예제 #1
    def __init__(self, tag, ref, weight=0, color=0):
        self.myRef = ref
        self.myWeight = weight
        self.myColor = color

        self.myDegree = 0  # degree of node i is number of edges meeting at node i or number of vertices adjacent to it
        self.myTmp = 0
        self.myAdjacency = ID(size=0, arraySize=8)  # two nodes are said to be adjacent if they are connected by an edge
예제 #2
    def __init__(self,
        super().__init__(tag, Truss.ELE_TAG_Truss)
        self.theMaterial = theMaterial

        self.connectedExternalNodes = ID(2)  # 存储节点号
        self.connectedExternalNodes[0] = Nd1
        self.connectedExternalNodes[1] = Nd2

        self.dimension = dim  # truss in 2 or 3d domain
        self.numDOF = 0  # number of dof for truss ??

        self.theLoad = None  # pointer to the load vector P
        self.theMatrix = None  # pointer to objects matrix (a class wide Matrix) ??
        self.theVector = None  # pointer to objects vector (a class wide Vector) ??

        self.L = 0.0  # length of truss based on undeformed configuration
        self.A = A  # area of truss
        self.rho = r  # rho: mass density per unit length

        self.doRayleighDamping = damp  # flag to include Rayleigh damping
        self.cMass = cm  # consistent mass flag

        self.cosX = [0, 0, 0]  # direction cosines
        self.theNodes = [None, None]  # 存储节点本身
        self.initialDisp = None  # narray
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, tag, theDomain, theSP, alpha=1.0e8):
        self.theTag = tag
        self.myDOF_Groups = ID(1)
        self.numDOF = 1
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.theSP = theSP
        self.theNode = theDomain.getNode(theSP.getNodeTag())
        if self.theNode == None:
            print('FATAL PenaltySP_FE::PenaltySP_FE() - no Node: ' +
                  str(theSP.getNodeTag) + ' in domain.\n')

        dofGrp = self.theNode.getDOF_Group()
        if dofGrp != None:
            self.myDOF_Groups[0] = dofGrp.getTag()
예제 #4
class Vertex(TaggedObject):
    def __init__(self, tag, ref, weight=0, color=0):
        self.myRef = ref
        self.myWeight = weight
        self.myColor = color

        self.myDegree = 0  # degree of node i is number of edges meeting at node i or number of vertices adjacent to it
        self.myTmp = 0
        self.myAdjacency = ID(size=0, arraySize=8)  # two nodes are said to be adjacent if they are connected by an edge

    # set method
    def setWeight(self, newWeight):
        self.myWeight = newWeight
    def setColor(self, newColor):
        self.myColor = newColor
    def setTmp(self, newTmp):
        self.myTmp = newTmp
    # get method
    def getRef(self):
        return self.myRef
    def getWeight(self):
        return self.myWeight
    def getColor(self):
        return self.myColor
    def getTmp(self):
        return self.myTmp
    def getDegree(self):
        return self.myDegree
    def getAdjacency(self):
        return self.myAdjacency
    # add method
    def addEdge(self, otherTag):
        # don't allow itself to be added
            return 0
        # check the otherVertex has not already been added??? 在 ID::insert 内部自动check
        return self.myAdjacency.insert(otherTag)
예제 #5
import numpy as np
from SRC.matrix.ID import ID
id1 = ID()

a = np.array([1])

# test getitem

# test setitem
id1[0] = 2


예제 #6
    def number(self, theGraph, startVertex=-1):  # 有重载
        # first check our size, if not same make new
        if self.numVertex != theGraph.getNumVertex():
            # delete the old
            self.theRefResult = None
            self.numVertex = theGraph.getNumVertex()
            self.theRefResult = ID(self.numVertex)

        # see if we can do quick return
        if self.numVertex == 0:
            return self.theRefResult

        # we first set the Tmp of all vertices to -1, indicating they have not yet been added.
        vertexs = theGraph.getVertices().getComponents()
        for key, vertex in vertexs.items():

