def require(self, mnemonicsList): """Download a list of Hardware Objects in one go""" self.requiredHardwareObjects = {} if not self.server: return try: t0 = time.time() mnemonics = ",".join([repr(mne) for mne in mnemonicsList]) if len(mnemonics) > 0: self.requiredHardwareObjects = SpecWaitObject.waitReply( self.server, "send_msg_cmd_with_return", ("xml_getall(%s)" % mnemonics,), timeout=3, ) logging.getLogger("HWR").debug( "Getting %s hardware objects took %s ms." % (len(self.requiredHardwareObjects), (time.time() - t0) * 1000) ) except SpecClientError.SpecClientTimeoutError: logging.getLogger("HWR").error("Timeout loading Hardware Objects") except BaseException: logging.getLogger("HWR").exception( "Could not execute 'require' on Hardware Repository server" )
def require(self, mnemonicsList): """Download a list of Hardware Objects in one go""" self.requiredHardwareObjects = {} if not self.server: return try: t0 = time.time() mnemonics = ",".join([repr(mne) for mne in mnemonicsList]) if len(mnemonics) > 0: self.requiredHardwareObjects = SpecWaitObject.waitReply( self.server, "send_msg_cmd_with_return", ("xml_getall(%s)" % mnemonics, ), timeout=3, ) logging.getLogger("HWR").debug( "Getting %s hardware objects took %s ms." % (len(self.requiredHardwareObjects), (time.time() - t0) * 1000)) except SpecClientError.SpecClientTimeoutError: logging.getLogger("HWR").error("Timeout loading Hardware Objects") except Exception: logging.getLogger("HWR").exception( "Could not execute 'require' on Hardware Repository server")
def getHardwareRepositoryFiles(self, startdir = '/'): #TODO: when server is not used if not self.server: return try: completeFilesList = SpecWaitObject.waitReply(self.server, 'send_msg_chan_read', ('readDirectory()', ), timeout = 3) except: logging.getLogger('HWR').error('Cannot retrieve Hardware Repository files list') else: if '__error__' in completeFilesList: logging.getLogger('HWR').error('Error while doing Hardware Repository files list') return else: for name, filename in completeFilesList.items(): if name.startswith(startdir): yield (name, filename)
def getHardwareRepositoryFiles(self, startdir="/"): # TODO: when server is not used if not self.server: return try: completeFilesList = SpecWaitObject.waitReply( self.server, "send_msg_chan_read", ("readDirectory()",), timeout=3 ) except: logging.getLogger("HWR").error("Cannot retrieve Hardware Repository files list") else: if "__error__" in completeFilesList: logging.getLogger("HWR").error("Error while doing Hardware Repository files list") return else: for name, filename in completeFilesList.items(): if name.startswith(startdir): yield (name, filename)
def getHardwareRepositoryFiles(self, startdir="/"): # TODO: when server is not used if not self.server: return try: completeFilesList = SpecWaitObject.waitReply(self.server, "send_msg_chan_read", ("readDirectory()", ), timeout=3) except Exception: logging.getLogger("HWR").error( "Cannot retrieve Hardware Repository files list") else: if "__error__" in completeFilesList: logging.getLogger("HWR").error( "Error while doing Hardware Repository files list") return else: for name, filename in completeFilesList.items(): if name.startswith(startdir): yield (name, filename)
def loadHardwareObject(self, hoName): """Load a Hardware Object Parameters : hoName -- string name of the Hardware Object to load, for example '/motors/m0' Return : the loaded Hardware Object, or None if it fails """ if self.server: if self.server.isSpecConnected(): try: #t0=time.time() if hoName in self.requiredHardwareObjects: replyDict = self.requiredHardwareObjects[hoName] #del self.requiredHardwareObjects[hoName] else: replyDict = SpecWaitObject.waitReply(self.server, 'send_msg_chan_read', ('xml_get("%s")' % hoName, ), timeout = 3) except: logging.getLogger('HWR').exception('Could not