예제 #1
  def get_absolute_qs(self,line,verbosity=3):

      determine two points on y-axis with known q-distance
      (low-loss w-q reference with central spot and bragg spot)
      line ... 1D array with N-points containing two peaks
    x  = np.arange(N,dtype='float');
    ref=gaussfilt1D(line, 5); peaks=[];
    for i in range(2):           # fit 2 peaks
      imax = np.argmax(ref);     # initial guess for peak
      p, pconv = \
        opt.curve_fit(models.gauss,x,ref,p0=(imax, np.sum(ref[imax-5:imax+5]), 10));
      peaks.append(p);           # gauss fit
      imin = max(p[0]-5*p[2],0);
      imax = min(p[0]+5*p[2],N);
      ref[imin:imax]=0;          # remove peak from line (5*fwhm around x0)
    if verbosity>2:
      plt.figure(); plt.title("DEBUG: Fit q-reference");
    return peaks[0][0], peaks[1][0];
예제 #2
    def get_absolute_qs(self, line, verbosity=3):

      determine two points on y-axis with known q-distance
      (low-loss w-q reference with central spot and bragg spot)
      line ... 1D array with N-points containing two peaks
        x = np.arange(N, dtype='float')
        ref = gaussfilt1D(line, 5)
        peaks = []
        for i in range(2):  # fit 2 peaks
            imax = np.argmax(ref)
            # initial guess for peak
            p, pconv = \
              opt.curve_fit(models.gauss,x,ref,p0=(imax, np.sum(ref[imax-5:imax+5]), 10))
            # gauss fit
            imin = max(p[0] - 5 * p[2], 0)
            imax = min(p[0] + 5 * p[2], N)
            ref[imin:imax] = 0
            # remove peak from line (5*fwhm around x0)

        if verbosity > 2:
            plt.title("DEBUG: Fit q-reference")
            plt.plot(x, line, 'k')
            plt.plot(x, models.gauss(x, *peaks[0]), 'r')
            plt.plot(x, models.gauss(x, *peaks[1]), 'g')

        return peaks[0][0], peaks[1][0]
예제 #3
  def fit_aperture_borders(self,order=2,log=False,**kwargs):
    Determine the left and right border of the aperture as polynom x(y) 
    for the series of E-q maps.     
    order     ... (opt) order of the polynomial to fit
    log       ... (opt) consider aperture images on log-scale
    for further options, see fit_border.get_border_points()
    RETURNS list of tuples(left,right) containing polynomials x = left(y)
    self.ap_order =order;
    self.ap_log   =log;
    # illumination reference (smoothed version) 
    if self.ref_name is not None:
      ref = np.abs(gaussfilt1D(self.ref_img,11));      # gauss-filter
      #ref = np.abs(lorentzfit1D(self.ref_img,offset=offset));  # fit lorentz
      ref[ref<np.mean(ref)] = np.mean(ref);               # constant for low values 
                                                          # to avoid 0 devision
      if self.verbosity>9:  
        self.__dbg_fig.append(self.plot_reference(ref));  # draw figure and save in list 
      ref = 1;                                            # no reference given
    # iterate over all aperture images
    points = []; fit = []; lines=[]; stack=[]; info=[];
    for i,image in enumerate(self.ap_stack):

      # correct image by illu_ref
      filtimg = image/ref;                                
      if log: filtimg = np.log(np.abs(filtimg)+1);
      # get aperture border as point list in px (correct for binning!)
      c = self.crop;
      l,r   = fit_border.get_border_points(filtimg, interp_out=True,
                xmin=int(c['xmin']/self.xbin), xmax=int(c['xmax']/self.xbin),
                ymin=int(c['ymin']/self.ybin), ymax=int(c['ymax']/self.ybin), 
                verbosity=self.verbosity-10, **kwargs);
      l = ((l+0.5).T*(self.xbin,self.ybin)).T;    # convert to px, points (x,y)
      r = ((r+0.5).T*(self.xbin,self.ybin)).T;

