def calculate_F1(databasefile, result_boxes=None, resfile=None, det_thres=0.5, hotclass=2): DB = Database() DB = if (result_boxes is None): if resfile is None: raise ValueError( 'At least one of resfile/result_boxes must be given') if (resfile[-3:] == 'bz2'): f = bz2.BZ2File(resfile, 'rb') else: f = open(resfile, 'rb') result_boxes = pickle.load(f) sTP, sFN, sFP = 0, 0, 0 F1dict = dict() result_boxes = nms(result_boxes, det_thres) print('Calculating F1 for test set of %d files' % len(result_boxes)) for resfile in result_boxes: boxes = np.array(result_boxes[resfile]) TP, FP, FN, F1 = 0, 0, 0, 0 if boxes.shape[0] > 0: score = boxes[:, -1] # print('ID:',resfile,DB.findSlideWithFilename(resfile,'')) DB.loadIntoMemory(DB.findSlideWithFilename(resfile, '')) # perform NMS on detections annoList = [] for annoI in DB.annotations: anno = DB.annotations[annoI] if anno.agreedClass == hotclass: annoList.append([anno.x1, anno.y1]) centers_DB = np.array(annoList) F1, TP, FP, FN = _F1_core(centers_DB, boxes, score, det_thres) sTP += TP sFP += FP sFN += FN F1dict[resfile] = F1 print('Overall: ') sF1 = 2 * sTP / (2 * sTP + sFP + sFN) print('TP:', sTP, 'FP:', sFP, 'FN: ', sFN, 'F1:', sF1) return sF1, F1dict
class Plugin(SlideRunnerPlugin.SlideRunnerPlugin): version = 0.1 shortName = 'Secondary database visualization' inQueue = Queue() outQueue = Queue() initialOpacity = 1.0 updateTimer = 0.1 outputType = SlideRunnerPlugin.PluginOutputType.RGB_IMAGE description = 'Visualize secondary SlideRunner database' pluginType = SlideRunnerPlugin.PluginTypes.WHOLESLIDE_PLUGIN configurationList = list( (SlideRunnerPlugin.FilePickerConfigurationEntry(uid='file', name='Database file', mask='*.sqlite'), )) COLORS = [[0, 128, 0, 255], [128, 0, 0, 255], [0, 0, 128, 255], [128, 128, 0, 255], [0, 128, 128, 255], [128, 128, 128, 255]] def __init__(self, statusQueue: Queue): self.statusQueue = statusQueue self.annotationLabels = {} self.secondaryDB = Database() self.p = Thread(target=self.queueWorker, daemon=True) self.p.start() pass def getAnnotationUpdatePolicy(): # This is important to tell SlideRunner that he needs to update for every change in position. return SlideRunnerPlugin.AnnotationUpdatePolicy.UPDATE_ON_SLIDE_CHANGE def queueWorker(self): debugModule = False quitSignal = False oldFilename = '' oldArchive = '' oldSlide = '' oldThres = -1 while not quitSignal: job = SlideRunnerPlugin.pluginJob(self.inQueue.get()) print(job) if (job.jobDescription == SlideRunnerPlugin.JobDescription.QUIT_PLUGIN_THREAD): # signal to exit this thread quitSignal = True continue if (job.configuration['file'] == oldArchive) and (job.slideFilename == oldSlide): continue if not (os.path.exists(job.configuration['file'])): continue self.sendAnnotationLabelUpdate() oldArchive = job.configuration['file'] oldSlide = job.slideFilename self.annos = list() self.annotationLabels = dict() for key, (label, annoId, col) in enumerate(self.secondaryDB.getAllClasses()): self.annotationLabels[ annoId] = SlideRunnerPlugin.PluginAnnotationLabel( 0, '%s' % label, [*hex_to_rgb(col), 0]) pname, fname = os.path.split(job.slideFilename) self.slideUID = self.secondaryDB.findSlideWithFilename( fname, pname) self.secondaryDB.loadIntoMemory(self.slideUID) self.annos = list() for annoId in self.secondaryDB.annotations.keys(): anno = self.secondaryDB.annotations[annoId] anno.pluginAnnotationLabel = self.annotationLabels[ anno.agreedClass] self.annos.append(anno) self.sendAnnotationLabelUpdate() self.updateAnnotations() self.setProgressBar(-1) self.setMessage('found %d annotations.' % len(self.annos)) def getAnnotations(self): return self.annos def getAnnotationLabels(self): # sending default annotation labels return [self.annotationLabels[k] for k in self.annotationLabels.keys()]
