def UniThrustControlAngVel(ep,ev,evDot,n,G_all,parameters):

    u,Td,nTd,Tdnorm,uDot,TdDot,nTdDot,TdnormDot = UniThrustControlDot(ep,ev,evDot,G_all,parameters)

    # gradV   = LyapunovGrad(block,ep,ev);
    gradV,Vgrad_grad_ep,Vgrad_grad_ev = LyapunovGrad2_3D(ep,ev,parameters)

    # gains for angular control
    ktt2  = parameters.ktt2
    ktt   = parameters.ktt

    # desired angular velocity
    wd = ktt2/ktt*skew(n).dot(nTd) + skew(nTd).dot(TdDot)/numpy.linalg.norm(Td) + skew(n).dot(gradV)*(numpy.linalg.norm(Td))*1/ktt;

    return wd
예제 #2
def UniThrustControlAngVel(ep, ev, evDot, n, G_all, parameters):

    u, Td, nTd, Tdnorm, uDot, TdDot, nTdDot, TdnormDot = UniThrustControlDot(
        ep, ev, evDot, G_all, parameters)

    # gradV   = LyapunovGrad(block,ep,ev);
    gradV, Vgrad_grad_ep, Vgrad_grad_ev = LyapunovGrad2_3D(ep, ev, parameters)

    # gains for angular control
    ktt2 = parameters.ktt2
    ktt = parameters.ktt

    # desired angular velocity
    wd = ktt2 / ktt * skew(n).dot(nTd) + skew(nTd).dot(
        TdDot) / numpy.linalg.norm(Td) + skew(n).dot(gradV) * (
            numpy.linalg.norm(Td)) * 1 / ktt

    return wd
예제 #3
def sys_dynamics(states, U, parameters):

    # U = Full actuation vehicles

    # acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2)
    g = parameters.g

    # mass of vehicles (kg)
    m = parameters.m

    # third canonical basis vector
    e3 = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])

    # states

    # transported mass: position and velocity
    x = states[0:3]
    v = states[3:6]

    # thrust unit vector
    R = states[6:15]
    R = numpy.reshape(R, (3, 3))
    n =

    # ----------------------------------------------#
    # ----------------------------------------------#
    # rearrage to proper order
    # [roll,pitch,throttle,yaw] in sticks
    # in model order is [throttle,roll,pitch,yaw]
    U_new = numpy.zeros(4)
    U_new[0] = U[2]
    U_new[1] = U[0]
    U_new[2] = U[1]
    U_new[3] = U[3]

    U = U_new

    # ----------------------------------------------#
    # This model would require more work
    # U[0:1] : as desired full actuation
    # Td      = U[0:3];
    # Tddot   = .... some derivator
    # Tdnorm  = numpy.linalg.norm(Td);
    # nTd     = Td/Tdnorm;
    # w_feedforward = skew(nTd).dot(TdDot)/numpy.linalg.norm(Td)
    # w = ktt*skew(n).dot(nTd) + wd_feedforward
    # ----------------------------------------------#

    # current  euler angles
    ee = GetEulerAngles(R)
    # current psi
    psi = ee[2]

    # degrees per second
    MAX_PSI_SPEED_Deg = parameters.MAX_PSI_SPEED_Deg
    MAX_PSI_SPEED_Rad = MAX_PSI_SPEED_Deg * math.pi / 180.0

    MAX_ANGLE_DEG = parameters.MAX_ANGLE_DEG
    MAX_ANGLE_RAD = MAX_ANGLE_DEG * math.pi / 180.0

    # desired roll and pitch
    # U[1:3] : desired roll and pitch
    roll_des = (U[1] - 1500.0) * MAX_ANGLE_RAD / 500.0

    pitch_des = -(U[2] - 1500) * MAX_ANGLE_RAD / 500.0
    # desired euler angles
    ee_des = numpy.array([roll_des, pitch_des, psi])

    # gain of inner loop for attitude control
    ktt = parameters.ktt_inner_loop

    nTd = GetRotFromEulerAngles(ee_des).dot(e3)
    w = ktt * skew(n).dot(nTd)
    RT = numpy.transpose(R)
    w =

