class MMGameClient: # Thread ID tid = -1 # Player details elo = 0 # Game Counters # -3 - +3 gameScoreLimit = 3 gameScore = 0 gameRound = 0 # General Alive alive = False # Ready to start next round ready = False roundEvaluation = False # Answer will update answerCorrect = False # Detect round end myTimeStart = 0 myTimeEnd = 0 # MM mmEnemy = None # Determine leading node leadingNode = False questionsGenerated = False answeringQuestions = False # Question details qid = -1 qMLink = "" qALink = "" qBLink = "" qCLink = "" qDLink = "" qELink = "" qFLink = "" qCorrect = -1 def __init__(self, pelo, tid): self.tid = tid self.elo = pelo self.alive = True self.dbG = ServiceDBGame() self.gameID = str(random.getrandbits(120)) self.qA = "" self.qB = "" self.qC = "" self.qD = "" self.qE = "" self.qF = "" self.qM = "" self.UserSelection = -1 def setUserID(self, i): self.userID = i def startRound(self): self.single = False if ( self.checkIfBothReadyForRound() and self.alive and self.ready and self.mmEnemy.alive and self.mmEnemy.ready and abs(self.gameScore) < self.gameScoreLimit ): if self.leadingNode: self.roundEvaluation = False else: self.roundEvaluation = False def startSingleRound(self, cat): self.alive = True self.ready = True self.single = True self.leadingNode = True self.category = cat # Generate links self.dbQ = ServiceDBQuestions() self.generateLinks() def generateLinks(self): # Generate questions self.questionsGenerated = True ( self.qid, self.qMLink, self.qALink, self.qBLink, self.qCLink, self.qDLink, self.qELink, self.qFLink, self.qCorrect, ) = self.dbQ.retrieveQuestionMath() self.qA = urllib2.urlopen("" + self.qALink).read().strip() self.qB = urllib2.urlopen("" + self.qBLink).read().strip() self.qC = urllib2.urlopen("" + self.qCLink).read().strip() self.qD = urllib2.urlopen("" + self.qDLink).read().strip() self.qE = urllib2.urlopen("" + self.qELink).read().strip() self.qF = urllib2.urlopen("" + self.qFLink).read().strip() self.qM = urllib2.urlopen("" + self.qMLink).read().strip() print self.qA def logTimeLastLinkPosted(self): self.myTimeStart = time.time() * 1000 def getLink(self, i): if (self.single or self.checkIfBothReadyForRound()) and self.questionsGenerated: if i == "A": return self.qA elif i == "B": return self.qB elif i == "C": return self.qC elif i == "D": return self.qD elif i == "E": return self.qE elif i == "F": return self.qF elif i == "G": self.questionsGenerated = False self.answeringQuestions = True return self.qM def endRound(self, correctAnswer): if self.alive and self.ready: # Stop answer received self.ready = False self.gameRound = self.gameRound + 1 self.myTimeEnd = (time.time() * 1000) - self.myTimeStart self.answeringQuestions = False if self.single: if int(correctAnswer) == int(self.qCorrect): self.gameScore = self.gameScore + 1 else: self.gameScore = self.gameScore - 1 # If happy -> continue self.generateLinks() self.ready = True self.answeringQuestions = True else: if self.leadingNode: if int(correctAnswer) == int(self.qCorrect): self.answerCorrect = True else: self.answerCorrect = False else: if int(correctAnswer) == int(self.mmEnemy.qCorrect): self.answerCorrect = True else: self.answerCorrect = False # Call to check if enemy is done too, initiate a break, determine if game is over def update(self): if self.isEnemyOn() and self.alive and self.leadingNode: if self.mmEnemy.roundEvaluation and self.roundEvaluation: self.roundEvaluation = False self.mmEnemy.roundEvaluation = False if self.answerCorrect and self.mmEnemy.answerCorrect: # Determine shortest time if both correct if self.myTimeEnd < self.mmEnemy.myTimeEnd: self.gameScore = self.gameScore + 1 else: self.gameScore = self.gameScore - 1 elif self.answerCorrect: # im correct self.gameScore = self.gameScore + 1 elif