예제 #1
파일: ec2.py 프로젝트: totoroha/ScoutSuite
    def parse_instance(self, global_params, region, reservation):
        Parse a single EC2 instance

        :param reservation:
        :param global_params:           Parameters shared for all regions
        :param region:                  Name of the AWS region
        for i in reservation['Instances']:
            instance = {}
            vpc_id = i['VpcId'] if 'VpcId' in i and i['VpcId'] else ec2_classic
            manage_dictionary(self.vpcs, vpc_id,
            instance['reservation_id'] = reservation['ReservationId']
            instance['id'] = i['InstanceId']
            instance['monitoring_enabled'] = i['Monitoring'][
                'State'] == 'enabled'
            instance['user_data'] = self._get_user_data(region, instance['id'])
            get_name(i, instance, 'InstanceId')
            get_keys(i, instance, [
                'KeyName', 'LaunchTime', 'InstanceType', 'State',
                'IamInstanceProfile', 'SubnetId'
            # Network interfaces & security groups
            manage_dictionary(instance, 'network_interfaces', {})
            for eni in i['NetworkInterfaces']:
                nic = {}
                get_keys(eni, nic, [
                    'Association', 'Groups', 'PrivateIpAddresses', 'SubnetId',
                instance['network_interfaces'][eni['NetworkInterfaceId']] = nic
            self.vpcs[vpc_id].instances[i['InstanceId']] = instance
예제 #2
파일: vpc.py 프로젝트: totoroha/ScoutSuite
 def parse_route_table(self, global_params, region, rt):
     route_table = {}
     vpc_id = rt['VpcId']
     get_name(rt, route_table, 'VpcId')  # TODO: change get_name to have src then dst
     get_keys(rt, route_table, ['Routes', 'Associations', 'PropagatingVgws'])
     # Save
     manage_dictionary(self.vpcs, vpc_id, SingleVPCConfig(self.vpc_resource_types))
     self.vpcs[vpc_id].route_tables[rt['RouteTableId']] = route_table
예제 #3
파일: vpc.py 프로젝트: totoroha/ScoutSuite
    def parse_flow_log(self, global_params, region, flow_log):

        :param global_params:
        :param region:
        :param flow_log:
        get_name(flow_log, flow_log, 'FlowLogId')
        flow_log_id = flow_log.pop('FlowLogId')
        self.flow_logs[flow_log_id] = flow_log
예제 #4
 def store_target(self, global_params, region, target):
     target_type = target.pop('scout2_target_type')
     if 'VpcId' in target:
         vpc_id = target.pop('VpcId')
         manage_dictionary(self.vpcs, vpc_id,
         tmp = getattr(self, 'vpcs')[vpc_id]
         target_dict = getattr(tmp, target_type)
         target_dict = getattr(self, target_type)
     target_id = target[resource_id_map[target_type]]
     get_name(target, target, resource_id_map[target_type])
     target_dict[target_id] = target
예제 #5
파일: vpc.py 프로젝트: totoroha/ScoutSuite
    def parse_network_acl(self, global_params, region, network_acl):

        :param global_params:
        :param region:
        :param network_acl:
        vpc_id = network_acl['VpcId']
        network_acl['id'] = network_acl.pop('NetworkAclId')
        get_name(network_acl, network_acl, 'id')
        manage_dictionary(network_acl, 'rules', {})
        network_acl['rules']['ingress'] = self.__parse_network_acl_entries(network_acl['Entries'], False)
        network_acl['rules']['egress'] = self.__parse_network_acl_entries(network_acl['Entries'], True)
        # Save
        manage_dictionary(self.vpcs, vpc_id, SingleVPCConfig(self.vpc_resource_types))
        self.vpcs[vpc_id].network_acls[network_acl['id']] = network_acl
예제 #6
파일: vpc.py 프로젝트: totoroha/ScoutSuite
    def parse_subnet(self, global_params, region, subnet):
        Parse subnet object.

        :param global_params:
        :param region:
        :param subnet:
        vpc_id = subnet['VpcId']
        manage_dictionary(self.vpcs, vpc_id, SingleVPCConfig(self.vpc_resource_types))
        subnet_id = subnet['SubnetId']
        get_name(subnet, subnet, 'SubnetId')
        # set flow logs that cover this subnet
        subnet['flow_logs'] = get_subnet_flow_logs_list(self, subnet)
        # Save
        manage_dictionary(self.vpcs, vpc_id, SingleVPCConfig(self.vpc_resource_types))
        self.vpcs[vpc_id].subnets[subnet_id] = subnet
예제 #7
파일: ec2.py 프로젝트: totoroha/ScoutSuite
    def parse_volume(self, global_params, region, volume):

        :param global_params:           Parameters shared for all regions
        :param region:                  Name of the AWS region
        :param volume:                  Single EBS volume
        volume['id'] = volume.pop('VolumeId')
        volume['name'] = get_name(volume, volume, 'id')
        self.volumes[volume['id']] = volume
예제 #8
파일: vpc.py 프로젝트: totoroha/ScoutSuite
    def parse_vpc(self, global_params, region_name, vpc):

        :param global_params:
        :param region_name:
        :param vpc:
        vpc_id = vpc['VpcId']
        # Save
        manage_dictionary(self.vpcs, vpc_id, SingleVPCConfig(self.vpc_resource_types))
        self.vpcs[vpc_id].name = get_name(vpc, {}, 'VpcId')
예제 #9
파일: ec2.py 프로젝트: totoroha/ScoutSuite
    def parse_snapshot(self, global_params, region, snapshot):

        :param global_params:           Parameters shared for all regions
        :param region:                  Name of the AWS region
        :param snapshot:                  Single snapshot
        snapshot['id'] = snapshot.pop('SnapshotId')
        snapshot['name'] = get_name(snapshot, snapshot, 'id')
        self.snapshots[snapshot['id']] = snapshot
        # Get snapshot attribute
        snapshot['createVolumePermission'] = \
        snapshot['public'] = self._is_public(snapshot)