예제 #1
	def __init__(self, resId, resName): # take the dura
		self.name = resName
		self.id	= resId
		freeSlot = Slot()
		freeSlot.resourceOnSlot = self
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, meetingID):
        self.meeting = meetingID
        self.usersList = self.populateUsersList()
        self.user1List = []
        self.user2List = []
        db = pymysql.connect(host = "us-cdbr-iron-east-05.cleardb.net", user = "******", password = "******", database = "heroku_66bd76f57e3f221")
        cursor = db.cursor()

        firstUser = self.usersList[0]

        cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM slot WHERE userID = %s", [firstUser])
        user1RawList = cursor.fetchall()
        for r in user1RawList:
            tempSlot = Slot(r)


        db = pymysql.connect(host="localhost", user="******", password="******", database="SlotDatabase")
        cursor2 = db.cursor()

        secondUser = self.usersList[1]

        cursor2.execute("SELECT * FROM slot WHERE userID = %s", [secondUser])
        user2RawList = cursor2.fetchall()
        for i in user2RawList:
            tempSlot2 = Slot(i)

예제 #3
def getSuitableSlotDuration(task,flag):
	global globalFreeSlots	
	for freeSlot in globalFreeSlots:
		maxPredEndDay = getMaxPredEndDay(task)
		if task.duration<=freeSlot.slotDuration and freeSlot.start > maxPredEndDay:
			if(not flag and (task.startDay < freeSlot.start or task.endDay> freeSlot.end)):
			task.resourceOnTask = freeSlot.resourceOnSlot
			if flag == True:	
				task.startDay = freeSlot.start
				task.endDay = task.startDay + task.duration-1
			if task.startDay - freeSlot.start>0:	
				remFreeSlot1 = Slot(freeSlot.start, task.startDay-1)
				remFreeSlot1.resourceOnSlot = freeSlot.resourceOnSlot
			if freeSlot.end - task.endDay>0:	
				remFreeSlot2 = Slot(task.endDay+1, freeSlot.end)
				remFreeSlot2.resourceOnSlot = freeSlot.resourceOnSlot
			globalFreeSlots.sort(key = lambda x:(x.start,x.slotDuration),reverse = False)
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, game):
        self.game = game
        self.image = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load(player_path_img),
                                            (30, 120))
        # chargement de l'image
        self.imageL = pygame.transform.flip(self.image, False, False)
        self.imageR = pygame.transform.flip(self.image, True, False)
        self.image = self.imageL
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
        # position du joueur au debut
        self.rect.x = SCREEN_WIDTH // 2
        self.rect.y = 360
        # taille du joueur
        self.width = self.image.get_width()
        self.height = self.image.get_height()
        # vitesse du joueur
        self.velocity = 5
        # gestion de la gravite ne pas changer !
        self.vel_y = 0
        # le joueur ne saute pas au debut
        self.jumped = False
        # est ce que le joueur est dans les airs
        self.in_air = True
        # inventaire du joueur
        self.inventory = {}
        self.dont_play = False
        # chargement des images
        self.inventory_img = pygame.image.load(inventory_gui_path_img)
        self.hotbar_img = pygame.image.load(hotbar_gui_path_img)
        self.hotbar_img_rect = self.hotbar_img.get_rect()
        self.hotbar_img_rect.center = (SCREEN_WIDTH // 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 33)
        self.select_hotbar = pygame.image.load(select_gui_path_img)
        self.select_hotbar_rect = self.select_hotbar.get_rect()

        self.move_items = False

        # l = [4, 1, 2, 3]
        for j in [4, 1, 2, 3]:
            for i in range(1, 10):
                self.inventory["Slot" + str(i) + "_" + str(j)] = Slot(
                    None, i, j, 0)

        for j in range(1, 3):
            for i in range(1, 3):
                self.inventory["Slot" + str(i) + "_" + str(j) +
                               "_Craft"] = Slot(None, i, j, 0, "craft_small")

