frameCopyTime)

            # Blurring the image
            blurredImage = cv2.GaussianBlur(kerneledImage, (5, 5), 0)
            blurTime = time.time()
            print("blur time: ", blurTime - kernelTime)

            # Binary filter for the image
            ret, binaryImage = cv2.threshold(kerneledImage, BIN_CUT, 255,
            binTime = time.time()
            print("bin time: ", binTime - blurTime)

            # Creating the matrix
            pathMatrix = binaryImage

            # Median center value
            # This value is a cumulative results from all the lines of sensors
            currentDeltaX = 0

            # list of deltaXs
            # A list of the deltaXs indicated by each line
            deltaXList = []

            # A loop for the calculations for each line of the sensors
            for line_index in range(0, len(linesY)):
                lineY = linesY[line_index]
                line = pathMatrix[line_index]

                # taking the derivative of the lines
                dline = diff(line)

                # Here we can either choose the two heighest points
                # or we could simple trust that there will only be 2 values
                # This will indicate the two edges of the line
                #top_two_indices = sorted(range(len(dline)), key = lambda i: dline[i])[-2:]
                edgeIndices = [
                    i for i in range(0, len(dline)) if dline[i] != 0

                # Case for when two or more edges are detected
                if (len(edgeIndices) >= 2):
                    leftmostEdge = edgeIndices[0]
                    rightmostEdge = edgeIndices[-1]

                    lineWidthDetected = rightmostEdge - leftmostEdge
                    print("Line width detected: ", lineWidthDetected)

                    # Checking to see if a for is detected
                    if (lineWidthDetected >= fork_min_width):

                        intersectionDirection = intersectionQueue[0]
                        numberOfLinesDetectingIntersection += 1

                        if (intersectionDirection == "L"):
                            thisLineDeltaX = leftmostEdge - width / 2
                        elif (intersectionDirection == "R"):
                            thisLineDeltaX = rightmostEdge - width / 2
                        elif (intersectionDirection == "X"):
                            return intersectionQueue

                        # Finding the denter of the line
                        lineCenterX = int((leftmostEdge + rightmostEdge) / 2)

                        # Draw circle for showing
                        # cv2.circle(frame, (lineCenterX, lineY), 2, (255,0,0), -1)

                        thisLineDeltaX = lineCenterX - width / 2

                # Case for when only one edge is detected
                elif (len(edgeIndices) == 1):
                    onlyEdge = edgeIndices[0]

                    # Cases for when the edge is to the left or the right
                    if (onlyEdge >= width / 2):
                        lineCenterX = onlyEdge + black_line_width / 2
                    if (onlyEdge < width / 2):
                        lineCenterX = onlyEdge - black_line_width / 2
                    thisLineDeltaX = lineCenterX - width / 2

                # Case for when we are offline
                # We will exponentially increase the delta values to return the line
                    thisLineDeltaX = 1.4 * (abs(previousDeltaX)) * (
                        -1 if previousDeltaX < 0 else 1)

            if (numberOfLinesDetectingIntersection >=
                intersectionMode = True
                intersectionDirection = intersectionQueue.pop(0)

            # Takingn the median of the delta Xs
            currentDeltaX = statistics.median(deltaXList)
            print("Delta X measured: ", currentDeltaX)

            forLoopTime = time.time()
            print("for loop time: ", forLoopTime - binTime)

            # PID calculations

            # Finding the derivative time
            # The time it took from taking the last frame
            derivativeDeltaTime = frameTakingTime + (forLoopTime -

            # finding the derivative
            dXdT = (currentDeltaX - previousDeltaX) / derivativeDeltaTime

            # Finding the error value given the constants
            error_value = int(
                MultiCoefficient *
                (DCoefficient * dXdT + PCoefficient * currentDeltaX))

            duty_cycle_left = baseSpeed + error_value
            duty_cycle_right = baseSpeed - error_value

            # Reassigning the duty cycle values based on the cutoffs
            # Left Wheel
            if duty_cycle_left > maxSpeed:
                duty_cycle_left = maxSpeed
            elif duty_cycle_left < minSpeed:
                duty_cycle_left = minSpeed

