def parseASOState(self, fp, nodes, statusResult):
        """ Parse aso_status and for each job change the job status from 'transferring'
            to 'transferred' in case all files in the job have already been successfully

            fp: file pointer to the ASO status file downloaded from the shedd
            nodes: contains the data-structure representing the node state file created by dagman
            statusResult: the dictionary it is going to be returned by the status to the client.
                          we need this to add a warning in case there are jobs missing in the node_state file
        transfers = {}
        data = json.load(fp)
        for docid, result in data['results'].iteritems():
            #Oracle has an improved structure in aso_status
            if isCouchDBURL(self.asoDBURL):
                result = result['value']
                result = result[0]
            jobid = str(result['jobid'])
            if jobid not in nodes:
                msg = ("It seems one or more jobs are missing from the node_state file."
                       " It might be corrupted as a result of a disk failure on the schedd (maybe it is full?)"
                       " This might be interesting for analysis operation (%s) %" + FEEDBACKMAIL)
                statusResult['taskWarningMsg'] = [msg] + statusResult['taskWarningMsg']
            if jobid in nodes and nodes[jobid]['State'] == 'transferring':
                transfers.setdefault(jobid, {})[docid] = result['state']
        for jobid in transfers:
            ## The aso_status file is created/updated by the post-jobs when monitoring the
            ## transfers, i.e. after all transfer documents for the given job have been
            ## successfully inserted into the ASO database. Thus, if aso_status contains N
            ## documents for a given job_id it means there are exactly N files to transfer
            ## for that job.
            if set(transfers[jobid].values()) == set(['done']):
                nodes[jobid]['State'] = 'transferred'
예제 #2
 def publicationStatus(self, workflow, asourl, asodb, user):
     """Here is what basically the function return, a dict called publicationInfo in the subcalls:
             publicationInfo['status']: something like {'publishing': 0, 'publication_failed': 0, 'not_published': 0, 'published': 5}.
                                        Later on goes into dictresult['publication'] before being returned to the client
             publicationInfo['status']['error']: String containing the error message if not able to contact couch or oracle
                                                 Later on goes into dictresult['publication']['error']
             publicationInfo['failure_reasons']: errors of single files (not yet implemented for oracle..)
     if isCouchDBURL(asourl):
         return self.publicationStatusCouch(workflow, asourl, asodb)
         return self.publicationStatusOracle(workflow, user)
예제 #3
    def publicationStatusWrapper(self, workflow, asourl, asodb, username, publicationenabled):
        publicationInfo = {}
        if (publicationenabled == 'T'):
            # value is used in the publicationStatus method.
            self.isCouchDBURL = isCouchDBURL(asourl)

            #let's default asodb to asynctransfer, for old task this is empty!
            asodb = asodb or 'asynctransfer'
            publicationInfo = self.publicationStatus(workflow, asourl, asodb, username)
  "Publication status for workflow %s done", workflow)
            publicationInfo['status'] = {'disabled': []}
        return publicationInfo
예제 #4
 def resubmitPublication(self, asourl, asodb, proxy, taskname):
     if isCouchDBURL(asourl):
         return self.resubmitCouchPublication(asourl, asodb, proxy, taskname)
         return self.resubmitOraclePublication(taskname)
예제 #5
    def resubmit(self, workflow, publication, jobids, force, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, maxjobruntime, maxmemory, numcores, priority, userdn, userproxy):
        """Request to reprocess what the workflow hasn't finished to reprocess.
           This needs to create a new workflow in the same campaign

           :arg str workflow: a valid workflow name
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg int whether to resubmit publications or jobs."""
        retmsg = "ok"
        resubmitWhat = "publications" if publication else "jobs""About to resubmit %s for workflow: %s. Getting status first.", resubmitWhat, workflow)

        ## Get the status of the task/jobs.
        statusRes = self.status(workflow, userdn, userproxy)[0]

        ## Check lifetime of the task and raise ExecutionError if appropriate"Checking if resubmission is possible: we don't allow resubmission %s days before task expiration date", NUM_DAYS_FOR_RESUBMITDRAIN)
        retmsg = checkTaskLifetime(statusRes['submissionTime'])
        if retmsg != "ok":
            return [{'result': retmsg}]