DB.execute('SELECT uid,filename from Slides') return DB.fetchall() slidelist_test_1 = ['18','3', '22','10','15','21','14'] slidelist_test_2 = ['1', '20','17','5', '2', '11','16'] slidelist_test_3 = ['12','13','7', '19','8', '6', '9'] test_slides = { '1': slidelist_test_1, '2': slidelist_test_2, '3': slidelist_test_3} from os import system'../databases/MITOS_WSI_CMC_ODAEL_TR.sqlite') for slideid,filename in listOfSlides(DB): DB.loadIntoMemory(slideid) slide=openslide.open_slide(basepath+filename) for k in DB.annotations.keys(): anno = DB.annotations[k] if anno.deleted or anno.annotationType != AnnotationType.SPOT: continue coord_x = anno.x1 coord_y = anno.y1 lu_x = int(coord_x - int(patchSize/2)) lu_y = int(coord_y - int(patchSize/2))
return DB.fetchall() test_slide_filenames = [ 'be10fa37ad6e88e1f406.svs', 'f3741e764d39ccc4d114.svs', 'c86cd41f96331adf3856.svs', '552c51bfb88fd3e65ffe.svs', '8c9f9618fcaca747b7c3.svs', 'c91a842257ed2add5134.svs', 'dd4246ab756f6479c841.svs', 'f26e9fcef24609b988be.svs', '96274538c93980aad8d6.svs', 'add0a9bbc53d1d9bac4c.svs', '1018715d369dd0df2fc0.svs' ]'MITOS_WSI_CMCT_HEAEL.sqlite') #Slides_final_cleaned_checked.sqlite') for slide, filename in listOfSlides(DB): DB.loadIntoMemory(slide) slide = openslide.open_slide(basepath + filename) for k in DB.annotations.keys(): anno = DB.annotations[k] coord_x = anno.x1 coord_y = anno.y1 lu_x = int(coord_x - int(patchSize / 2)) lu_y = int(coord_y - int(patchSize / 2)) img = np.array( slide.read_region(location=(lu_x, lu_y), level=0,
def optimize_threshold(databasefile, result_boxes=None, resfile=None, hotclass=2, minthres=0.5): DB = Database() DB = if (result_boxes is None): if resfile is None: raise ValueError( 'At least one of resfile/result_boxes must be given') if (resfile[-3:] == 'bz2'): f = bz2.BZ2File(resfile, 'rb') else: f = open(resfile, 'rb') result_boxes = pickle.load(f) sTP, sFN, sFP = 0, 0, 0 F1dict = dict() MIN_THR = minthres result_boxes = nms(result_boxes, MIN_THR) TPd, FPd, FNd, F1d = dict(), dict(), dict(), dict() thresholds = np.arange(MIN_THR, 0.99, 0.01) print( 'Optimizing threshold for validation set of %d files: ' % len(result_boxes.keys()), ','.join(list(result_boxes.keys()))) for resfile in result_boxes: boxes = np.array(result_boxes[resfile]) TP, FP, FN = 0, 0, 0 TPd[resfile] = list() FPd[resfile] = list() FNd[resfile] = list() F1d[resfile] = list() if (boxes.shape[0] > 0): score = boxes[:, -1] DB.loadIntoMemory(DB.findSlideWithFilename(resfile, '')) # perform NMS on detections annoList = [] for annoI in DB.annotations: anno = DB.annotations[annoI] if anno.agreedClass == hotclass: annoList.append([anno.x1, anno.y1]) centers_DB = np.array(annoList) for det_thres in thresholds: F1, TP, FP, FN = _F1_core(centers_DB, boxes, score, det_thres) TPd[resfile] += [TP] FPd[resfile] += [FP] FNd[resfile] += [FN] F1d[resfile] += [F1] else: for det_thres in thresholds: TPd[resfile] += [0] FPd[resfile] += [0] FNd[resfile] += [0] F1d[resfile] += [0] F1 = 0 F1dict[resfile] = F1 allTP = np.zeros(len(thresholds)) allFP = np.zeros(len(thresholds)) allFN = np.zeros(len(thresholds)) allF1 = np.zeros(len(thresholds)) allF1M = np.zeros(len(thresholds)) for k in range(len(thresholds)): allTP[k] = np.sum([TPd[x][k] for x in result_boxes]) allFP[k] = np.sum([FPd[x][k] for x in result_boxes]) allFN[k] = np.sum([FNd[x][k] for x in result_boxes]) allF1[k] = 2 * allTP[k] / (2 * allTP[k] + allFP[k] + allFN[k]) allF1M[k] = np.mean([F1d[x][k] for x in result_boxes]) print('Best threshold: F1=', np.max(allF1), 'Threshold=', thresholds[np.argmax(allF1)]) return thresholds[np.argmax(allF1)], allF1, thresholds
