예제 #1
def phase_two(problem, results):
    print "Phase 2 solving SCC sub problems"
    solved = True
    num_comp, scc, c, paths = results
    solution = [None]*len(scc)

    for i,sc in enumerate(scc):
        sc = list(sc)
        if len(sc) ==1:
            solution[i] = (sc, paths[sc[0]])
        if len(sc) > 1:
            if len(sc) >= 3:
                print "sc is too long.  won't attempt to find path"
                solved = False

            print "trying to resolve sub problem for %s "% sc 
            start,goalTest,heuristic,goals =problem.getSearchParams(sc)
            obstacles = genSubProblemObs(problem, scc, i)
            print start, goals, obstacles
            path, expanded, Cost = ucSearch(successors(\
                            problem.wm,False, obstacles, problem.alpha), start,goalTest,heuristic)
            if path == None:
                print "failed to solve sub problem."
                solved = False
                solution[i] = (sc, path)

    if not solved:
        return None
        return solution
예제 #2
def phase_three(problem, results):
    print "Phase 3 solving SCC full problems"
    num_comp, scc, c, paths = results
    solution = [None]*len(scc)

    for i,sc in enumerate(scc):
        sc = list(sc)
        if len(sc) >1 :
            if len(sc) >= 3:
                print "sc is too long.  won't attempt to find path"
                return None
            print "trying to find composite path for %s " % sc
            start,goalTest,heuristic,goals =problem.getSearchParams(sc)
            path, expanded, Cost = ucSearch(successors(\
				problem.wm,False), start,goalTest,heuristic)
            if path == None:
                print "no solution found"
                return None

                print "Path found. need to reorder constraint graph!"
                for n in sc: c.remove_node(n) # remove composite nodes
                c.add_node(sc[0], name=sc) # only add first node back
                # get constraints
                constraints = constraints_for_path(problem, path,sc)
                print constraints
                paths[sc[0]] = path

    num_comp, scc, max_sc = getSCC(c)
    solution = [None]*len(scc)

    for i,sc in enumerate(scc):
        sc = list(sc)
        if 'name' in c.node[sc[0]]:
            solution[i] = (c.node[sc[0]]['name'], paths[sc[0]])
            solution[i] = (sc, paths[sc[0]])

    if max_sc == 1:
        print "solved problem!"
        return solution
        print "composite planner did not decrease size of SCC to 1"
        return None