matLib = MaterialLib()
matLib.addMat(1, 'AS43501-6', 'trans_iso',
              [20.6e6, 1.42e6, .34, .34, .87e6, 0.], 0.004826)
matLib.addMat(2, 'AS43501-6*', 'trans_iso',
              [20.6e6, 1.42e6, .34, .42, .87e6, 0.], .005)

# Box Configuration 2
c2 = 0.53
xdim2 = [-0.8990566037735849, 0.8990566037735849]
af2 = Airfoil(c2, name='box')

# B1 Box beam (0.5 x 0.923 in^2 box with laminate schedule [15]_6)
n_i_B1 = [6]
m_i_B1 = [2]
th_B1 = [-15]
lam1_B1 = Laminate(n_i_B1, m_i_B1, matLib, th=th_B1)
lam2_B1 = Laminate(n_i_B1, m_i_B1, matLib, th=th_B1)
lam3_B1 = Laminate(n_i_B1, m_i_B1, matLib, th=th_B1)
lam4_B1 = Laminate(n_i_B1, m_i_B1, matLib, th=th_B1)
laminates_B1 = [lam1_B1, lam2_B1, lam3_B1, lam4_B1]
xsect_B1 = XSect(af2, xdim2, laminates_B1, matLib, typeXsect='box', meshSize=2)