        self.inventory["Slot0_0_Craft"] = Slot(None, 0, 0, 0,

        self.move_items = [False, None, None]
        self.decy = 0

        self.crafts = {}
예제 #5
 def generateSlots(self):
     for space time constraints
     index = 0
     for days in self.days:
         for period in Coordinator.periods:
             for rooms in Coordinator.rooms:
                 s = Slot(days, period, rooms)
                 s.index = index
                 index += 1
예제 #6
 def __init__(self, slotCount):
     slotstatus = True
     self.__slotCount = slotCount
     for i in range(self.__slotCount):
         slotNumber = i + 1
         self.__slotreader = Slot(slotNumber)
         if self.__slots[i].getSlotId(
         ) == slotNumber and self.__slots[i].checkIfCarParked() == False:
             slotstatus = slotstatus = True
             slotstatus = slotstatus = False
     if slotstatus == True:
         print('Created parking of {} slots'.format(self.__slotCount))
예제 #7
def runAndPrint(filename):
    print("Loading data from file %s..." % filename)
    count = 0
    slots = []  # slot object array
    bids = []  # bid object array
    with open(filename) as infile:
        for line in infile:
            line = line.strip()
            count += 1
            # read auction term
            if count == 1:
                term = line
            # read click through rate
            if count == 2:
                parts = line.split(' ')
                for ctr in parts:
                    slot = Slot(ctr)
            # read bids information
            if count > 2:
                bid = Bid(line)

    print("\nAuction for \"%s\" with %d slots and %d bidders:" %
          (term, len(slots), len(bids)))
    for slot in slots:
        print("slot: %6.2f %8.2f %8.2f   %s" %
              (float(slot.clickThruRate), float(slot.price), float(
                  slot.profit), slot.bidder))
    print("	<-- click through rates")
    print(" ")

    auction = Auction(term, bids)

    # print bid information
    print "Bids sorted from high to low:"
    for b in auction.bids:
        # 		print ("%s\t%s" % (b.value, b.name))
        print("bid:%6.2f %s" % (float(b.value), b.name))


    print(" ")
    print("%12s %8s %8s %8s\n" % ("clicks", "price", "profit", "bidder"))
    # print slots
    for slot in slots:
        print("slot: %6.2f %8.2f %8.2f   %s" %
              (float(slot.clickThruRate), float(slot.price), float(
                  slot.profit), slot.bidder))
    # print sums
    cls = 0
    rev = 0
    val = 0
    for s in slots:
        cls += float(s.clickThruRate)
        rev += float(s.price)
        val += float(s.profit)
    print("sums: %6.2f %8.2f %8.2f\n" % (cls, rev, val))
예제 #8
파일: Board.py 프로젝트: Stalker2106x/PyGoL
    def __init__(self):
        self.prevFrame = ""
        self.width = 25
        self.height = 25
        self.generation = 0
        self.aliveCells = 0
        self.deadCells = 0

        self.grid = [[Slot() for y in range(self.width)]
                     for x in range(self.height)]
예제 #9
파일: DriverSSA.py 프로젝트: cash2one/RTB
def runAndPrint(filename):
    print("loading Auction from file %s" % filename)
    count = 0
    slots = []
    bids = []
    with open(filename) as infile:
        for line in infile:
            line = line.strip()
            count += 1
            if count == 1:
                term = line
            if count == 2:
                parts = line.split(' ')
                for ctr in parts:
                    slot = Slot(ctr)
            if count > 2:
                bid = Bid(line)

    print("Auction for \"%s\" with %d slots and %d bidders" %
          (term, len(slots), len(bids)))

    for slot in slots:
        print("slot: %6.2f %8.2f %8.2f   %s" %
              (float(slot.clickThruRate), float(slot.price), float(
                  slot.profit), slot.bidder))
    print("  <-- click through rates")
    print(" ")

    auction = Auction(term, bids)
    for b in auction.bids:
        # print ("%s\t%s"%(b.value,b.name))
        print("bid:%6.2f %s" % (float(b.value), b.name))