load Hardware Object "%s"', hoName) else: #print 'loading %s took %s ms' % (hoName, 1000*(time.time()-t0)) try: xmldata = replyDict['xmldata'] mtime = int(replyDict['mtime']) except KeyError: logging.getLogger("HWR").error("Cannot load Hardware Object %s: file does not exist.", hoName) return else: logging.getLogger('HWR').error('Cannot load Hardware Object "%s" : not connected to server.', hoName) else: xmldata = "" for xml_files_path in self.serverAddress: file_name = hoName[1:] if hoName.startswith(os.path.sep) else hoName file_path = os.path.join(xml_files_path, file_name)+os.path.extsep+"xml" if os.path.exists(file_path): try: xmldata = open(file_path, "r").read() except: pass break if True: if len(xmldata) > 0: try: #t0 = time.time() ho = self.parseXML(xmldata, hoName) #print 'parsing %s took %s ms' % (hoName, (time.time()-t0)*1000) except: logging.getLogger("HWR").exception("Cannot parse XML file for Hardware Object %s", hoName) else: if ho is not None: self.xml_source[hoName]=xmldata dispatcher.send('hardwareObjectLoaded', hoName, self) def hardwareObjectDeleted( logging.getLogger("HWR").debug("%s Hardware Object has been deleted from Hardware Repository", name) del self.hardwareObjects[name] ho.resolveReferences() try: def addChannelsAndCommands(node): #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if isinstance(node, BaseHardwareObjects.CommandContainer): node._addChannelsAndCommands() for child_node in node: addChannelsAndCommands(child_node) addChannelsAndCommands(ho) except: logging.getLogger('HWR').exception("Error while adding commands and/or channels to Hardware Object %s", hoName) try: ho._init() ho.init() except: logging.getLogger('HWR').exception('Cannot initialize Hardware Object "%s"', hoName) self.invalidHardwareObjects.add( return None else: if in self.invalidHardwareObjects: self.invalidHardwareObjects.remove( self.hardwareObjects[] = ho return ho else: logging.getLogger("HWR").error("Failed to load Hardware Object %s", hoName) else: logging.getLogger('HWR').error('Cannot load Hardware Object "%s" : file not found.', hoName)
def loadHardwareObject(self, hwobj_name=""): """ Load a Hardware Object :param hwobj_name: string name of the Hardware Object to load, for example '/motors/m0' :return: the loaded Hardware Object, or None if it fails """ comment = "" class_name = "" hwobj_instance = None if self.server: if self.server.isSpecConnected(): try: if hwobj_name in self.requiredHardwareObjects: reply_dict = self.requiredHardwareObjects[hwobj_name] else: reply_dict = SpecWaitObject.waitReply( self.server, "send_msg_chan_read", ('xml_get("%s")' % hwobj_name,), timeout=3, ) except BaseException: logging.getLogger("HWR").exception( 'Could not load Hardware Object "%s"' % hwobj_name ) else: try: # TODO Both variables not used: remove? xml_data = reply_dict["xmldata"] mtime = int(reply_dict["mtime"]) except KeyError: logging.getLogger("HWR").error( "Cannot load Hardware Object %s: file does not exist." % hwobj_name ) return else: logging.getLogger("HWR").error( 'Cannot load Hardware Object "%s" : not connected to server.' % hwobj_name ) else: xml_data = "" for xml_files_path in self.serverAddress: file_name = ( hwobj_name[1:] if hwobj_name.startswith(os.path.sep) else hwobj_name ) file_path = ( os.path.join(xml_files_path, file_name) + os.path.extsep + "xml" ) if os.path.exists(file_path): try: xml_data = open(file_path, "r").read() except BaseException: pass break start_time = if len(xml_data) > 0: try: hwobj_instance = self.parseXML(xml_data, hwobj_name) if isinstance(hwobj_instance, string_types): return self.loadHardwareObject(hwobj_instance) except BaseException: comment = "Cannot parse xml" logging.getLogger("HWR").exception( "Cannot parse XML file for Hardware Object %s", hwobj_name ) else: if hwobj_instance is not None: self.xml_source[hwobj_name] = xml_data dispatcher.send("hardwareObjectLoaded", hwobj_name, self) def hardwareObjectDeleted( logging.getLogger("HWR").debug( "%s Hardware Object has been deleted from Hardware Repository", name, ) del self.hardwareObjects[name] hwobj_instance.resolveReferences() try: hwobj_instance._addChannelsAndCommands() except BaseException: logging.getLogger("HWR").exception( "Error while adding commands and/or channels to Hardware Object %s", hwobj_name, ) comment = "Failed to add all commands and/or channels" try: hwobj_instance._init() hwobj_instance.init() class_name = str(hwobj_instance.__module__) except BaseException: logging.getLogger("HWR").exception( 'Cannot initialize Hardware Object "%s"', hwobj_name ) self.invalidHardwareObjects.add( hwobj_instance = None comment = "Failed to init class" else: if in self.invalidHardwareObjects: self.invalidHardwareObjects.remove( self.hardwareObjects[] = hwobj_instance else: logging.getLogger("HWR").error( "Failed to load Hardware object %s", hwobj_name ) comment = "Loading failed" else: logging.getLogger("HWR").error( 'Cannot load Hardware Object "%s" : file not found.', hwobj_name ) end_time = time_delta = end_time - start_time self.hwobj_info_list.append( ( hwobj_name, class_name, "%d ms" % (time_delta.microseconds / 1000), comment, ) ) return hwobj_instance
def _loadHardwareObject(self, hwobj_name=""): """ Load a Hardware Object. Do NOT use externally, as this will mess up object tracking, signals, etc. :param hwobj_name: string name of the Hardware Object to load, e.g. /motors/m0 :return: the loaded Hardware Object, or None if it fails """ comment = "" class_name = "" hwobj_instance = None if self.server: if self.server.isSpecConnected(): try: if hwobj_name in self.requiredHardwareObjects: reply_dict = self.requiredHardwareObjects[hwobj_name] else: reply_dict = SpecWaitObject.waitReply( self.server, "send_msg_chan_read", ('xml_get("%s")' % hwobj_name, ), timeout=3, ) except Exception: logging.getLogger("HWR").exception( 'Could not load Hardware Object "%s"', hwobj_name) else: try: # TODO Both variables not used: remove? xml_data = reply_dict["xmldata"] mtime = int(reply_dict["mtime"]) except KeyError: logging.getLogger("HWR").error( "Cannot load Hardware Object %s: file does not exist.", hwobj_name, ) return else: logging.getLogger("HWR").error( 'Cannot load Hardware Object "%s" : not connected to server.', hwobj_name, ) else: xml_data = "" for xml_files_path in self.serverAddress: file_name = (hwobj_name[1:] if hwobj_name.startswith( os.path.sep) else hwobj_name) file_path = (os.path.join(xml_files_path, file_name) + os.path.extsep + "xml") if os.path.exists(file_path): try: xml_data = open(file_path, "r").read() except Exception: pass break start_time = if xml_data: try: hwobj_instance = self.parseXML(xml_data, hwobj_name) if isinstance(hwobj_instance, string_types): # We have redirection to another file # Enter in dictionaries also under original names result = self._loadHardwareObject(hwobj_instance) if hwobj_name in self.invalidHardwareObjects: self.invalidHardwareObjects.remove(hwobj_name) self.hardwareObjects[hwobj_name] = result return result except Exception: comment = "Cannot parse xml" logging.getLogger("HWR").exception( "Cannot parse XML file for Hardware Object %s", hwobj_name) else: if hwobj_instance is not None: self.xml_source[hwobj_name] = xml_data dispatcher.send("hardwareObjectLoaded", hwobj_name, self) def hardwareObjectDeleted( logging.getLogger("HWR").debug( "%s Hardware Object has been deleted from Hardware Repository", name, ) del self.hardwareObjects[name] hwobj_instance.resolveReferences() try: hwobj_instance._add_channels_and_commands() except Exception: logging.getLogger("HWR").exception( "Error while adding commands and/or channels to Hardware Object %s", hwobj_name, ) comment = "Failed to add all commands and/or channels" try: hwobj_instance._init() hwobj_instance.init() class_name = str(hwobj_instance.