예제 #1
def main():
    """Main function of the program."""
    main = tk.Tk()

    # Add Title
    main.title("Space Craft Creator")

    # Disable Resizing
    main.resizable(False, False)

    data = Data()

    spacecraft = Spacecraft(data)

    notebook = Notebook(main)

    spacecraft_tab = spacecraft.make_tab(notebook)

    notebook.add(spacecraft_tab, text="Spacecraft")
    for key, subsystem in spacecraft.subsections.items():
        notebook.add(subsystem.make_tab(notebook), text=key)
    notebook.add(spacecraft.sizes.make_tab(notebook), text="Sizes")
                 text="Velocity Profiles")

    notebook.grid(column=0, row=0)

    button = Button(main, text="Caclulate", command=spacecraft.calculate)
    button.grid(column=0, row=1)

예제 #2
def test_read_write_bsp( plot = False ):
	Propagate a 30 degree inclination orbit (20 periods),
	write BSP kernel, then read back the BSP kernel, ensuring
	that latitudes are within +-30 degrees before and after
	writing kernel
	spice.furnsh( sd.pck00010 )

	sc = SC( {
		'coes' : [ 8000.0, 0.01, 30.0, 0, 0, 0 ],
		'tspan': '20'
		} )

	Ensure latitudes are +-30 degrees
	assert np.all( sc.latlons[ :, 2 ] <=  30.0 )
	assert np.all( sc.latlons[ :, 2 ] >= -30.0 )

	spice.spkopn will error if a bsp with the requested
	filename already exists
	filename = 'test_read_write_bsp.bsp'
	if os.path.isfile( filename ):
		os.remove( filename )

	Write bsp with all the default arguments except filename
	st.write_bsp( sc.ets, sc.states[ :, :6 ],
		{ 'bsp_fn': filename } )

	Now read back the bsp and ensure that
	latitudes are still within +-30 degrees
	spice.furnsh( filename )
	states  = st.calc_ephemeris( -999, sc.ets, 'IAU_EARTH', 399 )
	latlons = nt.cart2lat( states[ :, :3 ] )

	assert np.all( latlons[ :, 2 ] <=  30.0 )
	assert np.all( latlons[ :, 2 ] >= -30.0 )

	os.remove( filename )
예제 #3
def test_Spacecraft_minimum_altitude_stop_condition(plot=False):
    sc = SC({
        'coes': [pd.earth['radius'] + 1000.0, 0.5, 0.0, 90.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        'tspan': '1',
        'dt': 100.0,
        'rtol': 1e-9,
        'stop_conditions': {
            'min_alt': 100.0
        }  # km
    assert sc.cb == pd.earth
	Since inclination is 0, all z-axis components of Spacecraft
	position and velocity should be 0
    assert np.all(sc.states[:, 2] == 0.0)
    assert np.all(sc.states[:, 5] == 0.0)
	The orbital elements were set such that minimum altitude
	crossing would occur, triggering the min_alt stop condition
    assert sc.ode_sol.success
    assert sc.ode_sol.message == 'A termination event occurred.'
    assert sc.ode_sol.status == 1

    assert pytest.approx(
     np.linalg.norm( sc.ode_sol.y_events[ 0 ][ :3 ] ) -\
     sc.cb[ 'radius' ] - 100.0, abs = 6.0e-3 ) == 0.0

    if plot:
            'hlines': [{
                'val': 100.0,
                'color': 'c'
            'time_unit': 'hours',
            'title': 'test_Spacecraft_minimum_altitude_stop_condition',
            'show': True
예제 #4
def test_Spacecraft_inclination_latitude(plot=False):

    sc = SC({
        'coes': [pd.earth['radius'] + 1000.0, 0.01, 50.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        'tspan': '3',
        'dt': 10.0,
        'rtol': 1e-8
    assert sc.cb == pd.earth
	Given that this spacecraft has 50 degrees inclination,
	the latitude coordinates should remain in between
	-50 and 50 degrees, since inclination is defined as
	the angle between the orbital plane and Earth's
	equatorial plane
    assert np.all( sc.latlons[ :, 2 ] <=  50.0 ) and\
        np.all( sc.latlons[ :, 2 ] >= -50.0 )

    if plot:
예제 #5
def test_Spacecraft_maximum_altitude_stop_condition(plot=False):
    stop_conditions = {'max_alt': pd.earth['SOI'] - pd.earth['radius']}
    sc = SC({
        'coes': [-(pd.earth['radius'] + 1000.0), 1.8, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        'tspan': 5 * 24 * 3600.0,
        'rtol': 1e-9,
        'stop_conditions': stop_conditions
    assert sc.cb == pd.earth
	Since inclination is 0, all z-axis components of Spacecraft
	position and velocity should be 0
    assert np.all(sc.states[:, 2] == 0.0)
    assert np.all(sc.states[:, 5] == 0.0)
	The orbital elements were set such that maximum altitude
	crossing would occur, triggering the max_alt stop condition
    assert sc.ode_sol.success
    assert sc.ode_sol.message == 'A termination event occurred.'
    assert sc.ode_sol.status == 1

