async def deepl(*attrs, kwargs={}): """向deepl发送烤肉请求,注意一段时间内请求过多会被ban 用法: #deepl <源语言> <目标语言> <待翻译文本> 也可以订阅快速翻译(碰到英文句子即触发): #deepl --q 或: #deepl --q=[目标语言*] * 目标语言为以下中的一种,默认为ZH "DE" - German "EN" - English "FR" - French "IT" - Italian "JA" - Japanese "ES" - Spanish "NL" - Dutch "PL" - Polish "PT" - Portuguese (all Portuguese varieties mixed) "RU" - Russian "ZH" - Chinese 同传模式(每句都触发): #deepl =""" player = getPlayer(**kwargs) if ' '.join(attrs) in GLOBAL.unsubscribes or ' '.join( attrs[2:]) in GLOBAL.unsubscribes: removeSniffer(player, '#deepl') return [Plain('我住嘴了')] if '-q' in kwargs or '-quick' in kwargs: tr = kwargs.get('-q', kwargs.get('-quick', 'ZH')) if not tr: tr = 'ZH' tr = tr.upper() overwriteSniffer( player, '#deepl', r'''^((?![^\x00-\xff]).)*[a-zA-Z]+((?![^\x00-\xff]).)*$''', 'EN', tr) return [Plain(f'快速翻译启动,结束打E')] if len(attrs) > 2: if attrs[2] == '=': overwriteSniffer(player, '#deepl', '.*', attrs[0], attrs[1]) return [Plain(f'同传模式启动({attrs[0]}=>{attrs[1]},结束打E)')] return [ Plain(text=deepl_translate( l1=attrs[0], l2=attrs[1], src=' '.join(attrs[2:]))) ] else: return [Plain(text='原谅我不知道你在说什么(')]
async def 答案之书en(*attrs, kwargs={}): '向答案之书(英文)提问(答非所问(问就是自己解决(不会真的有人认为答案之书有用吧?不会吧不会吧?' player = getPlayer(**kwargs) if attrs: if attrs[-1] in ('sub', 'sniff'): overwriteSniffer(player, '#答案之书en', r'\?') appendSniffer(player, '#答案之书en', r'\?') appendSniffer(player, '#答案之书en', r'¿') appendSniffer(player, '#答案之书en', r'吗') appendSniffer(player, '#答案之书en', r'怎么') appendSniffer(player, '#答案之书en', r'如何') appendSniffer(player, '#答案之书en', r'为什么') return [Plain('【book of answers】sniff mode on')] elif attrs[-1] in GLOBAL.unsubscribes: removeSniffer(player, '#答案之书en') return [Plain('【book of answers】sniff mode off')] dynamic_answers = [f"{quote(' '.join(attrs))}"] ans = random.choice(book_of_answers_en + dynamic_answers) return [Plain(ans.strip())]
async def 百度翻译(*attrs, kwargs={}): player = getPlayer(**kwargs) if ' '.join(attrs) in GLOBAL.unsubscribes or ' '.join( attrs[2:]) in GLOBAL.unsubscribes: removeSniffer(player, '#bkr') return [Plain('我住嘴了')] if '-q' in kwargs or '-quick' in kwargs: tr = kwargs.get('-q', kwargs.get('-quick', 'zh')) if not tr: tr = 'zh' overwriteSniffer( player, '#bkr', r'''^((?![^\x00-\xff]).)*[a-zA-Z]+((?![^\x00-\xff]).)*$''', 'en', tr) return [Plain(f'快速翻译启动,结束打E')] if len(attrs) > 2: if attrs[2] == '=': overwriteSniffer(player, '#bkr', '.*', attrs[0], attrs[1]) return [Plain(f'同传模式启动({attrs[0]}=>{attrs[1]},结束打E)')] return [ Plain(text=BDtranslate([attrs[0], attrs[1], ' '.join(attrs[2:])])) ] else: return [Plain(text='原谅我不知道你在说什么(\n')]