import time
t1 = time.time()
# With lu factorization
t2 = time.time()
# With linalg.solve
예제 #2
 def __init__(self, PID, p1, p2, croot, ctip, x0_spar, xf_spar, Y_rib,
              n_ply, m_ply, mat_lib, **kwargs):
     """Creates a wing object.
     This object represents a wing and contains both structural and
     aerodynamic models.
     - `PID (int)`: The integer ID linked to this part.
     - `p1 (1x3 np.array[float])`: The initial x,y,z coordinates of the wing.
     - `p2 (1x3 np.array[float]`: The final x,y,z coordinates of the wing.
     - `croot (float)`: The root chord length.
     - `ctip (float)`: The tip chord length.
     - `x0_spar (float)`: The non-dimensional starting location of the cross
     - `xf_spar (float)`: The non-dimensional ending location of the cross
     - `Y_rib (1xN Array[float])`: The non-dimensional rib locations within
         the wing. This dimension is primarily used to create wing-sections
         which primarily define the buckling span's for laminate objects.
     - `n_ply (1xM Array[int])`: An array of integers specifying the number
         plies to be used in the model. Each integer refers to the number of
         plies to be used for at a given orientation.
     - `m_ply (1xM Array[int])`: An array of integers specifying the
         material ID to be used for the corresponding number of plies in
         n_ply at a given orientation.
     - `th_ply (1xM Array[int])`: An array of floats specifying the
         degree orientations of the plies used by the lamiantes in the
     - `mat_lib (obj)`: A material library containing all of the material
         objets to be used in the model.
     - `name (str)`: The name of the airfoil section to be used for cross
         section generation.
     - `wing_SNID (int)`: The first node ID associated with the wing.
     - `wing_SEID (int)`: The first beam element ID associated with the wing.
     - `wing_SSBID (int)`: The first superbeam ID associated with the wing.
     - `SXID (int)`: The starting cross-section ID used by the wing.
     - `noe (float)`: The number of beam elements to be used in the wing per
         unit length.
     - `n_orients (int)`: The number of fiber orientations to be used in
         each laminate.
     - `n_lams (int)`: The number of laminates required to mesh the desired
     - `meshSize (float)`: The maximum aspect ratio a 2D element may have in
         the cross-section.
     - `ref_ax (str)`: The reference axis to be loaded in the wing.
     - `chordVec (1x3 np.array[float])`: This numpy array is used to orient
         the cross-section in 3D space. It corresponds to the local unit x-
         vector in the cross-section, expressed in the global frame.
     - `typeXSect (str)`: The type of cross-section to be used by the wing
         structure. Currently the suported typed are 'boxbeam', 'laminate',
         and 'rectBoxBeam'. See the meshing class in the structures module
         for more details.
     - None
     #The type of the object
     self.type = 'wing'
     # Initialize the array holding wing sections
     self.wingSects = []
     # Initialize the wing ID
     self.PID = PID
     # Initialize Lifting surface Array
     self.liftingSurfaces = {}
     # Name of the airfoil section (used to generate the OML shape of the x-section)
     name = kwargs.pop('name', 'NACA0012')
     # The initial starting node ID for the structural generation of the wing
     tmp_SB_SNID = kwargs.pop('wing_SNID', 0)
     # The initial beam element EID for the first superbeam ID
     tmp_SB_SEID = kwargs.pop('wing_SEID', 0)
     # The initial starting superbeam ID
     tmp_SB_SBID = kwargs.pop('wing_SSBID', 0)
     # The starting cross-section ID
     SXID = kwargs.pop('SXID', 0)
     # The number of beam elements to be used per unit length
     noe = kwargs.pop('noe', 10)
     # The number of fiber orientations to be used in each laminate
     n_orients = kwargs.pop('n_orients', 4)
     # The number of laminates required to mesh the desired cross-section
     n_lams = kwargs.pop('n_lams', 4)
     # Laminate symmetry
     lam_sym = kwargs.pop('lam_sym', False)
     # The maximum aspect ratio a 2D element may have in the cross-section
     meshSize = kwargs.pop('meshSize', 4)
     # The reference axis to be loaded in the wing
     ref_ax = kwargs.pop('ref_ax', 'shearCntr')
     # Chord vector for wing
     chordVec = kwargs.pop('chordVec', np.array([1., 0., 0.]))
     # Orientations of each ply in the lamiante
     th_ply = kwargs.pop('th_ply', [0] * len(n_ply))
     # Type of cross-section
     typeXSect = kwargs.pop('typeXSect', 'box')
     # Calculate the wing span:
     b_s = np.linalg.norm(p2 - p1)
     # Lambda function to calculate average panel chord length on on the fly.
     chord = lambda y: (ctip - croot) * y / b_s + croot
     # Create wing sections between each rib:
     for i in range(0, len(Y_rib) - 1):
         # Create a wing panel object based on the average chord length
         # Determine the laminate schedule beam section
         section_lams = []
         for j in range(0, n_lams):
             # Select vectors of thicknesses and MID's:
             n_i_tmp = n_ply[i * n_lams + n_orients * j:i * n_lams +
                             n_orients * j + n_orients]
             m_i_tmp = m_ply[i * n_lams + n_orients * j:i * n_lams +
                             n_orients * j + n_orients]
             th_i_tmp = th_ply[i * n_lams + n_orients * j:i * n_lams +
                               n_orients * j + n_orients]
             section_lams += [
         # Compile all information needed to create xsection and beams
         # Starting coordiante of super beam
         tmp_x1 = p1 + Y_rib[i] * (p2 - p1)
         # Ending coordiante of super beam
         tmp_x2 = p1 + Y_rib[i + 1] * (p2 - p1)
         tmpWingSect = WingSection(tmp_x1,tmp_x2,chord,name,x0_spar,xf_spar,\
         # Prepare ID values for next iteration
         tmp_SB_SNID = tmpWingSect.SuperBeams[-1].enid
         tmp_SB_SEID = max(tmpWingSect.SuperBeams[-1].elems.keys()) + 1
         tmp_SB_SBID = tmpWingSect.SuperBeams[-1].SBID + 1
         self.wingSects += [tmpWingSect]
         SXID = max(self.wingSects[i].XIDs) + 1

# Box Configuration 2
c = 1.5
xdim = [-0.8990566037735849,0.8990566037735849]
strn = np.array([0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,1.0])

num_data_points = 50
cs = np.linspace(0.1,1,num_data_points)

# Layup 2 Box beam (0.5 x 0.923 in^2 box with laminate schedule [30,0]_3)
n_i_1 = [1,1,1,1,1,1]
m_i_1 = [1,1,1,1,1,1]
th_1 = [-15,-15,-15,-15,-15,-15]
lam1 = Laminate(n_i_1, m_i_1, matLib, th=th_1)
n_i_2 = [1,1,1,1,1,1]
m_i_2 = [1,1,1,1,1,1]
th_2 = [-15,15,-15,15,-15,15]
lam2 = Laminate(n_i_2, m_i_2, matLib, th=th_2)
n_i_3 = [1,1,1,1,1,1]
m_i_3 = [1,1,1,1,1,1]
th_3 = [15,15,15,15,15,15]
lam3 = Laminate(n_i_3, m_i_3, matLib, th=th_3)
n_i_4 = [1,1,1,1,1,1]
m_i_4 = [1,1,1,1,1,1]
th_4 = [-15,15,-15,15,-15,15]
lam4 = Laminate(n_i_4, m_i_4, matLib, th=th_4)
matLib.addMat(2, 'AS43501-6*', 'trans_iso',
              [20.6e6, 1.42e6, .34, .42, .87e6, 0.], .005)

