def map_ind(mod_lon, mod_lat, meas_lon, meas_lat, meas_good=None): """ Run to get indices in the measurement space of all the closest mod points. Assuming earth geometry.""" from map_utils import spherical_dist from Sp_parameters import startprogress, progress, endprogress import numpy as np try: if not meas_good: meas_good = np.where(meas_lon) except ValueError: if not meas_good.any(): meas_good = np.where(meas_lon) imodis = np.logical_and( np.logical_and(mod_lon > min(meas_lon[meas_good]) - 0.02, mod_lon < max(meas_lon[meas_good]) + 0.02), np.logical_and(mod_lat > min(meas_lat[meas_good]) - 0.02, mod_lat < max(meas_lat[meas_good]) + 0.02)) wimodis = np.where(imodis) if not wimodis[0].any(): print '** No points found within range +/- 0.02 in lat and lon, Extending range to +/- 0.2 **' imodis = np.logical_and( np.logical_and(mod_lon > min(meas_lon[meas_good]) - 0.2, mod_lon < max(meas_lon[meas_good]) + 0.2), np.logical_and(mod_lat > min(meas_lat[meas_good]) - 0.2, mod_lat < max(meas_lat[meas_good]) + 0.2)) wimodis = np.where(imodis) if not wimodis[0].any(): print '** No points found in extended range, returning null **' return [] N1 = mod_lon[imodis].size modis_grid = np.hstack( [mod_lon[imodis].reshape((N1, 1)), mod_lat[imodis].reshape((N1, 1))]) try: N2 = len(meas_good) if N2 == 1 or N2 == 2: meas_good = meas_good[0] N2 = len(meas_good) meas_grid = np.hstack([ np.array(meas_lon[meas_good]).reshape((N2, 1)), np.array(meas_lat[meas_good]).reshape((N2, 1)) ]) except: import pdb pdb.set_trace() meas_in = meas_grid.astype(int) meas_ind = np.array([meas_good.ravel() * 0, meas_good.ravel() * 0]) startprogress('Running through flight track') for i in xrange(meas_good.size): d = spherical_dist(meas_grid[i], modis_grid) try: meas_ind[0, i] = wimodis[0][np.argmin(d)] except: import pdb pdb.set_trace() meas_ind[1, i] = wimodis[1][np.argmin(d)] progress(float(i) / len(meas_good) * 100) endprogress() return meas_ind
def map_ind(mod_lon,mod_lat,meas_lon,meas_lat,meas_good=None): """ Run to get indices in the measurement space of all the closest mod points. Assuming earth geometry.""" from map_utils import spherical_dist from Sp_parameters import startprogress, progress, endprogress import numpy as np try: if not meas_good: meas_good = np.where(meas_lon) except ValueError: if not meas_good.any(): meas_good = np.where(meas_lon) imodis = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(mod_lon>min(meas_lon[meas_good])-0.02 , mod_lon<max(meas_lon[meas_good])+0.02), np.logical_and(mod_lat>min(meas_lat[meas_good])-0.02 , mod_lat<max(meas_lat[meas_good])+0.02)) wimodis = np.where(imodis) if not wimodis[0].any(): print '** No points found within range +/- 0.02 in lat and lon, Extending range to +/- 0.2 **' imodis = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(mod_lon>min(meas_lon[meas_good])-0.2 , mod_lon<max(meas_lon[meas_good])+0.2), np.logical_and(mod_lat>min(meas_lat[meas_good])-0.2 , mod_lat<max(meas_lat[meas_good])+0.2)) wimodis = np.where(imodis) if not wimodis[0].any(): print '** No points found in extended range, returning null **' return [] N1 = mod_lon[imodis].size modis_grid = np.hstack([mod_lon[imodis].reshape((N1,1)),mod_lat[imodis].reshape((N1,1))]) try: N2 = len(meas_good) if N2==1 or N2==2: meas_good = meas_good[0] N2 = len(meas_good) meas_grid = np.hstack([np.array(meas_lon[meas_good]).reshape((N2,1)),np.array(meas_lat[meas_good]).reshape((N2,1))]) except: import pdb; pdb.set_trace() meas_in = meas_grid.astype(int) meas_ind = np.array([meas_good.ravel()*0,meas_good.ravel()*0]) startprogress('Running through flight track') for i in xrange(meas_good.size): d = spherical_dist(meas_grid[i],modis_grid) try: meas_ind[0,i] = wimodis[0][np.argmin(d)] except: import pdb; pdb.set_trace() meas_ind[1,i] = wimodis[1][np.argmin(d)] progress(float(i)/len(meas_good)*100) endprogress() return meas_ind
