예제 #1
파일: dataUtils.py 프로젝트: jsc1129/simpeg
def resampleNSEMdataAtFreq(NSEMdata, freqs):
    Function to resample NSEMdata at set of frequencies


    # Make a rec array
    NSEMrec = NSEMdata.toRecArray().data

    # Find unique locations
    uniLoc = np.unique(NSEMrec[['x','y','z']])
    uniFreq = NSEMdata.survey.freqs
    # Get the comps
    dNames = NSEMrec.dtype

    # Loop over all the locations and interpolate
    for loc in uniLoc:
        # Find the index of the station
        ind = np.sqrt(np.sum((rec_to_ndarr(NSEMrec[['x','y','z']]) - rec_to_ndarr(loc))**2,axis=1)) < 1. # Find dist of 1 m accuracy
        # Make a temporary recArray and interpolate all the components
        tArrRec = np.concatenate((simpeg.mkvc(freqs,2),np.ones((len(freqs),1))*rec_to_ndarr(loc),np.nan*np.ones((len(freqs),12))),axis=1).view(dNames)
        for comp in ['zxxr','zxxi','zxyr','zxyi','zyxr','zyxi','zyyr','zyyi','tzxr','tzxi','tzyr','tzyi']:
            int1d = sciint.interp1d(NSEMrec[ind]['freq'],NSEMrec[ind][comp],bounds_error=False)
            tArrRec[comp] = simpeg.mkvc(int1d(freqs),2)

        # Join together
            outRecArr = recFunc.stack_arrays((outRecArr,tArrRec))
        except NameError:
            outRecArr = tArrRec

    # Make the NSEMdata and return
    return Data.fromRecArray(outRecArr)
예제 #2
def rotateData(NSEMdata, rotAngle):
    Function that rotates clockwist by rotAngle (- negative for a counter-clockwise rotation)
    recData = NSEMdata.toRecArray('Complex')
    impData = rec_to_ndarr(recData[['zxx', 'zxy', 'zyx', 'zyy']], complex)
    # Make the rotation matrix
    # c,s,zxx,zxy,zyx,zyy = sympy.symbols('c,s,zxx,zxy,zyx,zyy')
    # rotM = sympy.Matrix([[c,-s],[s, c]])
    # zM = sympy.Matrix([[zxx,zxy],[zyx,zyy]])
    # rotM*zM*rotM.T
    # [c*(c*zxx - s*zyx) - s*(c*zxy - s*zyy), c*(c*zxy - s*zyy) + s*(c*zxx - s*zyx)],
    # [c*(c*zyx + s*zxx) - s*(c*zyy + s*zxy), c*(c*zyy + s*zxy) + s*(c*zyx + s*zxx)]])
    s = np.sin(-np.deg2rad(rotAngle))
    c = np.cos(-np.deg2rad(rotAngle))
    rotMat = np.array([[c, -s], [s, c]])
    rotData = (rotMat.dot(impData.reshape(-1, 2, 2).dot(rotMat.T))).transpose(
        1, 0, 2).reshape(-1, 4)
    outRec = recData.copy()
    for nr, comp in enumerate(['zxx', 'zxy', 'zyx', 'zyy']):
        outRec[comp] = rotData[:, nr]

    return Data.fromRecArray(outRec)
예제 #3
파일: dataUtils.py 프로젝트: jsc1129/simpeg
def rotateData(NSEMdata, rotAngle):
    Function that rotates clockwist by rotAngle (- negative for a counter-clockwise rotation)
    recData = NSEMdata.toRecArray('Complex')
    impData = rec_to_ndarr(recData[['zxx','zxy','zyx','zyy']],complex)
    # Make the rotation matrix
    # c,s,zxx,zxy,zyx,zyy = sympy.symbols('c,s,zxx,zxy,zyx,zyy')
    # rotM = sympy.Matrix([[c,-s],[s, c]])
    # zM = sympy.Matrix([[zxx,zxy],[zyx,zyy]])
    # rotM*zM*rotM.T
    # [c*(c*zxx - s*zyx) - s*(c*zxy - s*zyy), c*(c*zxy - s*zyy) + s*(c*zxx - s*zyx)],
    # [c*(c*zyx + s*zxx) - s*(c*zyy + s*zxy), c*(c*zyy + s*zxy) + s*(c*zyx + s*zxx)]])
    s = np.sin(-np.deg2rad(rotAngle))
    c = np.cos(-np.deg2rad(rotAngle))
    rotMat = np.array([[c,-s],[s,c]])
    rotData = (rotMat.dot(impData.reshape(-1,2,2).dot(rotMat.T))).transpose(1,0,2).reshape(-1,4)
    outRec = recData.copy()
    for nr,comp in enumerate(['zxx','zxy','zyx','zyy']):
        outRec[comp] = rotData[:,nr]

    return Data.fromRecArray(outRec)
예제 #4
def resample_data(NSEMdata, locs='All', freqs='All', rxs='All', verbose=False):
    Function that selects locations from all the receivers in the survey
    (uses the numerator location as a reference). Also gives the option
    of selecting frequencies and receiver.