      # fit polynom x=p(y) to left and right border
      polyl = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(l[1],l[0],order));
      polyr = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(r[1],r[0],order));
      # DEBUG: drawing fit points and polynoms
      if self.verbosity>2:
        y  = np.arange(self.crop['ymin'],self.crop['ymax']);
        info.append({'desc': 'DEBUG: '+self.ap_names[i], 
                     'xperchan':self.xbin, 'yperchan':self.ybin});
        p1 = plt.Line2D(l[0],l[1],marker='x',ls='',c='b'); 
        p2 = plt.Line2D(r[0],r[1],marker='x',ls='',c='b')
        p3 = plt.Line2D(polyl(y),y,color='r');
        p4 = plt.Line2D(polyr(y),y,color='r');
    if self.verbosity>2:
      self.__dbg_fig.append( self.plot_aperture_images(stack,info,lines) );
    # store results
    self.ap_points=points;       # contains Nap (l,r) tuples; l,r are a lists of (x,y) points
    self.ap_poly  =fit;          # contains Nap (pl,pr) tuples; pl,pr are polynoms y(x)

    # comments
    self.history.append("Fit aperture borders");
    self.history.append("|- order=%d,  log=%s"%(order,log));
    params = ", ".join([key+": "+str(val) for key,val in kwargs.items()]);
    self.history.append("|- " + params);

    return fit;
예제 #4
    def fit_aperture_borders(self, order=2, log=False, **kwargs):
    Determine the left and right border of the aperture as polynom x(y) 
    for the series of E-q maps.     
    order     ... (opt) order of the polynomial to fit
    log       ... (opt) consider aperture images on log-scale
    for further options, see fit_border.get_border_points()
    RETURNS list of tuples(left,right) containing polynomials x = left(y)
        self.ap_order = order
        self.ap_log = log

        # illumination reference (smoothed version)
        if self.ref_name is not None:
            ref = np.abs(gaussfilt1D(self.ref_img, 11))
            # gauss-filter
            #ref = np.abs(lorentzfit1D(self.ref_img,offset=offset));  # fit lorentz
            ref[ref < np.mean(ref)] = np.mean(ref)
            # constant for low values
            # to avoid 0 devision
            if self.verbosity > 9:
                # draw figure and save in list
            ref = 1
            # no reference given

        # iterate over all aperture images
        points = []
        fit = []
        lines = []
        stack = []
        info = []
        for i, image in enumerate(self.ap_stack):

            # correct image by illu_ref
            filtimg = image / ref
            if log: filtimg = np.log(np.abs(filtimg) + 1)

            # get aperture border as point list in px (correct for binning!)
            c = self.crop
            l, r = fit_border.get_border_points(
                xmin=int(c['xmin'] / self.xbin),
                xmax=int(c['xmax'] / self.xbin),
                ymin=int(c['ymin'] / self.ybin),
                ymax=int(c['ymax'] / self.ybin),
                verbosity=self.verbosity - 10,
            l = ((l + 0.5).T * (self.xbin, self.ybin)).T
            # convert to px, points (x,y)
            r = ((r + 0.5).T * (self.xbin, self.ybin)).T
            points.append([l, r])

            # fit polynom x=p(y) to left and right border
            polyl = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(l[1], l[0], order))
            polyr = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(r[1], r[0], order))
            fit.append((polyl, polyr))

            # DEBUG: drawing fit points and polynoms
            if self.verbosity > 2:
                y = np.arange(self.crop['ymin'], self.crop['ymax'])
                    'desc': 'DEBUG: ' + self.ap_names[i],
                    'xperchan': self.xbin,
                    'yperchan': self.ybin
                p1 = plt.Line2D(l[0], l[1], marker='x', ls='', c='b')
                p2 = plt.Line2D(r[0], r[1], marker='x', ls='', c='b')
                p3 = plt.Line2D(polyl(y), y, color='r')
                p4 = plt.Line2D(polyr(y), y, color='r')
                lines.append([p1, p2, p3, p4])
        if self.verbosity > 2:
                stack, info, lines))

        # store results
        self.ap_points = points
        # contains Nap (l,r) tuples; l,r are a lists of (x,y) points
        self.ap_poly = fit
        # contains Nap (pl,pr) tuples; pl,pr are polynoms y(x)

        # comments
        self.history.append("Fit aperture borders")
        self.history.append("|- order=%d,  log=%s" % (order, log))
        params = ", ".join(
            [key + ": " + str(val) for key, val in kwargs.items()])
        self.history.append("|- " + params)

        return fit