def load_hdf(datfile, values=None, verbose=True): """ Name: load_hdf Purpose: to compile functions required to load emas files from within another script. Similar to load_modis Calling Sequence: hdf_dat,hdf_dict = load_hdf(datfile,Values=None,verbose=True) Input: datfile name (hdf files) Output: hdf_dat dictionary with the names of values saved, with associated dictionary values hdf_dicts : metadate for each of the variables Keywords: values: if ommitted, only outputs the names of the variables in file needs to be a tuple of 2 element tuples (first element name of variable, second number of record) example: modis_values=(('cloud_top',57),('phase',53),('cloud_top_temp',58),('ref',66),('tau',72)) verbose: if true (default), then everything is printed. if false, nothing is printed Dependencies: gdal numpy gc: for clearing the garbage Sp_parameters for progress issuer Required files: dat files Example: ... Modification History: Written (v1.0): Samuel LeBlanc, 2014-12-10, NASA Ames Modified (v1.1): Samuel LeBlanc, 2015-04-10, NASA Ames - added verbose keyword """ import numpy as np from osgeo import gdal from Sp_parameters import startprogress, progress, endprogress datsds = gdal.Open(datfile) datsub = datsds.GetSubDatasets() if verbose: print 'Outputting the Data subdatasets:' for i in range(len(datsub)): if values: if any(i in val for val in values): print '\x1b[1;36m%i: %s\x1b[0m' % (i, datsub[i][1]) else: print str(i) + ': ' + datsub[i][1] else: print str(i) + ': ' + datsub[i][1] if not values: if verbose: print 'Done going through file... Please supply pairs of name and index for reading file' print " in format values = (('name1',index1),('name2',index2),('name3',index3),...)" print " where namei is the nameof the returned variable, and indexi is the index of the variable (from above)" return None, None hdf = dict() meta = datsds.GetMetadata() import gc gc.collect() hdf_dicts = dict() if verbose: startprogress('Running through data values') for i, j in values: sds = gdal.Open(datsub[j][0]) hdf_dicts[i] = sds.GetMetadata() hdf[i] = np.array(sds.ReadAsArray()) if not hdf[i].any(): import pdb pdb.set_trace() try: bad_points = np.where(hdf[i] == float(hdf_dicts[i]['_FillValue'])) makenan = True except KeyError: makenan = False try: scale = float(hdf_dicts[i]['scale_factor']) offset = float(hdf_dicts[i]['add_offset']) # print 'MODIS array: %s, type: %s' % (i, modis[i].dtype) if scale.is_integer(): scale = int(scale) makenan = False if scale != 1 and offset == 0: hdf[i] = hdf[i] * scale + offset except: if issubclass(hdf[i].dtype.type, np.integer): makenan = False if makenan: hdf[i][bad_points] = np.nan if verbose: progress( float(tuple(i[0] for i in values).index(i)) / len(values) * 100.) if verbose: endprogress() print hdf.keys() del datsds, sds, datsub return hdf, hdf_dicts