    print(" ")
    print("%12s %8s %8s %8s\n" % ("clicks", "price", "profit", "bidder"))
    for slot in slots:
        print("slot: %6.2f %8.3f %8.3f   %s" %
              (float(slot.clickThruRate), float(slot.price), float(
                  slot.profit), slot.bidder))
    cls = 0
    rev = 0
    val = 0
    for s in slots:
        cls += float(s.clickThruRate)
        rev += float(s.price)
        val += float(s.profit)
    print("sums: %6.2f %8.3f %8.3f\n" % (cls, rev, val))
예제 #10
 def addCar(self, sRegisration, sColor):
     Add car to the lot if free lot is present
     index = self.isSlotFree()
     if index != -1:
         self.lSlot[index] = Slot(sRegisration, sColor)
         self.dSlotCars[sRegisration] = index
         if sColor in self.dCarsColor:
             self.dCarsColor[sColor] = [sRegisration]
         return "Allocated slot number: {}".format(index + 1)
     return "Sorry, parking lot is full"
예제 #11
 def __init__(self, w = 5, h = 5):
     super(Environment, self).__init__()
     # w = int(str(sys.argv[1]))
     # h = int(str(sys.argv[0]))
     self.mapa = [[ Slot() for x in range(w)] for y in range(h)]
     self.w = w
     self.h = h
     self.agent_x = random.randrange(w)
     self.agent_y = random.randrange(h)
     self.agent_dir = random.choice(['U', 'D', 'L', 'R'])
     self.this_slot = self.mapa[self.agent_x][self.agent_y]
     self.fwd_slot = self.getLookedSlot()
     self.agent = Agent()
     self.agent.setPerceps(self.this_slot,self.fwd_slot )
예제 #12
파일: Parking.py 프로젝트: Laink67/hack
    def coords_parking(self) -> List[Slot]:
        width_parking = self.width / self.columns
        height_parking = self.height / self.rows

        slots = []
        id = 0
        for row in np.arange(self.rows):
            for column in np.arange(self.columns):
                point_upper_left = Point(column * width_parking,
                                         row * height_parking)
                point_lower_right = Point(point_upper_left.x + width_parking,
                                          point_upper_left.y + height_parking)
                slots.append(Slot(id, point_upper_left, point_lower_right))
                id += 1

        return slots
예제 #13
	def _getSlotInfo(slotName, payload):
		Parses slots from payload into objects containing all slot info. Only takes the slots corresponding to the given name
		:param slotName: string
		:param payload: dict
		:return: list
		slots = []
			if 'slots' in payload:
				for slot in payload['slots']:
					if slot['slotName'] != slotName:
			return slots
		except Exception as e:

		return slots
예제 #14
    def __init__(self, skeletonData):
        super(Skeleton, self).__init__()
        self.data = skeletonData
        self.skin = None
        self.r = 1.0
        self.g = 1.0
        self.b = 1.0
        self.a = 1.0
        self.time = 0.0
        self.bones = []
        self.slots = []
        self.drawOrder = []
        self.flipX = False
        self.flipY = False

        if not self.data:
            raise Exception('skeletonData can not be null.')

        boneCount = len(self.data.bones)
        self.bones = [None] * boneCount
        for i in range(boneCount):
            boneData = self.data.bones[i]
            bone = Bone(data=boneData)
            if boneData.parent:
                for ii in range(boneCount):
                    if self.data.bones[ii] == boneData.parent:
                        bone.parent = self.bones[ii]
            self.bones[i] = bone

        slotCount = len(self.data.slots)
        self.slots = [None] * slotCount
        for i in range(slotCount):
            slotData = self.data.slots[i]
            bone = None
            for ii in range(boneCount):
                if self.data.bones[ii] == slotData.boneData:
                    bone = self.bones[ii]
            slot = Slot(slotData=slotData, skeleton=self, bone=bone)
            self.slots[i] = slot
예제 #15
    Course("Image Recognition", ["MI-4"], "Ryabokon"),
    Course("Refactoring Problems", ["MI-4"], "Kulyabko"),
    Course("Algorithms", ["K-26"], "Zavadsky", ["Taranukha", "Zavadsky"]),
    Course("DBMS", ["K-26"], "Kulyabko",
           ["Kulyabko", "Taranukha", "Zavadsky"]),
    Course("Computational Geometry", ["TTP-32"], "Tereschenko",
    Course("Quantum Computation", ["TTP-32"], "Zavadsky"),
    Course("Operating Systems", ["TTP-32"], "Panchenko",
           ["Panchenko", "Fedorova"]),
    Course("Artificial Intelligence", ["TK-4"], "Pashko", ["Pashko"]),
    Course("Programming Paradigms", ["TK-4"], "Pashko", ["Pashko"])