    # U[3]: yaw angular speed
    w[2] = -(U[3] - 1500.0) * MAX_PSI_SPEED_Rad / 500.0

    # Throttle neutral
    Throttle_neutral = parameters.Throttle_neutral
    K_Throttle = m * g / Throttle_neutral

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    # The throttle sent to the motors is automatically adjusted based on the tilt angle
    # of the vehicle (i.e increased as the vehicle tilts over more) to reduce the
    # compensation the pilot must fo as the vehicles attitude changes
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    # Throttle = U[0]
    # this increases the actual throtle
    Throttle = U[0] /, e3)

    pDot = v
    # acceleration of quad
    vDot = K_Throttle * (Throttle * n) / m - g * e3

    RDot =
    RDot = numpy.reshape(RDot, 9)

    # collecting derivatives
    derivatives = numpy.concatenate([pDot, vDot, RDot])

    return derivatives
def backstep_ctrl( p, v, r, omega, gstar, d_gstar, dd_gstar):
    # evaluate controller for double integrator
    u, u_p, u_v, u_p_p, u_v_v, u_p_v, Vpv, d_Vpv, Vpv_p, Vpv_v, Vpv_v_p, Vpv_v_v = _bounded_ctrl(p, v)

    kr = .5
    wr = 250.
    womega = 20.
    komega = .5

    Ul = u + gstar
    Tl = dot(Ul, r)
    # Tl = Ul[2] # for testing

    # Lie derivative of v
    d_v = u - (eye(3) - outer(r, r)).dot(Ul)

    rstar = Ul/norm(Ul)

    # Lie derivative of Ul
    d_Ul = diagonal(u_p)*v + diagonal(u_v)*d_v + d_gstar

    # turn 3rd-order tensors into vectors (assuming u is component wise -> tensors are diagonal)
    u_p_p_vec = sum(u_p_p, (1, 2))
    u_p_v_vec = sum(u_p_v, (1, 2))
    u_v_v_vec = sum(u_v_v, (1, 2))

    # Lie derivative of partial derivatives of u assuming u is component wise
    d_u_p = diagflat(u_p_p_vec*v + u_p_v_vec*d_v)
    d_u_v = diagflat(u_p_v_vec*v + u_v_v_vec*d_v)

    d_r = skew(omega).dot(r)
    dd_v = + + (outer(d_r, r) + outer(r, d_r)).dot(Ul) - (eye(3) - outer(r, r)).dot(
    dd_Ul = + + + + dd_gstar

    d_rstar = (eye(3) - outer(rstar, rstar)).dot(d_Ul/norm(Ul))
    dd_rstar = -(outer(d_rstar, rstar) + outer(rstar, d_rstar)).dot(d_Ul)/norm(Ul) + (
        eye(3) - outer(rstar, rstar)).dot(dd_Ul/norm(Ul) - d_Ul*inner(d_Ul, Ul)/norm(Ul)**3)

    omegastar = kr*skew(r).dot(rstar) + skew(rstar).dot(d_rstar) - 1./wr*norm(Ul)*skew(r).dot(Vpv_v)
    d_omegastar = kr*skew(d_r).dot(rstar) + kr*skew(r).dot(d_rstar) + skew(rstar).dot(dd_rstar) - inner(Ul, d_Ul)/(
        wr*norm(Ul))*skew(r).dot(Vpv_v) - norm(Ul)/wr*skew(d_r).dot(Vpv_v) - norm(Ul)/wr*skew(r).dot( +

    # this is the actual control input
    tau = wr/womega*rstar + skew(d_r).dot(omega - omegastar) + komega*skew(r).dot(omega - omegastar) - skew(r).dot(
    tau = (eye(3) - outer(r,r)).dot(tau)

    # Lyapunov function
    V = Vpv + wr*(1. - inner(r, rstar)) + .5*womega*norm(skew(r).dot(omega - omegastar))**2

    d_V = + - wr*kr*norm(skew(r).dot(rstar))**2 - womega*komega*norm(
        skew(r).dot(omega - omegastar))**2

    rospy.logwarn('Tl: '+str(Tl)+' Ul:'+str(Ul))
    rospy.logwarn('rl. '+str(r))

    return Tl, tau, d_V, V
def controller(states,states_load,states_d,parameters):
    # mass of vehicles (kg)
    m = parameters.m
    ml = .136
    # is there some onboard thrust control based on the vertical acceleration?
    ml = .01

    # acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2)
    g  = parameters.g
    rospy.logwarn('g: '+str(g))

    # Angular velocities multiplication factor
    # Dw  = parameters.Dw
    # third canonical basis vector
    e3 = numpy.array([0.0,0.0,1.0])
    # transported mass: position and velocity
    p  = states[0:3];
    v  = states[3:6];
    # thrust unit vector and its angular velocity
    R  = states[6:15];
    R  = numpy.reshape(R,(3,3))
    r3  =

