예제 #1
    def on_post(self, req, resp, tenant_id):
        body = json.loads(req.stream.read().decode())
            name = body['keypair']['name']
            key = body['keypair'].get('public_key', generate_random_key())
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            return bad_request(resp, 'Not all fields exist to create keypair.')

        validate_result = validate_keypair_name(resp, name)
        if not validate_result:

        client = req.env['sl_client']
        mgr = SshKeyManager(client)

        # Make sure the key with that label doesn't already exist
        existing_keys = mgr.list_keys(label=name)
        if existing_keys:
            return duplicate(resp, 'Duplicate key by that name')

            keypair = mgr.add_key(key, name)
            resp.body = {'keypair': format_keypair(keypair)}
        except SoftLayerAPIError as e:
            if 'Unable to generate a fingerprint' in e.faultString:
                return bad_request(resp, e.faultString)
            if 'SSH key already exists' in e.faultString:
                return duplicate(resp, e.faultString)
예제 #2
class SoftLayer(object):
    def __init__(self, config, client=None):
        self.config = config
        if client is None:
            client = Client(auth=self.config['auth'],
        self.client = client
        self.ssh = SshKeyManager(client)
        self.instances = CCIManager(client)

    def get_config(cls):
        provider_conf = client_conf.get_client_settings()
        if 'SL_SSH_KEY' in os.environ:
            provider_conf['ssh_key'] = os.environ['SL_SSH_KEY']
        if not ('auth' in provider_conf and 'endpoint_url' in provider_conf):
            raise ConfigError("Missing digital ocean api credentials")
        return provider_conf

    def get_ssh_keys(self):
        keys = map(SSHKey, self.ssh.list_keys())
        if 'ssh_key' in self.config:
            keys = [k for k in keys if k.name == self.config['ssh_key']]
        log.debug("Using SoftLayer ssh keys: %s" % ", ".join(k.name
                                                             for k in keys))
        return keys

    def get_instances(self):
        return map(Instance, self.instances.list_instances())

    def get_instance(self, instance_id):
        return Instance(self.instances.get_instance(instance_id))

    def launch_instance(self, params):
        return Instance(self.instances.create_instance(**params))

    def terminate_instance(self, instance_id):

    def wait_on(self, instance):
        # Wait up to 5 minutes, in 30 sec increments
        result = self._wait_on_instance(instance, 30, 10)
        if not result:
            raise ProviderError("Could not provision instance before timeout")
        return result

    def _wait_on_instance(self, instance, limit, delay=10):
        # Redo cci.wait to give user feedback in verbose mode.
        for count, new_instance in enumerate(itertools.repeat(instance.id)):
            instance = self.get_instance(new_instance)
            if not instance.get('activeTransaction', {}).get('id') and \
                return True
            if count >= limit:
                return False
            if count and count % 3 == 0:
                log.debug("Waiting for instance:%s ip:%s waited:%ds" %
                          (instance.name, instance.ip_address, count * delay))
예제 #3
    def on_get(self, req, resp, tenant_id):
        client = req.env['sl_client']
        mgr = SshKeyManager(client)
        keypairs = mgr.list_keys()

        resp.body = {
            'keypairs': [{
                'keypair': format_keypair(keypair)} for keypair in keypairs]}
예제 #4
def global_search(search):
    client = get_client()
    match_string = '<span class="text-primary">%s</span>' % search

    term = re.compile(search, re.IGNORECASE)

    results = []

    if 'vm' in app.config['installed_blueprints']:
        cci = CCIManager(client)
        #        if hostname_regex.match(term):
        for vm in cci.list_instances():
            if term.match(vm['hostname']) or \
               term.match(vm.get('primaryIpAddress', '')):
                text = '%s (%s)' % (vm['fullyQualifiedDomainName'],
                                    vm.get('primaryIpAddress', 'No Public IP'))
                text = term.sub(match_string, text)

                    '<strong>VM:</strong> ' + text,
                    url_for('vm_module.view', vm_id=vm['id'])
    if 'servers' in app.config['installed_blueprints']:
        hw = HardwareManager(client)

        for svr in hw.list_hardware():
            if term.match(svr['hostname']) or \
               term.match(svr.get('primaryIpAddress', '')):
                text = '%s (%s)' % (svr['fullyQualifiedDomainName'],
                                            'No Public IP'))
                text = term.sub(match_string, text)

                    '<strong>Server:</strong> ' + text,
                    url_for('server_module.view', server_id=svr['id'])
    if 'sshkeys' in app.config['installed_blueprints']:
        ssh = SshKeyManager(client)

        for key in ssh.list_keys():
            if term.match(key['label']) or term.match(key['fingerprint']):
                text = '%s (%s)' % (key['label'], key['fingerprint'])
                text = term.sub(match_string, text)

