def select_path(self): "Выбираем путь куда сложим монтажный план и файл осей." dir_path = FolderBrowserDialog() res = dir_path.ShowDialog() if res == DialogResult.OK and dir_path.SelectedPath: dir_path = dir_path.SelectedPath return dir_path
def DirectoryOpenDialog(initialDirectory=None): dlg = FolderBrowserDialog() dlg.ShowNewFolderButton = True if initialDirectory: dlg.SelectedPath = initialDirectory #Path.GetFileName(initialFile) if dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel: return dlg.SelectedPath
def get_output_directory(): folder_dialog = FolderBrowserDialog() folder_dialog.ShowNewFolderButton = True folder_dialog.Description = 'Output directory for R scripts' if folder_dialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK: return None return folder_dialog.SelectedPath
def Dialog_dir_backup(self): """ Ask user to use same directory as Revit file or Open a DialogBox to select destination folder manually.""" try: #>>>>>>>>>> Check if Revit file exists. file_exist = os.path.exists(doc.PathName) if file_exist: dialogResult = MessageBox.Show( "Would you like to save CAD files in the same folder as current Revit file?\n\n" + "Current file's path: " + str(doc.PathName), __title__, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes): #>>>>>>>>>> Saving folder is the same as Revit location doc_path = doc.PathName rvt_name = doc_path.split("\\")[-1] temp = len(doc_path) - len(rvt_name) doc_dir = doc_path[:temp] return doc_dir #>>>>>>>>>> CHOOSE SAVING DIR fileDialog = FolderBrowserDialog() fileDialog.Description = "Select folder for saving dwg files." fileDialog.ShowDialog() #>>>>>>>>>> SELECTED PATH dir_backup = fileDialog.SelectedPath if not dir_backup: alert("Backup path was not selected!\n Please try again.", title=__title__, exitscript=True) return dir_backup except: return None
def __init__(self): self.Text = "Spreadsheet to HTML" self.Width = 220 self.Height = 90 self.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D self.openDialog = OpenFileDialog() self.openDialog.Title = "Choose a Python Spreadsheet File" self.openDialog.Filter = 'Python files (*.py)|*.py|All files (*.*)|*.*' self.folderDialog = FolderBrowserDialog() self.folderDialog.ShowNewFolderButton = True self.folderDialog.Description = "Choose a directory to save the HTML files in." l = Label() l.AutoSize = True l.Location = Point(50, 5) l.Text = "Choose a Spreadsheet" b = Button(Text="Choose") b.Click += self.convert b.Location = Point(70, 30) self.Controls.Add(l) self.Controls.Add(b)
def MenuPath_Click(self, sender, e): dialog = FolderBrowserDialog() result = dialog.ShowDialog() if result == result.OK: self.path = dialog.SelectedPath pass
def Folder_Browser_dialog(self, suffix): dialog = FolderBrowserDialog() if dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK: folder = str(dialog.SelectedPath) + "\\**\\" files = glob2.glob(folder + suffix) #ex '*.log' for f in files: self.file_list.append(f) return True return False
def folder_tb_PreviewMouseDoubleClick(self, sender, e): dialog = FolderBrowserDialog() if self.folder_tb: dialog.SelectedPath = self.folder_tb.Text else: dialog.SelectedPath = 'c:\\' if dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK: self.folder_tb.Text = dialog.SelectedPath else: pass
def ExportBDFData(sender, args): # Create a File open dialog dialog = FolderBrowserDialog() dialog.Title = "Select directory to save the BDF files" # Display the dialog # If it returns anything # get the file name global projectPath if dialog.ShowDialog(): projectPath = dialog.SelectedPath file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) dictionary["DirPath"] = projectPath script_path = os.path.join(file_path, '') apex_sdk.runScriptFunction(file=script_path, function="ExportBDF", args=dictionary)
def win_dialog_thread(arg): print(f"dialog_thread started") folder_dialog = FolderBrowserDialog() file_dialog = OpenFileDialog() title = arg.Dequeue() initial_folder = arg.Dequeue() print(f"title: {title}, initial_folder: {initial_folder}") folder_dialog.Description = title folder_dialog.SelectedPath = initial_folder folder_dialog_result = folder_dialog.ShowDialog() file_dialog_result = file_dialog.ShowDialog() selected_folder = folder_dialog.SelectedPath selected_file = file_dialog.FileName win_dialog_result = selected_folder, selected_file arg.Enqueue(win_dialog_result) print(f"win_dialog_thread completed, {win_dialog_result}")
