def convert_ta(shyft_ta): ta = None if isinstance(shyft_ta, api.TimeAxisFixedDeltaT): # Fixed TA ta = TimeAxis(Calendar.Utc, UtcTime.CreateFromUnixTime(shyft_ta.start), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(shyft_ta.delta_t), shyft_ta.n) elif isinstance(shyft_ta, api.PointTimeaxis): # Point TA ta = create_point_ta(shyft_ta) elif isinstance(shyft_ta, api.TimeAxis): # Generic TA: either Calendar | Fixed | Point if shyft_ta.timeaxis_type == api.TimeAxisType.FIXED: ta = TimeAxis(Calendar.Utc, UtcTime.CreateFromUnixTime(shyft_ta.fixed_dt.start), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(shyft_ta.fixed_dt.delta_t), shyft_ta.fixed_dt.n) elif shyft_ta.timeaxis_type == api.TimeAxisType.CALENDAR: cal = Calendar( ta = TimeAxis( cal, UtcTime.CreateFromUnixTime(shyft_ta.calendar_dt.start), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(shyft_ta.calendar_dt.delta_t), shyft_ta.calendar_dt.n) elif shyft_ta.timeaxis_type == api.TimeAxisType.POINT: ta = create_point_ta(shyft_ta.point_dt) if ta is None: raise SmgDataError('Unsupported shyft time-axis: ' + str(shyft_ta)) return ta
def __init__(self): rd = ResourceDictionary() rd.Source = Uri( "pack://application:,,,/ClassicAssist.Shared;component/Resources/DarkTheme.xaml" ) self.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(rd) self.Background = self.Resources["ThemeWindowBackgroundBrush"] self.Content = XamlReader.Parse(xaml) self.Title = "Rudder" self.Topmost = True self.Height = 250 self.Width = 250 self.refreshTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30) = [('forwardLeft', 'Forward Left'), ('forward', 'Forward'), ('forwardRight', 'Forward Right'), ('left', 'Left'), ('turnAround', 'Turn Around'), ('right', 'Right'), ('backLeft', 'Back Left'), ('back', 'Back'), ('backRight', 'Back Right'), ('stop', 'Stop'), ('raiseAnchor', 'Raise Anchor'), ('dropAnchor', 'Drop Anchor'), ('turnLeft', 'Turn Left'), ('turnRight', 'Turn Right'), ('start', 'Start')] self.setEvents()
def onMouseLeftButtonUp(s, e): global y, storyboard if y is not None: if y > s.Top and storyboard is None: storyboard = Storyboard() da = DoubleAnimation(s.Top, y, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Sqrt(2 * ((y - s.Top) * 0.1) / 9.80665))) bounceEase = BounceEase() bounceEase.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut bounceEase.Bounces = 5 da.EasingFunction = bounceEase def onCurrentStateInvalidated(sender, args): global storyboard if sender.CurrentState == ClockState.Filling: s.Top = da.To storyboard.Remove(s) storyboard = None storyboard.CurrentStateInvalidated += onCurrentStateInvalidated storyboard.Children.Add(da) Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(da, PropertyPath(Window.TopProperty)) s.BeginStoryboard(storyboard, HandoffBehavior.SnapshotAndReplace, True) y = None
def on_loaded(self, s, e): bubble = Image() bubble.Name = "Bubble" #imageSource = System.Windows.Resources["think"] bubble.Source = self.thinkBubble bubble.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, self.currentY) bubble.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, self.currentX) self.mainPanel.Children.Add(bubble) text = TextBox() text.Text = "???" text.FontSize = 65 text.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold text.BorderThickness = Thickness(0) text.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, self.currentY + 35) text.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, self.currentX + 55) self.mainPanel.Children.Add(text) myDoubleAnimation = DoubleAnimation() myDoubleAnimation.From = 770.0 myDoubleAnimation.To = 250.0 myDoubleAnimation.Duration = Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)) myDoubleAnimationText = DoubleAnimation() myDoubleAnimationText.From = 770.0 + 35.0 myDoubleAnimationText.To = 250.0 + 35.0 myDoubleAnimationText.Duration = Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)) #myStoryboard = Storyboard() #myStoryboard.Children.Add(myDoubleAnimation) #Storyboard.SetTargetName(myDoubleAnimation, bubble.Name) #Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(myDoubleAnimation, PropertyPath(Canvas.TopProperty)) #myStoryboard.Begin(self); bubble.BeginAnimation(Canvas.TopProperty, myDoubleAnimation) text.BeginAnimation(Canvas.TopProperty, myDoubleAnimationText)
def connect(self): """Establish WebSocket connection to the ROS server defined for this factory. Returns: async_task: The async task for the connection. """ LOGGER.debug('Started to connect...') socket = ClientWebSocket() socket.Options.KeepAliveInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5) connect_task = socket.ConnectAsync(self.url, self.manager.cancellation_token) protocol = CliRosBridgeProtocol(self, socket) connect_task.ContinueWith(protocol.on_open) return connect_task