                    '<strong>SSH Key:</strong> ' + text,
                    url_for('ssh_module.view', key_id=key['id'])

    return results
예제 #5
    def execute(self, args):
        mgr = SshKeyManager(self.client)
        keys = mgr.list_keys()

        t = Table(["id", "label", "fingerprint", "notes"])

        for key in keys:
            t.add_row([key["id"], key["label"], key["fingerprint"], key.get("notes", "-")])

        return t
예제 #6
    def on_delete(self, req, resp, tenant_id, keypair_name):
        # keypair_name
        client = req.env['sl_client']
        mgr = SshKeyManager(client)
        keys = mgr.list_keys(label=keypair_name)
        if len(keys) == 0:
            return not_found(resp, 'KeyPair not Found')

        resp.status = 202
예제 #7
    def on_get(self, req, resp, tenant_id, keypair_name):
        client = req.env['sl_client']
        mgr = SshKeyManager(client)
        keys = mgr.list_keys(label=keypair_name)
        if len(keys) == 0:
            return not_found(resp, 'KeyPair not found')

        keypair = mgr.get_key(keys[0]['id'])

        resp.body = {'keypair': format_keypair(keypair)}
예제 #8
    def execute(self, args):
        mgr = SshKeyManager(self.client)
        keys = mgr.list_keys()

        t = Table(['id', 'label', 'fingerprint', 'notes'])

        for key in keys:
            t.add_row([key['id'], key['label'], key['fingerprint'],
                       key.get('notes', '-')])

        return t
예제 #9
def global_search(search):
    client = get_client()
    match_string = '<span class="text-primary">%s</span>' % search

    term = re.compile(search, re.IGNORECASE)

    results = []

    if 'vm' in app.config['installed_blueprints']:
        cci = CCIManager(client)
#        if hostname_regex.match(term):
        for vm in cci.list_instances():
            if term.match(vm['hostname']) or \
               term.match(vm.get('primaryIpAddress', '')):
                text = '%s (%s)' % (vm['fullyQualifiedDomainName'],
                                    vm.get('primaryIpAddress', 'No Public IP'))
                text = term.sub(match_string, text)

                results.append({'label': '<strong>VM:</strong> ' + text,
                                'value': url_for('vm_module.view',
    if 'servers' in app.config['installed_blueprints']:
        hw = HardwareManager(client)

        for svr in hw.list_hardware():
            if term.match(svr['hostname']) or \
               term.match(svr.get('primaryIpAddress', '')):
                text = '%s (%s)' % (svr['fullyQualifiedDomainName'],
                                            'No Public IP'))
                text = term.sub(match_string, text)

                results.append({'label': '<strong>Server:</strong> ' + text,
                                'value': url_for('server_module.view',
    if 'sshkeys' in app.config['installed_blueprints']:
        ssh = SshKeyManager(client)

        for key in ssh.list_keys():
            if term.match(key['label']) or term.match(key['fingerprint']):
                text = '%s (%s)' % (key['label'], key['fingerprint'])
                text = term.sub(match_string, text)

                results.append({'label': '<strong>SSH Key:</strong> ' + text,
                                'value': url_for('ssh_module.view',

    return results
예제 #10
class SoftLayer(object):

    def __init__(self, config, client=None):
        self.config = config
        if client is None:
            client = Client(
        self.client = client
        self.ssh = SshKeyManager(client)
        self.instances = CCIManager(client)

    def get_config(cls):
        provider_conf = client_conf.get_client_settings()
        if 'SL_SSH_KEY' in os.environ:
            provider_conf['ssh_key'] = os.environ['SL_SSH_KEY']
        if not ('auth' in provider_conf and 'endpoint_url' in provider_conf):
            raise ConfigError("Missing digital ocean api credentials")
        return provider_conf

    def get_ssh_keys(self):
        keys = map(SSHKey, self.ssh.list_keys())
        if 'ssh_key' in self.config:
            keys = [k for k in keys if k.name == self.config['ssh_key']]
            "Using SoftLayer ssh keys: %s" % ", ".join(k.name for k in keys))
        return keys

    def get_instances(self):
        return map(Instance, self.instances.list_instances())

    def get_instance(self, instance_id):
        return Instance(self.instances.get_instance(instance_id))

    def launch_instance(self, params):
        return Instance(self.instances.create_instance(**params))

    def terminate_instance(self, instance_id):

    def wait_on(self, instance):
        # Wait up to 5 minutes, in 30 sec increments
        result = self._wait_on_instance(instance, 30, 10)
        if not result:
            raise ProviderError("Could not provision instance before timeout")
        return result

