def columnSearch(self): self.potentialColumns, self.haxes, self.vaxes = WallSkeleton.Columns( self.skeletonLevels, 0) axes = [self.haxes, self.vaxes] nlvls = len(self.skeletonLevels) self.axesSolution = tabu_search(self.potentialColumns, axes, self.skeletonLevels[nlvls - 1].slabSkeleton, limit=20) print("Haxis solution:") for axis in self.axesSolution.axes[0]: print(axis.bounds) print("Vaxis solution:") for axis in self.axesSolution.axes[1]: print(axis.bounds) Columns = [] for Haxis in self.axesSolution.axes[0]: for Vaxis in self.axesSolution.axes[1]: column = linestring.BaseGeometry.intersection(Haxis, Vaxis) if column not in Columns: Columns.append(column) Distances = WallSkeleton.ColumnDistances(Columns) for i in range(len(Columns)): print("Distance of the column", i, "(", Columns[i].x, Columns[i].y, ")", Distances[0][i], Distances[1][i]) print("Total Height here:", self.totalHeight) self.Columns, self.ColumnsLength = LevelSkeleton.CreateColumnShapes( Distances, self.totalHeight, Columns) for Column in self.Columns: # VDim = round(Column.poly.MaxCoords().y()-Column.poly.MinCoods().y()) # Hdim = round(Column.poly.MaxCoords().x()-Column.poly.MinCoods().x()) print("Column:", Column.centroid, "Vdim:", Column.bounds)
def showLowerFun(self): if self.selectedRow is not None: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt levelSkeleton = self.skeletonLevels[self.selectedRow] if levelSkeleton in levelSkeleton =[levelSkeleton].levelSkeleton polys, colors = self.getPolygonsFromLevelSkeletons(levelSkeleton) colors = [[ / 255., / 255., / 255., 0.8] for c in colors] c = colors[-1] # Plotter.plotPolys(polys, self.selectedRow, "plan", colors) # plt.savefig('try1.png', bbox_inches='tight') polys = [poly.poly for poly in polys] alphas = [1 for poly in polys] c1 = levelSkeleton.getCenterFromSlab() c2 = levelSkeleton.getCenterFromShear() polys += [ Point(c1.x(), c1.y()).buffer(0.1), Point(c2.x(), c2.y()).buffer(0.1) ] colors += [[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]] alphas += [1, 1] # Plotter.plotShapely(polys, colors, alphas, 30, title="plan") boxes = [ voileSkeleton.getSurrondingBox(self.constraints['d']) for wallSkeleton in levelSkeleton.wallSkeletons for voileSkeleton in wallSkeleton.getAllVoiles() ] polys += boxes alphas += [0.2 for poly in boxes] PotentialColumns, haxes, vaxes = WallSkeleton.Columns( self.skeletonLevels, self.selectedRow) for PotentialColumn in PotentialColumns: polys += [ Point(PotentialColumn.x, PotentialColumn.y).buffer(0.1) ] colors += [[1, 0, 0]] alphas += [1, 1] axes = haxes + vaxes for column in self.Columns: polys += [column] colors += [[1, 0, 0]] alphas += [1, 1] Plotter.plotShapely(polys, colors, alphas, 20) for axe in axes: plt.plot(*axe.xy, color='red', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1)