async def asobi2048(*attrs, kwargs={}): player = getPlayer(**kwargs) f = False n = 4 if not attrs: return [Plain('想玩2048的话请像 #2048 w 这样写')] if not os.path.exists('2048/'): os.mkdir('2048/') try: if attrs[0] == 'init': try: n = int(attrs[1]) if n < 2 or n > 8: return [Plain(text='棋盘矩阵只能要2~8阶,太小你玩不了太大我发不了= =')] except: pass raise NameError('2048RESET') grids = numpy.loadtxt(f'2048/{player}mat.txt') n = len(grids) except: grids = numpy.array([[0 for _ in range(n)] for __ in range(n)]) grids[random.randint(0, n - 1)][random.randint( 0, n - 1)] = random.randint(1, 2) * 2 movedGrids = set() if attrs[0] in ('上', 'W', 'w', 'ue'): for i in range(n): for j in range(1, n): if grids[j][i]: for k in range(j - 1, -1, -1): if grids[k][i] != 0: if grids[j][i] == grids[k][i] and ( k, i) not in movedGrids: # 合成 grids[k][i] *= 2 grids[j][i] = 0 f = True movedGrids.add((k, i)) elif k + 1 != j: grids[k + 1][i] = grids[j][i] # 移位 grids[j][i] = 0 f = True break if k == 0: # 特判移位 grids[k][i] = grids[j][i] grids[j][i] = 0 f = True elif attrs[0] in ('下', 'S', 's', 'shita'): for i in range(n): for j in range(n - 2, -1, -1): if grids[j][i]: for k in range(j + 1, n): if grids[k][i] != 0: if grids[j][i] == grids[k][i] and ( k, i) not in movedGrids: grids[k][i] *= 2 grids[j][i] = 0 f = True movedGrids.add((k, i)) elif k - 1 != j: grids[k - 1][i] = grids[j][i] grids[j][i] = 0 f = True break if k == n - 1: grids[k][i] = grids[j][i] grids[j][i] = 0 f = True elif attrs[0] in ('左', 'A', 'a', 'hidari'): for i in range(n): for j in range(1, n, 1): if grids[i][j]: for k in range(j - 1, -1, -1): if grids[i][k] != 0: if grids[i][j] == grids[i][k] and ( i, k) not in movedGrids: grids[i][k] *= 2 grids[i][j] = 0 f = True movedGrids.add((i, k)) elif k + 1 != j: grids[i][k + 1] = grids[i][j] grids[i][j] = 0 f = True break if k == 0: grids[i][k] = grids[i][j] grids[i][j] = 0 f = True elif attrs[0] in ('右', 'D', 'd', 'migi'): for i in range(n): for j in range(n - 2, -1, -1): if grids[i][j]: for k in range(j + 1, n, 1): if grids[i][k] != 0: if grids[i][j] == grids[i][k] and ( i, k) not in movedGrids: grids[i][k] *= 2 grids[i][j] = 0 f = True movedGrids.add((i, k)) elif k - 1 != j: grids[i][k - 1] = grids[i][j] grids[i][j] = 0 f = True break if k == n - 1: grids[i][k] = grids[i][j] grids[i][j] = 0 f = True elif attrs[0].lower() in ('cancel', 'terminate', 'quit', 'exit', 'seeyou', 'bye', 'sayonara', 'sayounara', 'madane', 'yamero', '停', '关', 'やめろ'): removeSniffer(player, '#2048') return [Plain(text=random.choice(['我错了我不会条条都回了', '快速游戏模式关闭']))] elif attrs[0] in ('快速模式', 'gamestart'): overwriteSniffer(player, '#2048', '.*') return [ Plain( text=random.choice(['开始切咧,让我闭嘴大声yamero', '快速游戏模式开启,关闭请使用bye'])) ] if f: zeromap = [] for i in range(n): for j in range(n): if grids[i][j] == 0: zeromap.append((i, j)) x, y = random.choice(zeromap) grids[x][y] = random.randint(1, 2) * 2 outputString = [] numpy.savetxt(f'2048/{player}mat.txt', grids, fmt='%d') for i in grids: for j in i: outputString.append(Plain(text='%6d' % j)) outputString.append(Plain(text='\n')) return outputString