def getCustomToolPropertyContent(): # Create a Grid my_Grid = WPFControls.Grid() # Add 2 Rows and 1 Column my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.ColumnDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.ColumnDefinition()) currRow = 0 # -- Horizontal sheet definition IDLbl = WPFControls.TextBlock() IDLbl.Text = "Hatching definition" WPFControls.Grid.SetRow(IDLbl, currRow) IDLbl.FontSize = 11 # Create label and input field currRow += 1 layerLbl = WPFControls.TextBlock() layerLbl.Text = " Trajec. spacing (mm): " WPFControls.Grid.SetRow(layerLbl, currRow) WPFControls.Grid.SetColumn(layerLbl, 0) global distanceLine distanceLine = WPFControls.TextBox() WPFControls.Grid.SetRow(distanceLine, currRow) WPFControls.Grid.SetColumn(distanceLine, 1) # Create label and input field currRow += 1 pointSpacing = WPFControls.TextBlock() pointSpacing.Text = " Point spacing (mm):" WPFControls.Grid.SetRow(pointSpacing, currRow) WPFControls.Grid.SetColumn(pointSpacing, 0) global pointSpacingValue pointSpacingValue = WPFControls.TextBox() WPFControls.Grid.SetRow(pointSpacingValue, currRow) WPFControls.Grid.SetColumn(pointSpacingValue, 1) # Type of angular cut currRow += 1 angleCutType = WPFControls.TextBlock() angleCutType.Text = " Angular cut:" WPFControls.Grid.SetRow(angleCutType, currRow) WPFControls.Grid.SetColumn(angleCutType, 0) # Create a Combo box global angleTypeSelection angleTypeSelection = WPFControls.ComboBox() item1 = WPFControls.ComboBoxItem() item1.Content = "Single angle" angleTypeSelection.Items.Add(item1) item2 = WPFControls.ComboBoxItem() item2.Content = "Incremental" angleTypeSelection.Items.Add(item2) item3 = WPFControls.ComboBoxItem() item3.Content = "Cycle through" angleTypeSelection.Items.Add(item3) angleTypeSelection.SelectedIndex = "0" WPFControls.Grid.SetRow(angleTypeSelection, currRow) WPFControls.Grid.SetColumn(angleTypeSelection, 1) #angleTypeSelection.SelectionChanged += HandleAngleSelection # Create label and input field currRow += 1 global angleLbl angleLbl = WPFControls.TextBlock() angleLbl.Text = " Angle (deg):" WPFControls.Grid.SetRow(angleLbl, currRow) WPFControls.Grid.SetColumn(angleLbl, 0) global angleValue angleValue = WPFControls.TextBox() WPFControls.Grid.SetRow(angleValue, currRow) WPFControls.Grid.SetColumn(angleValue, 1) # Create checkbox to ask for mesh currRow += 1 global meshCheck meshCheck = WPFControls.CheckBox() meshCheck.Content = "Mesh the layers for me" meshCheck.Height = 25 WPFControls.Grid.SetRow(meshCheck, currRow) WPFControls.Grid.SetColumn(meshCheck, 0) WPFControls.Grid.SetColumnSpan(meshCheck, 3) # Create a button currRow += 1 getDirectory = WPFControls.Button() getDirectory.Content = "Select directory to save" WPFControls.Grid.SetRow(getDirectory, currRow) WPFControls.Grid.SetColumn(getDirectory, 0) getDirectory.Height = 30 WPFControls.Grid.SetColumnSpan(getDirectory, 3) getDirectory.Click += HandleGetDir global dialog dialog = FolderBrowserDialog() dialog.Description = "Choose where to save trajectories" dialog.ShowNewFolderButton = True # Create a button currRow += 1 goSlice = WPFControls.Button() goSlice.Content = "Create hatching" WPFControls.Grid.SetRow(goSlice, currRow) WPFControls.Grid.SetColumn(goSlice, 0) goSlice.Height = 30 WPFControls.Grid.SetColumnSpan(goSlice, 3) # Link a function to the Button "Click" event # This function will be called every time the Button is clicked goSlice.Click += HandleApplyButton # Add the controls to the Grid my_Grid.Children.Add(IDLbl) my_Grid.Children.Add(layerLbl) my_Grid.Children.Add(distanceLine) my_Grid.Children.Add(pointSpacing) my_Grid.Children.Add(pointSpacingValue) my_Grid.Children.Add(angleCutType) my_Grid.Children.Add(angleTypeSelection) my_Grid.Children.Add(angleLbl) my_Grid.Children.Add(angleValue) my_Grid.Children.Add(getDirectory) my_Grid.Children.Add(meshCheck) my_Grid.Children.Add(goSlice) # Return the Grid return my_Grid
# Import Python modules import os import re # Import libraries to create a Windows form clr.AddReference("System.Windows.Forms") clr.AddReference("System.Drawing") from System.Windows.Forms import FolderBrowserDialog from System.Windows.Forms import DialogResult # Store user specified path directory = "" # Create folder browser window dialog = FolderBrowserDialog() # Record for user action and store selected path if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK): directory = dialog.SelectedPath # Retrieve all pathfiles and names from directory and subdirectories def retrieveFamilies(directory): familiesNames = list() for folderName, subFolders, files in os.walk(directory): # Check if there are Revit families families = re.compile(r"[^{ddd+}]\.rfa$") for file in files: # Assign matched files to a variable matched =
def pick_folder(): fb_dlg = FolderBrowserDialog() if fb_dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK: return fb_dlg.SelectedPath
