50, float(mn1Range['min']), float(mn1Range['max']))
histo2lnth = r.TH2F('mc1mn1_2lep_notauhad_reqids',
                    'ReqIds for the WH notauhad 2lep grid ;mc_{1};mn_{1}',
                    50, float(mc1Range['min']), float(mc1Range['max']),
                    50, float(mn1Range['min']), float(mn1Range['max']))
histo3l = r.TH2F('mc1mn1_3lep_reqids',
                 'ReqIds for the WH 3lep grid ;mc_{1};mn_{1}',
                 50, float(mc1Range['min']), float(mc1Range['max']),
                 50, float(mn1Range['min']), float(mn1Range['max']))
# # looping over reqDb.entries also includes missing entries (i.e. reqids that were not processed)
#  for sample, reqid in reqDb.entries.iteritems() :
#      mc1, mn1 = parDb.mc1Mn1ByReqid(reqid)
for entry in parDb.entries :
    reqid, mc1, mn1 = entry.ds, entry.mc1, entry.mn1
    mc1, mn1 = float(mc1), float(mn1)
    sample = reqDb.sampleByReqid(reqid)
    if not sample :
        print "missing %s, (%.1f, %.1f)"%(reqid, mc1, mn1)
    h = (histo2lnth if '2Lep' in sample and 'notauhad' in sample
         else histo2l if '2Lep' in sample
         else histo3l if '3Lep' in sample else None )
    assert h,"%s is not 2l nor 3l"%sample
    h.Fill(mc1, mn1, float(reqid))

def buildMergedHisto(histo) :
    merge = ModeAWhDbMergedFake2Lreqid()
    h = histo.Clone(histo.GetName()+'_merged')
    xAx, yAx = h.GetXaxis(), h.GetYaxis()
    for iX in range(1, h.GetNbinsX()+1) :
예제 #2
                 float(mn1Range['min']), float(mn1Range['max']))
histo2lnth = r.TH2F('mc1mn1_2lep_notauhad_reqids',
                    'ReqIds for the WH notauhad 2lep grid ;mc_{1};mn_{1}', 50,
                    float(mc1Range['min']), float(mc1Range['max']), 50,
                    float(mn1Range['min']), float(mn1Range['max']))
histo3l = r.TH2F('mc1mn1_3lep_reqids',
                 'ReqIds for the WH 3lep grid ;mc_{1};mn_{1}', 50,
                 float(mc1Range['min']), float(mc1Range['max']), 50,
                 float(mn1Range['min']), float(mn1Range['max']))
# # looping over reqDb.entries also includes missing entries (i.e. reqids that were not processed)
#  for sample, reqid in reqDb.entries.iteritems() :
#      mc1, mn1 = parDb.mc1Mn1ByReqid(reqid)
for entry in parDb.entries:
    reqid, mc1, mn1 = entry.ds, entry.mc1, entry.mn1
    mc1, mn1 = float(mc1), float(mn1)
    sample = reqDb.sampleByReqid(reqid)
    if not sample:
        print "missing %s, (%.1f, %.1f)" % (reqid, mc1, mn1)
    h = (histo2lnth if '2Lep' in sample and 'notauhad' in sample else histo2l
         if '2Lep' in sample else histo3l if '3Lep' in sample else None)
    assert h, "%s is not 2l nor 3l" % sample
    h.Fill(mc1, mn1, float(reqid))

def buildMergedHisto(histo):
    merge = ModeAWhDbMergedFake2Lreqid()
    h = histo.Clone(histo.GetName() + '_merged')
    xAx, yAx = h.GetXaxis(), h.GetYaxis()
    for iX in range(1, h.GetNbinsX() + 1):