    assert pytest.approx(
     np.linalg.norm( sc.ode_sol.y_events[ 1 ][ :3 ] ) -\
     sc.cb[ 'radius' ], abs = 1e-3 ) ==\
     sc.cb[ 'SOI' ] - sc.cb[ 'radius' ]

    if plot:
        hline = {'val': pd.earth['SOI'] - pd.earth['radius'], 'color': 'c'}
            'hlines': [hline],
            'time_unit': 'hours',
            'title': 'test_Spacecraft_maximum_altitude_stop_condition',
            'show': True
예제 #6
def test_Spacecraft_basic_propagation(plot=False):
    sc = SC({
        'coes': [pd.earth['radius'] + 1000.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        'tspan': '1',
        'dt': 100.0,
        'rtol': 1e-8
    assert sc.cb == pd.earth
	Since inclination is 0, all z-axis components of Spacecraft
	position and velocity should be 0
    assert np.all(sc.states[:, 2] == 0.0)
    assert np.all(sc.states[:, 5] == 0.0)
	Since there are no orbital perturbations, all COEs except
	true anomaly should	be close to constant
	(not exactly constant due to numerical error).
	However, since this is a circular orbit, periapsis is loosely
	defined, causing errors in true anomaly (not exactly linear),
	argument of periapsis (bounces back and forth between
	0 and 359.9 degrees), eccentricity (random noise), and
	semi-major axis (drift / random noise)
    assert sc.coes_calculated
    assert pytest.approx(sc.coes[:, 0],
                         abs=1e-3) == pd.earth['radius'] + 1000.0  # sma
    assert pytest.approx(sc.coes[:, 1], abs=1e-6) == 0.0  # ecc
    assert np.all(sc.coes[:, 2] == 0.0)  # inc
    assert np.all(sc.coes[:, 5] == 0.0)  # raan

    apse_diffs = sc.apoapses - sc.periapses
    assert pytest.approx(apse_diffs, abs=1e-3) == 0.0

    if plot:
예제 #7
from Environment import Environment
from Spacecraft import Spacecraft
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os

from models.MATERIAL import MATERIAL

environment = Environment("models/spenvisdata.csv")
spacecraft = Spacecraft(MATERIAL.ALUMINIUM, 0.0003, environment)
masses = [mass * 0.001
          for mass in environment.getMasses()][0:112]  # gives masses in kg
IndividualFluxes = [flux for flux in environment.getFluxes()
                    ][0:112]  # gives flux in 1/(m^2 * yr)
diameters = [diameter * 0.01 for diameter in environment.getDiameters()
             ][0:112]  # gives diameters in m
densities = [density * 1000 for density in environment.getDensities()
             ][0:112]  # gives densities in kg/m^-3
# Give specifications of the run
N = 10000
thickness = 1.0  # milimeter

# Get name where file is based
basename = 'run_{}_{}_{}'.format(N, materialType, thickness)
path = '../Simulation_data/' + basename

# Retrieve files and data
dataPerRun = pd.read_csv(path + '/' + 'dataPerun.csv', header=0, sep='\t')
예제 #8
from Environment import Environment
from Spacecraft import Spacecraft
from models.MATERIAL import MATERIAL
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
from multiprocessing import Pool
import multiprocessing
from numba import jit,cuda

# Specify variables for the run
N = 20000
environment = Environment("models/spenvisdata.csv")
spacecraft = Spacecraft(MATERIAL.ALUMINIUM, 0.0010, environment)

#Single model run
def f(input):
    if input % np.ceil(N / 10) == 0:
        print('progress: {}%'.format(input / N * 100))
    return spacecraft.getDamage()

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Calculate data using multiprocessing to speed up the process
    # with a factor = #number of cpus on the device. Disable if slow computer!
    pool = Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()-1)
    results = list(zip(*pool.map(f, [i for i in range(N)])))
예제 #9
import orbit_calculations as oc
import plotting_tools     as pt
import planetary_data     as pd

if __name__ == '__main__':
	periapsis = pd.earth[ 'radius' ] + 4000.0 # km

	coes_circular    = [ periapsis,       0,   0, 0, 0, 0 ]
	coes_elliptical  = [ periapsis / 0.3, 0.7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
	state_parabolic  = spice.conics(
		[ periapsis, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, -10.0, 0, pd.earth[ 'mu' ] ], 0 )
	state_hyperbolic = spice.conics(
		[ periapsis, 2.5, 0, 0, 0, -10.0, 0, pd.earth[ 'mu' ] ], 0 )

