def CasingMagDipole2Deriv_z_z(z): obsloc = np.vstack([xobs, yobs, z]).T f = Casing._getCasingHertzMagDipoleDeriv_z(srcloc,obsloc,freq,sigma,a,b,mu) g = Utils.sdiag(Casing._getCasingHertzMagDipole2Deriv_z_z(srcloc,obsloc,freq,sigma,a,b,mu)) return f, g
def test_ana_forward(self): # Compute 3-component mag data self.survey.pair(self.prob_xyz) d = self.prob_xyz.fields(self.model) ndata = self.locXyz.shape[0] dbx = d[0:ndata] dby = d[ndata:2*ndata] dbz = d[2*ndata:] # Compute tmi mag data self.survey.pair(self.prob_tmi) dtmi = self.prob_tmi.fields(self.model) # Compute analytical response from a magnetized sphere bxa, bya, bza = PF.MagAnalytics.MagSphereFreeSpace(self.locXyz[:, 0], self.locXyz[:, 1], self.locXyz[:, 2], self.rad, 0, 0, 0, self.chi, self.b0) # Projection matrix Ptmi = mkvc(self.b0)/np.sqrt(np.sum(self.b0**2.)) btmi = mkvc(, bya, bza)))) err_xyz = (np.linalg.norm(d-np.r_[bxa, bya, bza]) / np.linalg.norm(np.r_[bxa, bya, bza])) err_tmi = np.linalg.norm(dtmi-btmi)/np.linalg.norm(btmi) self.assertTrue(err_xyz < 0.005 and err_tmi < 0.005)
def CasingMagDipoleDeriv_r(x): obsloc = np.vstack([x, yobs, zobs]).T f = Casing._getCasingHertzMagDipole(srcloc,obsloc,freq,sigma,a,b,mu) g = Utils.sdiag(Casing._getCasingHertzMagDipoleDeriv_r(srcloc,obsloc,freq,sigma,a,b,mu)) return f, g
def test_ana_forward(self): # Compute 3-component mag data self.survey.pair(self.prob_xyz) d = self.prob_xyz.fields(self.model) ndata = self.locXyz.shape[0] dbx = d[0:ndata] dby = d[ndata:2 * ndata] dbz = d[2 * ndata:] # Compute tmi mag data self.survey.pair(self.prob_tmi) dtmi = self.prob_tmi.fields(self.model) # Compute analytical response from a magnetized sphere bxa, bya, bza = PF.MagAnalytics.MagSphereFreeSpace( self.locXyz[:, 0], self.locXyz[:, 1], self.locXyz[:, 2], self.rad, 0, 0, 0, self.chi, self.b0) # Projection matrix Ptmi = mkvc(self.b0) / np.sqrt(np.sum(self.b0**2.)) btmi = mkvc(, bya, bza)))) err_xyz = (np.linalg.norm(d - np.r_[bxa, bya, bza]) / np.linalg.norm(np.r_[bxa, bya, bza])) err_tmi = np.linalg.norm(dtmi - btmi) / np.linalg.norm(btmi) self.assertTrue(err_xyz < 0.005 and err_tmi < 0.005)
def _e_pxDeriv_u(self, src, v, adjoint = False): ''' Takes the derivative of e_px wrt u ''' if adjoint: # adjoint: returns a 2*nE long vector with zero's for py return np.vstack((v,np.zeros_like(v))) # Not adjoint: return only the px part of the vector return v[:len(v)/2]
def CasingMagDipoleDeriv_z(z): obsloc = np.vstack([xobs, yobs, z]).T f = Casing._getCasingHertzMagDipole(srcloc, obsloc, freq, sigma, a, b, mu) g = Utils.sdiag( Casing._getCasingHertzMagDipoleDeriv_z(srcloc, obsloc, freq, sigma, a, b, mu)) return f, g
def _e_pyDeriv_u(self, src, v, adjoint=False): """ Takes the derivative of e_py wrt u """ if adjoint: # adjoint: returns a 2*nE long vector with zero's for px return np.vstack((np.zeros_like(v), v)) # Not adjoint: return only the px part of the vector return v[len(v) / 2 : :]
def _e_pyDeriv_u(self, src, v, adjoint = False): ''' Takes the derivative of e_py wrt u ''' if adjoint: # adjoint: returns a 2*nE long vector with zero's for px return np.vstack((np.zeros_like(v),v)) # Not adjoint: return only the px part of the vector return v[len(v)/2::]
