예제 #1
def generate(eventData, competitors, debug):
    activeSchedule = Schedule(
    )  # Create object for initial schedule. Probably add something to store all these objects externally later
    activeSchedule.events = copy.deepcopy(
        eventData)  # Create a local instance of eventData[]

    seniors = []
    team = []

    # Assign periods randomly for self-schedule eventData
    for obj in activeSchedule.events:
        if (obj.selfSchedule == True):
            obj.period = random.randint(1, 6)

    # Loop through all the possible competitor slots in an event.
    for phase in range(3):
        # Shuffle the event lsit so that there is no bias as to when the event is
        # Loop through each event in the current schedule
        for event in activeSchedule.events:
            # If the event isn't filled yet
            if len(event.competitors) < event.size:
                # If we can still add people to the team, get the best competitor out of everyone
                if len(team) < 15:
                    competitor = Competitor.getBestCompetitor(
                        competitors, event.name, event.period, seniors,
                        MAX_GRADE, MAX_QUANTITY)
                # If we're full, get the best competitor out of the people on the team already
                    competitor = Competitor.getBestCompetitor(
                        team, event.name, event.period, seniors, MAX_GRADE,
                # Now that the competitor has been added to this time slot, they are occupied
                # Add the competitor to the list of poeple competing in the event

                # Add the competitor to the list of seniors if they are a senior and aren't already there
                if competitor.grade == MAX_GRADE and competitor.name not in seniors:
                # Add the competitor to the competing team roster if they aren't already there
                if competitor not in team:

    # Reset the occupied status of the competitors for the next schedule
    for c in competitors:
        c.occupied = []

    activeSchedule.members = team
    return activeSchedule