__module__) except Exception: logging.getLogger("HWR").exception( 'Cannot initialize Hardware Object "%s"', hwobj_name) self.invalidHardwareObjects.add( hwobj_instance = None comment = "Failed to init class" else: if ) in self.invalidHardwareObjects: self.invalidHardwareObjects.remove( self.hardwareObjects[] = hwobj_instance else: logging.getLogger("HWR").error( "Failed to load Hardware object %s", hwobj_name) comment = "Loading failed" else: logging.getLogger("HWR").error( 'Cannot load Hardware Object "%s" : file not found.', hwobj_name) end_time = time_delta = end_time - start_time self.hwobj_info_list.append(( hwobj_name, class_name, "%d ms" % (time_delta.microseconds / 1000), comment, )) return hwobj_instance
def loadHardwareObject(self, hwobj_name=""): """ Load a Hardware Object :param hwobj_name: string name of the Hardware Object to load, for example '/motors/m0' :return: the loaded Hardware Object, or None if it fails """ comment = "" class_name = "" hwobj_instance = None if self.server: if self.server.isSpecConnected(): try: if hwobj_name in self.requiredHardwareObjects: reply_dict = self.requiredHardwareObjects[hwobj_name] else: reply_dict = SpecWaitObject.waitReply( self.server, 'send_msg_chan_read', ('xml_get("%s")' % hwobj_name, ), timeout=3) except: logging.getLogger('HWR').exception( 'Could not load Hardware Object "%s"' % hwobj_name) else: try: #TODO Both variables not used: remove? xml_data = reply_dict['xmldata'] mtime = int(reply_dict['mtime']) except KeyError: logging.getLogger("HWR").error( "Cannot load Hardware Object %s: file does not exist." % hwobj_name) return else: logging.getLogger('HWR').error( 'Cannot load Hardware Object "%s" : not connected to server.' % hwobj_name) else: xml_data = "" for xml_files_path in self.serverAddress: file_name = hwobj_name[1:] if hwobj_name.startswith( os.path.sep) else hwobj_name file_path = os.path.join(xml_files_path, file_name) + \ os.path.extsep + \ "xml" if os.path.exists(file_path): try: xml_data = open(file_path, "r").read() except: pass break start_time = if len(xml_data) > 0: try: hwobj_instance = self.parseXML(xml_data, hwobj_name) if type(hwobj_instance) == str: return self.loadHardwareObject(hwobj_instance) except: comment = "Cannot parse xml" logging.getLogger("HWR").exception( "Cannot parse XML file for Hardware Object %s", hwobj_name) else: if hwobj_instance is not None: self.xml_source[hwobj_name] = xml_data dispatcher.send('hardwareObjectLoaded', hwobj_name, self) def hardwareObjectDeleted( logging.getLogger("HWR").debug( "%s Hardware Object has been deleted from Hardware Repository", name) del self.hardwareObjects[name] hwobj_instance.resolveReferences() try: hwobj_instance._addChannelsAndCommands() except: logging.getLogger('HWR').exception( "Error while adding commands and/or channels to Hardware Object %s", hwobj_name) comment = "Failed to add all commands and/or channels" try: hwobj_instance._init() hwobj_instance.init() class_name = str(hwobj_instance.__module__) except: logging.getLogger('HWR').exception( 'Cannot initialize Hardware Object "%s"', hwobj_name) self.invalidHardwareObjects.add( hwobj_instance = None comment = "Failed to init class" else: if ) in self.invalidHardwareObjects: self.invalidHardwareObjects.remove( self.hardwareObjects[] = hwobj_instance else: logging.getLogger("HWR").error( "Failed to load Hardware object %s", hwobj_name) comment = "Loading failed" else: logging.getLogger('HWR').error( 'Cannot load Hardware Object "%s" : file not found.', hwobj_name) end_time = time_delta = end_time - start_time self.hwobj_info_list.append( (hwobj_name, class_name, "%d ms" % (time_delta.microseconds / 1000), comment)) return hwobj_instance