    def _wait_on_instance(self, instance, limit, delay=10):
        # Redo cci.wait to give user feedback in verbose mode.
        for count, new_instance in enumerate(itertools.repeat(instance.id)):
            instance = self.get_instance(new_instance)
            if not instance.get('activeTransaction', {}).get('id') and \
                return True
            if count >= limit:
                return False
            if count and count % 3 == 0:
                log.debug("Waiting for instance:%s ip:%s waited:%ds" % (
                    instance.name, instance.ip_address, count*delay))
def listSSHKeys(label=None):
	sshManager = SshKeyManager(client)
	sshKeys = sshManager.list_keys(label=label)
	return sshKeys
예제 #12
    def on_post(self, req, resp, tenant_id):
        client = req.env['sl_client']
        body = json.loads(req.stream.read().decode())
        flavor_id = int(body['server'].get('flavorRef'))
        if flavor_id not in FLAVORS:
            return bad_request(resp, 'Flavor could not be found')

        flavor = FLAVORS[flavor_id]

        ssh_keys = []
        key_name = body['server'].get('key_name')
        if key_name:
            sshkey_mgr = SshKeyManager(client)
            keys = sshkey_mgr.list_keys(label=key_name)
            if len(keys) == 0:
                return bad_request(resp, 'KeyPair could not be found')

        private_network_only = False
        networks = lookup(body, 'server', 'networks')
        if networks:
            # Make sure they're valid networks
            if not all([network['uuid'] in ['public', 'private']
                        in network for network in networks]):
                return bad_request(resp, message='Invalid network')

            # Find out if it's private only
            if not any([network['uuid'] == 'public'
                        in network for network in networks]):
                private_network_only = True

        user_data = {}
        if lookup(body, 'server', 'metadata'):
            user_data['metadata'] = lookup(body, 'server', 'metadata')
        if lookup(body, 'server', 'user_data'):
            user_data['user_data'] = lookup(body, 'server', 'user_data')
        if lookup(body, 'server', 'personality'):
            user_data['personality'] = lookup(body, 'server', 'personality')

        datacenter = None
        if lookup(body, 'server', 'availability_zone'):
            datacenter = lookup(body, 'server', 'availability_zone')

        cci = CCIManager(client)

        payload = {
            'hostname': body['server']['name'],
            'domain': CONF['default_domain'] or 'jumpgate.com',
            'cpus': flavor['cpus'],
            'memory': flavor['ram'],
            'local_disk': False if flavor['disk-type'] == 'SAN' else True,
            'hourly': True,  # TODO - How do we set this accurately?
            'datacenter': datacenter,
            'image_id': body['server']['imageRef'],
            'ssh_keys': ssh_keys,
            'private': private_network_only,
            'userdata': json.dumps(user_data),

            new_instance = cci.create_instance(**payload)
        except ValueError as e:
            return bad_request(resp, message=str(e))

        resp.set_header('x-compute-request-id', 'create')
        resp.status = 202
        resp.body = {'server': {
            'id': new_instance['id'],
            'links': [{
                'href': self.app.get_endpoint_url(
                    'compute', req, 'v2_server',
                'rel': 'self'}],
            'adminPass': '',
예제 #13
파일: servers.py 프로젝트: amol/jumpgate
    def on_post(self, req, resp, tenant_id):
        client = req.env['sl_client']
        body = json.loads(req.stream.read().decode())
        flavor_id = int(body['server'].get('flavorRef'))
        if flavor_id not in FLAVORS:
            return bad_request(resp, 'Flavor could not be found')

        flavor = FLAVORS[flavor_id]

        ssh_keys = []
        key_name = body['server'].get('key_name')
        if key_name:
            sshkey_mgr = SshKeyManager(client)
            keys = sshkey_mgr.list_keys(label=key_name)
            if len(keys) == 0:
                return bad_request(resp, 'KeyPair could not be found')

        private_network_only = False
        networks = lookup(body, 'server', 'networks')
        if networks:
            # Make sure they're valid networks
            if not all([
                    network['uuid'] in ['public', 'private'] in network
                    for network in networks
                return bad_request(resp, message='Invalid network')

            # Find out if it's private only
            if not any([
                    network['uuid'] == 'public' in network
                    for network in networks
                private_network_only = True

        user_data = {}
        if lookup(body, 'server', 'metadata'):
            user_data['metadata'] = lookup(body, 'server', 'metadata')
        if lookup(body, 'server', 'user_data'):
            user_data['user_data'] = lookup(body, 'server', 'user_data')
        if lookup(body, 'server', 'personality'):
            user_data['personality'] = lookup(body, 'server', 'personality')

        datacenter = None
        if lookup(body, 'server', 'availability_zone'):
            datacenter = lookup(body, 'server', 'availability_zone')

        cci = CCIManager(client)