def __init__(self): rd = ResourceDictionary() rd.Source = Uri("pack://application:,,,/ClassicAssist.Shared;component/Resources/DarkTheme.xaml") self.Resources.MergedDictionaries.Add(rd) self.Background = self.Resources["ThemeWindowBackgroundBrush"] self.Content = XamlReader.Parse(xaml) self.Title = "Durability" self.Topmost = True self.SizeToContent = SizeToContent.Width self.Height = 400 self.refreshTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30) self.listView = self.Content.FindName('listView') self.startButton = self.Content.FindName('startButton') self.startButton.Click += self.onClick self.timer = DispatcherTimer() self.timer.Tick += self.onTick self.timer.Interval = TimeSpan().FromSeconds(0) self.timer.Start() self.timer.Interval = self.refreshTime self.Running = True
import clr from System import DateTime, DateTimeOffset, TimeSpan clr.AddReference("WorkTasks") from WorkTasks import WorkTask cut_start = DateTimeOffset(1997, 3, 3, 15, 31, 34, 361, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(500)) cut_details = "artio" account = WorkTask(cut_start, cut_details) cut_duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(25570) account.Duration = cut_duration abutting_task = WorkTask(cut_start + cut_duration, "corollarii") not_abutting_task = WorkTask(cut_start + cut_duration + TimeSpan.FromTicks(1), "poenae") def test_abutting(): "Do two WorkTasks abut?" return account.IsAbutting(abutting_task) def test_not_abutting(): "Do two WorkTasks NOT abut?" return account.IsAbutting(not_abutting_task)
start_time = None iframes = '' for t in tests: # TODO delete any existing files in IsoStore from this test iframes += '<iframe width="25%%" height="100" id=%s src="sub.html?test=%s"></iframe>' % ( t, t) sl_ctl = HtmlPage.Document.CreateElement("span") sl_ctl.Id = "test-domain-loading" sl_ctl.SetProperty("innerHTML", iframes) HtmlPage.Document.Body.AppendChild(sl_ctl) ht = DispatcherTimer() ht.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TimerInterval) timer_counter = 0 def CheckForDonFile(sender, args): # check for exception and signal global timer_counter global tests if remaining_tests: if timer_counter > MAXTIMERCOUNT - 1: print "Time out! %d tests didn't finish." % len(remaining_tests) # stop timer ht.Stop() else:
def train(self, lr, ui_results_callback, ui_status_callback, ui_logger, tf_settings): lr = 0.01 NUM_HIDDEN_LAYERS = 3 HIDDEN_LAYER_NEURONS = 500 TF_ACTIVATION = tf.nn.sigmoid TF_OPTIMIZER = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=lr) n_nodes_hl1 = HIDDEN_LAYER_NEURONS n_nodes_hl2 = HIDDEN_LAYER_NEURONS n_nodes_hl3 = HIDDEN_LAYER_NEURONS ui_status_callback("Initializing...") tf.reset_default_graph() #Clear the Tensorflow graph. #These lines established the feed-forward part of the network. The agent takes a state and produces an action. self.slot_in = tf.placeholder(shape=[1], dtype=tf.int32) slot_in_OH = slim.one_hot_encoding(self.slot_in, self.numSlots) hidden_1_layer = { 'weights': tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([self.numSlots, n_nodes_hl1], 0.9, 1), name="hl_w_1"), 'biases': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_nodes_hl1]), name="hl_b_1") } hidden_2_layer = { 'weights': tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([n_nodes_hl1, n_nodes_hl2], 0.9, 1), name="hl_w_2"), 'biases': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_nodes_hl2]), name="hl_b_2") } hidden_3_layer = { 'weights': tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([n_nodes_hl3, self.numSlots], 0.9, 1), name="hl_w_3"), 'biases': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.numSlots]), name="hl_b_3") } output_layer = { 'weights': tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([self.numSlots, self.numOutputs], 0.9, 1), name="out_w"), 'biases': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.numSlots, self.numOutputs]), name="out_b"), } l1 = tf.add(tf.matmul(slot_in_OH, hidden_1_layer['weights']), hidden_1_layer['biases']) l1 = TF_ACTIVATION(l1) l2 = tf.add(tf.matmul(l1, hidden_2_layer['weights']), hidden_2_layer['biases']) l2 = TF_ACTIVATION(l2) l3 = tf.add(tf.matmul(l2, hidden_3_layer['weights']), hidden_3_layer['biases']) l3 = TF_ACTIVATION(l3) output = tf.matmul(l3, output_layer['weights']) + output_layer['biases'] output = TF_ACTIVATION(output) #self.output = tf.reshape(output,[-1]) #The next six lines establish the training proceedure. We feed the reward and chosen action into the network #to compute the loss, and use it to update the network. self.reward_holder = tf.placeholder(shape=[1], dtype=tf.float32) self.action_holder = tf.placeholder(shape=[1], dtype=tf.int32) #self.chosen_action = tf.argmin(output[self.slot_in[0]], 0) self.responsible_weight = tf.slice( output, [self.slot_in[0], self.action_holder[0]], [1, 1]) self.loss = tf.log( self.responsible_weight[0][0]) * self.reward_holder[0] optimizer = TF_OPTIMIZER #tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr) self.update = optimizer.minimize(self.loss) weights = tf.trainable_variables()[ 6] #The weights we will evaluate to look into the network. self.chosen_action = tf.argmin(weights[self.slot_in[0]], 0) #get tensorflow current settings and pass to UI optimizerName = optimizer.__class__.__name__ activationName = TF_ACTIVATION.