Slot.slots = [
    Slot("08:40", "10:15", "Mon"),
    Slot("10:35", "12:10", "Mon"),
    Slot("12:20", "13:55", "Mon"),
    Slot("08:40", "10:15", "Tue"),
    Slot("10:35", "12:10", "Tue"),
    Slot("12:20", "13:55", "Tue"),
    Slot("08:40", "10:15", "Wed"),
    Slot("10:35", "12:10", "Wed"),
    Slot("12:20", "13:55", "Wed"),
    Slot("08:40", "10:15", "Thu"),
    Slot("10:35", "12:10", "Thu"),
    Slot("12:20", "13:55", "Thu"),
    Slot("08:40", "10:15", "Fri"),
    Slot("10:35", "12:10", "Fri"),
    Slot("12:20", "13:55", "Fri"),
예제 #16
    def update(self, screen):
        Method qui update la position du joueur (le monde bouge pour que le joueur soit toujours au centre de l'ecran)
        # futur position du joueur
        dx = 0
        dy = 0

        # recuperation des touches presser
        self.velocity = 5
        key = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        # si on appuye sur la touche espace et qu'on est sur le sol
        if not self.dont_play:
            if key[pygame.K_SPACE] and not self.jumped and not self.in_air:
                self.vel_y = -13
                self.jumped = True
            if not key[pygame.K_SPACE]:
                self.jumped = False
            if key[pygame.K_LCTRL]:
                self.velocity = 7
            # deplacement sur la gauche
            if key[pygame.K_q]:
                dx += self.velocity
                self.image = self.imageR
            # deplacement sur la droite
            if key[pygame.K_d]:
                dx -= self.velocity
                self.image = self.imageL

        # gravite (ne pas chercher a comprendre sauf si vous voulez reflechir ;p), en vrai c'est simple
        self.vel_y += 1
        if self.vel_y > 10:
            self.vel_y = 10
        dy -= self.vel_y

        # collision
        # self.in_air = True
        for value in self.game.visible_map.values():
            if value.have_hitbox:
                # x direction
                while pygame.rect.Rect(
                        value.get_rect().x * TILE_SIZE + value.get_chunk() * 10 * TILE_SIZE + self.game.world.decalagex,
                        value.get_rect().y * (-TILE_SIZE) + self.game.world.decalagey,
                        value.get_rect().h) \
                        .colliderect(self.rect.x - dx, self.rect.y, self.width, self.height):
                    if dx > 0:
                        dx -= 1
                    elif dx < 0:
                        dx += 1
                # y direction
                if pygame.rect.Rect(
                        value.get_rect().x * TILE_SIZE + value.get_chunk() * 10 * TILE_SIZE + self.game.world.decalagex,
                        value.get_rect().y * (-TILE_SIZE) + self.game.world.decalagey,
                        value.get_rect().h) \
                        .colliderect(self.rect.x, self.rect.y - dy, self.width, self.height):
                    # en dessous du sol
                    if self.vel_y < 0:
                        # print("Hello there")
                        # dy = self.rect.top + value.get_rect().bottom - self.game.world.decalagey * TILE_SIZE
                        # print(self.rect.top)
                        # print(value.get_rect().bottom)
                        dy = 0
                        self.vel_y = 0
                    # au dessus du sol
                    elif self.vel_y >= 0:
                        dy = self.rect.bottom - value.get_rect().top * (
                            -TILE_SIZE) - self.game.world.decalagey
                        # print(self.rect.bottom, value.get_rect().top, self.game.world.decalagey)
                        self.vel_y = 0
                        self.in_air = False