	sc_circular   = SC( { 'coes': coes_circular,   'tspan': '1' } )
	sc_elliptical = SC( { 'coes': coes_elliptical, 'tspan': '2' } )
	sc_parabolic  = SC( { 'orbit_state': state_parabolic,  'tspan': 70000.0 } )
	sc_hyperbolic = SC( { 'orbit_state': state_hyperbolic, 'tspan': 30000.0 } )
	rs = [ sc_circular.states [ :, :3 ], sc_elliptical.states[ :, :3 ],
		   sc_parabolic.states[ :, :3 ], sc_hyperbolic.states[ :, :3 ] ]
	labels = [ 'Circular $(ecc=0.0)$',  'Elliptical $(ecc=0.7)$',
			   'Parabolic $(ecc=1.0)$', 'Hyperbolic $(ecc=3.0)$' ]

	sc_elliptical.plot_states( {
		'time_unit': 'hours',
		'show'     : True
		} )

	pt.plot_orbits( rs,
예제 #10
AWP | Astrodynamics with Python by Alfonso Gonzalez

Hello world of Spacecraft class
Two-body propagation with J2 perturbation for 100 periods

# Python standard libraries
# AWP libraries
from Spacecraft import Spacecraft as SC
from planetary_data import earth

if __name__ == '__main__':
    coes = [earth['radius'] + 1000, 0.05, 30.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    sc = SC({
        'coes': coes,
        'tspan': '100',
        'dt': 100.0,
        'orbit_perts': {
            'J2': True
예제 #11
# AWP library
from Spacecraft import Spacecraft as SC
import spice_data as sd
import spice_tools as st

# 3rd party libraries
import spiceypy as spice

if __name__ == '__main__':

    sc = SC({
        'date0': '2021-03-03 22:10:35 TDB',
        'coes': [7480.0, 0.09, 5.5, 6.26, 5.95, 0.2],
        'tspan': '40',

    st.write_bsp(sc.ets, sc.states[:, :6], {'bsp_fn': 'leo.bsp'})

    et0 = spice.str2et('2021-03-03 22:10:40 TDB')
    etf = spice.str2et('2021-03-04 TDB')

    timecell = spice.utils.support_types.SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(2)
    spice.appndd(et0, timecell)
    spice.appndd(etf, timecell)

    cell = spice.gfoclt('ANY', '399', 'ELLIPSOID', 'IAU_EARTH', '10',
                        'ELLIPSOID', 'IAU_SUN', 'LT', '-999', 120.0, timecell)
예제 #12
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 2

# Molniya orbital elements
raan = 30.0
inc = 63.4
aop = 270.0
a = 26600.0
e = 0.7
coes = [a, e, inc, 0.0, aop, raan]

sc_config = {'coes': coes, 'tspan': '2.5', 'dt': 100.0}

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sc = SC(sc_config)

        'colors': ['c'],
        'elevation': 13,
        'azimuth': -13,
        'legend': False,  # you are the legend
        'show': True

    accels = np.zeros((sc.states.shape[0], 3))

    for n in range(sc.states.shape[0]):
        accels[n] = oc.two_body_ode(sc.ets[n], sc.states[n])[3:]

    rnorms = np.linalg.norm(sc.states[:, :3], axis=1)
예제 #13
파일: SSO.py 프로젝트: alfonsogonzalez/AWP
AWP | Astrodynamics with Python by Alfonso Gonzalez

Sun-synchronous orbit spacecraft eclipse calculations

# AWP library
from Spacecraft import Spacecraft as SC
import spice_data as sd

# 3rd party libraries
import spiceypy as spice

if __name__ == '__main__':
	spice.furnsh( sd.leapseconds_kernel )
	spice.furnsh( sd.de432 )	

	sc = SC( {
		'date0': '2021-01-01',
		'coes' : [ 6378 + 890.0, 0.0, 99.0, 0, 0, 80 ],
		'tspan': '4',
		} )
	sc.calc_eclipses( vv = True )

	sc.plot_eclipse_array( {
		'time_unit': 'days',
		'show'     : True
	} )
예제 #14
Acceleration, Velocity and Position subplots script
for circular orbit

from Spacecraft import Spacecraft as SC
import orbit_calculations as oc

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

a = 8078.0
coes = [a, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

sc_config = {'coes': coes, 'tspan': '1.0', 'dt': 100.0}

fn = '/mnt/c/Users/alfon/AWP/foom2_ode_solvers/eq_3d.png'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    sc = SC(sc_config)
        'colors': ['c'],
        'elevation': 90,
        'azimuth': 270,
        'hide_axes': True,
        'legend': False,
        'filename': fn,
        'dpi': 300