def run(plotIt=True): """ Mesh: Basic Forward 2D DC Resistivity ===================================== 2D DC forward modeling example with Tensor and Curvilinear Meshes """ # Step1: Generate Tensor and Curvilinear Mesh sz = [40, 40] tM = Mesh.TensorMesh(sz) rM = Mesh.CurvilinearMesh(Utils.meshutils.exampleLrmGrid(sz, 'rotate')) # Step2: Direct Current (DC) operator def DCfun(mesh, pts): D = mesh.faceDiv sigma = 1e-2 * np.ones(mesh.nC) MsigI = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(sigma, invProp=True, invMat=True) A = -D * MsigI * D.T A[-1, -1] /= mesh.vol[-1] # Remove null space rhs = np.zeros(mesh.nC) txind = Utils.meshutils.closestPoints(mesh, pts) rhs[txind] = np.r_[1, -1] return A, rhs pts = np.vstack((np.r_[0.25, 0.5], np.r_[0.75, 0.5])) #Step3: Solve DC problem (LU solver) AtM, rhstM = DCfun(tM, pts) AinvtM = SolverLU(AtM) phitM = AinvtM * rhstM ArM, rhsrM = DCfun(rM, pts) AinvrM = SolverLU(ArM) phirM = AinvrM * rhsrM if not plotIt: return import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Step4: Making Figure fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12 * 1.2, 4 * 1.2)) vmin, vmax = phitM.min(), phitM.max() dat = tM.plotImage(phitM, ax=axes[0], clim=(vmin, vmax), grid=True) dat = rM.plotImage(phirM, ax=axes[1], clim=(vmin, vmax), grid=True) cb = plt.colorbar(dat[0], ax=axes[0]) cb.set_label("Voltage (V)") cb = plt.colorbar(dat[0], ax=axes[1]) cb.set_label("Voltage (V)") axes[0].set_title('TensorMesh') axes[1].set_title('CurvilinearMesh')
def run(plotIt=True): """ Mesh: Basic Forward 2D DC Resistivity ===================================== 2D DC forward modeling example with Tensor and Curvilinear Meshes """ # Step1: Generate Tensor and Curvilinear Mesh sz = [40,40] tM = Mesh.TensorMesh(sz) rM = Mesh.CurvilinearMesh(Utils.meshutils.exampleLrmGrid(sz,'rotate')) # Step2: Direct Current (DC) operator def DCfun(mesh, pts): D = mesh.faceDiv sigma = 1e-2*np.ones(mesh.nC) MsigI = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(sigma, invProp=True, invMat=True) A = -D*MsigI*D.T A[-1,-1] /= mesh.vol[-1] # Remove null space rhs = np.zeros(mesh.nC) txind = Utils.meshutils.closestPoints(mesh, pts) rhs[txind] = np.r_[1,-1] return A, rhs pts = np.vstack((np.r_[0.25, 0.5], np.r_[0.75, 0.5])) #Step3: Solve DC problem (LU solver) AtM, rhstM = DCfun(tM, pts) AinvtM = SolverLU(AtM) phitM = AinvtM*rhstM ArM, rhsrM = DCfun(rM, pts) AinvrM = SolverLU(ArM) phirM = AinvrM*rhsrM if not plotIt: return import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Step4: Making Figure fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(12*1.2,4*1.2)) vmin, vmax = phitM.min(), phitM.max() dat = tM.plotImage(phitM, ax=axes[0], clim=(vmin, vmax), grid=True) dat = rM.plotImage(phirM, ax=axes[1], clim=(vmin, vmax), grid=True) cb = plt.colorbar(dat[0], ax=axes[0]); cb.set_label("Voltage (V)") cb = plt.colorbar(dat[0], ax=axes[1]); cb.set_label("Voltage (V)") axes[0].set_title('TensorMesh') axes[1].set_title('CurvilinearMesh')