self.mmEnemy.answerCorrect: self.gameScore = self.gameScore - 1 self.mmEnemy.gameScore = -self.gameScore # Increase game round # Check if game over if abs(self.getScore()) >= self.gameScoreLimit: # Destroy game object # Update states self.alive = False self.mmEnemy.alive = False # Purge downloads table self.dbQ.purgeDownloads() return "Terminate" else: self.dbG.logRound( self.gameID, self.gameRound, self.userID, self.UserSelection, self.answerCorrect, self.myTimeEnd, self.qid, ) return "Pong" elif not self.alive: self.alive = False return "Terminate" def finalOutcomeUpdate(self, wins, games, knockouts, gamesRemaining): if self.getScore() > 0: # Rank gain self.elo = self.elo + 5 wins = wins + 1 if self.gameRound <= 3: knockouts = knockouts + 1 games = games + 1 gamesRemaining = gamesRemaining - 1 self.dbM.updateUserGames(self.userID, wins, games, knockouts, self.elo, gamesRemaining) def prepareForGame(self, enemy): self.mmEnemy = enemy self.gameRound = 0 if self.leadingNode: self.gameScore = 0 def getScore(self): # Update game score if all finished return self.gameScore def checkIfEnemyLive(self): if self.isEnemyOn() and self.mmEnemy.ready: return True else: return False def checkIfBothReadyForRound(self): # Return if both ready for next round if ( self.isEnemyOn() and self.mmEnemy.ready and self.ready and self.alive and self.gameRound == self.mmEnemy.gameRound and self.questionsGenerated ): return True else: return False def markAsReady(self): self.ready = True if ( self.leadingNode and not self.questionsGenerated and not self.answeringQuestions and not self.mmEnemy.answeringQuestions ): self.questionsGenerated = True self.mmEnemy.questionsGenerated = True # Generate links self.dbQ = ServiceDBQuestions() ( self.qid, self.qMLink, self.qALink, self.qBLink, self.qCLink, self.qDLink, self.qELink, self.qFLink, self.qCorrect, ) = self.dbQ.retrieveQuestionMath() # Set temporary links self.qA = urllib2.urlopen("" + self.qALink).read().strip() self.qB = urllib2.urlopen("" + self.qBLink).read().strip() self.qC = urllib2.urlopen("" + self.qCLink).read().strip() self.qD = urllib2.urlopen("" + self.qDLink).read().strip() self.qE = urllib2.urlopen("" + self.qELink).read().strip() self.qF = urllib2.urlopen("" + self.qFLink).read().strip() self.qM = urllib2.urlopen("" + self.qMLink).read().strip() # Enemey self.mmEnemy.qA = self.qA self.mmEnemy.qB = self.qB self.mmEnemy.qC = self.qC self.mmEnemy.qD = self.qD self.mmEnemy.qE = self.qE self.mmEnemy.qF = self.qF self.mmEnemy.qM = self.qM def clientDC(self): self.alive = False if self.mmEnemy is not None: self.mmEnemy.alive = False def isEnemyOn(self): if self.mmEnemy is not None and self.mmEnemy.alive: return True else: return False def __del__(self): self.dbQ.purgeUnusedDownloads(self.qA) self.dbQ.purgeUnusedDownloads(self.qB) self.dbQ.purgeUnusedDownloads(self.qC) self.dbQ.purgeUnusedDownloads(self.qD) self.dbQ.purgeUnusedDownloads(self.qE) self.dbQ.purgeUnusedDownloads(self.qF) self.dbQ.purgeUnusedDownloads(self.qM) # Purge expired self.dbQ.purgeExpiredRecords()
(elo,knockouts,games,wins,gamesRemaining,supporterIs,supporterIcon,specialIcon,levelsMath,levelsLogic,levelsDifferences) = dbM.getUserDetails(uidS) print elo print knockouts print games print wins print gamesRemaining print supporterIs print supporterIcon print specialIcon print levelsMath print levelsLogic print levelsDifferences dbQ = ServiceDBQuestions() (questionID,questionLink,AnswerALink,AnswerBLink,AnswerCLink,AnswerDLink,AnswerELink,AnswerFLink,CorrectAnswer) = dbQ.retrieveQuestionMath() print questionID print questionLink print AnswerALink print AnswerBLink print AnswerCLink print AnswerDLink print AnswerELink print AnswerFLink print CorrectAnswer #after game update wins = 11 games = 12 knockouts = 13