def load_emas(datfile): """ Name: load_emas Purpose: to compile functions required to load emas files from within another script. Similar to load_modis Calling Sequence: emas,emas_dict = load_emas(datfile) Input: datfile name (hdf files) Output: emas dictionary with tau, ref, etau, eref, phase, qa emas_dicts : metadate for each of the variables Keywords: none Dependencies: gdal numpy gc: for clearing the garbage Required files: dat files Example: ... Modification History: Written (v1.0): Samuel LeBlanc, 2014-12-08, NASA Ames """ import numpy as np from osgeo import gdal from Sp_parameters import startprogress, progress, endprogress emas_values = ( #('cloud_top',57), ('phase', 53), # ('cloud_top_temp',58), ('ref', 66), ('tau', 72), # ('cwp',82), ('eref', 90), ('etau', 93), # ('ecwp',96), ('multi_layer', 105), ('qa', 123), # ('cloud_mask',110) ) datsds = gdal.Open(datfile) datsub = datsds.GetSubDatasets() print 'Outputting the Data subdatasets:' for i in range(len(datsub)): if any(i in val for val in emas_values): print '\x1b[1;36m%i: %s\x1b[0m' % (i, datsub[i][1]) else: print str(i) + ': ' + datsub[i][1] emas = dict() meta = datsds.GetMetadata() import gc gc.collect() emas_dicts = dict() startprogress('Running through modis values') for i, j in emas_values: sds = gdal.Open(datsub[j][0]) emas_dicts[i] = sds.GetMetadata() emas[i] = np.array(sds.ReadAsArray()) makenan = True bad_points = np.where(emas[i] == float(emas_dicts[i]['_FillValue'])) try: scale = float(emas_dicts[i]['scale_factor']) offset = float(emas_dicts[i]['add_offset']) # print 'MODIS array: %s, type: %s' % (i, modis[i].dtype) if scale.is_integer(): scale = int(scale) makenan = False if scale != 1 and offset == 0: emas[i] = emas[i] * scale + offset except: if issubclass(emas[i].dtype.type, np.integer): makenan = False if makenan: emas[i][bad_points] = np.nan progress( float(tuple(i[0] for i in emas_values).index(i)) / len(emas_values) * 100.) endprogress() print emas.keys() del datsds, sds, datsub return emas, emas_dicts
from Sp_parameters import startprogress, progress, endprogress import gc gc.collect() # <codecell> tuple(i[0] for i in modis_values).index('etau') # <codecell> modis = dict() modis_dicts = dict() startprogress('Running through modis values') for i, j in modis_values: sds = gdal.Open(myd_dat_sub[j][0]) modis_dicts[i] = sds.GetMetadata() modis[i] = np.array(sds.ReadAsArray()) * float( modis_dicts[i]['scale_factor']) + float( modis_dicts[i]['add_offset']) modis[i][modis[i] == float(modis_dicts[i]['_FillValue'])] = np.nan progress( float(tuple(i[0] for i in modis_values).index(i)) / len(modis_values) * 100.) endprogress() # <codecell> print modis.keys() print modis_dicts.keys()
def load_hdf(datfile,values=None,verbose=True,all_values=False): """ Name: load_hdf Purpose: to compile functions required to load emas files from within another script. Similar to load_modis Calling Sequence: hdf_dat,hdf_dict = load_hdf(datfile,Values=None,verbose=True,all_values=False) Input: datfile name (hdf files) Output: hdf_dat dictionary with the names of values saved, with associated dictionary values hdf_dicts : metadate for each of the variables Keywords: values: if ommitted, only outputs the names of the variables in file needs to be a tuple of 2 element tuples (first element name of variable, second number of record) example: modis_values=(('cloud_top',57),('phase',53),('cloud_top_temp',58),('ref',66),('tau',72)) verbose: if true (default), then everything is printed. if false, nothing is printed all_values: if True, then outputs all the values with their original names, (defaults to False), overrides values keyword Dependencies: gdal numpy gc: for clearing the garbage Sp_parameters for