        ## Ignore the following options if this is a publication resubmission or if the
        ## task was never submitted.
        if publication or statusRes['status'] == 'SUBMITFAILED':
            jobids, force = None, False
            siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, maxjobruntime, maxmemory, numcores, priority = None, None, None, None, None, None

        ## We allow resubmission only if the task status is one of these:
        ## We allow resubmission of successfully finished jobs if the user explicitly
        ## gave the job ids and the force option (i.e. the user knows what he/she is
        ## doing). In that case we have to allow the task to be in COMPLETED status.
        ## The same is true for publication resubmission.
        if (jobids and force) or publication:
            allowedTaskStates += ['COMPLETED']
        ## Allow resubmission of tasks in SUBMITFAILED status if this is not a
        ## publication resubmission.
        if not publication:
            allowedTaskStates += ['SUBMITFAILED'] #NB submitfailed goes to NEW, not RESUBMIT
        ## If the task status is not an allowed one, fail the resubmission.
        if statusRes['status'] not in allowedTaskStates:
            if statusRes['status'] == 'COMPLETED':
                msg  = "Task status is COMPLETED."
                msg += " To resubmit jobs from a task in status COMPLETED, specify the job ids and use the force option."
                msg += " To resubmit publications use the publication option."
                msg = "You cannot resubmit %s if the task is in status %s." % (resubmitWhat, statusRes['status'])
            raise ExecutionError(msg)

        if statusRes['status'] != 'SUBMITFAILED':
            ## This is the list of job ids that we allow to be resubmitted.
            ## Note: This list will be empty if statusRes['jobList'] is empty to begin with.
            resubmitjobids = []
            for jobstatus, jobid in statusRes['jobList']:
                if (not publication and jobstatus in self.failedList) or \
                   (((jobids and force) or publication) and jobstatus in self.successList):
            if statusRes['jobList'] and not resubmitjobids:
                msg = "There are no %s to resubmit." % (resubmitWhat)
                if publication:
                    msg += " Publications can only be resubmitted for jobs in status %s." % (self.successList)
                    msg += " Only jobs in status %s can be resubmitted." % (self.failedList)
                    msg += " Jobs in status %s can also be resubmitted," % (self.successList)
                    msg += " but only if the jobid is specified and the force option is set."
                raise ExecutionError(msg)
            ## Checks for publication resubmission.
            if publication:
                if 'publication' not in statusRes or not statusRes['publication']:
                    msg  = "Cannot resubmit publication."
                    msg += " Unable to retrieve the publication status."
                    raise ExecutionError(msg)
                if 'disabled' in statusRes['publication']:
                    msg  = "Cannot resubmit publication."
                    msg += " Publication was disabled in the CRAB configuration."
                    raise ExecutionError(msg)
                if 'error' in statusRes['publication']:
                    msg  = "Cannot resubmit publication."
                    msg += " Error in publication status: %s" % (statusRes['publication']['error'])
                    raise ExecutionError(msg)
                if isCouchDBURL(statusRes['ASOURL']) and statusRes['publication'].get('publication_failed', 0) == 0:
                    msg = "There are no failed publications to resubmit."
                    raise ExecutionError(msg)
                ## Here we can add a check on the publication status of the documents
                ## corresponding to the job ids in resubmitjobids and jobids. So far the
                ## publication resubmission will resubmit all the failed publications.

            ## If the user wants to resubmit a specific set of job ids ...
            if jobids:
                ## ... make the intersection between the "allowed" and "wanted" job ids.
                resubmitjobids = list(set(resubmitjobids) & set(jobids))
                ## Check if all the "wanted" job ids can be resubmitted. If not, fail the resubmission.
                if len(resubmitjobids) != len(jobids):
                    requestedResub = list(set(jobids) - set(resubmitjobids))
                    msg  = "CRAB server refused to resubmit the following jobs: %s." % (str(requestedResub))
                    msg += " Only jobs in status %s can be resubmitted." % (self.failedList)
                    msg += " Jobs in status %s can also be resubmitted," % (self.successList)
                    msg += " but only if the jobid is specified and the force option is set."
                    raise ExecutionError(msg) #return [{'result': msg}]
            if publication:
      "Publications to resubmit if failed: %s", resubmitjobids)
      "Jobs to resubmit: %s", resubmitjobids)

