예제 #1
def update_required_items(spoiler):
    worlds = spoiler.worlds

    # get list of all of the progressive items that can appear in hints
    # all_locations: all progressive items. have to collect from these
    # item_locations: only the ones that should appear as "required"/WotH
    all_locations = [
        location for world in worlds
        for location in world.get_filled_locations()
    # Set to test inclusion against
    item_locations = {
        for location in all_locations if location.item.majoritem
        and not location.locked and location.item.name != 'Triforce Piece'

    # if the playthrough was generated, filter the list of locations to the
    # locations in the playthrough. The required locations is a subset of these
    # locations. Can't use the locations directly since they are location to the
    # copied spoiler world, so must compare via name and world id
    if spoiler.playthrough:
        translate = lambda loc: worlds[loc.world.id].get_location(loc.name)
        spoiler_locations = set(
        item_locations &= spoiler_locations
        # Skip even the checks
        _maybe_set_light_arrows = lambda _: None
        _maybe_set_light_arrows = maybe_set_light_arrows

    required_locations = []

    search = Search([world.state for world in worlds])

    for location in search.iter_reachable_locations(all_locations):
        # Try to remove items one at a time and see if the game is still beatable
        if location in item_locations:
            old_item = location.item
            location.item = None
            # copies state! This is very important as we're in the middle of a search
            # already, but beneficially, has search it can start from
            if not search.can_beat_game():
            location.item = old_item

    # Filter the required location to only include location in the world
    required_locations_dict = {}
    for world in worlds:
        required_locations_dict[world.id] = list(
            filter(lambda location: location.world.id == world.id,
    spoiler.required_locations = required_locations_dict
예제 #2
def create_playthrough(spoiler):
    worlds = spoiler.worlds
    if worlds[0].check_beatable_only and not State.can_beat_game(
        [world.state for world in worlds]):
        raise RuntimeError('Uncopied is broken too.')
    # create a copy as we will modify it
    old_worlds = worlds
    worlds = copy_worlds(worlds)

    # if we only check for beatable, we can do this sanity check first before writing down spheres
    if worlds[0].check_beatable_only and not State.can_beat_game(
        [world.state for world in worlds]):
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Cannot beat game. Something went terribly wrong here!')

    search = RewindableSearch([world.state for world in worlds])
    # Get all item locations in the worlds
    item_locations = search.progression_locations()
    # Omit certain items from the playthrough
    internal_locations = {
        for location in item_locations if location.internal
    # Generate a list of spheres by iterating over reachable locations without collecting as we go.
    # Collecting every item in one sphere means that every item
    # in the next sphere is collectable. Will contain every reachable item this way.
    logger = logging.getLogger('')
    logger.debug('Building up collection spheres.')
    collection_spheres = []
    entrance_spheres = []
    remaining_entrances = set(entrance for world in worlds
                              for entrance in world.get_shuffled_entrances())

    while True:
        # Not collecting while the generator runs means we only get one sphere at a time
        # Otherwise, an item we collect could influence later item collection in the same sphere
        collected = list(search.iter_reachable_locations(item_locations))
        if not collected: break
        # Gather the new entrances before collecting items.
        accessed_entrances = set(
            filter(search.spot_access, remaining_entrances))
        remaining_entrances -= accessed_entrances
        for location in collected:
            # Collect the item for the state world it is for
    logger.info('Collected %d spheres', len(collection_spheres))

    # Reduce each sphere in reverse order, by checking if the game is beatable
    # when we remove the item. We do this to make sure that progressive items
    # like bow and slingshot appear as early as possible rather than as late as possible.
    required_locations = []
    for sphere in reversed(collection_spheres):
        for location in sphere:
            # we remove the item at location and check if the game is still beatable in case the item could be required
            old_item = location.item

            # Uncollect the item and location.

            # Generic events might show up or not, as usual, but since we don't
            # show them in the final output, might as well skip over them. We'll
            # still need them in the final pass, so make sure to include them.
            if location.internal:

            location.item = None

            # An item can only be required if it isn't already obtained or if it's progressive
            if search.state_list[old_item.world.id].item_count(
                    old_item.name) < old_item.special.get('progressive', 1):
                # Test whether the game is still beatable from here.
                logger.debug('Checking if %s is required to beat the game.',
                if not search.can_beat_game():
                    # still required, so reset the item
                    location.item = old_item

    # Reduce each entrance sphere in reverse order, by checking if the game is beatable when we disconnect the entrance.
    required_entrances = []
    for sphere in reversed(entrance_spheres):
        for entrance in sphere:
            # we disconnect the entrance and check if the game is still beatable
            old_connected_region = entrance.disconnect()