    :param SimPEG.EM.NSEM.Data NSEMdata: NSEM data object to process

    :param numpy.ndarray locs: receiver locations to use (default is 'All' locations)
    :param numpy.ndarray freqs: frequencies to use (default is 'All' frequencies))
    :param string rxs: list of receiver sting types to use (default is 'All' types)
        Can be any componation of ['zxx','zxy','zyx','zyy','tzx','tzy']

    # Initiate new objects
    new_srcList = []
    data_list = []
    std_list = []
    floor_list = []

    # Sort out input frequencies
    if locs is 'All':
        locations = NSEMdata._unique_locations()
    elif isinstance(locs, np.ndarray):
        locations = locs
        raise IOError('Incorrect input type for locs. \n' +
                      'Can be \'All\' or ndarray ')
    # Sort out input frequencies
    if freqs is 'All':
        frequencies = NSEMdata.survey.freqs
    elif isinstance(freqs, np.ndarray):
        frequencies = freqs
    elif isinstance(freqs, list):
        frequencies = np.array(freqs)
        raise IOError('Incorrect input type for freqs. \n' +
                      'Can be \'All\'; ndarray or a list')
    # Sort out input rxs
    if rxs is 'All':
        rx_comp = True
    elif isinstance(rxs, list):
        rx_comp = []
        for rxT in rxs:
            if 'z' in rxT[0]:
                rxtype = Point_impedance3D
            elif 't' in rxT[0]:
                rxtype = Point_tipper3D
                raise IOError('Unknown rx type string')
            orient = rxT[1:3]
            rx_comp.append((rxtype, orient))

        raise IOError('Incorrect input type for rxs. \n' +
                      'Can be \'All\' or a list')

    # Filter the data
    for src in NSEMdata.survey.srcList:
        if src.freq in frequencies:
            new_rxList = []
            for rx in src.rxList:
                if rx_comp is True or np.any([(isinstance(rx, ct)
                                               and rx.orientation in co)
                                              for (ct, co) in rx_comp]):
                    if len(rx.locs.shape) == 3:
                        ind_loc = np.sum(np.concatenate(
                                np.sum((rx.locs[:, :, 0] - location)**2,
                                       axis=1)) < 0.1).reshape(-1, 1)
                             for location in locations],
                        new_locs = rx.locs[ind_loc, :, :]
                        ind_loc = np.sum(np.concatenate(
                                np.sum((rx.locs[:, :] - location)**2, axis=1))
                              < 0.1).reshape(-1, 1) for location in locations],
                        new_locs = rx.locs[ind_loc, :]
                    new_rx = type(rx)
                        new_rx(new_locs, rx.orientation, rx.component))
                    data_list.append(NSEMdata[src, rx][ind_loc])
                            NSEMdata.standard_deviation[src, rx][ind_loc])
                        floor_list.append(NSEMdata.floor[src, rx][ind_loc])
                    except Exception as e:
                        if verbose:
                            print('No standard deviation or floor assigned')

            new_src = type(src)
            new_srcList.append(new_src(new_rxList, src.freq))

    survey = Survey(new_srcList)
    if std_list or floor_list:
        return Data(survey, np.concatenate(data_list),
                    np.concatenate(std_list), np.concatenate(floor_list))
        return Data(survey, np.concatenate(data_list))
예제 #5
def convert3Dto1Dobject(NSEMdata, rxType3D='yx'):
    Function that converts a 3D NSEMdata of a list of
    1D NSEMdata objects for running 1D inversions for.

    :param SimPEG.EM.NSEM.Data NSEMdata: NSEM data object to process

    :param string rxType3D: component of the NSEMdata to use
        Can be 'xy', 'yx' or 'det'

    # Find the unique locations
    # Need to find the locations
    recDataTemp = NSEMdata.toRecArray().data.flatten()
    # Check if survey.std has been assigned.
    ## NEED TO: write this...
    # Calculte and add the DET of the tensor to the recArray
    if 'det' in rxType3D:
        Zon = ((recDataTemp['zxxr'] + 1j * recDataTemp['zxxi']) *
               (recDataTemp['zyyr'] + 1j * recDataTemp['zyyi']))
        Zoff = ((recDataTemp['zxyr'] + 1j * recDataTemp['zxyi']) *
                (recDataTemp['zyxr'] + 1j * recDataTemp['zyxi']))
        det = np.sqrt(Zon - Zoff)
        recData = recFunc.append_fields(recDataTemp, ['zdetr', 'zdeti'],
                                        [det.real, det.imag])
        recData = recDataTemp

    uniLocs = rec_to_ndarr(np.unique(recData[['x', 'y', 'z']].copy()))
    mtData1DList = []
    if 'xy' in rxType3D:
        corr = -1
        # Shift the data to comply with the quadtrature of the 1d problem
        corr = 1
    for loc in uniLocs:
        # Make the receiver list
        rx1DList = []
        rx1DList.append(Point_impedance1D(simpeg.mkvc(loc, 2).T, 'real'))
        rx1DList.append(Point_impedance1D(simpeg.mkvc(loc, 2).T, 'imag'))
        # Source list
        locrecData = recData[np.sqrt(
            np.sum((rec_to_ndarr(recData[['x', 'y', 'z']].copy()) - loc)**2,
                   axis=1)) < 1e-5]
        dat1DList = []
        src1DList = []
        for freq in locrecData['freq']:
            src1DList.append(Planewave_xy_1Dprimary(rx1DList, freq))
            for comp in ['r', 'i']:
                    corr *
                    locrecData[rxType3D + comp][locrecData['freq'] == freq])

        # Make the survey
        sur1D = Survey(src1DList)

        # Make the data
        dataVec = np.hstack(dat1DList)
        dat1D = Data(sur1D, dataVec)
        sur1D.dobs = dataVec
        # Need to take NSEMdata.survey.std and split it as well.
        std = 0.05
        sur1D.std = np.abs(sur1D.dobs * std)

    # Return the the list of data.
    return mtData1DList