def test_run_nonexisting_app(self): import subprocess cmd = "non_existing_app" args = [""] err = subprocess.CalledProcessError with self.assertRaises(err): FileSystem.run_external_app(cmd, args)
def run_tiling(ds_or_path, **kwargs): """ Run the tiling process :param ds_or_path: The :class:`gdal.Dataset` or a path to a file on disk to be tiled :type ds_or_path: :class:`gdal.Dataset` or str :param kwargs: Optional arguments. :return: Creates the tiles in the given location. """ cmd_dict = {"Verbose": "-v", "Quiet": "-q", "CreationOptions": "-co", "TileSize": "-ps", "Overlap": "-overlap", "Format": "-of", "BandType": "-ot", "TileIndexFieldName": "-tileIndexField", "TileIndexName": "-tileIndex", "CsvDelimiter": "-csvDelim", "Source_SRS": "-s_srs", "TargetDir": "-targetDir", "-ResamplingMethod": "-r", "Levels": "-levels", "PyramidOnly": "-pyramidOnly", "UseDirForEachRow": "-useDirForEachRow"} gdal.AllRegister() gdal.UseExceptions() options = [] if type(ds_or_path) != str: tmppath = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), next(tempfile._get_candidate_names())) ds_or_path.write(tmppath) del_tmp = True else: tmppath = ds_or_path del_tmp = False tx, ty = None, None for key in kwargs.keys(): if key == "TileWidth": ty = kwargs[key] elif key == "TileHeight": tx = kwargs[key] else: options += [cmd_dict[key], kwargs[key]] if not tx or not ty: raise ValueError("Must provide tile width and height: (%s, %s)" % (ty, tx)) options += [cmd_dict["TileSize"], "%s %s" % (ty, tx)] options += [tmppath] assert FileSystem.run_external_app("", options) == 0, "Error running gdal_retile" bname = os.path.basename(tmppath) outpath = kwargs["TargetDir"] # TODO Discard previously written files from `find`: files_written = sorted(FileSystem.find(r"%s_\d+_\d+.tif" % bname, path=outpath)) if del_tmp: FileSystem.remove_file(tmppath) return files_written
def launch_maja(self, maja, wdir, inputdir, outdir, conf): """ Run the MAJA processor for the given input_dir, mode and tile :param maja: The full path to the maja executable :param wdir: The working dir containing all inputs :param inputdir: The input directory containing all necessary files :param outdir: The output L2-directory :param conf: The full path to the userconf folder :return: The return code of Maja """ from StartMaja.Common import FileSystem logfile = os.path.join(outdir, "%s.log" % self.l1.base.split(".")[0]) args = [ "-w", wdir, "--input", inputdir, "--output", outdir, "--mode", "L2" + self.mode, "-ucs", conf, "--TileId", self.tile, "--loglevel", self.log_level ] return FileSystem.run_external_app(maja, args, logfile=logfile, skip_error=self.skip_errors)
def test_run_app(self): import logging cmd = "echo" args = ["Hello"] self.assertEqual( FileSystem.run_external_app(cmd, args, log_level=logging.INFO), 0)