    # load
    pl = states_load[0:3]
    vl = states_load[3:6]

    Lmeas = norm(p-pl)
    rospy.logwarn('rope length: '+str(Lmeas))
    L = 0.66

    #rospy.logwarn('param Throttle_neutral: '+str(parameters.Throttle_neutral))

    rl = (p-pl)/Lmeas
    omegal = skew(rl).dot(v-vl)/Lmeas
    omegal = zeros(3)

    # desired quad trajectory
    pd = states_d[0:3] - L*e3;
    vd = states_d[3:6];
    ad = states_d[6:9];
    jd = states_d[9:12];
    sd = states_d[12:15];

    # rospy.logwarn(numpy.concatenate((v,vl,vd)))
    # position error and velocity error
    ep = pl - pd
    ev = vl - vd

    rospy.logwarn('ep: '+str(ep))

    gstar = g*e3 + ad
    d_gstar = jd
    dd_gstar = sd

    #rospy.logwarn('rl: '+str(rl))
    #rospy.logwarn('omegal: '+str(omegal))
    #rospy.logwarn('ev: '+str(ev))

# temp override
    #rl = array([0.,0.,1.])
    #omegal = zeros(3)
    #L = 1

    # rospy.logwarn('ep='+str(ep)+' ev='+str(ev)+' rl='+str(rl)+' omegal='+str(omegal))

    Tl, tau, _, _ = backstep_ctrl(ep, ev, rl, omegal, gstar, d_gstar, dd_gstar)
    rospy.logwarn('g: '+str(g))

    U = (eye(3)-outer(rl,rl)).dot(tau*m*L)+rl*(
        # -m/L*inner(v-vl,v-vl)
    U =

    n = rl

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    # The throttle sent to the motors is automatically adjusted based on the tilt angle
    # of the vehicle (i.e increased as the vehicle tilts over more) to reduce the 
    # compensation the pilot must fo as the vehicles attitude changes
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    # Full_actuation = m*(ad + u + g*e3 + self.d_est)
    Full_actuation = U

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#

    U = numpy.zeros(4)

    Throttle =,r3)
    # this decreases the throtle, which will be increased
    Throttle = Throttle*,r3)
    U[0]     = Throttle

    # current  euler angles
    euler  = GetEulerAngles(R)
    # current phi and theta
    phi   = euler[0];
    theta = euler[1];
    # current psi
    psi   = euler[2];

    # Rz(psi)*Ry(theta_des)*Rx(phi_des) = r3_des

    # desired roll and pitch angles
    r3_des     = Full_actuation/numpy.linalg.norm(Full_actuation)
    r3_des_rot = Rz(-psi).dot(r3_des)

    sin_phi   = -r3_des_rot[1]
    sin_phi   = bound(sin_phi,1,-1)
    phi       = numpy.arcsin(sin_phi)
    U[1]      = phi

    sin_theta = r3_des_rot[0]/c(phi)
    sin_theta = bound(sin_theta,1,-1)
    cos_theta = r3_des_rot[2]/c(phi)
    cos_theta = bound(cos_theta,1,-1)
    pitch     = numpy.arctan2(sin_theta,cos_theta)
    U[2]      = pitch

    # yaw control: gain
    k_yaw    = parameters.k_yaw; 
    # desired yaw: psi_star
    psi_star = parameters.psi_star; 

    psi_star_dot = 0;
    psi_dot      = psi_star_dot - k_yaw*s(psi - psi_star);
    U[3]         = 1/c(phi)*(c(theta)*psi_dot - s(phi)*U[2]);

    U = Cmd_Converter(U,parameters)

    return U
예제 #6
def sys_dynamics(states, U, parameters):

    # U = Full actuation vehicles

    # acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2)
    g = parameters.g

    # mass of vehicles (kg)
    m = parameters.m

    # third canonical basis vector
    e3 = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])

    # states

    # transported mass: position and velocity
    x = states[0:3]
    v = states[3:6]

    # thrust unit vector
    R = states[6:15]
    R = numpy.reshape(R, (3, 3))
    n =


    # rearrage to proper order
    # [roll,pitch,throttle,yaw] in sticks
    # in model order is [throttle,roll,pitch,yaw]
    U_new = numpy.zeros(4)
    U_new[0] = U[2]
    U_new[1] = U[0]
    U_new[2] = U[1]
    U_new[3] = U[3]

    U = U_new


    T = U[0]
    w = U[1:4]