progress issuer Required files: dat files Example: ... Modification History: Written (v1.0): Samuel LeBlanc, 2014-12-10, NASA Ames Modified (v1.1): Samuel LeBlanc, 2015-04-10, NASA Ames - added verbose keyword Modified (v1.2): Samuel LeBlanc, 2016-05-07, Osan AFB, Korea - added error handling for missing fill value Modified (v1.3): Samuel LeBlanc, 2016-11-15, NASA Ames - added all_values keyword """ import numpy as np from osgeo import gdal from Sp_parameters import startprogress, progress, endprogress datsds = gdal.Open(datfile) datsub = datsds.GetSubDatasets() if verbose: print 'Outputting the Data subdatasets:' for i in range(len(datsub)): if values: if any(i in val for val in values): print '\x1b[1;36m%i: %s\x1b[0m' %(i,datsub[i][1]) else: print str(i)+': '+datsub[i][1] else: print str(i)+': '+datsub[i][1] if all_values: values = [] for i in range(len(datsub)): values.append((datsub[i][1].split(' ')[1],i)) values = tuple(values) if not values: if verbose: print 'Done going through file... Please supply pairs of name and index for reading file' print " in format values = (('name1',index1),('name2',index2),('name3',index3),...)" print " where namei is the nameof the returned variable, and indexi is the index of the variable (from above)" return None, None hdf = dict() meta = datsds.GetMetadata() import gc; gc.collect() hdf_dicts = dict() if verbose: startprogress('Running through data values') for i,j in values: sds = gdal.Open(datsub[j][0]) hdf_dicts[i] = sds.GetMetadata() hdf[i] = np.array(sds.ReadAsArray()) if not hdf[i].any(): import pdb; pdb.set_trace() try: bad_points = np.where(hdf[i] == float(hdf_dicts[i]['_FillValue'])) makenan = True except KeyError: makenan = False except ValueError: makenan = False print '*** FillValue not used to replace NANs, will have to do manually ***' try: scale = float(hdf_dicts[i]['scale_factor']) offset = float(hdf_dicts[i]['add_offset']) # print 'MODIS array: %s, type: %s' % (i, modis[i].dtype) if scale.is_integer(): scale = int(scale) makenan = False if scale != 1 and offset == 0: hdf[i] = hdf[i]*scale+offset except: if issubclass(hdf[i].dtype.type, np.integer): makenan = False if makenan: hdf[i][bad_points] = np.nan if verbose: progress(float(tuple(i[0] for i in values).index(i))/len(values)*100.) if verbose: endprogress() print hdf.keys() del datsds,sds,datsub return hdf,hdf_dicts
def load_modis(geofile,datfile): """ Name: load_modis Purpose: to compile functions required to load Modis files from within another script Calling Sequence: modis,modis_dict = load_modis(geofile,datfile) Input: geofile name datfile name (hdf files) Output: modis dictionary with tau, ref, etau, eref, phase, qa modis_dicts : metadate for each of the variables Keywords: none Dependencies: gdal numpy gc: for clearing the garbage Required files: geo and dat files Example: ... Modification History: Written (v1.0): Samuel LeBlanc, 2014-12-08, NASA Ames """ import numpy as np from osgeo import gdal from Sp_parameters import startprogress, progress, endprogress modis_values = (#('cloud_top',57), ('phase',53), # ('cloud_top_temp',58), ('ref',66), ('tau',72), # ('cwp',82), ('eref',90), ('etau',93), # ('ecwp',96), ('multi_layer',105), ('qa',123), ('cth',183) # ('cloud_mask',110) ) geosds = gdal.Open(geofile) datsds = gdal.Open(datfile) geosub = geosds.GetSubDatasets() datsub = datsds.GetSubDatasets() print 'Outputting the Geo subdatasets:' for i in range(len(geosub)): print str(i)+': '+geosub[i][1] print 