__name__ tf_settings(optimizerName, activationName, NUM_HIDDEN_LAYERS, HIDDEN_LAYER_NEURONS, lr) print(tf.trainable_variables()) totalMetricScoreArr = [] avgMetricScoreLastTen = [] flag = 0 startTime = time.time() sessionCounter = 0 init = tf.initialize_all_variables() randomness = 0.05 currRandomness = randomness ui_status_callback("Training...") trainingNum = -1 predictNum = 0 doPredict = False interval = randomness / (self.randomReset - SimulationSettings.NUM_SCORE_HITS) # Launch the tensorflow graph with tf.Session() as sess: highestPossibleSessionScore = self.simSettings.Score #self.simSettings.ItemMetricMax * self.numSlots lowestPossibleSessionScore = -1 #self.simSettings.ItemMetricMin * self.numSlots matrix = None while (not self.endTraining(flag)): totalMetricScore = 0 results = PlanogramOptResults() sessionStartTime = time.time() actionsPerSlot = {} hasDupItems = False if (not doPredict): trainingNum += 1 if (trainingNum != 0 and trainingNum % (self.randomReset - SimulationSettings.NUM_SCORE_HITS) == 0): doPredict = True else: currRandomness -= interval if (doPredict): predictNum += 1 currRandomness = 0 if (predictNum > SimulationSettings.NUM_SCORE_HITS): doPredict = False predictNum = 0 currRandomness = randomness trainingNum = 0 #Reset facings list facingsList = {} for it in self.items: facingsList[it.ID] = 0 #Train hasDupItems = False action = 0 for sl in range(self.numSlots): #get an item randomly if (np.random.rand(1) <= currRandomness): action = np.random.randint(self.numOutputs) else: action =, feed_dict={self.slot_in: [sl]}) actionsPerSlot[sl] = action #Get item reference and calculate metric score item = self.items[action] metricScore = PlanogramOptimizer.GetCalculatedWeightedMetrics( item, self.simSettings) dupItemVal = facingsList[ item.ID] #Get item number of facings if (not hasDupItems and dupItemVal < 10): reward = 1 dupItemVal = dupItemVal + 1 #Increment item number of facings facingsList[ item. ID] = dupItemVal #Update item number of facings in the list totalMetricScore += metricScore else: totalMetricScore = 0 reward = -1 hasDupItems = True if (lowestPossibleSessionScore < 0): lowestPossibleSessionScore = totalMetricScore #Update network #print (totalMetricScore) if (hasDupItems): totalMetricScore = 0 sessionScoreNormalized = -1 else: sessionScoreNormalized = self.normalize( lowestPossibleSessionScore, highestPossibleSessionScore, 0, 1, totalMetricScore) previousValue = 0 currentValue = 0 if (not doPredict or (doPredict and predictNum <= 1)): for sl in range(self.numSlots): feed_dict = { self.reward_holder: [sessionScoreNormalized], self.action_holder: [actionsPerSlot[sl]], self.slot_in: [sl] } if (matrix is not None): previousValue = matrix[sl][actionsPerSlot[sl]] loss, update, matrix = [self.loss, self.update, weights], feed_dict=feed_dict) currentValue = matrix[sl][actionsPerSlot[sl]] if (sl != 0 and (sessionScoreNormalized > 0 and previousValue < currentValue) or (sessionScoreNormalized < 0 and previousValue > currentValue)): print("BAD: score:", sessionScoreNormalized, "previous:", previousValue, " current:", currentValue) #Reset facings list facingsList = {} for it in self.items: facingsList[it.ID] = 0 totalMetricScore = 0 #Extract updated results from matrix shelfItems = [] for slotIndex in range(self.numSlots): #slotArr = matrix[slotIndex] itemIndex = actionsPerSlot[slotIndex] #np.argmin(slotArr) item = self.items[itemIndex] shelfItems.append(item) #actionsPerSlot[slotIndex] = itemIndex dupItemVal = facingsList[ item.ID] #Get item number of facings if (dupItemVal < 10): dupItemVal = dupItemVal + 1 #Increment item number of facings facingsList[ item. ID] = dupItemVal #Update item number of facings in the list else: hasDupItems = True if ((slotIndex + 1) % 24 == 0): shelf = Shelf() for ii in range(len(shelfItems)): metricScore = PlanogramOptimizer.GetCalculatedWeightedMetrics( shelfItems[ii], self.simSettings) totalMetricScore += metricScore shelf.Add(shelfItems[ii], metricScore) shelfItems = [] results.Shelves.Add(shelf) if (hasDupItems): totalMetricScore = 0 sessionCounter += 1 currentTime = time.time() #Setup planogram results and stats totalMetricScoreArr.append(totalMetricScore) avgMetricScoreLastTen.append(totalMetricScore) if (len(avgMetricScoreLastTen) > 10): avgMetricScoreLastTen.pop(0) results.Score = totalMetricScore results.AvgScore = np.average(totalMetricScoreArr) results.AvgLastTen = np.average(avgMetricScoreLastTen) results.MinScore = np.amin(totalMetricScoreArr) results.MaxScore = np.amax(totalMetricScoreArr) results.TimeElapsed = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( float(currentTime - startTime)) results.CurrentSession = sessionCounter #Update the training flag if (self.simType == 0): flag = sessionCounter elif (self.simType == 1): flag = currentTime else: if (totalMetricScore >= self.simSettings.Score): flag += 1 results.NumScoreHits = flag else: flag = 0 ui_logger(sessionCounter, totalMetricScore, float(currentTime - sessionStartTime)) #Pass results to ui if (self.simSettings.EnableSimDisplay): results.MetricMin = self.simSettings.ItemMetricMin results.MetricMax = self.simSettings.ItemMetricMax results.CalculateItemColorIntensity() ui_results_callback(results, self.simSettings.EnableSimDisplay) ui_results_callback( results, True ) #To ensure final output is displayed just in case the enableSimDisplay is turned off ui_status_callback("Done", True)