class Plugin(SlideRunnerPlugin.SlideRunnerPlugin): version = 0.1 shortName = 'Mitosis Heatmap' inQueue = Queue() outQueue = Queue() initialOpacity = 0.6 updateTimer = 0.1 outputType = SlideRunnerPlugin.PluginOutputType.BINARY_MASK description = 'Show heatmap of mitotic figures in WSI' pluginType = SlideRunnerPlugin.PluginTypes.WHOLESLIDE_PLUGIN configurationList = list( (SlideRunnerPlugin.FilePickerConfigurationEntry( uid='file', name='Result file', mask='*.p;;*.txt;;*.p.bz2'), SlideRunnerPlugin.FilePickerConfigurationEntry(uid='dbfile', name='Database file', mask='*.sqlite'), SlideRunnerPlugin.PluginConfigurationEntry(uid='threshold', name='Detection threshold', initValue=0.75, minValue=0.0, maxValue=1.0), SlideRunnerPlugin.ComboboxPluginConfigurationEntry( uid='source', name='Heatmap shows', options=['Primary Database', 'Results', 'SecondaryDatabase']))) COLORS = [[0, 128, 0, 255], [128, 0, 0, 255], [0, 0, 128, 255], [128, 128, 0, 255], [0, 128, 128, 255], [128, 128, 128, 255]] def __init__(self, statusQueue: Queue): self.statusQueue = statusQueue self.annotationLabels = { 'Detection': SlideRunnerPlugin.PluginAnnotationLabel(0, 'Detection', [0, 180, 0, 255]), } self.p = Thread(target=self.queueWorker, daemon=True) self.p.start() self.annos = [] self.downsampledMap = np.zeros((10, 10)) pass def getAnnotationUpdatePolicy(): # This is important to tell SlideRunner that he needs to update for every change in position. return SlideRunnerPlugin.AnnotationUpdatePolicy.UPDATE_ON_SLIDE_CHANGE def queueWorker(self): debugModule = False quitSignal = False oldFilename = '' oldArchive = '' oldSlide = '' oldDBfile = '' oldCoordinates = [-1, -1, -1, -1] oldThres = -1 oldSource = -1 self.ds = 32 while not quitSignal: job = SlideRunnerPlugin.pluginJob(self.inQueue.get()) print(job) print(job.configuration) if (job.jobDescription == SlideRunnerPlugin.JobDescription.QUIT_PLUGIN_THREAD): # signal to exit this thread quitSignal = True continue sourceChanged = job.configuration['source'] != oldSource if (job.configuration['source'] == 0): if not hasattr(job.openedDatabase, 'dbfilename'): # DB not open yet continue job.configuration['dbfile'] = job.openedDatabase.dbfilename dbfilechanged = job.configuration['dbfile'] != oldDBfile if not (sourceChanged) and ( job.configuration['file'] == oldArchive ) and (job.configuration['threshold'] == oldThres) and (job.slideFilename == oldSlide) and np.all( job.coordinates == oldCoordinates) and not ( dbfilechanged): continue if not (os.path.exists(job.configuration['file'])) and ( job.configuration['source'] == 1): continue self.sendAnnotationLabelUpdate() fileChanged = job.configuration['file'] != oldArchive oldDBfile = job.configuration['dbfile'] slideChanged = job.slideFilename != oldSlide thresChanged = job.configuration['threshold'] != oldThres oldArchive = job.configuration['file'] oldThres = job.configuration['threshold'] oldSlide = job.slideFilename oldSource = job.configuration['source'] oldCoordinates = job.coordinates [foo, self.ext] = os.path.splitext(oldArchive) self.ext = self.ext.upper() self.slideObj = openslide.open_slide(job.slideFilename) if (fileChanged): if (self.ext == '.P') or ( self.ext == '.BZ2'): # Pickled format - results for many slides if (self.ext == '.BZ2'): self.resultsArchive = pickle.load( bz2.BZ2File(oldArchive, 'rb')) print('Opened bz2-compressed results container.') else: self.resultsArchive = pickle.load( open(oldArchive, 'rb')) print('Sourcechanged:', sourceChanged, 'dbfilechanged:', dbfilechanged, (len(job.configuration['dbfile']) > 0)) if (sourceChanged or dbfilechanged or slideChanged) and ( (job.configuration['source'] == 2) or (job.configuration['source'] == 0)) and (len(job.configuration['dbfile']) > 0): self.slideObj = openslide.open_slide(job.slideFilename) self.downsampledMap = np.zeros( (int(self.slideObj.dimensions[1] / self.ds), int(self.slideObj.dimensions[0] / self.ds))) self.newDB = Database()['dbfile']) allClasses = self.newDB.getAllClasses() mitosisClass = -1 for clsname, clsuid, col