def initUI(self): self.cutter_flag = False self.setGeometry(100, 100, 800, 500) self.setWindowTitle('Отсечение отрезков') self.Group = QHBoxLayout(self) self.v = QVBoxLayout() self.GraphView = QGraphicsView(self) self.GraphView.setCursor(Qt.CrossCursor) self.GraphView.setMouseTracking(True) self.scene = SLGraphicsScene(self) self.image = QImage(WIDTH, HIGHT - 20, QImage.Format_RGB32) self.Group.addWidget(self.GraphView) self.Group.addLayout(self.v) self.image.fill(Qt.white) self.GraphView.setGeometry(10, 10, WIDTH, HIGHT) self.GraphView.setStyleSheet("background-color: white") self.scene.addPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(self.image)) self.GraphView.setScene(self.scene) self.fill_butt = QPushButton('Выполнить отсечение', self) self.fill_butt.resize(self.fill_butt.sizeHint()) v1 = QHBoxLayout() self.clear = QPushButton('Очистить', self) self.clear.resize(self.fill_butt.sizeHint()) v1.addWidget(self.clear) self.Add = QPushButton('Добавить', self) self.Add.resize(self.fill_butt.sizeHint()) v1.addWidget(self.Add) v2 = QVBoxLayout() self.rb1 = QRadioButton(self) self.rb1.setText("Ввод отрезков") self.rb2 = QRadioButton(self) self.rb2.setText("Ввод выпуклого отсекателя") self.rb2.setChecked(True) self.color_button = QPushButton(self) self.color_button1 = QPushButton(self) v2.addWidget(self.rb2) v2.addWidget(self.rb1) self.colormain = QColor(0, 255, 0).rgb() self.color_button.setStyleSheet('QPushButton{background-color:' + QColor(0, 255, 0).name() + '}') self.colorhelp = QColor(0, 0, 255).rgb() self.color_button1.setStyleSheet('QPushButton{background-color:' + QColor(0, 0, 255).name() + '}') self.infoTable = QTableWidget() self.infoTable.setColumnCount(2) self.infoTable.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(["x", "y"]) #self.infoTable.resizeColumnsToContents() self.table = QTableWidget() self.table.setColumnCount(4) self.table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(["x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"]) self.table.resizeColumnsToContents() = QTabWidget(), "Отсекатель"), "Отрезки") self.v.addWidget( self.v.addLayout(v1) self.v.addWidget(self.fill_butt) self.v.addLayout(v2) self.capslock = False self.color_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.GetColor()) self.color_button1.clicked.connect(lambda: self.GetColor1()) self.Add.clicked.connect(lambda: self.ShowDialog()) self.fill_butt.clicked.connect(lambda: self.Cut()) self.clear.clicked.connect(lambda: self.Clear())
class Example(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.initUI() self.edges = [] # отсекатель self.edges_slave = [] # отрезки self.one_slave = [] def Bresenham(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, color=QColor(0, 0, 0).rgb(), t=False): dx = int(x2 - x1) dy = int(y2 - y1) sx = sign(dx) sy = sign(dy) dx = abs(dx) dy = abs(dy) swap = False if (dy <= dx): swap = False else: swap = True dx, dy = dy, dx e = int(2 * dy - dx) x = int(x1) y = int(y1) for i in range(dx + 1): self.image.setPixel(x, y, color) if t: self.image.setPixel(x + 1, y, color) self.image.setPixel(x - 1, y, color) self.image.setPixel(x, y + 1, color) self.image.setPixel(x, y - 1, color) if (e >= 0): if (swap): x += sx else: y += sy e = e - 2 * dx if (e < 0): if (swap): y += sy else: x += sx e = e + 2 * dy def initUI(self): self.cutter_flag = False self.setGeometry(100, 100, 800, 500) self.setWindowTitle('Отсечение отрезков') self.Group = QHBoxLayout(self) self.v = QVBoxLayout() self.GraphView = QGraphicsView(self) self.GraphView.setCursor(Qt.CrossCursor) self.GraphView.setMouseTracking(True) self.scene = SLGraphicsScene(self) self.image = QImage(WIDTH, HIGHT - 20, QImage.Format_RGB32) self.Group.addWidget(self.GraphView) self.Group.addLayout(self.v) self.image.fill(Qt.white) self.GraphView.setGeometry(10, 10, WIDTH, HIGHT) self.GraphView.setStyleSheet("background-color: white") self.scene.addPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(self.image)) self.GraphView.setScene(self.scene) self.fill_butt = QPushButton('Выполнить отсечение', self) self.fill_butt.resize(self.fill_butt.sizeHint()) v1 = QHBoxLayout() self.clear = QPushButton('Очистить', self) self.clear.resize(self.fill_butt.sizeHint()) v1.addWidget(self.clear) self.Add = QPushButton('Добавить', self) self.Add.resize(self.fill_butt.sizeHint()) v1.addWidget(self.Add) v2 = QVBoxLayout() self.rb1 = QRadioButton(self) self.rb1.setText("Ввод отрезков") self.rb2 = QRadioButton(self) self.rb2.setText("Ввод выпуклого отсекателя") self.rb2.setChecked(True) self.color_button = QPushButton(self) self.color_button1 = QPushButton(self) v2.addWidget(self.rb2) v2.addWidget(self.rb1) self.colormain = QColor(0, 255, 0).rgb() self.color_button.setStyleSheet('QPushButton{background-color:' + QColor(0, 255, 0).name() + '}') self.colorhelp = QColor(0, 0, 255).rgb() self.color_button1.setStyleSheet('QPushButton{background-color:' + QColor(0, 0, 255).name() + '}') self.infoTable = QTableWidget() self.infoTable.setColumnCount(2) self.infoTable.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(["x", "y"]) #self.infoTable.resizeColumnsToContents() self.table = QTableWidget() self.table.setColumnCount(4) self.table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(["x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"]) self.table.resizeColumnsToContents() = QTabWidget(), "Отсекатель"), "Отрезки") self.v.addWidget( self.v.addLayout(v1) self.v.addWidget(self.fill_butt) self.v.addLayout(v2) self.capslock = False self.color_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.GetColor()) self.color_button1.clicked.connect(lambda: self.GetColor1()) self.Add.clicked.connect(lambda: self.ShowDialog()) self.fill_butt.clicked.connect(lambda: self.Cut()) self.clear.clicked.connect(lambda: self.Clear()) def keyPressEvent(self, QKeyEvent): if QKeyEvent.key() == 16777252: self.capslock = not self.capslock def GetColor(self): color = QColorDialog.getColor() self.colormain = color.rgb() hexcolor = self.color_button.setStyleSheet('QPushButton{background-color:' + hexcolor + '}') def GetColor1(self): color = QColorDialog.getColor() self.colorhelp = color.rgb() hexcolor = self.color_button1.setStyleSheet('QPushButton{background-color:' + hexcolor + '}') def cut_convex(self, edges, cutter): normVect = [] d = get_direction(cutter) if d == 0: return norm_vecs(normVect, cutter, d) visible = True n = len(edges) for i in range(n): visible, p1, p2 = cut_line(cutter, normVect, edges[i][:2] + [0], edges[i][2:] + [0], visible) if visible: self.Bresenham(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1], self.colormain, True) def Cut(self): self.draw_borders() if len(self.edges) == 0: self.ShowWarning("Не задан отсекатель!") return elif len(self.edges_slave) == 0: self.ShowWarning("Не задан ни один отрезок!") return convex_flag = check_convex(self.edges) if convex_flag == 0: self.ShowWarning("Заданный многоугольник вырожден в отрезок!") return elif convex_flag == -1: self.ShowWarning("Задан невыпуклый многоугольник!") return self.cut_convex(self.edges_slave, self.edges) def ShowDialog(self): if self.rb2.isChecked(): text, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, 