            # Right wheel
            if duty_cycle_right > maxSpeed:
                duty_cycle_right = maxSpeed
            elif duty_cycle_right < minSpeed:
                duty_cycle_right = minSpeed

            calcTime = time.time()
            print("Calculation time: ", calcTime - forLoopTime)

            # Serial communication to the BluePill
            if (duty_cycle_left > 0):

            if (duty_cycle_right > 0):

            print("Byte array sent to the BluePill: ", serialByteArray)

            # This try cathc block will return the unfinished
            # queue in case the serial communication is lost in the middle
                serialByteArray = []
            except serial.SerialException:
                return intersectionQueue

            serialTime = time.time()
            print("serial time: ", serialTime - calcTime)

            # Loop is now complete
            key = cv2.waitKey(1)

            # if the `q` key was pressed, break from the loop
            if key == "q":

            algorithmEndTime = time.time()
            print("Full algorithm time: ",
                  algorithmEndTime - algorithmStartTime)

            # Showing the frame in test mode only
            if testMode:
                cv2.imshow("Original_frame", frameArray)
                cv2.imshow("binary", binaryImage)

            # Truncating reqiured for the frames

            # End of this frame
            frameEndTime = time.time()

        if intersectionMode:

            # Algorithm start time
            algorithmStartTime = time.time()

            # Sample frame taken time
            frameStartTime = time.time()
            frameTakingTime = frameStartTime - frameEndTime
            print("Frame taking time:", frameTakingTime)

            # Appending time to list

            # Assignet previous delta X used for the derivative
            previousDeltaX = currentDeltaX

            frameArray = frame.array
            # Creating a grayscale copy of the frame by taking only one of the channels
            # and only including the lines indicated for the line follwoing algorithm
            # This step is included to reduce the computer time
            frameCopy = frameArray.copy()[linesY][:, :, 0]
            frameCopyTime = time.time()
            print("transform time", frameCopyTime - algorithmStartTime)

            # Taking the kernel of the image
            kerneledImage = cv2.filter2D(frameCopy, -1, kernel)
            kernelTime = time.time()
            print("kernel time: ", kernelTime - frameCopyTime)

            # Blurring the image
            blurredImage = cv2.GaussianBlur(kerneledImage, (5, 5), 0)
            blurTime = time.time()
            print("blur time: ", blurTime - kernelTime)

            # Binary filter for the image
            ret, binaryImage = cv2.threshold(kerneledImage, BIN_CUT, 255,
            binTime = time.time()
            print("bin time: ", binTime - blurTime)

            # Creating the matrix
            pathMatrix = binaryImage

            # Median center value
            # This value is a cumulative results from all the lines of sensors
            currentDeltaX = 0

            # list of deltaXs
            # A list of the deltaXs indicated by each line
            deltaXList = []

            # We zero this value to increment it in the for loop to find out
            # if the number of sensor lines detecting intersection goes to zero
            # in which case we must quit the intersection mode
            numberOfLinesDetectingIntersection = 0

            # Important !
            # Pay attention that in this loop now, the
            # intersection direction is already determined
            # We must have poped it off in the previous iteration from
            # the intersectionQueue in order for the state of the machine
            # to change to intersection mode

            # Also note,
            # if the intersection direction indicated "X",
            # we should have quitted the program by now
            # and there is no need to check

            # A loop for the calculations for each line of the sensors
            for line_index in range(0, len(linesY)):
                lineY = linesY[line_index]
                line = pathMatrix[line_index]

                # taking the derivative of the lines
                dline = diff(line)

                # Here we can either choose the two heighest points
                # or we could simple trust that there will only be 2 values
                # This will indicate the two edges of the line
                #top_two_indices = sorted(range(len(dline)), key = lambda i: dline[i])[-2:]
                edgeIndices = [
                    i for i in range(0, len(dline)) if dline[i] != 0

                # Case for when two or more edges are detected
                if (len(edgeIndices) >= 2):
                    leftmostEdge = edgeIndices[0]
                    rightmostEdge = edgeIndices[-1]

                    lineWidthDetected = rightmostEdge - leftmostEdge
                    print("Line width detected: ", lineWidthDetected)