in allClasses: if (mitosisClass == -1) and ('MITO' in clsname.upper()) and ( 'LOOK' not in clsname.upper()): mitosisClass = clsuid pname, fname = os.path.split(job.slideFilename) uid = self.newDB.findSlideWithFilename(fname, pname) self.newDB.loadIntoMemory(uid) for anno in self.newDB.annotations: if (self.newDB.annotations[anno].agreedClass == mitosisClass): annodet = self.newDB.annotations[anno] self.downsampledMap[int(annodet.y1 / self.ds), int(annodet.x1 / self.ds)] += 1 else: self.setMessage('No DB open.') if ((sourceChanged and job.configuration['source'] == 1) or (slideChanged) or (thresChanged)) and len(job.configuration['file']) > 0: pname, fname = os.path.split(job.slideFilename) print('Stage 6') if (oldFilename is not fname) or (slideChanged): # process slide self.annos = list() if (fname not in self.resultsArchive): self.setMessage('Slide ' + str(fname) + ' not found in results file.') print('List of files is: ', self.resultsArchive.keys()) continue oldFilename = fname uniqueLabels = np.unique( np.array(self.resultsArchive[fname])[:, 4]) self.annotationLabels = dict() for key, label in enumerate(uniqueLabels): self.annotationLabels[ label] = SlideRunnerPlugin.PluginAnnotationLabel( 0, 'Class %d' % label, self.COLORS[key % len(self.COLORS)]) if (job.configuration['source'] == 1): self.downsampledMap = np.zeros( (int(self.slideObj.dimensions[1] / self.ds), int(self.slideObj.dimensions[0] / self.ds))) print('Downsampled image: ', self.downsampledMap.shape) for idx in range(len(self.resultsArchive[fname])): row = self.resultsArchive[fname][idx] if (row[5] > job.configuration['threshold']): myanno = annotations.rectangularAnnotation( uid=idx, x1=row[0], x2=row[2], y1=row[1], y2=row[3], text='%.2f' % row[5], pluginAnnotationLabel=self.annotationLabels[ row[4]]) if (job.configuration['source'] == 1): self.downsampledMap[int( (row[1] + row[3]) / 2 / self.ds), int((row[0] + row[2]) / 2 / self.ds)] += 1 self.annos.append(myanno) self.sendAnnotationLabelUpdate() elif (self.ext == '.TXT'): # Assume MS Coco format self.annos = list() self.resultsArchive = np.loadtxt( oldArchive, dtype={ 'names': ('label', 'confidence', 'x', 'y', 'w', 'h'), 'formats': ('U30', 'f4', 'i4', 'i4', 'i4', 'i4') }, skiprows=0, delimiter=' ') uniqueLabels = np.unique(self.resultsArchive['label']) self.annotationLabels = dict() for key, label in enumerate(uniqueLabels): self.annotationLabels[ label] = SlideRunnerPlugin.PluginAnnotationLabel( 0, label, self.COLORS[key % len(self.COLORS)]) self.sendAnnotationLabelUpdate() self.slideObj = openslide.open_slide(job.slideFilename) self.ds = 32 if (job.configuration['source'] == 1): self.downsampledMap = np.zeros( (int(self.slideObj.dimensions[1] / self.ds), int(self.slideObj.dimensions[0] / self.ds))) print('Downsampled image: ', self.downsampledMap.shape) for idx in range(len(self.resultsArchive)): row = self.resultsArchive[idx] if (row[5] > job.configuration['threshold']): if (job.configuration['source'] == 1): self.downsampledMap[int( (row['y'] - row['h'] / 2) / self.ds), int((row['x'] - row['w'] / 2) / self.ds)] += 1 myanno = annotations.rectangularAnnotation( uid=idx, x1=row['x'], x2=row['y'], y1=row['x'] + row['w'], y2=row['y'] + row['h'], text='%.2f' % row['confidence'], pluginAnnotationLabel=self.annotationLabels[ row['label']]) self.annos.append(myanno) print('returning overlay...') A = 2.37 # mm^2 W_hpf_microns = np.sqrt(A * 4 / 3) * 1000 # in microns H_hpf_microns = np.sqrt(A * 3 / 4) * 1000 # in microns micronsPerPixel =[ openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_X] W_hpf = int(W_hpf_microns / float(micronsPerPixel)) H_hpf = int(H_hpf_microns / float(micronsPerPixel)) W_x = int(W_hpf / self.ds) W_y = int(H_hpf / self.ds) kernel = np.ones((W_y, W_x), np.float32) mitoticCount = cv2.filter2D(self.downsampledMap, -1, kernel) coords_ds = np.int16(np.array(job.coordinates) / self.ds) centerImg = cv2.getRectSubPix( np.float32(mitoticCount[:, :, None]), patchSize=(coords_ds[2], coords_ds[3]), center=(coords_ds[0] + coords_ds[2] * 0.5, coords_ds[1] + coords_ds[3] * 0.5)) resized = cv2.resize(centerImg, dsize=(job.currentImage.shape[1], job.currentImage.shape[0])) self.returnImage(resized) self.updateAnnotations() self.setProgressBar(-1) self.setMessage('found %d annotations.' % len(self.annos)) def getAnnotations(self): return self.annos def getAnnotationLabels(self): # sending default annotation labels return [self.annotationLabels[k] for k in self.annotationLabels.keys()]
# In[4]: files=list() train_slides=list() val_slides=list() test_slides=list() slidenames = list() getslides = """SELECT uid, filename FROM Slides""" for idx, (currslide, filename) in enumerate(tqdm(database.execute(getslides).fetchall(), desc='Loading slides .. ')): if (((sys.argv[4] == 'val') and (filename not in test_slide_filenames)) or (not (sys.argv[4] == 'val') and (filename in test_slide_filenames))): slidenames += [currslide] database.loadIntoMemory(currslide) slide_path = path / slidedir / filename slide = openslide.open_slide(str(slide_path)) level = 0#slide.level_count - 1 files.append(SlideContainer(file=slide_path, level=level, width=size, height=size, y=[[], []], annotations=dict())) test_slides.append(idx) print('Running on slides:', slidenames) state = torch.load(fname, map_location='cpu') if defaults.device == torch.device('cpu') else torch.load(fname) model = state.pop('model').cuda()
def test_pushannos(): imageset = 1 product_id = 1 client = ApiClient(configuration) apis = ExactAPIs(client) randstr = ''.join( ['{:02x}'.format(x) for x in np.random.randint(0, 255, 6)]) imagename = f'dummy{randstr}.png' imageset = apis.image_sets_api.list_image_sets().results[0].id # generate dummy image dummy = np.random.randint(0, 255, (200, 200, 3)) cv2.imwrite(imagename, dummy) exm = ExactManager(username=configuration.username, password=configuration.password, iset = exm.upload_image_to_imageset(imageset_id=imageset, filename=imagename) # apis.images_api.create_image(file_path=imagename, image_type=0, image_set=imageset).results imageset_details = apis.image_sets_api.retrieve_image_set(id=imageset, expand='images') imageid = imageset_details.images[0]['id'] DB = Database().create(':memory:') # Add slide to database slideuid = DB.insertNewSlide(imagename, '') DB.insertClass('BB') DB.insertAnnotator('sliderunner_unittest') DB.insertAnnotator( 'otherexpert') # we will only send annotations of the marked expert DB.insertClass('POLY') coords = np.array([[100, 200], [150, 220], [180, 250]]) DB.insertNewPolygonAnnotation(annoList=coords, slideUID=1, classID=2, annotator=1) coords = np.array([[150, 250], [350, 220], [0, 250]]) DB.insertNewPolygonAnnotation(annoList=coords, slideUID=1, classID=2, annotator=1) coords = np.array([[150, 255], [350, 210], [50, 250]]) DB.insertNewPolygonAnnotation(annoList=coords, slideUID=1, classID=2, annotator=2) DB.setExactPerson(1) #empty image annos = apis.annotations_api.list_annotations(id=imageid, pagination=False).results for anno in annos: apis.annotations_api.destroy_annotation( # for anno in exm.retrieve_annotations(imageid): # print(anno) # All annotations have been removed assert (len( apis.annotations_api.list_annotations(id=imageid, pagination=False).results) == 0) exm.sync(imageid, imageset_id=imageset, product_id=product_id, slideuid=slideuid, database=DB) # Only 2 annotations have been inserted assert (len(apis.annotations_api.list_annotations(imageid).results) == 2) uuids = [ x.unique_identifier for x in apis.annotations_api.list_annotations(imageid).results ] # All were created with correct guid for dbanno in