            ## If these parameters are not set, give them the same values they had in the
            ## original task submission.
            if (siteblacklist is None) or (sitewhitelist is None) or (maxjobruntime is None) or (maxmemory is None) or (numcores is None) or (priority is None):
                ## origValues = [orig_siteblacklist, orig_sitewhitelist, orig_maxjobruntime, orig_maxmemory, orig_numcores, orig_priority]
                origValues = next(self.api.query(None, None, self.Task.GetResubmitParams_sql, taskname = workflow))
                if siteblacklist is None:
                    siteblacklist = literal_eval(origValues[0])
                if sitewhitelist is None:
                    sitewhitelist = literal_eval(origValues[1])
                if maxjobruntime is None:
                    maxjobruntime = origValues[2]
                if maxmemory is None:
                    maxmemory = origValues[3]
                if numcores is None:
                    numcores = origValues[4]
                if priority is None:
                    priority = origValues[5]
            ## These are the parameters that we want to writte down in the 'tm_arguments'
            ## column of the Tasks DB each time a resubmission is done.
            ## DagmanResubmitter will read these parameters and write them into the task ad.
            arguments = {'resubmit_jobids' : resubmitjobids,
                         'site_blacklist'  : siteblacklist,
                         'site_whitelist'  : sitewhitelist,
                         'maxjobruntime'   : maxjobruntime,
                         'maxmemory'       : maxmemory,
                         'numcores'        : numcores,
                         'priority'        : priority,
                         'resubmit_publication' : publication
            ## Change the 'tm_arguments' column of the Tasks DB for this task to contain the
            ## above parameters.
            self.api.modify(self.Task.SetArgumentsTask_sql, taskname = [workflow], arguments = [str(arguments)])

        #TODO states are changed
        ## Change the status of the task in the Tasks DB to RESUBMIT (or NEW).
        if statusRes['status'] == 'SUBMITFAILED':
            newstate = ["NEW"]
            newcommand = ["SUBMIT"]
            newstate = ["NEW"]
            newcommand = ["RESUBMIT"]
        self.api.modify(self.Task.SetStatusTask_sql, status = newstate, command = newcommand, taskname = [workflow])
        return [{'result': retmsg}]
예제 #6
    def resubmit2(self, workflow, publication, jobids, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, maxjobruntime, maxmemory,
                  numcores, priority, userproxy):
        """Request to reprocess what the workflow hasn't finished to reprocess.
           This needs to create a new workflow in the same campaign
        retmsg = "ok""Getting task ID tuple from DB for task %s", workflow)
        row = self.api.query(None, None, self.Task.ID_sql, taskname = workflow)
            #just one row is picked up by the previous query
            row = self.Task.ID_tuple(*next(row))
        except StopIteration:
            raise ExecutionError("Impossible to find task %s in the database." % workflow)

        submissionTime = getEpochFromDBTime(row.start_time)"Checking if resubmission is possible: we don't allow resubmission %s days before task expiration date", NUM_DAYS_FOR_RESUBMITDRAIN)
        retmsg = checkTaskLifetime(submissionTime)
        if retmsg != "ok":
            return [{'result': retmsg}]

        task_status = row.task_status
        task_splitting = row.split_algo

        resubmitWhat = "publications" if publication else "jobs""About to resubmit %s for workflow: %s.", resubmitWhat, workflow)

        ## Ignore the following options if this is a publication resubmission or if the
        ## task was never submitted.
        if publication or task_status == 'SUBMITFAILED':
            jobids = None
            siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, maxjobruntime, maxmemory, numcores, priority = None, None, None, None, None, None