                    # Checking to see if a for is detected
                    if (lineWidthDetected >= fork_min_width):

                        intersectionDirection = intersectionQueue[0]
                        numberOfLinesDetectingIntersection += 1

                        if (intersectionDirection == "L"):
                            thisLineDeltaX = leftmostEdge - width / 2
                        elif (intersectionDirection == "R"):
                            thisLineDeltaX = rightmostEdge - width / 2

                        # Finding the denter of the line
                        lineCenterX = int((leftmostEdge + rightmostEdge) / 2)

                        # Draw circle for showing
                        # cv2.circle(frame, (lineCenterX, lineY), 2, (255,0,0), -1)

                        thisLineDeltaX = lineCenterX - width / 2

                # Case for when only one edge is detected
                elif (len(edgeIndices) == 1):
                    onlyEdge = edgeIndices[0]

                    # Cases for when the edge is to the left or the right
                    if (onlyEdge >= width / 2):
                        lineCenterX = onlyEdge + black_line_width / 2
                    if (onlyEdge < width / 2):
                        lineCenterX = onlyEdge - black_line_width / 2
                    thisLineDeltaX = lineCenterX - width / 2

                # Case for when we are offline
                # We will exponentially increase the delta values to return the line
                    thisLineDeltaX = 1.4 * (abs(previousDeltaX)) * (
                        -1 if previousDeltaX < 0 else 1)

            if (numberOfLinesDetectingIntersection == 0):
                intersectionMode = False

            # Takingn the median of the delta Xs
            currentDeltaX = statistics.median(deltaXList)
            print("Delta X measured: ", currentDeltaX)

            forLoopTime = time.time()
            print("for loop time: ", forLoopTime - binTime)

            # PID calculations

            # Finding the derivative time
            # The time it took from taking the last frame
            derivativeDeltaTime = frameTakingTime + (forLoopTime -

            # finding the derivative
            dXdT = (currentDeltaX - previousDeltaX) / derivativeDeltaTime

            # Finding the error value given the constants
            error_value = int(
                MultiCoefficient *
                (DCoefficient * dXdT + PCoefficient * currentDeltaX))

            duty_cycle_left = baseSpeed + error_value
            duty_cycle_right = baseSpeed - error_value

            # Reassigning the duty cycle values based on the cutoffs
            # Left Wheel
            if duty_cycle_left > maxSpeed:
                duty_cycle_left = maxSpeed
            elif duty_cycle_left < minSpeed:
                duty_cycle_left = minSpeed

            # Right wheel
            if duty_cycle_right > maxSpeed:
                duty_cycle_right = maxSpeed
            elif duty_cycle_right < minSpeed:
                duty_cycle_right = minSpeed

            calcTime = time.time()
            print("Calculation time: ", calcTime - forLoopTime)

            # Serial communication to the BluePill
            if (duty_cycle_left > 0):

            if (duty_cycle_right > 0):

            print("Byte array sent to the BluePill: ", serialByteArray)

            # This try cathc block will return the unfinished
            # queue in case the serial communication is lost in the middle
                serialByteArray = []
            except serial.SerialException:
                return intersectionQueue

            serialTime = time.time()
            print("serial time: ", serialTime - calcTime)

            # Loop is now complete
            key = cv2.waitKey(1)

            # if the `q` key was pressed, break from the loop
            if key == "q":

            algorithmEndTime = time.time()
            print("Full algorithm time: ",
                  algorithmEndTime - algorithmStartTime)

            # Showing the frame in test mode only
            if testMode:
                cv2.imshow("Original_frame", frameArray)
                cv2.imshow("binary", binaryImage)

            # Truncating reqiured for the frames

            # End of this frame
            frameEndTime = time.time()

        # close all windows

    return True
예제 #4
from RoboLoader import loadRobot

Kernel_size = 15
low_threshold = 40
high_threshold = 120

rho = 10
threshold = 15
theta = np.pi / 180
minLineLength = 10
maxLineLength = 1
#cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
#ret, frame = cap.read()
robot = loadRobot('ROBOSON.json')

with open('LineWidth.txt') as f:
    black_line_width = int(f.readline())