def _fDeriv_u(self, src, v, adjoint=False): """ Derivative of the fields object wrt u. :param MTsrc src: MT source :param numpy.ndarray v: random vector of f_sol.size This function stacks the fields derivatives appropriately return a vector of size (nreEle+nrbEle) """ de_du = v # Utils.spdiag(np.ones((self.nF,))) db_du = self._bDeriv_u(src, v, adjoint) # Return the stack # This doesn't work... return np.vstack((de_du, db_du))
def _fDeriv_u(self, src, v, adjoint=False): """ Derivative of the fields object wrt u. :param MTsrc src: MT source :param numpy.ndarray v: random vector of f_sol.size This function stacks the fields derivatives appropriately return a vector of size (nreEle+nrbEle) """ de_du = v #Utils.spdiag(np.ones((self.nF,))) db_du = self._bDeriv_u(src, v, adjoint) # Return the stack # This doesn't work... return np.vstack((de_du,db_du))
def getActiveindfromTopo(mesh, topo): # def genActiveindfromTopo(mesh, topo): """ Get active indices from topography """ from scipy.interpolate import NearestNDInterpolator if mesh.dim==3: nCxy = mesh.nCx*mesh.nCy Zcc = mesh.gridCC[:,2].reshape((nCxy, mesh.nCz), order='F') Ftopo = NearestNDInterpolator(topo[:,:2], topo[:,2]) XY = Utils.ndgrid(mesh.vectorCCx, mesh.vectorCCy) XY.shape topo = Ftopo(XY) actind = [] for ixy in range(nCxy): actind.append(topo[ixy] <= Zcc[ixy,:]) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only 3D is working") return Utils.mkvc(np.vstack(actind))
def projectFields(self, u): """ Decompose frequency domain EM responses as real and imaginary components """ ureal = (u.real).copy() uimag = (u.imag).copy() if self.rxType == 'Hz': if self.switchRI == 'all': ureal = (u.real).copy() uimag = (u.imag).copy() if ureal.ndim == 1 or 0: resp = np.r_[ureal, uimag] elif ureal.ndim ==2: resp = np.vstack((ureal, uimag)) else: raise Exception('Not implemented!!') elif self.switchRI == 'Real': resp = (u.real).copy() elif self.switchRI == 'Imag': resp = (u.imag).copy() else: raise Exception('Not implemented') else: raise Exception('Not implemnted!!') return mu_0*resp
def magnetizationModel(self): """ magnetization vector """ if getattr(self, 'magfile', None) is None: M = Magnetics.dipazm_2_xyz(np.ones(self.nC) * self.survey.srcField.param[1], np.ones(self.nC) * self.survey.srcField.param[2]) else: with open(self.basePath + self.magfile) as f: magmodel = magmodel = magmodel.splitlines() M = [] for line in magmodel: M.append(map(float, line.split())) # Convert list to 2d array M = np.vstack(M) # Cycle through three components and permute from UBC to SimPEG for ii in range(3): m = np.reshape(M[:, ii], (self.mesh.nCz, self.mesh.nCx, self.mesh.nCy), order='F') m = m[::-1, :, :] m = np.transpose(m, (1, 2, 0)) M[:, ii] = Utils.mkvc(m) self._M = M return self._M
# Step2: Direct Current (DC) operator def DCfun(mesh, pts): D = mesh.faceDiv G = D.T sigma = 1e-2 * np.ones(mesh.nC) Msigi = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(1.0 / sigma) MsigI = Utils.sdInv(Msigi) A = D * MsigI * G A[-1, -1] /= mesh.vol[-1] # Remove null space rhs = np.zeros(mesh.nC) txind = Utils.meshutils.closestPoints(mesh, pts) rhs[txind] = np.r_[1, -1] return A, rhs pts = np.vstack((np.r_[0.25, 0.5], np.r_[0.75, 0.5])) # Step3: Solve DC problem (LU solver) AtM, rhstM = DCfun(tM, pts) AinvtM = SolverLU(AtM) phitM = AinvtM * rhstM ArM, rhsrM = DCfun(rM, pts) AinvrM = SolverLU(ArM) phirM = AinvrM * rhsrM # Step4: Making Figure fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12 * 1.2, 4 * 1.2)) label = ["(a)", "(b)"] opts = {} vmin, vmax = phitM.min(), phitM.max()
def readUBC_DC3Dobstopo(filename,mesh,topo,probType="CC"): """ Seogi's personal readObs function. """ text_file = open(filename, "r") lines = text_file.readlines() text_file.close() SRC = [] DATA = [] srcLists = [] isrc = 0 # airind = getActiveindfromTopo(mesh, topo) # mesh2D, topoCC = gettopoCC(mesh, airind) for line in lines: if "!" in line.split(): continue elif line == '\n': continue elif line == ' \n': continue temp = map(float, line.split()) # Read a line for the current electrode if len(temp) == 5: # SRC: Only X and Y are provided (assume no topography) #TODO consider topography and assign the closest cell center in the earth if isrc == 0: DATA_temp = [] else: DATA.append(np.asarray(DATA_temp)) DATA_temp = [] indM = Utils.closestPoints(mesh2D, DATA[isrc-1][:,1:3]) indN = Utils.closestPoints(mesh2D, DATA[isrc-1][:,3:5]) rx = DCIP.RxDipole(np.c_[DATA[isrc-1][:,1:3], topoCC[indM]], np.c_[DATA[isrc-1][:,3:5], topoCC[indN]]) temp = np.asarray(temp) if [SRC[isrc-1][0], SRC[isrc-1][1]] == [SRC[isrc-1][2], SRC[isrc-1][3]]: indA = Utils.closestPoints(mesh2D, [SRC[isrc-1][0], SRC[isrc-1][1]]) tx = DCIP.SrcDipole([rx], [SRC[isrc-1][0], SRC[isrc-1][1], topoCC[indA]],[mesh.vectorCCx.max(), mesh.vectorCCy.max(), topoCC[-1]]) else: indA = Utils.closestPoints(mesh2D, [SRC[isrc-1][0], SRC[isrc-1][1]]) indB = Utils.closestPoints(mesh2D, [SRC[isrc-1][2], SRC[isrc-1][3]]) tx = DCIP.SrcDipole([rx], [SRC[isrc-1][0], SRC[isrc-1][1], topoCC[indA]],[SRC[isrc-1][2], SRC[isrc-1][3], topoCC[indB]]) srcLists.append(tx) SRC.append(temp) isrc += 1 elif len(temp) == 7: # SRC: X, Y and Z are provided SRC.append(temp) isrc += 1 elif len(temp) == 6: # DATA_temp.append(np.r_[isrc, np.asarray(temp)]) elif len(temp) > 7: DATA_temp.append(np.r_[isrc, np.asarray(temp)]) DATA.append(np.asarray(DATA_temp)) DATA_temp = [] indM = Utils.closestPoints(mesh2D, DATA[isrc-1][:,1:3]) indN = Utils.closestPoints(mesh2D, DATA[isrc-1][:,3:5]) rx = DCIP.RxDipole(np.c_[DATA[isrc-1][:,1:3], topoCC[indM]], np.c_[DATA[isrc-1][:,3:5], topoCC[indN]]) temp = np.asarray(temp) if [SRC[isrc-1][0], SRC[isrc-1][1]] == [SRC[isrc-1][2], SRC[isrc-1][3]]: indA = Utils.closestPoints(mesh2D, [SRC[isrc-1][0], SRC[isrc-1][1]]) tx = DCIP.SrcDipole([rx], [SRC[isrc-1][0], SRC[isrc-1][1], topoCC[indA]],[mesh.vectorCCx.max(), mesh.vectorCCy.max(), topoCC[-1]]) else: indA = Utils.closestPoints(mesh2D, [SRC[isrc-1][0], SRC[isrc-1][1]]) indB = Utils.closestPoints(mesh2D, [SRC[isrc-1][2], SRC[isrc-1][3]]) tx = DCIP.SrcDipole([rx], [SRC[isrc-1][0], SRC[isrc-1][1], topoCC[indA]],[SRC[isrc-1][2], SRC[isrc-1][3], topoCC[indB]]) srcLists.append(tx) text_file.close() survey = DCIP.SurveyDC(srcLists) # Do we need this? SRC = np.asarray(SRC) DATA = np.vstack(DATA) survey.dobs = np.vstack(DATA)[:,-2] return {'DCsurvey':survey, 'airind':airind, 'topoCC':topoCC, 'SRC':SRC}