def onClick(self, sender, args): dirDialog = FolderBrowserDialog() if (dirDialog.ShowDialog() == 1): TextboxDir.Text = dirDialog.SelectedPath print "Selected directory to import data:"+dirDialog.SelectedPath
def browse(self, sender, event): dialog = FolderBrowserDialog() dialog.SelectedPath = os.environ["USERPROFILE"] + "\\" if (dialog.ShowDialog(self) == DialogResult.OK): self.KeyPath.Text = dialog.SelectedPath
def get_folder(prompt): dlg = FolderBrowserDialog() dlg.Description = prompt res = dlg.ShowDialog() if res == DialogResult.OK: return dlg.SelectedPath
# TODO: get sud directory name (district sub-folder) fileName = 'RoadMap_123' fileType = '.xls' fileDetails = fileName + fileType defaultPath = Document.Properties['exportFileLocation'] savePath = defaultPath + "\\" + fileDetails print exportMessage = '' dialogResult = MessageBox.Show( "The RoadMap files are ready to be exported\n\nDo you want to change the save location?\n\nPath: " + savePath, "OSC RoadMap Export Prompt", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel) if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes): SaveFile = FolderBrowserDialog() SaveFile.ShowDialog() savePath = SaveFile.SelectedPath + "\\" + fileDetails elif (dialogResult == DialogResult.No): roadmapTable = Document.Data.Tables['roadmap'] writer = Document.Data.CreateDataWriter( DataWriterTypeIdentifiers.ExcelXlsDataWriter) stream = File.OpenWrite(savePath) allColumnNames = [] allRows = Document.Data.AllRows.GetSelection(roadmapTable).AsIndexSet() for column in roadmapTable.Columns: allColumnNames.Add(column.Name)
def opendirectory(self, sender, event): fbd = FolderBrowserDialog() dr = fbd.ShowDialog() if dr == DialogResult.OK: sender.Text = fbd.SelectedPath
def pickDirectory(config): dialog = FolderBrowserDialog() dialog.Title = config['title'] if 'title' in config else 'Pick folder' # dialog.InitialDirectory = config['initialDirectory'] if 'initialDirectory' in config else None # TODO FIXME pass
def windBrowser(): # Create folder browser window dialog = FolderBrowserDialog() # Record for user action and store selected path if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK): return dialog.SelectedPath
def getCustomToolPropertyContent(): # Create a Grid my_Grid = WPFControls.Grid() # Add 2 Rows and 1 Column my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.ColumnDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.ColumnDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) my_Grid.RowDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.RowDefinition()) #my_Grid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(WPFControls.ColumnDefinition()) currRow = 0 # Create input field currRow += 1 lbl01 = WPFControls.TextBlock() lbl01.Text = "Region diam. (mm):" WPFControls.Grid.SetRow(lbl01, currRow) WPFControls.Grid.SetColumn(lbl01, 0) global input01 input01 = WPFControls.TextBox() WPFControls.Grid.SetRow(input01, currRow) WPFControls.Grid.SetColumn(input01, 1) # Create checkbox to extend the weld bead currRow += 1 global chkBox01 chkBox01 = WPFControls.CheckBox() chkBox01.Content = "Calculate normal directions" chkBox01.Height = 20 WPFControls.Grid.SetRow(chkBox01, currRow) WPFControls.Grid.SetColumn(chkBox01, 0) chkBox01.IsChecked = System.Nullable[System.Boolean](True) #WPFControls.Grid.SetColumnSpan(chkBox01, 2) # Create a button currRow += 2 goButton = WPFControls.Button() goButton.Content = "Get trajectory from selected edge" WPFControls.Grid.SetRow(goButton, currRow) WPFControls.Grid.SetColumn(goButton, 0) goButton.Height = 30 WPFControls.Grid.SetColumnSpan(goButton, 2) # Link a function to the Button "Click" event # This function will be called every time the Button is clicked goButton.Click += HandleApplyButton global dialog dialog = FolderBrowserDialog() dialog.Description = "Directory where to save trajectories" dialog.ShowNewFolderButton = True #my_Grid.Children.Add(lbl01) #my_Grid.Children.Add(input01) my_Grid.Children.Add(chkBox01) my_Grid.Children.Add(goButton) # Return the Grid return my_Grid