            # we use a new search to ensure the disconnected entrance is no longer used
            sub_search = Search([world.state for world in worlds])

            # Test whether the game is still beatable from here.
                'Checking if reaching %s, through %s, is required to beat the game.',
                old_connected_region.name, entrance.name)
            if not sub_search.can_beat_game():
                # still required, so reconnect the entrance

    # Regenerate the spheres as we might not reach places the same way anymore.
    search.reset()  # search state has no items, okay to reuse sphere 0 cache
    collection_spheres = []
    entrance_spheres = []
    remaining_entrances = set(required_entrances)
    collected = set()
    while True:
        # Not collecting while the generator runs means we only get one sphere at a time
        # Otherwise, an item we collect could influence later item collection in the same sphere
        if not collected: break
        internal = collected & internal_locations
        if internal:
            # collect only the internal events but don't record them in a sphere
            for location in internal:
            # Remaining locations need to be saved to be collected later
            collected -= internal
        # Gather the new entrances before collecting items.
        accessed_entrances = set(
            filter(search.spot_access, remaining_entrances))
        remaining_entrances -= accessed_entrances
        for location in collected:
            # Collect the item for the state world it is for
    logger.info('Collected %d final spheres', len(collection_spheres))

    # Then we can finally output our playthrough
    spoiler.playthrough = OrderedDict(
        (str(i + 1), {location: location.item
                      for location in sphere})
        for i, sphere in enumerate(collection_spheres))

    if worlds[0].entrance_shuffle != 'off':
        spoiler.entrance_playthrough = OrderedDict(
            (str(i + 1), list(sphere))
            for i, sphere in enumerate(entrance_spheres))
예제 #3
def distribute_items_restrictive(window, worlds, fill_locations=None):
    song_locations = [
        world.get_location(location) for world in worlds for location in [
            'Song from Composers Grave', 'Song from Impa', 'Song from Malon',
            'Song from Saria', 'Song from Ocarina of Time',
            'Song from Windmill', 'Sheik in Forest', 'Sheik at Temple',
            'Sheik in Crater', 'Sheik in Ice Cavern', 'Sheik in Kakariko',
            'Sheik at Colossus'

    shop_locations = [
        location for world in worlds
        for location in world.get_unfilled_locations()
        if location.type == 'Shop' and location.price == None

    # If not passed in, then get a shuffled list of locations to fill in
    if not fill_locations:
        fill_locations = [location for world in worlds for location in world.get_unfilled_locations() \
            if location not in song_locations and \
               location not in shop_locations and \
               location.type != 'GossipStone']
    world_states = [world.state for world in worlds]

    window.locationcount = len(fill_locations) + len(song_locations) + len(
    window.fillcount = 0

    # Generate the itempools
    shopitempool = [
        item for world in worlds for item in world.itempool
        if item.type == 'Shop'
    songitempool = [
        item for world in worlds for item in world.itempool
        if item.type == 'Song'
    itempool = [
        item for world in worlds for item in world.itempool
        if item.type != 'Shop' and item.type != 'Song'

    if worlds[0].shuffle_song_items:
        songitempool = []
        song_locations = []

    # add unrestricted dungeon items to main item pool
        item for world in worlds
        for item in world.get_unrestricted_dungeon_items()
    dungeon_items = [
        item for world in worlds
        for item in world.get_restricted_dungeon_items()

    )  # randomize item placement order. this ordering can greatly affect the location accessibility bias
    progitempool = [item for item in itempool if item.advancement]
    prioitempool = [
        item for item in itempool if not item.advancement and item.priority
    restitempool = [
        item for item in itempool if not item.advancement and not item.priority

    cloakable_locations = shop_locations + song_locations + fill_locations
    all_models = shopitempool + dungeon_items + songitempool + itempool
        window, worlds, [shop_locations, song_locations, fill_locations], [
            shopitempool, dungeon_items, songitempool, progitempool,
            prioitempool, restitempool
    itempool = progitempool + prioitempool + restitempool