def interpFFT(x, y, m): """ Load in a 2D grid and resample OUTPUT: m_out """ from SimPEG import np, sp import scipy.signal as sn # Add padding values by reflection (2**n) lenx = np.round(np.log2(2 * len(x))) npadx = int(np.floor((2**lenx - len(x)) / 2.)) #Create hemming taper if np.mod(npadx * 2 + len(x), 2) != 0: oddx = 1 else: oddx = 0 tap0 = sn.hamming(npadx * 2) tapl = sp.spdiags(tap0[0:npadx], 0, npadx, npadx) tapr = sp.spdiags(tap0[npadx:], 0, npadx, npadx + oddx) # Mirror the 2d data over the half lenght and apply 0-taper mpad = np.hstack( [np.fliplr(m[:, 0:npadx]) * tapl, m, np.fliplr(m[:, -npadx:]) * tapr]) # Repeat along the second dimension leny = np.round(np.log2(2 * len(y))) npady = int(np.floor((2**leny - len(y)) / 2.)) #Create hemming taper if np.mod(npady * 2 + len(y), 2) != 0: oddy = 1 else: oddy = 0 tap0 = sn.hamming(npady * 2) tapu = sp.spdiags(tap0[0:npady], 0, npady, npady) tapd = sp.spdiags(tap0[npady:], 0, npady + oddy, npady) mpad = np.vstack([ tapu * np.flipud(mpad[0:npady, :]), mpad, tapd * np.flipud(mpad[-npady:, :]) ]) # Compute FFT FFTm = np.fft.fft2(mpad) # Do an FFT shift FFTshift = np.fft.fftshift(FFTm) # Pad high frequencies with zeros to increase the sampling rate py = int(FFTm.shape[0] / 2) px = int(FFTm.shape[1] / 2) FFTshift = np.hstack([ np.zeros((FFTshift.shape[0], px)), FFTshift, np.zeros((FFTshift.shape[0], px)) ]) FFTshift = np.vstack([ np.zeros((py, FFTshift.shape[1])), FFTshift, np.zeros((py, FFTshift.shape[1])) ]) # Inverse shift FFTm = np.fft.ifftshift(FFTshift) # Compute inverse FFT IFFTm = np.fft.ifft2(FFTm) * FFTm.size / mpad.size m_out = np.real(IFFTm) # Extract core #m_out = np.real(IFFTm[npady*2:-(npady*2+oddy+1),npadx*2:-(npadx*2+oddx+1)]) m_out = m_out[npady * 2:-(npady + oddy) * 2, npadx * 2:-(npadx + oddx) * 2] if np.mod(m.shape[0], 2) != 0: m_out = m_out[:-1, :] if np.mod(m.shape[1], 2) != 0: m_out = m_out[:, :-1] return m_out
def run(plotIt=True): # Step1: Generate Tensor and Curvilinear Mesh sz = [40,40] # Tensor Mesh tM = Mesh.TensorMesh(sz) # Curvilinear Mesh rM = Mesh.CurvilinearMesh(Utils.meshutils.exampleLrmGrid(sz,'rotate')) # Step2: Direct Current (DC) operator def DCfun(mesh, pts): D = mesh.faceDiv G = D.T sigma = 1e-2*np.ones(mesh.nC) Msigi = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(1./sigma) MsigI = Utils.sdInv(Msigi) A = D*MsigI*G A[-1,-1] /= mesh.vol[-1] # Remove null space rhs = np.zeros(mesh.nC) txind = Utils.meshutils.closestPoints(mesh, pts) rhs[txind] = np.r_[1,-1] return A, rhs pts = np.vstack((np.r_[0.25, 0.5], np.r_[0.75, 0.5])) #Step3: Solve DC problem (LU solver) AtM, rhstM = DCfun(tM, pts) AinvtM = SolverLU(AtM) phitM = AinvtM*rhstM ArM, rhsrM = DCfun(rM, pts) AinvrM = SolverLU(ArM) phirM = AinvrM*rhsrM if not plotIt: return import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib from matplotlib.mlab import griddata #Step4: Making Figure fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(12*1.2,4*1.2)) label = ["(a)", "(b)"] opts = {} vmin, vmax = phitM.min(), phitM.max() dat = tM.plotImage(phitM, ax=axes[0], clim=(vmin, vmax), grid=True) #TODO: At the moment Curvilinear Mesh do not have plotimage Xi = tM.gridCC[:,0].reshape(sz[0], sz[1], order='F') Yi = tM.gridCC[:,1].reshape(sz[0], sz[1], order='F') PHIrM = griddata(rM.gridCC[:,0], rM.gridCC[:,1], phirM, Xi, Yi, interp='linear') axes[1].contourf(Xi, Yi, PHIrM, 100, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) cb = plt.colorbar(dat[0], ax=axes[0]); cb.set_label("Voltage (V)") cb = plt.colorbar(dat[0], ax=axes[1]); cb.set_label("Voltage (V)") tM.plotGrid(ax=axes[0], **opts) axes[0].set_title('TensorMesh') rM.plotGrid(ax=axes[1], **opts) axes[1].set_title('CurvilinearMesh') for i in range(2): axes[i].set_xlim(0.025, 0.975) axes[i].set_ylim(0.025, 0.975) axes[i].text(0., 1.0, label[i], fontsize=20) if i==0: axes[i].set_ylabel("y") else: axes[i].set_ylabel(" ") axes[i].set_xlabel("x")
def MagneticDipoleFields(srcLoc, obsLoc, component, orientation='Z', moment=1., mu=mu_0): """ Calculate the vector potential of a set of magnetic dipoles at given locations 'ref. <>' .. math:: B = \frac{\mu_0}{4 \pi r^3} \left( \frac{3 \vec{r} (\vec{m} \cdot \vec{r})}{r^2}) - \vec{m} \right) \cdot{\hat{rx}} :param numpy.ndarray srcLoc: Location of the source(s) (x, y, z) :param numpy.ndarray obsLoc: Where the potentials will be calculated (x, y, z) :param str component: The component to calculate - 'x', 'y', or 'z' :param numpy.ndarray moment: The vector dipole moment (vertical) :rtype: numpy.ndarray :return: The vector potential each dipole at each observation location """ if isinstance(orientation, str): assert orientation.upper() in ['X', 'Y', 'Z'], ("orientation must be 'x', " "'y', or 'z' or a vector" "not {}".format(orientation) ) elif (not np.allclose(np.r_[1., 0., 0.], orientation) or not np.allclose(np.r_[0., 1., 0.], orientation) or not np.allclose(np.r_[0., 0., 1.], orientation)): warnings.warn('Arbitrary trasnmitter orientations ({}) not thouroughly tested ' 'Pull request on a test anyone? bueller?').format(orientation) if isinstance(component, str): assert component.upper() in ['X', 'Y', 'Z'], ("component must be 'x', " "'y', or 'z' or a vector" "not {}".format(component) ) elif (not np.allclose(np.r_[1., 0., 0.], component) or not np.allclose(np.r_[0., 1., 0.], component) or not np.allclose(np.r_[0., 0., 1.], component)): warnings.warn('Arbitrary receiver orientations ({}) not thouroughly tested ' 'Pull request on a test anyone? bueller?').format(component) if isinstance(orientation, str): orientation = orientationDict[orientation.upper()] if isinstance(component, str): component = orientationDict[component.upper()] assert np.linalg.norm(orientation, 2) == 1., ('orientation must be a unit ' 'vector. Use "moment=X to ' 'scale source fields') if np.linalg.norm(component, 2) != 1.: warnings.warn('The magnitude of the receiver component vector is > 1, ' ' it is {}. The receiver fields will be scaled.' ).format(np.linalg.norm(component, 2)) srcLoc = np.atleast_2d(srcLoc) component = np.atleast_2d(component) obsLoc = np.atleast_2d(obsLoc) orientation = np.atleast_2d(orientation) nObs = obsLoc.shape[0] nSrc = int(srcLoc.size / 3.) # use outer product to construct an array of [x_src, y_src, z_src] m = moment*orientation.repeat(nObs, axis=0) B = [] for i in range(nSrc): srcLoc = srcLoc[i, np.newaxis].repeat(nObs, axis=0) rx = component.repeat(nObs, axis=0) dR = obsLoc - srcLoc r = np.sqrt((dR**2).sum(axis=1)) # mult each element and sum along the axis (vector dot product) m_dot_dR_div_r2 = (m * dR).sum(axis=1) / (r**2) # multiply the scalar m_dot_dR by the 3D vector r rvec_m_dot_dR_div_r2 = np.vstack([m_dot_dR_div_r2 * dR[:, i] for i in range(3)]).T inside = (3. * rvec_m_dot_dR_div_r2) - m # dot product with rx orientation inside_dot_rx = (inside * rx).sum(axis=1) front = (mu/(4.* np.pi * r**3)) B.append(Utils.mkvc(front * inside_dot_rx)) return np.vstack(B).T