        # we now set up; setting our markers and getting first vertex
        startVertexTag = startVertex
        if startVertexTag != -1:
            vertex = theGraph.getVertex(startVertexTag)
            if vertex == None:
                print('WARNING:  RCM::number - No vertex with tag ' +
                      str(startVertexTag) +
                      'Exists - using first come from iter.\n')
                startVertexTag = -1

        # if no starting vertex use the first one we get from the VertexIter
        vertexIter2 = iter(theGraph.getVertices().getComponents())
        if startVertexTag == -1:
            vertex = next(vertexIter2)
            start = vertex
            # if GPS true use gibbs-poole-stodlmyer determine the last level set
            # assuming a starting vertex and then use one of the nodes in this set to base the numbering on
            if self.GPS == True:
                currentMark = self.numVertex - 1  # marks current vertex visiting
                nextMark = currentMark - 1  # marks where to put next Tag
                startLastLevelSet = nextMark
                self.theRefResult[currentMark] = vertex.getTag()

                # we continue till the ID is full
                while nextMark >= 0:
                    # get the current vertex and its adjacency
                    vertex = theGraph.getVertex(self.theRefResult[currentMark])
                    adjacency = vertex.getAdjacency()

                    # go through the vertices adjacency and add vertices which have not yet been Tmp'ed to the (*theRefResult)
                    size = adjacency.Size()
                    for i in range(0, size):
                        vertexTag = adjacency[i]
                        vertex = theGraph.getVertex(vertexTag)
                        if vertex.getTmp() == -1:
                            self.theRefResult[nextMark] = vertexTag
                            nextMark -= 1
                    # go to the next vertex
                    # we decrement because we are doing reverse Cuthill-McKee
                    currentMark -= 1
                    if startLastLevelSet == currentMark:
                        startLastLevelSet = nextMark
                    # check to see if graph is disconneted
                    if currentMark == nextMark and currentMark >= 0:
                        # loop over iter till we get a vertex not yet Tmped
                        vertex = next(vertexIter2)
                        while vertex != None and vertex.getTmp() != -1:
                            nextMark -= 1
                            startLastLevelSet = nextMark
                            self.theRefResult[currentMark] = vertex.getTag()

                # create an id of the last level set
                if startLastLevelSet > 0:
                    lastLeverSet = ID(startLastLevelSet)
                    for i in range(0, startLastLevelSet):
                        lastLeverSet[i] = self.theRefResult[i]
                    return self.number(theGraph, lastLeverSet)  # 用到了重载的函数
                vertex = start

        vertexIter3 = theGraph.getVertices().getComponents()
        # set to -1 all the vertices
        for key, other in vertexIter3:

        vertexIter4 = theGraph.getVertices().getComponents()

        currentMark = self.numVertex - 1  # marks current vertex visiting
        nextMark = currentMark - 1  # indiactes where to put next Tag in ID
        self.theRefResult[currentMark] = vertex.getTag()

        # we continue till the ID is full
        while nextMark >= 0:
            # get the current vertex and its adjacency
            vertex = theGraph.getVertex(self.theRefResult[currentMark])
            adjacency = vertex.getAdjacency()
            # go through the vertices adjacency and add vertices which have not yet been Tmp'ed to the (*theRefResult)
            size = adjacency.Size()
            for i in range(0, size):
                vertexTag = adjacency[i]
                vertex = theGraph.getVertex(vertexTag)
                if vertex.getTmp() == -1:
                    self.theRefResult[nextMark] = vertexTag
                    nextMark -= 1
            # go to the next vertex, we decrement because we are doing reverse Cuthill-McKee
            currentMark -= 1
            # check to see if graph is disconneted
            if currentMark == nextMark and currentMark >= 0:
                # 有一段不知所措
                nextMark -= 1
                self.theRefResult[currentMark] = vertex.getTag()

        # now set the vertex references instead of the vertex tags
        # in the result, we change the Tmp to indicate number and return
        for i in range(0, self.numVertex):
            vertexTag = self.theRefResult[i]
            vertex = theGraph.getVertex(vertexTag)
            vertex.setTmp(i + 1)  # 1 through numVertex
            self.theRefResult[i] = vertex.getTag()

        return self.theRefResult