        # We only allow resubmission of tasks that are in a final state, listed here:

        # Do not resubmit publication for tasks that were not submitted since they don't have any output.
        if not publication:
            allowedTaskStates += ['SUBMITFAILED'] #NB submitfailed goes to NEW, not RESUBMIT
        ## If the task status is not an allowed one, fail the resubmission.
        if task_status not in allowedTaskStates:
            msg = "You cannot resubmit %s if the task is in status %s." % (resubmitWhat, task_status)
            raise ExecutionError(msg)

        if task_status == 'KILLED' and task_splitting == 'Automatic':
            msg = "You cannot resubmit {0} if the task is in status {1} and uses automatic splitting.".format(resubmitWhat, task_status)
            raise ExecutionError(msg)

        if task_status != 'SUBMITFAILED':
            if publication:
                ## Retrieve publication information.
                publicationEnabled = row.publication
                asourl = row.asourl
                asodb = row.asodb
                username = row.username
                publicationInfo = self.publicationStatusWrapper(workflow, asourl, asodb, username, publicationEnabled)

                if 'status' not in publicationInfo:
                    msg  = "Cannot resubmit publication."
                    msg += " Unable to retrieve the publication status."
                    raise ExecutionError(msg)
                if 'disabled' in publicationInfo:
                    msg  = "Cannot resubmit publication."
                    msg += " Publication was disabled in the CRAB configuration."
                    raise ExecutionError(msg)
                if 'error' in publicationInfo:
                    msg  = "Cannot resubmit publication."
                    msg += " Error in publication status: %s" % (publicationInfo['error'])
                    raise ExecutionError(msg)
                if isCouchDBURL(asourl) and publicationInfo['status'].get('publication_failed', 0) == 0:
                    msg = "There are no failed publications to resubmit."
                    raise ExecutionError(msg)
                ## Here we can add a check on the publication status of the documents
                ## corresponding to the job ids in resubmitjobids and jobids. So far the
                ## publication resubmission will resubmit all the failed publications.
                self.resubmitPublication(asourl, asodb, userproxy, workflow)
                return [{'result': retmsg}]
      "Jobs to resubmit: %s", jobids)

            ## If these parameters are not set, give them the same values they had in the
            ## original task submission.
            if (siteblacklist is None) or (sitewhitelist is None) or (maxjobruntime is None) or (maxmemory is None) or (numcores is None) or (priority is None):
                ## origValues = [orig_siteblacklist, orig_sitewhitelist, orig_maxjobruntime, orig_maxmemory, orig_numcores, orig_priority]
                origValues = next(self.api.query(None, None, self.Task.GetResubmitParams_sql, taskname = workflow))
                if siteblacklist is None:
                    siteblacklist = literal_eval(origValues[0])
                if sitewhitelist is None:
                    sitewhitelist = literal_eval(origValues[1])
                if maxjobruntime is None:
                    maxjobruntime = origValues[2]
                if maxmemory is None:
                    maxmemory = origValues[3]
                if numcores is None:
                    numcores = origValues[4]
                if priority is None:
                    priority = origValues[5]
            ## These are the parameters that we want to writte down in the 'tm_arguments'
            ## column of the Tasks DB each time a resubmission is done.
            ## DagmanResubmitter will read these parameters and write them into the task ad.
            arguments = {'resubmit_jobids' : jobids,
                         'site_blacklist'  : siteblacklist,
                         'site_whitelist'  : sitewhitelist,
                         'maxjobruntime'   : maxjobruntime,
                         'maxmemory'       : maxmemory,
                         'numcores'        : numcores,
                         'priority'        : priority,
                         'resubmit_publication' : publication
            ## Change the 'tm_arguments' column of the Tasks DB for this task to contain the
            ## above parameters.
            self.api.modify(self.Task.SetArgumentsTask_sql, taskname = [workflow], arguments = [str(arguments)])

        ## Change the status of the task in the Tasks DB to RESUBMIT (or NEW).
        if task_status == 'SUBMITFAILED':
            newstate = ["NEW"]
            newcommand = ["SUBMIT"]
            newstate = ["NEW"]
            newcommand = ["RESUBMIT"]
        self.api.modify(self.Task.SetStatusTask_sql, status = newstate, command = newcommand, taskname = [workflow])
        return [{'result': retmsg}]
예제 #7
 def resubmitPublication(self, asourl, asodb, proxy, taskname):
     if isCouchDBURL(asourl):
         return self.resubmitCouchPublication(asourl, asodb, proxy, taskname)
         return self.resubmitOraclePublication()
예제 #8
    def resubmit(self, workflow, publication, jobids, force, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, maxjobruntime, maxmemory, numcores, priority, userdn, userproxy):
        """Request to reprocess what the workflow hasn't finished to reprocess.
           This needs to create a new workflow in the same campaign