    # set ice traps to have the appearance of other random items in the item pool
    ice_traps = [item for item in itempool if item.name == 'Ice Trap']
    # Extend with ice traps manually placed in plandomizer
        location.item for location in cloakable_locations
        if (location.name in location_groups['CanSee']
            and location.item is not None and location.item.name == 'Ice Trap'
            and location.item.looks_like_item is None))
    junk_items = remove_junk_items.copy()
    junk_items.remove('Ice Trap')
    major_items = [
        item for (item, data) in item_table.items()
        if data[0] == 'Item' and data[1] and data[2] is not None
    fake_items = []
    if worlds[0].settings.ice_trap_appearance == 'major_only':
        model_items = [item for item in itempool if item.majoritem]
        if len(
        ) == 0:  # All major items were somehow removed from the pool (can happen in plando)
            model_items = ItemFactory(major_items)
    elif worlds[0].settings.ice_trap_appearance == 'junk_only':
        model_items = [item for item in itempool if item.name in junk_items]
        if len(model_items) == 0:  # All junk was removed
            model_items = ItemFactory(junk_items)
    else:  # world[0].settings.ice_trap_appearance == 'anything':
        model_items = [item for item in itempool if item.name != 'Ice Trap']
        if len(
        ) == 0:  # All major items and junk were somehow removed from the pool (can happen in plando)
            model_items = ItemFactory(major_items) + ItemFactory(junk_items)
    while len(ice_traps) > len(fake_items):
        # if there are more ice traps than model items, then double up on model items
    for random_item in random.sample(fake_items, len(ice_traps)):
        ice_trap = ice_traps.pop(0)
        ice_trap.looks_like_item = random_item

    # Start a search cache here.
    search = Search([world.state for world in worlds])

    # We place all the shop items first. Like songs, they have a more limited
    # set of locations that they can be placed in, so placing them first will
    # reduce the odds of creating unbeatable seeds. This also avoids needing
    # to create item rules for every location for whether they are a shop item
    # or not. This shouldn't have much affect on item bias.
    if shop_locations:
        logger.info('Placing shop items.')
        fill_ownworld_restrictive(window, worlds, search, shop_locations,
                                  itempool + songitempool + dungeon_items,
    # Update the shop item access rules
    for world in worlds:


    # If there are dungeon items that are restricted to their original dungeon,
    # we must place them first to make sure that there is always a location to
    # place them. This could probably be replaced for more intelligent item
    # placement, but will leave as is for now
    if dungeon_items:
        logger.info('Placing dungeon items.')
        fill_dungeons_restrictive(window, worlds, search, fill_locations,
                                  dungeon_items, itempool + songitempool)

    # places the songs into the world
    # Currently places songs only at song locations. if there's an option
    # to allow at other locations then they should be in the main pool.
    # Placing songs on their own since they have a relatively high chance
    # of failing compared to other item type. So this way we only have retry
    # the song locations only.
    if not worlds[0].shuffle_song_items:
        logger.info('Placing song items.')
        fill_ownworld_restrictive(window, worlds, search, song_locations,
                                  songitempool, progitempool, "song")
        fill_locations += [
            location for location in song_locations if location.item is None

    # Put one item in every dungeon, needs to be done before other items are
    # placed to ensure there is a spot available for them
    if worlds[0].one_item_per_dungeon:
        logger.info('Placing one major item per dungeon.')
        fill_dungeon_unique_item(window, worlds, search, fill_locations,

    # Place all progression items. This will include keys in keysanity.
    # Items in this group will check for reachability and will be placed
    # such that the game is guaranteed beatable.
    logger.info('Placing progression items.')
    fill_restrictive(window, worlds, search, fill_locations, progitempool)

    # Place all priority items.
    # These items are items that only check if the item is allowed to be
    # placed in the location, not checking reachability. This is important
    # for things like Ice Traps that can't be found at some locations
    logger.info('Placing priority items.')
    fill_restrictive_fast(window, worlds, fill_locations, prioitempool)

    # Place the rest of the items.
    # No restrictions at all. Places them completely randomly. Since they
    # cannot affect the beatability, we don't need to check them
    logger.info('Placing the rest of the items.')
    fast_fill(window, fill_locations, restitempool)

    # Log unplaced item/location warnings
    for item in progitempool + prioitempool + restitempool:
        logger.error('Unplaced Items: %s [World %d]' %
                     (item.name, item.world.id))
    for location in fill_locations:
        logger.error('Unfilled Locations: %s [World %d]' %
                     (location.name, location.world.id))

    if progitempool + prioitempool + restitempool:
        raise FillError('Not all items are placed.')

    if fill_locations:
        raise FillError('Not all locations have an item.')

    if not search.can_beat_game():
        raise FillError('Cannot beat game!')

    worlds[0].settings.distribution.cloak(worlds, [cloakable_locations],

    for world in worlds:
        for location in world.get_filled_locations():
            # Get the maximum amount of wallets required to purchase an advancement item.
            if world.maximum_wallets < 3 and location.price and location.item.advancement:
                if location.price > 500:
                    world.maximum_wallets = 3
                elif world.maximum_wallets < 2 and location.price > 200:
                    world.maximum_wallets = 2
                elif world.maximum_wallets < 1 and location.price > 99:
                    world.maximum_wallets = 1

            # Get Light Arrow location for later usage.
            if location.item and location.item.name == 'Light Arrows':
                location.item.world.light_arrow_location = location