def SnapImage(): ''' Snap and save an image ''' image = snapsink.SnapSingle(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)) TIS.Imaging.FrameExtensions.SaveAsBitmap(image, "test.bmp")
def train(self, lr, ui_results_callback, ui_status_callback, ui_logger): n_nodes_hl1 = 500 n_nodes_hl2 = 500 n_nodes_hl3 = 500 ui_status_callback("Initializing...") tf.reset_default_graph() #Clear the Tensorflow graph. #These lines established the feed-forward part of the network. The agent takes a state and produces an action. self.slot_in = tf.placeholder(shape=[1], dtype=tf.int32) slot_in_OH = slim.one_hot_encoding(self.slot_in, self.numSlots) #output = slim.fully_connected([slot_in_OH],self.numOutputs,\ # biases_initializer=None,activation_fn=tf.nn.sigmoid,weights_initializer=tf.zeros_initializer()) hidden_1_layer = { 'weights': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.numSlots, n_nodes_hl1]), name="hl_w_1"), 'biases': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_nodes_hl1]), name="hl_b_1") } hidden_2_layer = { 'weights': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_nodes_hl1, n_nodes_hl2]), name="hl_w_2"), 'biases': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_nodes_hl2]), name="hl_b_2") } hidden_3_layer = { 'weights': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_nodes_hl3, self.numSlots]), name="hl_w_3"), 'biases': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.numSlots]), name="hl_b_3") } output_layer = { 'weights': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.numSlots, self.numOutputs]), name="out_w"), 'biases': tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.numSlots, self.numOutputs]), name="out_b"), } l1 = tf.add(tf.matmul(slot_in_OH, hidden_1_layer['weights']), hidden_1_layer['biases']) l1 = tf.nn.sigmoid(l1) l2 = tf.add(tf.matmul(l1, hidden_2_layer['weights']), hidden_2_layer['biases']) l2 = tf.nn.sigmoid(l2) l3 = tf.add(tf.matmul(l2, hidden_3_layer['weights']), hidden_3_layer['biases']) l3 = tf.nn.sigmoid(l3) output = tf.matmul(l3, output_layer['weights']) + output_layer['biases'] self.output = tf.reshape(output, [-1]) self.chosen_action = tf.argmax(self.output, 0) #The next six lines establish the training proceedure. We feed the reward and chosen action into the network #to compute the loss, and use it to update the network. self.reward_holder = tf.placeholder(shape=[1], dtype=tf.float32) self.action_holder = tf.placeholder(shape=[1], dtype=tf.int32) self.responsible_weight = tf.slice(self.output, self.action_holder, [1]) self.loss = -(tf.log(self.responsible_weight) * self.reward_holder) optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer( learning_rate=lr ) #tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=lr) self.update = optimizer.minimize(self.loss) weights = tf.trainable_variables()[ 6] #The weights we will evaluate to look into the network. print(tf.trainable_variables()) totalMetricScoreArr = [] avgMetricScoreLastTen = [] flag = 0 startTime = time.time() sessionCounter = 0 init = tf.initialize_all_variables() randomness = 0.1 ui_status_callback("Training...") # Launch the tensorflow graph with tf.Session() as sess: highestPossibleSessionScore = self.simSettings.ItemMetricMax * self.numSlots lowestPossibleSessionScore = self.simSettings.ItemMetricMin * self.numSlots matrix = {} while (not self.endTraining(flag)): totalMetricScore = 0 results = PlanogramOptResults() sessionStartTime = time.time() actionsPerSlot = {} hasDupItems = False #Reset facings list facingsList = {} for it in self.items: facingsList[it.ID] = 0 #Train hasDupItems = False for sl in range(self.numSlots): reward = 0 while (reward != 1): #get an item randomly action = np.random.randint(self.numOutputs) #Get item reference and calculate metric score item = self.items[action] metricScore = PlanogramOptimizer.GetCalculatedWeightedMetrics( item, self.simSettings) dupItemVal = facingsList[ item.ID] #Get item number of facings if (dupItemVal < 10): reward = 1 dupItemVal = dupItemVal + 1 #Increment item number of facings facingsList[ item. ID] = dupItemVal #Update item number of facings in the list actionsPerSlot[sl] = action totalMetricScore += metricScore else: reward = -1 hasDupItems = True #Update network #print (totalMetricScore) if (hasDupItems): totalMetricScore = 0 sessionScoreNormalized = 0 else: sessionScoreNormalized = self.normalize( lowestPossibleSessionScore, highestPossibleSessionScore, 0, 1, totalMetricScore) for sl in range(self.numSlots): feed_dict = { self.reward_holder: [sessionScoreNormalized], self.action_holder: [actionsPerSlot[sl]], self.slot_in: [sl] } _, matrix =[self.update, output], feed_dict=feed_dict) #if (sessionCounter == 0): # matrix =[output], feed_dict={self.slot_in: [0]}) #Reset facings list facingsList = {} for it in self.items: facingsList[it.ID] = 0 totalMetricScore = 0 #Extract updated results from matrix shelfItems = [] for slotIndex in range(self.numSlots): #itemIndex = -1 #if (np.random.rand(1) < randomness): # itemIndex = np.random.randint(self.numOutputs) #else: # slotArr = 0 # if (sessionCounter == 0) : # slotArr = matrix[0][slotIndex] # else: # slotArr = matrix[slotIndex] # itemIndex = np.argmax(slotArr) slotArr = matrix[slotIndex] itemIndex = np.argmax(slotArr) item = self.items[itemIndex] shelfItems.append(item) #actionsPerSlot[slotIndex] = itemIndex dupItemVal = facingsList[ item.ID] #Get item number of facings if (dupItemVal < 10): dupItemVal = dupItemVal + 1 #Increment item number of facings facingsList[ item. ID] = dupItemVal #Update item number of facings in the list else: hasDupItems = True if ((slotIndex + 1) % 24 == 0): shelf = Shelf() for ii in range(len(shelfItems)): metricScore = PlanogramOptimizer.GetCalculatedWeightedMetrics( shelfItems[ii], self.simSettings) totalMetricScore += metricScore shelf.Add(shelfItems[ii], metricScore) shelfItems = [] results.Shelves.Add(shelf) if (hasDupItems): totalMetricScore = 0 # sessionScoreNormalized = 0 #else: # sessionScoreNormalized = self.normalize(lowestPossibleSessionScore, highestPossibleSessionScore, 0, 1, totalMetricScore) #for sl in range(self.numSlots): # feed_dict={self.reward_holder:[sessionScoreNormalized],self.action_holder:[actionsPerSlot[sl]],self.slot_in:[sl]} # _,matrix =[self.update,output], feed_dict=feed_dict) sessionCounter += 1 currentTime = time.time() #Setup planogram results and stats totalMetricScoreArr.append(totalMetricScore) avgMetricScoreLastTen.append(totalMetricScore) if (len(avgMetricScoreLastTen) > 10): avgMetricScoreLastTen.pop(0) results.Score = totalMetricScore results.AvgScore = np.average(totalMetricScoreArr) results.AvgLastTen = np.average(avgMetricScoreLastTen) results.MinScore = np.amin(totalMetricScoreArr) results.MaxScore = np.amax(totalMetricScoreArr) results.TimeElapsed = TimeSpan.FromSeconds( float(currentTime - startTime)) results.CurrentSession = sessionCounter #Update the training flag if (self.simType == 0): flag = sessionCounter elif (self.simType == 1): flag = currentTime else: if (totalMetricScore >= self.simSettings.Score): flag += 1 results.NumScoreHits = flag else: flag = 0 ui_logger(sessionCounter, totalMetricScore, float(currentTime - sessionStartTime)) #Pass results to ui if (self.simSettings.EnableSimDisplay): results.MetricMin = self.simSettings.ItemMetricMin results.MetricMax = self.simSettings.ItemMetricMax results.CalculateItemColorIntensity() ui_results_callback(results, self.simSettings.EnableSimDisplay) ui_results_callback( results, True ) #To ensure final output is displayed just in case the enableSimDisplay is turned off ui_status_callback("Done", True)
if not String.IsNullOrEmpty(selectedTerm2) and selectedTerm1.Length < selectedTerm2.Length: if not selectedTermList.Contains(selectedTerm2): selectedTermList.Add(selectedTerm2) stringBuilder.Remove(0, max) else: if not selectedTermList.Contains(selectedTerm1): selectedTermList.Add(selectedTerm1) stringBuilder.Remove(0, selectedTerm1.Length) return selectedTermList def onStart(s, e): global timer timer.Start() def onStop(s, e): global timer timer.Stop() dateTime = DateTime.Now processDictionary = Dictionary[Int32, String]() timer = DispatcherTimer(DispatcherPriority.Background) timer.Tick += onTick timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15) Script.Instance.Start += onStart Script.Instance.Stop += onStop
# Disable Gain automatic if GainAuto is not None: GainAuto.Switch = False # Set minimum gain if GainValue is not None: GainValue.Value = GainValue.RangeMin # Disable Exposure automatic if ExposureAuto is not None: ExposureAuto.Switch = False # Set 1/30 second exosure time if ExposureValue is not None: ExposureValue.Value = 0.0303 # Snap two frames in order to be sure, the set values became effective in the sensor. # It is not necessary, if we do not change properties directly before snapping an image. # use the second frame snapsink.SnapSingle(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)) frame = snapsink.SnapSingle(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)) # Save the frame as JPG with 75% quality. TIS.Imaging.FrameExtensions.SaveAsJpeg(frame, "image.jpg", 75) print("Image saved.") #End the live video ic.LiveStop() ic.Dispose()
def onCompleted(task): global maxWidth, maxHeight window = Window() contentControl = ContentControl() grid1 = Grid() tickTimer = DispatcherTimer(DispatcherPriority.Normal) closeTimer = DispatcherTimer(DispatcherPriority.Background) def onLoaded(sender, args): global rectList, digits storyboard = Storyboard() def onCurrentStateInvalidated(sender, args): if sender.CurrentState == ClockState.Filling: for element in grid1.Children: element.Opacity = 1 