           :arg str workflow: a valid workflow name
           :arg str list siteblacklist: black list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg str list sitewhitelist: white list of sites, with CMS name;
           :arg int whether to resubmit publications or jobs."""
        retmsg = "ok"
        resubmitWhat = "publications" if publication else "jobs""About to resubmit %s for workflow: %s. Getting status first." % (resubmitWhat, workflow))

        ## Get the status of the task/jobs.
        statusRes = self.status(workflow, userdn, userproxy)[0]

        ## Check lifetime of the task and raise ExecutionError if appropriate"Checking if resubmission is possible: we don't allow resubmission %s days before task expiration date", NUM_DAYS_FOR_RESUBMITDRAIN)
        retmsg = checkTaskLifetime(statusRes['submissionTime'])
        if retmsg != "ok":
            return [{'result': retmsg}]

        ## Ignore the following options if this is a publication resubmission or if the
        ## task was never submitted.
        if publication or statusRes['status'] == 'SUBMITFAILED':
            jobids, force = None, False
            siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, maxjobruntime, maxmemory, numcores, priority = None, None, None, None, None, None

        ## We allow resubmission only if the task status is one of these:
        ## We allow resubmission of successfully finished jobs if the user explicitly
        ## gave the job ids and the force option (i.e. the user knows what he/she is
        ## doing). In that case we have to allow the task to be in COMPLETED status.
        ## The same is true for publication resubmission.
        if (jobids and force) or publication:
            allowedTaskStates += ['COMPLETED']
        ## Allow resubmission of tasks in SUBMITFAILED status if this is not a
        ## publication resubmission.
        if not publication:
            allowedTaskStates += ['SUBMITFAILED'] #NB submitfailed goes to NEW, not RESUBMIT
        ## If the task status is not an allowed one, fail the resubmission.
        if statusRes['status'] not in allowedTaskStates:
            if statusRes['status'] == 'COMPLETED':
                msg  = "Task status is COMPLETED."
                msg += " To resubmit jobs from a task in status COMPLETED, specify the job ids and use the force option."
                msg += " To resubmit publications use the publication option."
                msg = "You cannot resubmit %s if the task is in status %s." % (resubmitWhat, statusRes['status'])
            raise ExecutionError(msg)

        if statusRes['status'] != 'SUBMITFAILED':
            ## This is the list of job ids that we allow to be resubmitted.
            ## Note: This list will be empty if statusRes['jobList'] is empty to begin with.
            resubmitjobids = []
            for jobstatus, jobid in statusRes['jobList']:
                if (not publication and jobstatus in self.failedList) or \
                   (((jobids and force) or publication) and jobstatus in self.successList):
            if statusRes['jobList'] and not resubmitjobids:
                msg = "There are no %s to resubmit." % (resubmitWhat)
                if publication:
                    msg += " Publications can only be resubmitted for jobs in status %s." % (self.successList)
                    msg += " Only jobs in status %s can be resubmitted." % (self.failedList)
                    msg += " Jobs in status %s can also be resubmitted," % (self.successList)
                    msg += " but only if the jobid is specified and the force option is set."
                raise ExecutionError(msg)
            ## Checks for publication resubmission.
            if publication:
                if 'publication' not in statusRes or not statusRes['publication']:
                    msg  = "Cannot resubmit publication."
                    msg += " Unable to retrieve the publication status."
                    raise ExecutionError(msg)
                if 'disabled' in statusRes['publication']:
                    msg  = "Cannot resubmit publication."
                    msg += " Publication was disabled in the CRAB configuration."
                    raise ExecutionError(msg)
                if 'error' in statusRes['publication']:
                    msg  = "Cannot resubmit publication."
                    msg += " Error in publication status: %s" % (statusRes['publication']['error'])
                    raise ExecutionError(msg)
                if isCouchDBURL(statusRes['ASOURL']) and statusRes['publication'].get('publication_failed', 0) == 0:
                    msg = "There are no failed publications to resubmit."
                    raise ExecutionError(msg)
                ## Here we can add a check on the publication status of the documents
                ## corresponding to the job ids in resubmitjobids and jobids. So far the
                ## publication resubmission will resubmit all the failed publications.