    # Throttle neutral
    Throttle_neutral = parameters.Throttle_neutral
    ACRO_RP_P = parameters.ACRO_RP_P

    K_Throttle = m * g / Throttle_neutral
    Max = ACRO_RP_P * 4500 / 100 * math.pi / 180
    w[0] = (w[0] - 1500) / 500 * Max
    w[1] = -(w[1] - 1500) / 500 * Max
    w[2] = -(w[2] - 1500) / 500 * Max

    pDot = v
    # acceleration of quad
    vDot = K_Throttle * (T * n) / m - g * e3

    RDot =
    RDot = numpy.reshape(RDot, 9)

    # collecting derivatives
    derivatives = numpy.concatenate([pDot, vDot, RDot])

    return derivatives
def sys_dynamics(states , U , parameters):
    # U = Full actuation vehicles

    # acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2)
    g  = parameters.g

    # mass of vehicles (kg)
    m = parameters.m

    # third canonical basis vector
    e3 = numpy.array([0.0,0.0,1.0])

    # states

    # transported mass: position and velocity
    x = states[0:3];
    v = states[3:6];

    # thrust unit vector
    R  = states[6:15];
    R  = numpy.reshape(R,(3,3))
    n  =

    # ----------------------------------------------#
    # ----------------------------------------------#
    # rearrage to proper order
    # [roll,pitch,throttle,yaw] in sticks
    # in model order is [throttle,roll,pitch,yaw]
    U_new = numpy.zeros(4)
    U_new[0] = U[2]
    U_new[1] = U[0]
    U_new[2] = U[1]
    U_new[3] = U[3]        

    U = U_new

    # ----------------------------------------------#
    # This model would require more work
    # U[0:1] : as desired full actuation
    # Td      = U[0:3];
    # Tddot   = .... some derivator
    # Tdnorm  = numpy.linalg.norm(Td);
    # nTd     = Td/Tdnorm;
    # w_feedforward = skew(nTd).dot(TdDot)/numpy.linalg.norm(Td)
    # w = ktt*skew(n).dot(nTd) + wd_feedforward
    # ----------------------------------------------#

    # current  euler angles
    ee  = GetEulerAngles(R)
    # current psi
    psi = ee[2]

    # degrees per second
    MAX_PSI_SPEED_Deg = parameters.MAX_PSI_SPEED_Deg
    MAX_PSI_SPEED_Rad = MAX_PSI_SPEED_Deg*math.pi/180.0

    MAX_ANGLE_DEG = parameters.MAX_ANGLE_DEG
    MAX_ANGLE_RAD = MAX_ANGLE_DEG*math.pi/180.0

    # desired roll and pitch
    # U[1:3] : desired roll and pitch
    roll_des  =  (U[1] - 1500.0)*MAX_ANGLE_RAD/500.0;
    pitch_des = -(U[2] - 1500)*MAX_ANGLE_RAD/500.0;
    # desired euler angles
    ee_des = numpy.array([roll_des,pitch_des,psi])

    # gain of inner loop for attitude control
    ktt = parameters.ktt_inner_loop

    nTd     = GetRotFromEulerAngles(ee_des).dot(e3);
    w       = ktt*skew(n).dot(nTd)
    RT      = numpy.transpose(R)
    w       =

    # U[3]: yaw angular speed
    w[2]    = -(U[3] - 1500.0)*MAX_PSI_SPEED_Rad/500.0

    # Throttle neutral
    Throttle_neutral = parameters.Throttle_neutral
    K_Throttle       = m*g/Throttle_neutral

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    # The throttle sent to the motors is automatically adjusted based on the tilt angle
    # of the vehicle (i.e increased as the vehicle tilts over more) to reduce the 
    # compensation the pilot must fo as the vehicles attitude changes
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    # Throttle = U[0]
    # this increases the actual throtle
    Throttle = U[0]/,e3)

    pDot = v
    # acceleration of quad
    vDot = K_Throttle*(Throttle*n)/m - g*e3;

    RDot =
    RDot = numpy.reshape(RDot,9)

    # collecting derivatives
    derivatives = numpy.concatenate([pDot,vDot,RDot])
    return derivatives
def sys_dynamics(states , U , parameters):
    # U = Full actuation vehicles
    # acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2)
    g  = parameters.g