        payload = {
            'hostname': body['server']['name'],
            'domain': 'jumpgate.com',  # TODO - Don't hardcode this
            'cpus': flavor['cpus'],
            'memory': flavor['ram'],
            'hourly': True,  # TODO - How do we set this accurately?
            'datacenter': datacenter,
            'image_id': body['server']['imageRef'],
            'ssh_keys': ssh_keys,
            'private': private_network_only,
            'userdata': json.dumps(user_data),

            new_instance = cci.create_instance(**payload)
        except ValueError as e:
            return bad_request(resp, message=str(e))

        resp.set_header('x-compute-request-id', 'create')
        resp.status = 202
        resp.body = {
            'server': {
                'links': [{
예제 #14
class SshKeyTests(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.client = FixtureClient()
        self.sshkey = SshKeyManager(self.client)

    def test_add_key(self):
        key = 'pretend this is a public SSH key'
        label = 'Test label'
        notes = 'My notes'

        data = {
            'key': key,
            'label': label,
            'notes': notes,
        mcall = call(data)
        service = self.client['Security_Ssh_Key']

        self.sshkey.add_key(key=key, label=label, notes=notes)

    def test_delete_key(self):
        id = 1234
        mcall = call(id=id)
        service = self.client['Security_Ssh_Key']


    def test_edit_key(self):
        id = 1234
        label = 'Test label'
        notes = 'My notes'

        data = {
            'label': label,
            'notes': notes,
        mcall = call(data, id=id)
        service = self.client['Security_Ssh_Key']

        self.sshkey.edit_key(id, label=label, notes=notes)

    def test_get_key(self):
        id = 1234
        mcall = call(id=id)
        service = self.client['Security_Ssh_Key']


    def test_list_keys(self):
        service = self.client['Account']
        self.sshkey.list_keys(label='some label')
            filter={'sshKeys': {'label': {'operation': '_= some label'}}})

    def test_resolve_ids_label(self):
        _id = self.sshkey._get_ids_from_label('Test 1')
        self.assertEqual(_id, ['100'])

        _id = self.sshkey._get_ids_from_label('nope')
        self.assertEqual(_id, [])
def listSSHKeys(label=None):
    sshManager = SshKeyManager(client)
    sshKeys = sshManager.list_keys(label=label)
    return sshKeys
예제 #16
파일: servers.py 프로젝트: Neetuj/jumpgate
    def on_post(self, req, resp, tenant_id):
        client = req.env["sl_client"]
        body = json.loads(req.stream.read().decode())
        flavor_id = int(body["server"].get("flavorRef"))
        if flavor_id not in FLAVORS:
            return bad_request(resp, "Flavor could not be found")

        flavor = FLAVORS[flavor_id]

        ssh_keys = []
        key_name = body["server"].get("key_name")
        if key_name:
            sshkey_mgr = SshKeyManager(client)
            keys = sshkey_mgr.list_keys(label=key_name)
            if len(keys) == 0:
                return bad_request(resp, "KeyPair could not be found")

        private_network_only = False
        networks = lookup(body, "server", "networks")
        if networks:
            # Make sure they're valid networks
            if not all([network["uuid"] in ["public", "private"] in network for network in networks]):
                return bad_request(resp, message="Invalid network")

            # Find out if it's private only
            if not any([network["uuid"] == "public" in network for network in networks]):
                private_network_only = True

        user_data = {}
        if lookup(body, "server", "metadata"):
            user_data["metadata"] = lookup(body, "server", "metadata")
        if lookup(body, "server", "user_data"):
            user_data["user_data"] = lookup(body, "server", "user_data")
        if lookup(body, "server", "personality"):
            user_data["personality"] = lookup(body, "server", "personality")

        datacenter = None
        if lookup(body, "server", "availability_zone"):
            datacenter = lookup(body, "server", "availability_zone")

        cci = CCIManager(client)

        payload = {
            "hostname": body["server"]["name"],
            "domain": CONF["default_domain"] or "jumpgate.com",
            "cpus": flavor["cpus"],
            "memory": flavor["ram"],
            "local_disk": False if flavor["disk-type"] == "SAN" else True,
            "hourly": True,  # TODO - How do we set this accurately?
            "datacenter": datacenter,
            "image_id": body["server"]["imageRef"],
            "ssh_keys": ssh_keys,
            "private": private_network_only,
            "userdata": json.dumps(user_data),

            new_instance = cci.create_instance(**payload)
        except ValueError as e:
            return bad_request(resp, message=str(e))

        resp.set_header("x-compute-request-id", "create")
        resp.status = 202
        resp.body = {
            "server": {
                "id": new_instance["id"],
                "links": [
                        "href": self.app.get_endpoint_url("compute", req, "v2_server", instance_id=new_instance["id"]),
                        "rel": "self",
                "adminPass": "",