self.checkValidVariable(statementString, variableTable)
            print self.variable, self.value
        return validStatement
    def toCCode(self):
        if self.increment:
            return "{0}++;\n".format(
            return "{0} += {1};\n".format(, self.value)
    def checkValidVariable(self, statementString, variableTable):
        """ Checks if the variable in the statement is a valid variable """
        variableName = self.getVariableName(statementString)
        self.variable = variableTable.getVariableWithName(variableName)
        if self.variable is None:
            print variableName, " is not a recognized variable"
    def checkValidValue(self, statementString):
        """ Checks to see if the value is a valid value"""
        if not self.increment:
            self.value = statementString.split(", IM UPPIN YA BY ")[1].strip()
            self.value = 1
    def getVariableName(self, statementString):
        """ Return the variable name in the given statment"""
        return statementString.split(",")[0]
__statementClasses.append(VariableIncrementStatment) # Register with the Statement Factory
예제 #2
from Statements.statement_factory import __statementClasses

class ProgramExitStatement:
    """ Represents the Program Exit Statement """
    def __init__(self):
        """  """
    def isValidStatement(self, statementString, variableTable):
        """ Returns if the string is a valid statement """
        # May want this to throw an exception if the statement looks almost proper, but fails for some reason
        return statementString == "KTHXBYE!"
    def toCCode(self):
        """ Translates the statement to C Code """
        return "return 0;\n}"
__statementClasses.append(ProgramExitStatement) # Register with the Statement Factory
        validStatement = re.match(r"I HAZ .+? .+", statementString)
        if validStatement:
            self.addVariableToVariableList(statementString, variableTable)
        return validStatement
    def toCCode(self):
        """ Translates the statement to C Code """
        return "{0} {1};\n".format(self.variable.type.lower(), 
    def addVariableToVariableList(self, statementString, variableTable):
        """ Returns the variable name in the given statement string """
        statementPieces = statementString.split()
        type = self.getVariableType(statementPieces)
        name = self.getVariableName(statementString, type)
        self.variable = Variable(name, type)
    def getVariableName(self, statementString, type):
        """ Returns the variable name in the given statement string """
        return statementString.split(type)[1].strip()
    def getVariableType(self, statementPieces):
        """ Returns the variable type in the given statement string """
        for type in VariableDeclarationStatement.types:
            if type in statementPieces:
                return type
        # Should throw an exception if it does not have a valid type
__statementClasses.append(VariableDeclarationStatement) # Register with the Statement Factory
        validStatement = re.match(r".+, I HAVE .+? TO PUT IN YOU", statementString)
        if validStatement:
            self.checkValidVariable(statementString, variableTable)
            print self.variable, self.value
        return validStatement
    def toCCode(self):
        """ Translates the statement to C Code """
        return "{0} = {1};\n".format(, self.value)
    def checkValidVariable(self, statementString, variableTable):
        """ Checks if the variable in the statement is a valid variable """
        variableName = self.getVariableName(statementString)
        self.variable = variableTable.getVariableWithName(variableName)
        if self.variable is None:
            print variableName, "is not a recognized variable"
    def checkValidValue(self, statementString):
        """ Checks if the value is a valid value """
        valueHalf = statementString.split(", I HAVE ")[1]
        self.value = valueHalf.split(" TO PUT IN YOU")[0].strip()
        # Should check if the value is a proper value for the variable type
    def getVariableName(self, statementString):
        """ Returns the variable name in the given statement string """
        return statementString.split(",")[0]
__statementClasses.append(VariableAssignmentStatement) # Register with the Statement Factory