'Outputting the Data subdatasets:' for i in range(len(datsub)): if any(i in val for val in modis_values): print '\x1b[1;36m%i: %s\x1b[0m' %(i,datsub[i][1]) else: print str(i)+': '+datsub[i][1] latsds = gdal.Open(geosub[12][0],gdal.GA_ReadOnly) lonsds = gdal.Open(geosub[13][0],gdal.GA_ReadOnly) szasds = gdal.Open(geosub[21][0],gdal.GA_ReadOnly) modis = dict() modis['lat'] = latsds.ReadAsArray() modis['lon'] = lonsds.ReadAsArray() modis['sza'] = szasds.ReadAsArray() print modis['lon'].shape meta = datsds.GetMetadata() import gc; gc.collect() modis_dicts = dict() startprogress('Running through modis values') for i,j in modis_values: sds = gdal.Open(datsub[j][0]) modis_dicts[i] = sds.GetMetadata() modis[i] = np.array(sds.ReadAsArray()) makenan = True bad_points = np.where(modis[i] == float(modis_dicts[i]['_FillValue'])) scale = float(modis_dicts[i]['scale_factor']) offset = float(modis_dicts[i]['add_offset']) # print 'MODIS array: %s, type: %s' % (i, modis[i].dtype) if scale.is_integer(): scale = int(scale) makenan = False if scale != 1 and offset == 0: modis[i] = modis[i]*scale+offset if makenan: modis[i][bad_points] = np.nan progress(float(tuple(i[0] for i in modis_values).index(i))/len(modis_values)*100.) endprogress() print modis.keys() del geosds, datsds,sds,lonsds,latsds,geosub,datsub return modis,modis_dicts
if __name__ == "__main__": gdal.Open(myd_dat_sub[53][0]).GetMetadata() mm = dict() mm['one'] = gdal.Open(myd_dat_sub[72][0]).GetMetadata() mm['two'] = gdal.Open(myd_dat_sub[74][0]).GetMetadata() mm['two']['_FillValue'] from Sp_parameters import startprogress, progress, endprogress import gc; gc.collect() tuple(i[0] for i in modis_values).index('etau') modis = dict() modis_dicts = dict() startprogress('Running through modis values') for i,j in modis_values: sds = gdal.Open(myd_dat_sub[j][0]) modis_dicts[i] = sds.GetMetadata() modis[i] = np.array(sds.ReadAsArray())*float(modis_dicts[i]['scale_factor'])+float(modis_dicts[i]['add_offset']) modis[i][modis[i] == float(modis_dicts[i]['_FillValue'])] = np.nan progress(float(tuple(i[0] for i in modis_values).index(i))/len(modis_values)*100.) endprogress() print modis.keys() print modis_dicts.keys()
def Prep_DARE_single_sol(fname,f_calipso,fp_rtm,fp_fuliou,fp_alb=None,surface_type='ocean',vv='v1',verbose=True): """ Purpose: Main function to create the files for the DARE calculations for a single solx file defined by fname Input: fname: full file path for matlab file solution for single solutions (e.g., MOCsolutions20150508T183717_19374_x20080x2D070x2D11120x3A250x2CPoint0x2313387030x2F25645720x2CH0x.mat) f_calipso: full file path for Calipso file fp_rtm: filepath for baseline rtm folder (subset of it will have input, output) fp_fuliou: full filepath for fuliou executable Output: input files for fuliou list file for calling fuliou from NAS Keywords: fp_alb: File path for MODIS surface albedo, must be defined if surfacetype is land_MODIS surface_type: (default to ocean) can be either ocean, land, or land_MODIS vv: (default to v1) version number Dependencies: numpy Run_fuliou (this file) os scipy datetime Sp_parameters Required files: matlab MOC solution for single solx Calipso matlab file yohei_MOC_lambda.mat file Example: ... Modification History: Written (v1.0): Samuel LeBlanc, 2017-03-17, Santa Cruz, CA migrated to python from matlab based on codes in read_FuLiou_input_file_Calipso_revFeb2015.m originally written by John Livingston """ import numpy