#black_line_width = 5
currentDeltaX = 0
previousDeltaX = 0

baseSpeed = robot.speed.base
maxSpeed = robot.speed.max
minSpeed = robot.speed.min

BIN_CUT = robot.line_finder.binary_cut
예제 #5
def Follow_Line(camera,

    # Adjusting Robot variables
    IncreaseTime = False
    firstInter = True
    baseSpeed = robot.speed.base
    maxSpeed = robot.speed.max
    minSpeed = robot.speed.min
    numberOfLinesRequiredForIntersectionMode = robot.number_of_lines_required_for_inersection_mode

    # Value used for the binary filter
    BIN_CUT = robot.line_finder.binary_cut

    # Loading PID values
    MultiCoefficient = robot.pid.total
    PCoefficient = robot.pid.pro
    DCoefficient = robot.pid.der
    offlineExponential = robot.pid.off_line

    #camera = PiCamera()
    #camera.color_effects = (128, 128)
    cameraResolution = robot.line_finder.resolution
    #camera.resolution = (cameraResolution[0], cameraResolution[1])
    rawCapture = PiRGBArray(camera,
                            size=(cameraResolution[0], cameraResolution[1]))

    # Check serial port issues
    # if there is no serial connection, this function
    # simply returned the untouched queue
        ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyS0", 9600)
        serialByteArray = []
    except serial.SerialException:
        return intersectionQueue

    # Changinig the mode to showing the frames or not
    if testMode:
        cv2.namedWindow("Original_frame", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
        cv2.namedWindow("binary", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
        cv2.resizeWindow("binary", 100, 100)
        cv2.resizeWindow("Original_frame", 100, 100)

    # Reads width of the line from the file
    with open('LineWidth.txt') as f:
        black_line_width = int(f.readline())

    # Minimum width for a fork
    fork_min_width = robot.fork_black_line_min_width_multiplier * black_line_width
    post_line_width = robot.post_black_line_width * black_line_width

    # Kernel setup
    n = 3
    kernel = np.array([[0, 1 / n, 0] * n])

    # Camera initialization and start
    camera.capture(rawCapture, format='bgr')
    frame = rawCapture.array[:, :, 0]

    # Retrieving the height and the with of the frame
    height = len(frame)
    width = len(frame[0])

    # Sensor lines used for the line follower
    # You could change the distances
    linesY = np.linspace(
        2 / 3 * height - 5, height - 10, 5,
        dtype=int)  #np.linspace(20, height-5, 5, dtype = int)#

    # Required by the camera function to runcate every time

    # List of errors and times for PID plots
    if testMode:
        errorList = []
        timeList = []

    # Initializing distances for derivative calculation
    currentDeltaX = 0
    previousDeltaX = 0

    # Initializing times
    currentTime = time.time()
    frameEndTime = time.time()
    frameStartTime = time.time()

    # Intersection mode determins the process of the line following
    intersectionMode = False
    # This value changes based on the last element in the intersection queue
    intersectionDirection = None
    # Number of lines detectecing a intersection where the left adn right
    # spikes are more than a single line
    numberOfLinesDetectingIntersection = 0

    # Used to defer the intersections if detected too soon
    lineFollowingStartTime = time.time()

    dontDetectIntersectionTime = robot.dont_detect_intersection_time

    lastIntersectionDetectionPeriod = intersectionPeriods.pop(0)
    lastIntersectionDetectedTime = time.time()

    # There are two ways to exit this main loop
    # 1) The serial connection is lost
    # 2) queue of the turns has reached character "X"

    # Main for loop starting
    # Frame is taken as a 3 channgel grayscaled image
    for frame in camera.capture_continuous(rawCapture,

        # Algorithm start time
        algorithmStartTime = time.time()

        # Sample frame taken time
        frameStartTime = time.time()
        frameTakingTime = frameStartTime - frameEndTime
        #print("Frame taking time:", frameTakingTime)