storyboard.Remove(contentControl) if not grid1.Tag: closeTimer.Start() storyboard.CurrentStateInvalidated += onCurrentStateInvalidated r = Random(Environment.TickCount) dateTime = DateTime.Now digits[0] = dateTime.Hour / 10 digits[1] = dateTime.Hour % 10 digits[2] = dateTime.Minute / 10 digits[3] = dateTime.Minute % 10 digits[4] = dateTime.Second / 10 digits[5] = dateTime.Second % 10 for i in range(digits.Length): beginTime = Nullable[TimeSpan](TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( r.Next(500))) for element1 in grid1.Children: if Grid.GetColumn(element1) == i: doubleAnimation = DoubleAnimation( element1.Opacity, 1, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)) doubleAnimation.BeginTime = beginTime sineEase = SineEase() sineEase.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut doubleAnimation.EasingFunction = sineEase storyboard.Children.Add(doubleAnimation) Storyboard.SetTarget(doubleAnimation, element1) Storyboard.SetTargetProperty( doubleAnimation, PropertyPath(UIElement.OpacityProperty)) if Grid.GetRow(element1) == 0: scale1 = Math.Max( element1.ActualWidth / maxWidth, element1.ActualHeight / maxHeight) if rectList[digits[Grid.GetColumn( element1 )]].Width > maxWidth and rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Height > maxHeight: translateX = Math.Round( -(rectList[digits[Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].X + (rectList[digits[Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Width - maxWidth) / 2.0)) translateY = Math.Round( -(rectList[digits[Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Y + (rectList[digits[Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Height - maxHeight) / 2.0)) elif rectList[digits[Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Width > maxWidth: translateX = Math.Round( -(rectList[digits[Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].X + (rectList[digits[Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Width - maxWidth) / 2.0)) translateY = Math.Round(-rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn(element1)]].Y) elif rectList[digits[Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Height > maxHeight: translateX = Math.Round(-rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn(element1)]].X) translateY = Math.Round( -(rectList[digits[Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Y + (rectList[digits[Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Height - maxHeight) / 2.0)) else: translateX = Math.Round(-rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn(element1)]].X) translateY = Math.Round(-rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn(element1)]].Y) scale2 = Math.Max( maxWidth / rectList[digits[Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Width, maxHeight / rectList[digits[Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Height) if scale2 > 1: scale2 = 1 for element2 in element1.Child.Children: transformGroup1 = TransformGroup() transformGroup1.Children.Add( TranslateTransform( (element2.ActualWidth - maxWidth) / 2, (element2.ActualHeight - maxHeight) / 2)) transformGroup1.Children.Add( ScaleTransform( scale1, scale1, element2.ActualWidth / 2, element2.ActualHeight / 2)) element2.RenderTransform = transformGroup1 for element3 in element2.Children: transformGroup2 = TransformGroup() transformGroup2.Children.Add( TranslateTransform( translateX, translateY)) transformGroup2.Children.Add( ScaleTransform( scale2, scale2, maxWidth / 2, maxHeight / 2)) element3.RenderTransform = transformGroup2 contentControl.BeginStoryboard( storyboard, HandoffBehavior.SnapshotAndReplace, True) tickTimer.Start() def onWindowMouseEnter(sender, args): closeTimer.Stop() grid1.Tag = True def onWindowMouseLeave(sender, args): if closeTimer.Tag: closeTimer.Start() grid1.Tag = False def onTick(sender, args): global rectList, digits if rectList.Count > 0: dateTime = DateTime.Now for element1 in grid1.Children: if Grid.GetRow(element1) == 0: if Grid.GetColumn(element1) == 0: digit = dateTime.Hour / 10 elif Grid.GetColumn(element1) == 1: digit = dateTime.Hour % 10 elif Grid.GetColumn(element1) == 2: digit = dateTime.Minute / 10 elif Grid.GetColumn(element1) == 3: digit = dateTime.Minute % 10 elif Grid.GetColumn(element1) == 4: digit = dateTime.Second / 10 else: digit = dateTime.Second % 10 if digit != digits[Grid.GetColumn(element1)]: for element2 in element1.Child.Children: for element3 in element2.Children: storyboard = Storyboard() for transform in element3.RenderTransform.Children: if clr.GetClrType( TranslateTransform ).IsInstanceOfType(transform): if rectList[ digit].Width > maxWidth and rectList[ digit].Height > maxHeight: translateX = Math.Round(-( rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].X + (rectList[digit].X + (rectList[digit].Width - maxWidth) / 2.0 - rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].X) )) translateY = Math.Round(-( rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Y + (rectList[digit].Y + (rectList[digit]. Height - maxHeight) / 