as np import as sio import os from datetime import datetime from Run_fuliou import get_MODIS_surf_albedo from Sp_parameters import startprogress, progress, endprogress # load the materials sol = sio.loadmat(fname) name = fname.split(os.path.sep)[-1] da,num,xt = name.split('_') num = int(num)-1 #convert from matlab indexing to python da = da.lstrip('MOCsolutions') xt = xt.rstrip('.mat') if verbose: print 'Preparing the input files for pixel: {}'.format(num) lm = sio.loadmat(fp_rtm+'yohei_MOC_lambda.mat') cal = sio.loadmat(f_calipso) # prep the write out paths fp_in = os.path.join(fp_rtm,'input','MOC_1solx_DARE_{vv}_{num}'.format(vv=vv,num=num)) fp_out = os.path.join(fp_rtm,'output','MOC_1solx_DARE_{vv}_{num}'.format(vv=vv,num=num)) if not os.path.exists(fp_in): os.makedirs(fp_in) if not os.path.exists(fp_out): os.makedirs(fp_out) f_list = open(os.path.join(fp_rtm,'run','list_MOC_single_solx_DARE_{vv}_{num}.sh'.format(vv=vv,num=num)),'w') print # prep the standard input definitions tt = datetime.strptime(cal['calipso_date'][num],'%Y-%m-%d') geo = {'lat':cal['calipso_lat_oneday'][num], 'lon':cal['calipso_lon_oneday'][num], 'utc':cal['calipso_time_oneday'][num][0]/100.0,'year':tt.year,'month':tt.month,'day'} aero = {'wvl_arr':sol['solutions']['lambda'][0,0][0]*1000.0, 'z_arr':[cal['calipso_zmin_oneday'][num][0],cal['calipso_zmax_oneday'][num][0]]} if surface_type=='ocean': albedo = {'sea_surface_albedo':True,'land_surface_albedo':False,'modis_surface_albedo':False} elif surface_type=='land': albedo = {'sea_surface_albedo':False,'land_surface_albedo':True,'modis_surface_albedo':False} elif surface_type=='land_MODIS': albedo = {'sea_surface_albedo':False,'land_surface_albedo':True,'modis_surface_albedo':False} if not fp_alb: raise ValueError('fp_alb is not set, must be set to find the MCD43GF files') albedo['modis_albedo'] = get_MODIS_surf_albedo(fp_alb,tt.timetuple().tm_yday,geo['lat'],geo['lon'],year_of_MODIS=2007) else: raise ValueError("surface_type can only be 'ocean', 'land', or 'land_MODIS'") # Run through the possible solutions to the files and write out the fuliou input files startprogress('Writing MOC files') for i in xrange(len(sol['ssa'])): input_file = os.path.join(fp_in,'MOC_{num}_{i:04d}.datin'.format(num=num,i=i)) output_file = os.path.join(fp_out,'MOC_{num}_{i:04d}.wrt'.format(num=num,i=i)) aero['ssa'] = np.array([sol['ssa'][i,:],sol['ssa'][i,:]]) aero['asy'] = np.array([sol['asym'][i,:],sol['asym'][i,:]]) aero['ext'] = np.array([sol['ext'][i,:],sol['ext'][i,:]]) write_fuliou_input(input_file,geo=geo,aero=aero,albedo=albedo,verbose=False) progress(float(i)/float(len(sol['ssa']))*100.0) f_list.write(fp_fuliou+' '+input_file+' '+output_file+'\n') endprogress() sel = sol['solutions']['select'][0,0] i_str = ['m1','s0','p1'] for ie in [-1,0,1]: for ia in [-1,0,1]: for im in [-1,0,1]: form = {'num':num,'e':i_str[ie+1],'a':i_str[ia+1],'s':i_str[im+1]} input_file = os.path.join(fp_in,'MOC_{num}_{e}{a}{s}.datin'.format(**form)) output_file = os.path.join(fp_out,'MOC_{num}_{e}{a}{s}.wrt'.format(**form)) aero['ssa'] = np.array([sel['ssa'][0,0][0,:]+ia*sel['ssa'][0,0][1,:]]*2) aero['asy'] = np.array([sel['asym'][0,0][0,:]+im*sel['asym'][0,0][1,:]]*2) aero['ext'] = np.array([sel['ext'][0,0][0,:]+ie*sel['ext'][0,0][1,:]]*2) write_fuliou_input(input_file,geo=geo,aero=aero,albedo=albedo,verbose=False) print '{e}{a}{s}'.format(**form) f_list.write(fp_fuliou+' '+input_file+' '+output_file+'\n') f_list.close()