        # Appending time to list

        # Assignet previous delta X used for the derivative
        previousDeltaX = currentDeltaX

        frameArray = frame.array
        # Creating a grayscale copy of the frame by taking only one of the channels
        # and only including the lines indicated for the line follwoing algorithm
        # This step is included to reduce the computer time
        frameCopy = frameArray.copy()[linesY]
        frameCopyTime = time.time()
        #print("transform time", frameCopyTime - algorithmStartTime)

        # Blurring the image
        blurredImage = cv2.GaussianBlur(frameCopy, (5, 5), 0)
        blurTime = time.time()
        #print("blur time: ",blurTime-kernelTime)

        # Binary filter for the image
        ret, binaryImage = cv2.threshold(blurredImage, BIN_CUT, 255,
        binTime = time.time()
        #print("bin time: ",binTime-blurTime)

        # Creating the matrix
        pathMatrix = binaryImage

        # Median center value
        # This value is a cumulative results from all the lines of sensors
        currentDeltaX = 0

        # list of deltaXs
        # A list of the deltaXs indicated by each line
        deltaXList = []

        # PID calculations

        # Finding the derivative time
        # The time it took from taking the last frame
        derivativeDeltaTime = frameTakingTime + (forLoopTime -

        # finding the derivative
        dXdT = (currentDeltaX - previousDeltaX) / derivativeDeltaTime

        # Finding the error value given the constants
        error_value = int(MultiCoefficient *
                          (DCoefficient * dXdT + PCoefficient * currentDeltaX))

        duty_cycle_left = baseSpeed + error_value
        duty_cycle_right = baseSpeed - error_value
        #print(duty_cycle_left, duty_cycle_right)

        # Reassigning the duty cycle values based on the cutoffs
        # Left Wheel
        if duty_cycle_left > maxSpeed:
            duty_cycle_left = maxSpeed
        elif duty_cycle_left < minSpeed:
            duty_cycle_left = minSpeed

        # Right wheel
        if duty_cycle_right > maxSpeed:
            duty_cycle_right = maxSpeed
        elif duty_cycle_right < minSpeed:
            duty_cycle_right = minSpeed

        calcTime = time.time()
        #print("Calculation time: ", calcTime - forLoopTime)

        # Serial communication to the BluePill
        if (duty_cycle_left > 0):

        if (duty_cycle_right > 0):

        #print("Byte array sent to the BluePill: ",serialByteArray)

        # This try cathc block will return the unfinished
        # queue in case the serial communication is lost in the middle
            serialByteArray = []
        except serial.SerialException:
            return intersectionQueue

        serialTime = time.time()
        #print("serial time: ", serialTime - calcTime)

        # Loop is now complete
        key = cv2.waitKey(1)

        # if the `q` key was pressed, break from the loop
        if key == "q":

        algorithmEndTime = time.time()
        #print("Full algorithm time: ", algorithmEndTime - algorithmStartTime)

        # Showing the frame in test mode only
        if testMode:
            cv2.imshow("Original_frame", frameArray)
            cv2.imshow("binary", binaryImage)

        # Truncating reqiured for the frames

        # End of this frame
        frameEndTime = time.time()

예제 #6
from pullLaryAndRandy import Follow_Line
#from pullLarryAndRandySmartTurn import Follow_Line
from RoboLoader import loadRobot
from Turn import *
from servoTest import *
from pickupStone import *
import sys
from rotateToFindLine import *
from UpTopLineFollow import Follow_Line_Up_Top
import time
from dispenseStone import *

robot = loadRobot('ROBOSONleft.json')

camera = PiCamera()
camera.color_effects = (128, 128)
cameraResolution = robot.line_finder.resolution
camera.resolution = (cameraResolution[0], cameraResolution[1])


input("BIG SEND LEFT")

val = Follow_Line(camera, True, ["R","R", "L", "L", "X"], [60, 60, 0, 0, 0], [0.8, 0.1, 0, 2, 0], [0, 0.1, 1, 1.5, 0], robot)
backUp(robot, 0.5, 70)
Rotate(robot ,0.18, 60,"R")
goToPost(robot, 110)