    # mass of vehicles (kg)
    m = parameters.m

    # third canonical basis vector
    e3 = numpy.array([0.0,0.0,1.0])

    # states

    # transported mass: position and velocity
    x = states[0:3];
    v = states[3:6];

    # thrust unit vector
    R  = states[6:15];
    R  = numpy.reshape(R,(3,3))
    n  =


    # rearrage to proper order
    # [roll,pitch,throttle,yaw] in sticks
    # in model order is [throttle,roll,pitch,yaw]
    U_new = numpy.zeros(4)
    U_new[0] = U[2]
    U_new[1] = U[0]
    U_new[2] = U[1]
    U_new[3] = U[3]        

    U = U_new


    T = U[0];
    w = U[1:4]

    # Throttle neutral
    Throttle_neutral = parameters.Throttle_neutral
    ACRO_RP_P = parameters.ACRO_RP_P

    K_Throttle = m*g/Throttle_neutral
    Max = ACRO_RP_P*4500/100*math.pi/180;
    w[0] =  (w[0] - 1500)/500*Max;
    w[1] = -(w[1] - 1500)/500*Max;
    w[2] = -(w[2] - 1500)/500*Max;

    pDot = v
    # acceleration of quad
    vDot = K_Throttle*(T*n)/m - g*e3;
    RDot =
    RDot = numpy.reshape(RDot,9)

    # collecting derivatives
    derivatives = numpy.concatenate([pDot,vDot,RDot])
    return derivatives
예제 #9
def controller(states, states_load, states_d, parameters):

    # mass of vehicles (kg)
    m = parameters.m
    ml = .136
    # is there some onboard thrust control based on the vertical acceleration?
    ml = .01

    # acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2)
    g = parameters.g
    rospy.logwarn('g: ' + str(g))

    # Angular velocities multiplication factor
    # Dw  = parameters.Dw

    # third canonical basis vector
    e3 = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])

    # transported mass: position and velocity
    p = states[0:3]
    v = states[3:6]
    # thrust unit vector and its angular velocity
    R = states[6:15]
    R = numpy.reshape(R, (3, 3))
    r3 =

    # load
    pl = states_load[0:3]
    vl = states_load[3:6]

    Lmeas = norm(p - pl)
    rospy.logwarn('rope length: ' + str(Lmeas))
    L = 0.66

    #rospy.logwarn('param Throttle_neutral: '+str(parameters.Throttle_neutral))

    rl = (p - pl) / Lmeas
    omegal = skew(rl).dot(v - vl) / Lmeas
    omegal = zeros(3)

    # desired quad trajectory
    pd = states_d[0:3] - L * e3
    vd = states_d[3:6]
    ad = states_d[6:9]
    jd = states_d[9:12]
    sd = states_d[12:15]

    # rospy.logwarn(numpy.concatenate((v,vl,vd)))

    # position error and velocity error
    ep = pl - pd
    ev = vl - vd

    rospy.logwarn('ep: ' + str(ep))

    gstar = g * e3 + ad
    d_gstar = jd
    dd_gstar = sd

    #rospy.logwarn('rl: '+str(rl))
    #rospy.logwarn('omegal: '+str(omegal))
    #rospy.logwarn('ev: '+str(ev))

    # temp override
    #rl = array([0.,0.,1.])
    #omegal = zeros(3)
    #L = 1


    # rospy.logwarn('ep='+str(ep)+' ev='+str(ev)+' rl='+str(rl)+' omegal='+str(omegal))

    Tl, tau, _, _ = backstep_ctrl(ep, ev, rl, omegal, gstar, d_gstar, dd_gstar)
    rospy.logwarn('g: ' + str(g))

    U = (eye(3) - outer(rl, rl)).dot(tau * m * L) + rl * (
        # -m/L*inner(v-vl,v-vl)
        +Tl * (m + ml))
    U =

    n = rl

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    # The throttle sent to the motors is automatically adjusted based on the tilt angle
    # of the vehicle (i.e increased as the vehicle tilts over more) to reduce the
    # compensation the pilot must fo as the vehicles attitude changes
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    # Full_actuation = m*(ad + u + g*e3 + self.d_est)
    Full_actuation = U

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------#

    U = numpy.zeros(4)

    Throttle =, r3)
    # this decreases the throtle, which will be increased
    Throttle = Throttle *, r3)
    U[0] = Throttle

    # current  euler angles
    euler = GetEulerAngles(R)
    # current phi and theta
    phi = euler[0]
    theta = euler[1]
    # current psi
    psi = euler[2]