# Compute tmi mag data survey.pair(prob_tmi) dtmi = prob_tmi.fields(m) # Compute analytical response from a magnetized sphere bxa, bya, bza = PF.MagAnalytics.MagSphereFreeSpace(locXyz[:, 0], locXyz[:, 1], locXyz[:, 2], rad, 0, 0, 0, chi, b0) # Projection matrix Ptmi = mkvc(b0)/np.sqrt(np.sum(b0**2.)) btmi = mkvc(, bya, bza)))) err_xyz = (np.linalg.norm(d-np.r_[bxa, bya, bza]) / np.linalg.norm(np.r_[bxa, bya, bza])) err_tmi = np.linalg.norm(dtmi-btmi)/np.linalg.norm(btmi) #fig = plt.figure() #axs = plt.subplot(111) #mesh.plotSlice(model, normal='Z', ind = mesh.nCz/2, ax= axs) #axs.set_aspect('equal') #PF.Magnetics.plot_obs_2D(locXyz,dtmi) #%% Repeat using PDE solve m_mu = PF.BaseMag.BaseMagMap(mesh)
def run(plotIt=True): # Step1: Generate Tensor and Curvilinear Mesh sz = [40, 40] # Tensor Mesh tM = Mesh.TensorMesh(sz) # Curvilinear Mesh rM = Mesh.CurvilinearMesh(Utils.meshutils.exampleLrmGrid(sz, 'rotate')) # Step2: Direct Current (DC) operator def DCfun(mesh, pts): D = mesh.faceDiv G = D.T sigma = 1e-2 * np.ones(mesh.nC) Msigi = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(1. / sigma) MsigI = Utils.sdInv(Msigi) A = D * MsigI * G A[-1, -1] /= mesh.vol[-1] # Remove null space rhs = np.zeros(mesh.nC) txind = Utils.meshutils.closestPoints(mesh, pts) rhs[txind] = np.r_[1, -1] return A, rhs pts = np.vstack((np.r_[0.25, 0.5], np.r_[0.75, 0.5])) #Step3: Solve DC problem (LU solver) AtM, rhstM = DCfun(tM, pts) AinvtM = SolverLU(AtM) phitM = AinvtM * rhstM ArM, rhsrM = DCfun(rM, pts) AinvrM = SolverLU(ArM) phirM = AinvrM * rhsrM if not plotIt: return import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib from matplotlib.mlab import griddata #Step4: Making Figure fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12 * 1.2, 4 * 1.2)) label = ["(a)", "(b)"] opts = {} vmin, vmax = phitM.min(), phitM.max() dat = tM.plotImage(phitM, ax=axes[0], clim=(vmin, vmax), grid=True) #TODO: At the moment Curvilinear Mesh do not have plotimage Xi = tM.gridCC[:, 0].reshape(sz[0], sz[1], order='F') Yi = tM.gridCC[:, 1].reshape(sz[0], sz[1], order='F') PHIrM = griddata(rM.gridCC[:, 0], rM.gridCC[:, 1], phirM, Xi, Yi, interp='linear') axes[1].contourf(Xi, Yi, PHIrM, 100, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) cb = plt.colorbar(dat[0], ax=axes[0]) cb.set_label("Voltage (V)") cb = plt.colorbar(dat[0], ax=axes[1]) cb.set_label("Voltage (V)") tM.plotGrid(ax=axes[0], **opts) axes[0].set_title('TensorMesh') rM.plotGrid(ax=axes[1], **opts) axes[1].set_title('CurvilinearMesh') for i in range(2): axes[i].set_xlim(0.025, 0.975) axes[i].set_ylim(0.025, 0.975) axes[i].text(0., 1.0, label[i], fontsize=20) if i == 0: axes[i].set_ylabel("y") else: axes[i].set_ylabel(" ") axes[i].set_xlabel("x")