            ## If the user wants to resubmit a specific set of job ids ...
            if jobids:
                ## ... make the intersection between the "allowed" and "wanted" job ids.
                resubmitjobids = list(set(resubmitjobids) & set(jobids))
                ## Check if all the "wanted" job ids can be resubmitted. If not, fail the resubmission.
                if len(resubmitjobids) != len(jobids):
                    requestedResub = list(set(jobids) - set(resubmitjobids))
                    msg  = "CRAB server refused to resubmit the following jobs: %s." % (str(requestedResub))
                    msg += " Only jobs in status %s can be resubmitted." % (self.failedList)
                    msg += " Jobs in status %s can also be resubmitted," % (self.successList)
                    msg += " but only if the jobid is specified and the force option is set."
                    raise ExecutionError(msg) #return [{'result': msg}]
            if publication:
      "Publications to resubmit if failed: %s" % (resubmitjobids))
      "Jobs to resubmit: %s" % (resubmitjobids))

            ## If these parameters are not set, give them the same values they had in the
            ## original task submission.
            if (siteblacklist is None) or (sitewhitelist is None) or (maxjobruntime is None) or (maxmemory is None) or (numcores is None) or (priority is None):
                ## origValues = [orig_siteblacklist, orig_sitewhitelist, orig_maxjobruntime, orig_maxmemory, orig_numcores, orig_priority]
                origValues = next(self.api.query(None, None, self.Task.GetResubmitParams_sql, taskname = workflow))
                if siteblacklist is None:
                    siteblacklist = literal_eval(origValues[0])
                if sitewhitelist is None:
                    sitewhitelist = literal_eval(origValues[1])
                if maxjobruntime is None:
                    maxjobruntime = origValues[2]
                if maxmemory is None:
                    maxmemory = origValues[3]
                if numcores is None:
                    numcores = origValues[4]
                if priority is None:
                    priority = origValues[5]
            ## These are the parameters that we want to writte down in the 'tm_arguments'
            ## column of the Tasks DB each time a resubmission is done.
            ## DagmanResubmitter will read these parameters and write them into the task ad.
            arguments = {'resubmit_jobids' : resubmitjobids,
                         'site_blacklist'  : siteblacklist,
                         'site_whitelist'  : sitewhitelist,
                         'maxjobruntime'   : maxjobruntime,
                         'maxmemory'       : maxmemory,
                         'numcores'        : numcores,
                         'priority'        : priority,
                         'resubmit_publication' : publication
            ## Change the 'tm_arguments' column of the Tasks DB for this task to contain the
            ## above parameters.
            self.api.modify(self.Task.SetArgumentsTask_sql, taskname = [workflow], arguments = [str(arguments)])

        #TODO states are changed
        ## Change the status of the task in the Tasks DB to RESUBMIT (or NEW).
        if statusRes['status'] == 'SUBMITFAILED':
            newstate = ["NEW"]
            newcommand = ["SUBMIT"]
            newstate = ["NEW"]
            newcommand = ["RESUBMIT"]
        self.api.modify(self.Task.SetStatusTask_sql, status = newstate, command = newcommand, taskname = [workflow])
        return [{'result': retmsg}]
예제 #9
    def resubmit2(self, workflow, publication, jobids, siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, maxjobruntime, maxmemory,
                  numcores, priority, userproxy):
        """Request to reprocess what the workflow hasn't finished to reprocess.
           This needs to create a new workflow in the same campaign
        retmsg = "ok""Getting task ID tuple from DB for task %s" % workflow)
        row = self.api.query(None, None, self.Task.ID_sql, taskname = workflow)
            #just one row is picked up by the previous query
            row = self.Task.ID_tuple(*next(row))
        except StopIteration:
            raise ExecutionError("Impossible to find task %s in the database." % workflow)

        submissionTime = getEpochFromDBTime(row.start_time)"Checking if resubmission is possible: we don't allow resubmission %s days before task expiration date", NUM_DAYS_FOR_RESUBMITDRAIN)
        retmsg = checkTaskLifetime(submissionTime)
        if retmsg != "ok":
            return [{'result': retmsg}]

        task_status = row.task_status

        resubmitWhat = "publications" if publication else "jobs""About to resubmit %s for workflow: %s." % (resubmitWhat, workflow))