list(DB.annotations.keys())[:-1]: assert (DB.annotations[dbanno].guid in uuids) print('--- resync ---') # Sync again exm.sync(imageid, imageset_id=imageset, product_id=product_id, slideuid=slideuid, database=DB) # No change print('Length is now: ', len(apis.annotations_api.list_annotations(imageid).results)) assert (len(apis.annotations_api.list_annotations(imageid).results) == 2) # All were created with correct guid uuids = [ x.unique_identifier for x in apis.annotations_api.list_annotations(imageid).results ] for dbanno in list(DB.annotations.keys())[:-1]: assert (DB.annotations[dbanno].guid in uuids) print('--- local update created ---') # Now let's create a local update - keep same exact_id (crucial!) DB.loadIntoMemory(1) DB.setAnnotationLabel(classId=1, person=1, annoIdx=1, entryId=DB.annotations[1].labels[0].uid, exact_id=DB.annotations[1].labels[0].exact_id) # Sync again exm.sync(imageid, imageset_id=imageset, product_id=product_id, slideuid=slideuid, database=DB) # check if remote has been updated # annos = apis.annotations_api.list_annotations(id=imageid, pagination=False).results annos = np.array( apis.annotations_api.list_annotations( imageid, expand='annotation_type').results) assert (len(annos) > 0) for anno in annos: if ( == DB.annotations[1].labels[0].exact_id): assert (anno.annotation_type['name'] == 'BB') annotype_id = anno.annotation_type['id'] # Now update remotely and see if changes are reflected newguid = str(uuid.uuid4()) vector = list_to_exactvector([[90, 80], [20, 30]]) vector['frame'] = 2 lastModified = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( time.time()).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") annotation = Annotation(annotation_type=annotype_id, vector=vector, image=imageid, unique_identifier=newguid, last_edit_time=lastModified, time=lastModified, description='abcdef') created = apis.annotations_api.create_annotation(body=annotation) exm.sync(imageid, imageset_id=imageset, product_id=product_id, slideuid=slideuid, database=DB) DB.loadIntoMemory(1, zLevel=None) found = False for annoI in DB.annotations: anno = DB.annotations[annoI] if (anno.guid == newguid): found = True assert (anno.annotationType == AnnotationType.POLYGON) assert (anno.text == 'abcdef') assert (anno.labels[0].exact_id == assert (found) # also check in stored database DB.loadIntoMemory(1) for annoI in DB.annotations: anno = DB.annotations[annoI] if (anno.guid == newguid): found = True assert (anno.annotationType == AnnotationType.POLYGON) assert (anno.labels[0].exact_id == annos = apis.annotations_api.list_annotations(id=imageid, pagination=False).results for anno in annos: apis.annotations_api.destroy_annotation(, keep_deleted_element=False) # All gone assert (len( apis.annotations_api.list_annotations(id=imageid, pagination=False).results) == 0) # Now delete image apis.images_api.destroy_image(id=imageid) os.remove(imagename) exm.terminate()
def test_pushannos(): imageset = 1 product_id = 1 exm = ExactManager('sliderunner_unittest', 'unittestpw', EXACT_UNITTEST_URL) randstr = ''.join( ['{:02x}'.format(x) for x in np.random.randint(0, 255, 6)]) imagename = f'dummy{randstr}.tiff' # generate dummy image dummy = np.random.randint(0, 255, (200, 200, 3)) cv2.imwrite(imagename, dummy) exm.upload_image_to_imageset(imageset_id=imageset, filename=imagename) imageset_details = exm.retrieve_imageset(imageset) # print(imageset_details) for imset in imageset_details['images']: if (imset['name'] == imagename): imageid = imset['id'] DB = Database().create(':memory:') # DB = Database().create('test.sqlite') # Add slide to database slideuid = DB.insertNewSlide(imagename, '') DB.insertClass('BB') DB.insertAnnotator('sliderunner_unittest') DB.insertAnnotator( 'otherexpert') # we will only send annotations of the marked expert