        # update de la position
        self.game.x += dx
        self.game.y += dy
        self.decy += dy
                                    self.game.world.cow.pos_y + dy)
        self.game.world.update_position(dx, dy)

        if self.game.open_inventory:
            for key, value in self.inventory.items():
                if value.click():
                    if value.item:
                        if not self.move_items[0]:
                            self.move_items = [True, value, key]
                    if value.item is None and self.move_items[
                            0] and self.move_items[2] == "Slot0_0_Craft":
                        value.item = self.move_items[1].item
                        value.count = self.move_items[1].count
                        self.inventory[self.move_items[2]] = Slot(
                            None, int(self.move_items[2][4]),
                            int(self.move_items[2][6]), 0,
                        self.move_items = [False, None, None]
                        self.crafts["planks"].use_slot.count -= 1
                        if self.crafts["planks"].use_slot.count <= 0:
                            self.crafts["planks"].use_slot.item = None
                            self.crafts["planks"].use_slot.count = 0

                    if value.item is None and self.move_items[
                            0] and key != "Slot0_0_Craft":
                        value.item = self.move_items[1].item
                        value.count = self.move_items[1].count
                        self.inventory[self.move_items[2]] = \
                                 int(self.move_items[2][4]), int(self.move_items[2][6]),
                                 0, self.move_items[1].where)
                        self.move_items = [False, None, None]
        if self.game.open_inventory:
예제 #17
 def __create_slots(self):
     for slot_id in xrange(1, self.slots_count + 1):
         self.slots[slot_id] = Slot(slot_id)
예제 #18
	bawls = Drinks(200, "bawls")
	##Dictionaries for each drink with odds for each slot, winmessage, and credit value
	##6th dictionary containing all drink dictionaries for makeSlot function
	##Odds numbers based on calculations in google docs spreadsheet
	dict__coke = {'odds1' : [5,4,3,2,1], 'odds2': [5,4,3,2,1], 'odds3' : [8,2,2,2,1], 'winmessage' : "You have won 50 credits", 'drinkobj': coke}
	dict_welchs = {'odds1' : [5,4,3,2,1], 'odds2': [4,5,3,2,1], 'odds3' : [5,4,3,2,1], 'winmessage' : "You have won 75 credits", 'drinkobj': welchs}
	dict_ibc = {'odds1' : [5,4,3,2,1], 'odds2': [2,2,7,2,2], 'odds3' : [3,4,4,2,3], 'winmessage' : "You have won 100 credits", 'drinkobj': ibc}
	dict_jolt = {'odds1' : [5,4,3,2,1], 'odds2': [2,2,2,7,2], 'odds3' : [1,2,3,4,3], 'winmessage' : "You have won 125 credits", 'drinkobj': jolt}
	dict_bawls = {'odds1' : [5,4,3,2,1], 'odds2': [1,1,1,1,11], 'odds3' : [4,4,3,3,1], 'winmessage' : "You have won 200 credits", 'drinkobj': bawls}
	all_drink = {'coke': dict_coke, 'welchs': dict_welchs, 'ibc': dict_ibc, 'jolt': dict_jolt, 'bawls': dict_bawls}
	drink_array = [coke, welchs, ibc, jolt, bawls]
	##Creates slot1
	##Executes makeSlot to add drinks ino slot1's array based on coke's odds1
	slot1 = Slot()
	makeSlot('coke', 'odds1', slot1, all_drink, drink_array)

	##For debugging
	##print (len(slot1.Drinks))
	##Pauses for suspense
	##Picks drink, assigns name, prints
	test1 = slot1.pickDrink()
	cprint (test1.getName(), test1.printName())
	##Creates slot2
	##Executes makeSlot to add drinks ino slot2's array based on first slot's drink using odds 2
	slot2 = Slot()
	makeSlot(test1.getName(), 'odds2', slot2, all_drink, drink_array)