async def asobiSlidingPuzzle(*attrs, kwargs={}): player = getPlayer(**kwargs) def find1(array): for p, i in enumerate(array): for q, j in enumerate(i): if j == 1: return p, q def splitImage(fn: str, n: int, array) -> str: """ 根据传入的array将图片重组 array得是n*n的numpy.array对象 返回保存的文件的临时文件路径 array是1~n^2,注意不是从0开始 """ bg ='RGBA') edge = min(bg.width, bg.height) cell = edge // n bg = bg.crop((0, 0, edge, edge)) newbg = [] for i in range(n): # tmp = [] for j in range(n): newbg.append( bg.crop( (i * cell, j * cell, (i + 1) * cell, (j + 1) * cell))) # newbg.append(tmp) dst ='RGBA', (n * cell, n * cell)) for i in range(n): # tmp = [] for j in range(n): if array[i][j] != 1: dst.paste(newbg[int(array[i][j] - 1)], (i * cell, j * cell, (i + 1) * cell, (j + 1) * cell)) sfn = 'tmp' + randstr(4) + '.png' asyncio.ensure_future(rmTmpFile(sfn)) return sfn if not os.path.exists('SlidingPuzzle/'): os.mkdir('SlidingPuzzle/') if not os.path.exists(f'''SlidingPuzzle/{player}BG'''): shutil.copy('Assets/default.png', f'''SlidingPuzzle/{player}BG''') if not os.path.exists( f'''SlidingPuzzle/{player}.txt''') or attrs and attrs[0] == 'init': try: n = int(attrs[1]) if n not in range(2, 7): return [Plain(text='为了宁的游戏体验,棋盘只能要2~6阶内的方阵')] except: n = 3 arr = [i for i in range(1, 1 + n * n)] random.shuffle(arr) tmp = copy.deepcopy(arr) tmp.remove(1) invs = calcinvs(tmp) k = arr.index(1) // n if n & 1: while invs & 1: random.shuffle(arr) tmp = copy.deepcopy(arr) tmp.remove(1) invs = calcinvs(tmp) else: while (invs ^ (k & 1)) & 1: random.shuffle(arr) tmp = copy.deepcopy(arr) tmp.remove(1) invs = calcinvs(tmp) k = arr.index(1) // n print(arr) grids = numpy.array(arr) grids.resize(n, n) numpy.savetxt(f'''SlidingPuzzle/{player}.txt''', grids, fmt='%d') return [ Plain(f'移动拼图初始化完成\n{grids}'), generateImageFromFile( splitImage(f'''SlidingPuzzle/{player}BG''', n, grids)) ] grids = numpy.loadtxt(f'''SlidingPuzzle/{player}.txt''') n = len(grids) if attrs: if attrs[0] in ('下', 'S', 's', 'shita'): x, y = find1(grids) if y > 0: grids[x][y], grids[x][y - 1] = grids[x][y - 1], grids[x][y] elif attrs[0] in ('上', 'W', 'w', 'ue'): x, y = find1(grids) if y < 3: grids[x][y], grids[x][y + 1] = grids[x][y + 1], grids[x][y] elif attrs[0] in ('右', 'D', 'd', 'migi'): x, y = find1(grids) if x > 0: grids[x][y], grids[x - 1][y] = grids[x - 1][y], grids[x][y] elif attrs[0] in ('左', 'A', 'a', 'hidari'): x, y = find1(grids) if x < 3: grids[x][y], grids[x + 1][y] = grids[x + 1][y], grids[x][y] elif attrs[0] in ('txt', 't', 'T', '文字'): return [Plain(f'{grids}')] elif attrs[0] in ('bg', 'changebackground', '换图', '换老婆'): if 'pic' in kwargs and kwargs['pic']: src = requests.get(kwargs['pic'].url).content with open(f'''SlidingPuzzle/{player}BG''', 'wb') as f: f.write(src) return [Plain('图片背景更新成功')] elif attrs[0] in ('快速模式', 'gamestart'): overwriteSniffer(player, '#华容道', '.*') return [Plain(text=random.choice(['老婆快速重组模式,退出请用bye']))] elif attrs[0].lower() in ('cancel', 'terminate', 'quit', 'exit', 'seeyou', 'bye', 'sayonara', 'sayounara', 'madane', 'yamero', '停', '关', 'やめろ'): removeSniffer(player, '#华容道') return [Plain(text=random.choice(['还是慢慢拼老婆吧']))] numpy.savetxt(f'''SlidingPuzzle/{player}.txt''', grids, fmt='%d') return [ generateImageFromFile( splitImage(f'''SlidingPuzzle/{player}BG''', n, grids)) ]