DB.insertClass('POLY') coords = np.array([[100, 200], [150, 220], [180, 250]]) DB.insertNewPolygonAnnotation(annoList=coords, slideUID=1, classID=2, annotator=1) coords = np.array([[150, 250], [350, 220], [0, 250]]) DB.insertNewPolygonAnnotation(annoList=coords, slideUID=1, classID=2, annotator=1) coords = np.array([[150, 255], [350, 210], [50, 250]]) DB.insertNewPolygonAnnotation(annoList=coords, slideUID=1, classID=2, annotator=2) DB.setExactPerson(1) #empty image annos = exm.retrieve_annotations(imageid) for anno in annos: exm.delete_annotation(anno['id'], keep_deleted_element=False) # for anno in exm.retrieve_annotations(imageid): # print(anno) # All annotations have been removed assert (len(exm.retrieve_annotations(imageid)) == 0) exm.sync(imageid, imageset_id=imageset, product_id=product_id, slideuid=slideuid, database=DB) # Only 2 annotations have been inserted assert (len(exm.retrieve_annotations(imageid)) == 2) uuids = [x['unique_identifier'] for x in exm.retrieve_annotations(imageid)] # All were created with correct guid for dbanno in list(DB.annotations.keys())[:-1]: assert (DB.annotations[dbanno].guid in uuids) print('--- resync ---') # Sync again exm.sync(imageid, imageset_id=imageset, product_id=product_id, slideuid=slideuid, database=DB) # No change assert (len(exm.retrieve_annotations(imageid)) == 2) # All were created with correct guid uuids = [x['unique_identifier'] for x in exm.retrieve_annotations(imageid)] for dbanno in list(DB.annotations.keys())[:-1]: assert (DB.annotations[dbanno].guid in uuids) print('--- local update created ---') # Now let's create a local update - keep same exact_id (crucial!) DB.loadIntoMemory(1) DB.setAnnotationLabel(classId=1, person=1, annoIdx=1, entryId=DB.annotations[1].labels[0].uid, exact_id=DB.annotations[1].labels[0].exact_id) # Sync again exm.sync(imageid, imageset_id=imageset, product_id=product_id, slideuid=slideuid, database=DB) # check if remote has been updated annos = exm.retrieve_annotations(imageid) for anno in annos: if (anno['id'] == DB.annotations[1].labels[0].exact_id): assert (anno['annotation_type']['name'] == 'BB') annotype_id = anno['annotation_type']['id'] # Now update remotely and see if changes are reflected newguid = str(uuid.uuid4()) created = exm.create_annotation(image_id=imageid, annotationtype_id=annotype_id, vector=[[90, 80], [20, 30]], last_modified=time.time(), guid=newguid, description='abcdef') exm.sync(imageid, imageset_id=imageset, product_id=product_id, slideuid=slideuid, database=DB) found = False for annoI in DB.annotations: anno = DB.annotations[annoI] if (anno.guid == newguid): found = True assert (anno.annotationType == AnnotationType.POLYGON) assert (anno.text == 'abcdef') assert (anno.labels[0].exact_id == created['annotations']['id']) assert (found) # also check in stored database DB.loadIntoMemory(1) for annoI in DB.annotations: anno = DB.annotations[annoI] if (anno.guid == newguid): found = True assert (anno.annotationType == AnnotationType.POLYGON) assert (anno.labels[0].exact_id == created['annotations']['id']) # Clean up --> remove all annotations annos = exm.retrieve_annotations(imageid) for anno in annos: exm.delete_annotation(anno['id'], keep_deleted_element=False) # All gone assert (len(exm.retrieve_annotations(imageid)) == 0) # Now delete image exm.delete_image(imageid) os.remove(imagename) exm.terminate()