    # Rz(psi)*Ry(theta_des)*Rx(phi_des) = r3_des

    # desired roll and pitch angles
    r3_des = Full_actuation / numpy.linalg.norm(Full_actuation)
    r3_des_rot = Rz(-psi).dot(r3_des)

    sin_phi = -r3_des_rot[1]
    sin_phi = bound(sin_phi, 1, -1)
    phi = numpy.arcsin(sin_phi)
    U[1] = phi

    sin_theta = r3_des_rot[0] / c(phi)
    sin_theta = bound(sin_theta, 1, -1)
    cos_theta = r3_des_rot[2] / c(phi)
    cos_theta = bound(cos_theta, 1, -1)
    pitch = numpy.arctan2(sin_theta, cos_theta)
    U[2] = pitch

    # yaw control: gain
    k_yaw = parameters.k_yaw
    # desired yaw: psi_star
    psi_star = parameters.psi_star

    psi_star_dot = 0
    psi_dot = psi_star_dot - k_yaw * s(psi - psi_star)
    U[3] = 1 / c(phi) * (c(theta) * psi_dot - s(phi) * U[2])

    U = Cmd_Converter(U, parameters)

    return U
예제 #10
def backstep_ctrl(p, v, r, omega, gstar, d_gstar, dd_gstar):
    # evaluate controller for double integrator
    u, u_p, u_v, u_p_p, u_v_v, u_p_v, Vpv, d_Vpv, Vpv_p, Vpv_v, Vpv_v_p, Vpv_v_v = _bounded_ctrl(
        p, v)

    kr = .5
    wr = 250.
    womega = 20.
    komega = .5

    Ul = u + gstar
    Tl = dot(Ul, r)
    # Tl = Ul[2] # for testing

    # Lie derivative of v
    d_v = u - (eye(3) - outer(r, r)).dot(Ul)

    rstar = Ul / norm(Ul)

    # Lie derivative of Ul
    d_Ul = diagonal(u_p) * v + diagonal(u_v) * d_v + d_gstar

    # turn 3rd-order tensors into vectors (assuming u is component wise -> tensors are diagonal)
    u_p_p_vec = sum(u_p_p, (1, 2))
    u_p_v_vec = sum(u_p_v, (1, 2))
    u_v_v_vec = sum(u_v_v, (1, 2))

    # Lie derivative of partial derivatives of u assuming u is component wise
    d_u_p = diagflat(u_p_p_vec * v + u_p_v_vec * d_v)
    d_u_v = diagflat(u_p_v_vec * v + u_v_v_vec * d_v)

    d_r = skew(omega).dot(r)
    dd_v = + + (outer(d_r, r) + outer(
        r, d_r)).dot(Ul) - (eye(3) - outer(r, r)).dot(d_Ul)
    dd_Ul = + + +
        dd_v) + dd_gstar

    d_rstar = (eye(3) - outer(rstar, rstar)).dot(d_Ul / norm(Ul))
    dd_rstar = -(outer(d_rstar, rstar) +
                 outer(rstar, d_rstar)).dot(d_Ul) / norm(Ul) + (eye(3) - outer(
                     rstar, rstar)).dot(dd_Ul / norm(Ul) -
                                        d_Ul * inner(d_Ul, Ul) / norm(Ul)**3)

    omegastar = kr * skew(r).dot(rstar) + skew(rstar).dot(
        d_rstar) - 1. / wr * norm(Ul) * skew(r).dot(Vpv_v)
    d_omegastar = kr * skew(d_r).dot(rstar) + kr * skew(r).dot(d_rstar) + skew(
        rstar).dot(dd_rstar) - inner(Ul, d_Ul) / (wr * norm(Ul)) * skew(r).dot(
            Vpv_v) - norm(Ul) / wr * skew(d_r).dot(Vpv_v) - norm(
                Ul) / wr * skew(r).dot( +

    # this is the actual control input
    tau = wr / womega * rstar + skew(d_r).dot(
        omega - omegastar) + komega * skew(r).dot(omega - omegastar) - skew(
    tau = (eye(3) - outer(r, r)).dot(tau)

    # Lyapunov function
    V = Vpv + wr * (1. - inner(r, rstar)) + .5 * womega * norm(
        skew(r).dot(omega - omegastar))**2

    d_V = + - wr * kr * norm(skew(r).dot(
        rstar))**2 - womega * komega * norm(skew(r).dot(omega - omegastar))**2

    rospy.logwarn('Tl: ' + str(Tl) + ' Ul:' + str(Ul))
    rospy.logwarn('rl. ' + str(r))

    return Tl, tau, d_V, V