'Ввод вершины', 'Введите по типу X Y:') if self.cutter_flag: self.edges.clear() self.infoTable.setRowCount(0) self.image.fill(Qt.white) self.draw_borders() self.cutter_flag = False if ok: text = text.split() x = int(text[0]) y = int(text[1]) if len(self.edges) > 0: self.Bresenham(self.edges[0][0], self.edges[0][1], x, y) self.edges.append([x, y, 0]) self.info_appender([x, y]) else: text, ok = QInputDialog.getText(self, 'Ввод отрезка', 'Введите по типу X1 Y1 X2 Y2:') if ok: text = text.split() x1 = int(text[0]) y1 = int(text[1]) x2 = int(text[2]) y2 = int(text[3]) self.Bresenham(x1, y1, x2, y2, self.colorhelp) self.edges_slave.append([x1, y1, x2, y2]) self.table_appender([x1, y1, x2, y2]) def ShowWarning(self, info): msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) msg.setText(info + "\nНевозможно провести отсечение!") msg.setWindowTitle("Внимание!") msg.exec_() def Clear(self): self.edges.clear() self.edges_slave.clear() self.table.setRowCount(0) self.infoTable.setRowCount(0) self.image.fill(Qt.white) def draw_borders(self): if len(self.edges_slave) != 0: for j in range(len(self.edges_slave)): self.Bresenham(self.edges_slave[j][0], self.edges_slave[j][1], self.edges_slave[j][2], self.edges_slave[j][3], self.colorhelp) if len(self.edges) > 1: for i in range(len(self.edges) - 1): self.Bresenham(self.edges[i][0], self.edges[i][1], self.edges[i + 1][0], self.edges[i + 1][1]) self.repaint() def mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent): if self.rb2.isChecked(): if self.cutter_flag: self.edges.clear() self.infoTable.setRowCount(0) self.image.fill(Qt.white) self.draw_borders() if (QMouseEvent.button() == Qt.LeftButton): self.cutter_flag = False cord = QMouseEvent.pos() y = cord.y() x = cord.x() if (x >= 10 and y >= 10 and y <= HIGHT and x <= WIDTH): x -= 10 y -= 10 i = len(self.edges) if self.capslock and i: if y != self.edges[i - 1][1]: der = ((x - self.edges[i - 1][0]) / (y - self.edges[i - 1][1])) else: der = 2 if abs(der) <= 1: x = self.edges[i - 1][0] else: y = self.edges[i - 1][1] if i: self.Bresenham(self.edges[i - 1][0], self.edges[i - 1][1], x, y) self.edges.append([x, y, 0]) self.info_appender([x, y]) elif (QMouseEvent.button() == Qt.RightButton): i = len(self.edges) if i: x = self.edges[0][0] y = self.edges[0][1] self.Bresenham(self.edges[i - 1][0], self.edges[i - 1][1], x, y) self.edges.append([x, y, 0]) self.cutter_flag = True self.draw_borders() elif self.rb1.isChecked(): # Input lines if (QMouseEvent.button() == Qt.LeftButton): cord = QMouseEvent.pos() y = cord.y() x = cord.x() if (x >= 10 and y >= 10 and y <= HIGHT and x <= WIDTH): x -= 10 y -= 10 i = len(self.one_slave) if self.capslock and i: if y != self.one_slave[1]: der = ((x - self.one_slave[0]) / (y - self.one_slave[1])) else: der = 2 if abs(der) <= 1: x = self.one_slave[0] else: y = self.one_slave[1] if i == 2: self.one_slave.append(x) self.one_slave.append(y) self.edges_slave.append(self.one_slave) self.table_appender(self.one_slave) self.one_slave = [] else: self.one_slave.append(x) self.one_slave.append(y) self.image.fill(Qt.white) self.draw_borders() def table_appender(self, cord): N = self.table.rowCount() self.table.setRowCount(N + 1) for i in range(len(cord)): self.table.setItem(N, i, QTableWidgetItem(str(cord[i]))) def info_appender(self, cord): N = self.infoTable.rowCount() self.infoTable.setRowCount(N + 1) for i in range(len(cord)): self.infoTable.setItem(N, i, QTableWidgetItem(str(cord[i]))) def paintEvent(self, e): self.scene.clear() self.scene.addPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(self.image))