def calculate_F1_fromCSV(databasefile, csv_directory, hotclass=1, verbose=False): DB = Database() DB = import os import csv result_boxes = {} for root, dirs, files in os.walk(csv_directory): if len(dirs) > 0: continue slidenr = int(root.split('/')[-1]) result_boxes['%02d_test.tif' % slidenr] = [] f = open(root + '/' + files[0], 'r') for y, x in csv.reader(f, delimiter=','): result_boxes['%02d_test.tif' % slidenr].append([int(x), int(y), 1]) sTP, sFN, sFP = 0, 0, 0 F1dict = dict() sP = 0 print('Calculating F1 for test set of %d files' % len(result_boxes), ':', result_boxes.keys()) mitcount = DB.execute( f'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Annotations where agreedClass={hotclass}' ).fetchall() print('Official count of mitotic figures in DB: ', mitcount) slideids = [] for resfile in result_boxes: boxes = np.array(result_boxes[resfile]) TP, FP, FN, F1 = 0, 0, 0, 0 slide_id = DB.findSlideWithFilename(resfile, '') slideids.append(str(slide_id)) DB.loadIntoMemory(slide_id) annoList = [] for annoI in DB.annotations: anno = DB.annotations[annoI] if anno.agreedClass == hotclass: annoList.append([anno.x1, anno.y1]) centers_DB = np.array(annoList) if boxes.shape[0] > 0: score = boxes[:, -1] F1, TP, FP, FN = _F1_core(centers_DB, boxes, score, 0) if (centers_DB.shape[0] != TP + FN): print(resfile, centers_DB.shape[0], TP + FN) else: # no detections --> missed all FN = centers_DB.shape[0] if (verbose): print(f'{resfile}: F1:{F1}, TP:{TP}, FP:{FP}, FN:{FN}') sTP += TP sFP += FP sP += centers_DB.shape[0] sFN += FN F1dict[resfile] = F1 print('Overall: ') sF1 = 2 * sTP / (2 * sTP + sFP + sFN) print('F1: ', sF1) print('Precision: %.3f ' % (sTP / (sTP + sFP))) print('Recall: %.3f' % (sTP / (sTP + sFN))) return sF1, F1dict
def calculate_F1(databasefile, result_boxes=None, resfile=None, det_thres=0.5, hotclass=2, verbose=False): DB = Database() DB = if (result_boxes is None): if resfile is None: raise ValueError( 'At least one of resfile/result_boxes must be given') if (resfile[-3:] == 'bz2'): f = bz2.BZ2File(resfile, 'rb') else: f = open(resfile, 'rb') result_boxes = pickle.load(f) sTP, sFN, sFP = 0, 0, 0 F1dict = dict() sP = 0 result_boxes = nms(result_boxes, det_thres) print('Calculating F1 for test set of %d files' % len(result_boxes), ':', result_boxes.keys()) mitcount = DB.execute( f'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Annotations where agreedClass={hotclass}' ).fetchall() print('Official count of mitotic figures in DB: ', mitcount) slideids = [] for resfile in result_boxes: boxes = np.array(result_boxes[resfile]) TP, FP, FN, F1 = 0, 0, 0, 0 slide_id = DB.findSlideWithFilename(resfile, '') slideids.append(str(slide_id)) DB.loadIntoMemory(slide_id) annoList = [] for annoI in DB.annotations: anno = DB.annotations[annoI] if anno.agreedClass == hotclass: annoList.append([anno.x1, anno.y1]) centers_DB = np.array(annoList) if boxes.shape[0] > 0: score = boxes[:, -1] F1, TP, FP, FN = _F1_core(centers_DB, boxes, score, det_thres) if (centers_DB.shape[0] != TP + FN): print(resfile, centers_DB.shape[0], TP + FN) else: # no detections --> missed all FN = centers_DB.shape[0] if (verbose): print(f'{resfile}: F1:{F1}, TP:{TP}, FP:{FP}, FN:{FN}') sTP += TP sFP += FP sP += centers_DB.shape[0] sFN += FN F1dict[resfile] = F1 print('Overall: ') sF1 = 2 * sTP / (2 * sTP + sFP + sFN) print('F1: ', sF1) print('Precision: %.3f ' % (sTP / (sTP + sFP))) print('Recall: %.3f' % (sTP / (sTP + sFN))) return sF1, F1dict
DBRK = Database()'databases/HighMCAreas.sqlite') os.system( 'cp ../databases/MITOS_WSI_CCMCT_ODAEL.sqlite MITOS_WSI_CCMCT_ODAEL_%dHPF.sqlite' % hpf) DBnew = Database()'MITOS_WSI_CCMCT_ODAEL_%dHPF.sqlite' % hpf) DBnew.execute('ATTACH `../databases/MITOS_WSI_CCMCT_ODAEL.sqlite` as orig') for uid, filename in DB.listOfSlides(): print(uid, filename) DB.loadIntoMemory(uid) uidRK = DBRK.findSlideWithFilename(filename, '') DBRK.loadIntoMemory(uidRK) slide = openslide.open_slide('../WSI/' + filename) A = 0.237 * hpf # mm^2 W_hpf_microns = np.sqrt(A * 4 / 3) * 1000 # in microns H_hpf_microns = np.sqrt(A * 3 / 4) * 1000 # in microns micronsPerPixel =[openslide.PROPERTY_NAME_MPP_X] W_hpf = int(W_hpf_microns / float(micronsPerPixel)) H_hpf = int(H_hpf_microns / float(micronsPerPixel))