2.0 - rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Y) )) elif rectList[ digit].Width > maxWidth: translateX = Math.Round(-( rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].X + (rectList[digit].X + (rectList[digit].Width - maxWidth) / 2.0 - rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].X) )) translateY = Math.Round(-( rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Y + (rectList[digit].Y - rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Y) )) elif rectList[ digit].Height > maxHeight: translateX = Math.Round(-( rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].X + (rectList[digit].X - rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].X) )) translateY = Math.Round(-( rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Y + (rectList[digit].Y + (rectList[digit]. Height - maxHeight) / 2.0 - rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Y) )) else: translateX = Math.Round(-( rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].X + (rectList[digit].X - rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].X) )) translateY = Math.Round(-( rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Y + (rectList[digit].Y - rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Y) )) doubleAnimation1 = DoubleAnimation( translateX, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( 500)) doubleAnimation2 = DoubleAnimation( translateY, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( 500)) sineEase = SineEase() sineEase.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseInOut doubleAnimation1.EasingFunction = sineEase doubleAnimation2.EasingFunction = sineEase storyboard.Children.Add( doubleAnimation1) storyboard.Children.Add( doubleAnimation2) Storyboard.SetTarget( doubleAnimation1, element3) Storyboard.SetTarget( doubleAnimation2, element3) Storyboard.SetTargetProperty( doubleAnimation1, PropertyPath( "(0).(1)[0].(2)", Canvas. RenderTransformProperty, TransformGroup. ChildrenProperty, TranslateTransform. XProperty)) Storyboard.SetTargetProperty( doubleAnimation2, PropertyPath( "(0).(1)[0].(2)", Canvas. RenderTransformProperty, TransformGroup. ChildrenProperty, TranslateTransform. YProperty)) else: scale1 = Math.Max( maxWidth / rectList[digits[ Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Width, maxHeight / rectList[ digits[Grid.GetColumn( element1)]].Height) scale2 = Math.Max( maxWidth / rectList[digit].Width, maxHeight / rectList[digit].Height) if scale1 > 1: scale1 = 1 if scale2 > 1: scale2 = 1 transform.ScaleX = transform.ScaleY = scale1 + ( scale2 - scale1) doubleAnimation1 = DoubleAnimation( scale1 + (scale2 - scale1), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( 500)) doubleAnimation2 = DoubleAnimation( scale1 + (scale2 - scale1), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( 500)) sineEase = SineEase() sineEase.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseInOut doubleAnimation1.EasingFunction = sineEase doubleAnimation2.EasingFunction = sineEase storyboard.Children.Add( doubleAnimation1) storyboard.Children.Add( doubleAnimation2) Storyboard.SetTarget( doubleAnimation1, element3) Storyboard.SetTarget( doubleAnimation2, element3) Storyboard.SetTargetProperty( doubleAnimation1, PropertyPath( "(0).(1)[1].(2)", Canvas. RenderTransformProperty, TransformGroup. ChildrenProperty, ScaleTransform. ScaleXProperty)) Storyboard.SetTargetProperty( doubleAnimation2, PropertyPath( "(0).(1)[1].(2)", Canvas. RenderTransformProperty, TransformGroup. ChildrenProperty, ScaleTransform. ScaleYProperty)) element3.BeginStoryboard( storyboard, HandoffBehavior.SnapshotAndReplace) digits[Grid.GetColumn(element1)] = digit def onClose(sender, args): global digits closeTimer.Stop() storyboard = Storyboard() def onCurrentStateInvalidated(sender, args): if sender.CurrentState == ClockState.Filling: for element in grid1.Children: element.Opacity = 0 storyboard.Remove(contentControl) tickTimer.Stop() window.Close() storyboard.CurrentStateInvalidated += onCurrentStateInvalidated r = Random(Environment.TickCount) for i in range(digits.Length): beginTime = Nullable[TimeSpan](TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds( r.Next(500))) for element in grid1.Children: if Grid.GetColumn(element) == i: doubleAnimation = DoubleAnimation( element.Opacity, 0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)) doubleAnimation.BeginTime = beginTime sineEase = SineEase() sineEase.EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseIn doubleAnimation.EasingFunction = sineEase storyboard.Children.Add(doubleAnimation) Storyboard.SetTarget(doubleAnimation, element) Storyboard.SetTargetProperty( doubleAnimation, PropertyPath(UIElement.OpacityProperty)) contentControl.BeginStoryboard( storyboard, HandoffBehavior.SnapshotAndReplace, True) closeTimer.Tag = False tickTimer.Tick += onTick tickTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100) closeTimer.Tick += onClose closeTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3) closeTimer.Tag = True window.Owner = Application.Current.MainWindow window.Title = Application.Current.MainWindow.Title window.