# Box Configuration 2
c = 1.5
xdim = [-0.8990566037735849, 0.8990566037735849]
strn = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.0])

num_data_points = 50
cs = np.linspace(0.1, 1, num_data_points)

# Layup 2 Box beam (0.5 x 0.923 in^2 box with laminate schedule [30,0]_3)
n_i_1 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
m_i_1 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
th_1 = [-15, -15, -15, -15, -15, -15]
lam1 = Laminate(n_i_1, m_i_1, matLib, th=th_1)
n_i_2 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
m_i_2 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
th_2 = [-15, 15, -15, 15, -15, 15]
lam2 = Laminate(n_i_2, m_i_2, matLib, th=th_2)
n_i_3 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
m_i_3 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
th_3 = [15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15]
lam3 = Laminate(n_i_3, m_i_3, matLib, th=th_3)
n_i_4 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
m_i_4 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
th_4 = [-15, 15, -15, 15, -15, 15]
lam4 = Laminate(n_i_4, m_i_4, matLib, th=th_4)
matLib = MaterialLib()

# Box Configuration 2
c2 = 0.53
xdim2 = [-0.8990566037735849,0.8990566037735849]
af2 = Airfoil(c2,name='box')

# B1 Box beam (0.5 x 0.923 in^2 box with laminate schedule [15]_6)
n_i_B1 = [6]
m_i_B1 = [2]
th_B1 = [-15]
lam1_B1 = Laminate(n_i_B1, m_i_B1, matLib, th=th_B1)
lam2_B1 = Laminate(n_i_B1, m_i_B1, matLib, th=th_B1)
lam3_B1 = Laminate(n_i_B1, m_i_B1, matLib, th=th_B1)
lam4_B1 = Laminate(n_i_B1, m_i_B1, matLib, th=th_B1)
laminates_B1 = [lam1_B1,lam2_B1,lam3_B1,lam4_B1]
xsect_B1 = XSect(af2,xdim2,laminates_B1,matLib,typeXsect='box',meshSize=2)

import time
t1 = time.time()
# With lu factorization
t2 = time.time()
# With linalg.solve
예제 #6
lam3_B1 = Laminate(n_i_B1, m_i_B1, matLib, th=th_B1)
lam4_B1 = Laminate(n_i_B1, m_i_B1, matLib, th=th_B1)
laminates_B1 = [lam1_B1,lam2_B1,lam3_B1,lam4_B1]
xsect_B1 = XSect(af2,xdim2,laminates_B1,matLib,typeXsect='box',meshSize=2)
strn = np.array([0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,1.0])
xsect_B1.strn2dspl(strn,figName='Validation Case B1',contour_Total_T=True)

# Layup 1 Box beam (0.5 x 0.923 in^2 box with laminate schedule [0]_6)
n_i_Lay1 = [6]
m_i_Lay1 = [2]
th_Lay1 = [0]
lam1_Lay1 = Laminate(n_i_Lay1, m_i_Lay1, matLib, th=th_Lay1)
lam2_Lay1 = Laminate(n_i_Lay1, m_i_Lay1, matLib, th=th_Lay1)
lam3_Lay1 = Laminate(n_i_Lay1, m_i_Lay1, matLib, th=th_Lay1)
lam4_Lay1 = Laminate(n_i_Lay1, m_i_Lay1, matLib, th=th_Lay1)
laminates_Lay1 = [lam1_Lay1,lam2_Lay1,lam3_Lay1,lam4_Lay1]
xsect_Lay1 = XSect(af2,xdim2,laminates_Lay1,matLib,typeXsect='box',meshSize=2)
#xsect_Lay1.strn2dspl(strn,figName='Validation Case Layup 1',contour_Total_T=True)

xsect_Lay1_off = XSect(af2,xdim2_off,laminates_Lay1,matLib,typeXsect='box',meshSize=2)

Ktmp = xsect_Lay1_off.K