        ## Ignore the following options if this is a publication resubmission or if the
        ## task was never submitted.
        if publication or task_status == 'SUBMITFAILED':
            jobids = None
            siteblacklist, sitewhitelist, maxjobruntime, maxmemory, numcores, priority = None, None, None, None, None, None

        # We only allow resubmission of tasks that are in a final state, listed here:

        # Do not resubmit publication for tasks that were not submitted since they don't have any output.
        if not publication:
            allowedTaskStates += ['SUBMITFAILED'] #NB submitfailed goes to NEW, not RESUBMIT
        ## If the task status is not an allowed one, fail the resubmission.
        if task_status not in allowedTaskStates:
            msg = "You cannot resubmit %s if the task is in status %s." % (resubmitWhat, task_status)
            raise ExecutionError(msg)

        if task_status != 'SUBMITFAILED':
            if publication:
                ## Retrieve publication information.
                publicationEnabled = row.publication
                asourl = row.asourl
                asodb = row.asodb
                username = row.username
                publicationInfo = self.publicationStatusWrapper(workflow, asourl, asodb, username, publicationEnabled)

                if 'status' not in publicationInfo:
                    msg  = "Cannot resubmit publication."
                    msg += " Unable to retrieve the publication status."
                    raise ExecutionError(msg)
                if 'disabled' in publicationInfo:
                    msg  = "Cannot resubmit publication."
                    msg += " Publication was disabled in the CRAB configuration."
                    raise ExecutionError(msg)
                if 'error' in publicationInfo:
                    msg  = "Cannot resubmit publication."
                    msg += " Error in publication status: %s" % (publicationInfo['error'])
                    raise ExecutionError(msg)
                if isCouchDBURL(asourl) and publicationInfo['status'].get('publication_failed', 0) == 0:
                    msg = "There are no failed publications to resubmit."
                    raise ExecutionError(msg)
                ## Here we can add a check on the publication status of the documents
                ## corresponding to the job ids in resubmitjobids and jobids. So far the
                ## publication resubmission will resubmit all the failed publications.
                self.resubmitPublication(asourl, asodb, userproxy, workflow)
                return [{'result': retmsg}]
      "Jobs to resubmit: %s" % (jobids))

            ## If these parameters are not set, give them the same values they had in the
            ## original task submission.
            if (siteblacklist is None) or (sitewhitelist is None) or (maxjobruntime is None) or (maxmemory is None) or (numcores is None) or (priority is None):
                ## origValues = [orig_siteblacklist, orig_sitewhitelist, orig_maxjobruntime, orig_maxmemory, orig_numcores, orig_priority]
                origValues = next(self.api.query(None, None, self.Task.GetResubmitParams_sql, taskname = workflow))
                if siteblacklist is None:
                    siteblacklist = literal_eval(origValues[0])
                if sitewhitelist is None:
                    sitewhitelist = literal_eval(origValues[1])
                if maxjobruntime is None:
                    maxjobruntime = origValues[2]
                if maxmemory is None:
                    maxmemory = origValues[3]
                if numcores is None:
                    numcores = origValues[4]
                if priority is None:
                    priority = origValues[5]
            ## These are the parameters that we want to writte down in the 'tm_arguments'
            ## column of the Tasks DB each time a resubmission is done.
            ## DagmanResubmitter will read these parameters and write them into the task ad.
            arguments = {'resubmit_jobids' : jobids,
                         'site_blacklist'  : siteblacklist,
                         'site_whitelist'  : sitewhitelist,
                         'maxjobruntime'   : maxjobruntime,
                         'maxmemory'       : maxmemory,
                         'numcores'        : numcores,
                         'priority'        : priority,
                         'resubmit_publication' : publication
            ## Change the 'tm_arguments' column of the Tasks DB for this task to contain the
            ## above parameters.
            self.api.modify(self.Task.SetArgumentsTask_sql, taskname = [workflow], arguments = [str(arguments)])

        ## Change the status of the task in the Tasks DB to RESUBMIT (or NEW).
        if task_status == 'SUBMITFAILED':
            newstate = ["NEW"]
            newcommand = ["SUBMIT"]
            newstate = ["NEW"]
            newcommand = ["RESUBMIT"]
        self.api.modify(self.Task.SetStatusTask_sql, status = newstate, command = newcommand, taskname = [workflow])
        return [{'result': retmsg}]