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen window.AllowsTransparency = True window.WindowStyle = WindowStyle.None window.ResizeMode = ResizeMode.NoResize window.ShowActivated = False window.ShowInTaskbar = Application.Current.MainWindow.ContextMenu.Items[ 5].IsChecked window.Topmost = True window.SizeToContent = SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight window.Background = Brushes.Transparent window.Loaded += onLoaded window.MouseEnter += onWindowMouseEnter window.MouseLeave += onWindowMouseLeave contentControl.UseLayoutRounding = True contentControl.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch contentControl.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch window.Content = contentControl grid1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center grid1.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center grid1.Background = Brushes.Transparent grid1.Tag = False contentControl.Content = grid1 bitmapImageList1 = List[BitmapImage]() bitmapImageList2 = List[BitmapImage]() width = 0 height = 0 for stream in task.Result.Key: try: bitmapImage = BitmapImage() bitmapImage.BeginInit() bitmapImage.StreamSource = stream bitmapImage.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad bitmapImage.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.None bitmapImage.EndInit() width += bitmapImage.PixelWidth if bitmapImage.PixelHeight > height: height = bitmapImage.PixelHeight bitmapImageList1.Add(bitmapImage) finally: stream.Close() for stream in task.Result.Value: try: bitmapImage = BitmapImage() bitmapImage.BeginInit() bitmapImage.StreamSource = stream bitmapImage.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad bitmapImage.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.None bitmapImage.EndInit() bitmapImageList2.Add(bitmapImage) finally: stream.Close() x = 0 kvpList = List[KeyValuePair[Point, BitmapImage]]() for bitmapImage in bitmapImageList1: rect = Rect(x, (height - bitmapImage.PixelHeight) / 2, bitmapImage.PixelWidth, bitmapImage.PixelHeight) rectList.Add(rect) kvpList.Add(KeyValuePair[Point, BitmapImage](rect.Location, bitmapImage)) x += bitmapImage.PixelWidth rowDefinition1 = RowDefinition() rowDefinition1.Height = GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Auto) grid1.RowDefinitions.Add(rowDefinition1) for i in range(digits.Length): columnDefinition = ColumnDefinition() columnDefinition.Width = GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) grid1.ColumnDefinitions.Add(columnDefinition) border = Border() border.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch border.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch border.Margin = Thickness(4) border.BorderBrush = Brushes.Black border.BorderThickness = Thickness(1) border.Padding = Thickness(0) border.Width = 160 border.Height = 480 border.Background = Brushes.White border.Opacity = 0 grid1.Children.Add(border) Grid.SetColumn(border, i) Grid.SetRow(border, 0) grid2 = Grid() grid2.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch grid2.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch grid2.Background = Brushes.Transparent grid2.ClipToBounds = True border.Child = grid2 grid3 = Grid() grid3.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left grid3.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top grid3.Width = 160 grid3.Height = 480 grid3.Background = Brushes.Transparent grid2.Children.Add(grid3) canvas = Canvas() canvas.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left canvas.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top canvas.Width = width canvas.Height = maxHeight canvas.Background = Brushes.Transparent grid3.Children.Add(canvas) for kvp in kvpList: image = Image() image.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left image.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top image.Source = kvp.Value image.Width = kvp.Value.PixelWidth image.Height = kvp.Value.PixelHeight image.Stretch = Stretch.Fill canvas.Children.Add(image) Canvas.SetLeft(image, kvp.Key.X) Canvas.SetTop(image, kvp.Key.Y) column = 1 rowDefinition2 = RowDefinition() rowDefinition2.Height = GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Auto) grid1.RowDefinitions.Add(rowDefinition2) for bitmapImage in bitmapImageList2: image = Image() image.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right image.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top image.Margin = Thickness(0, 0, 8, 0) image.Source = bitmapImage image.Width = bitmapImage.PixelWidth / 2 image.Height = bitmapImage.PixelHeight / 2 image.Stretch = Stretch.Fill grid1.Children.Add(image) Grid.SetColumn(image, column) Grid.SetRow(image, 1) column += 2 window.Show()
def __init__(self, ip_address, adminpassword = ""): self.ip_address = ip_address self.port = 9222 self.omni_service = OmniTesterClient(ip_address, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)) OmniUI.connected = False