def tour_of_four_stools(model: TOAHModel, delay_btw_moves: float=0.5, console_animate: bool=False):
    """Move a tower of cheeses from the first stool in model to the fourth.

       model - a TOAHModel with a tower of cheese on the first stool
                and three other empty stools
       console_animate - whether to animate the tour in the console
       delay_btw_moves - time delay between moves in seconds IF 
                         console_animate == True
                         no effect if console_animate == False
    the_four_stools(model, model.number_of_cheeses(), 0, 1, 2, 3) # stool starts at 0 and ends at 3
    if console_animate == True:
	    x = model.get_move_seq()
	    z = x.length()
	    y = model.number_of_cheeses()
	    model = TOAHModel(4)
	    index = 0
	    while index < z:
		    m = x.get_move(index)
		    index += 1
예제 #2
def tour_of_four_stools(model: TOAHModel,
                        delay_btw_moves: float = 0.5,
                        console_animate: bool = False):
    """Move a tower of cheeses from the first stool in model to the fourth.

       model - a TOAHModel with a tower of cheese on the first stool
                and three other empty stools
       console_animate - whether to use ConsoleController to animate the tour
       delay_btw_moves - time delay between moves in seconds IF
                         console_animate == True
                         no effect if console_animate == False

    #This first part is to make the right MoveSequence
    cheese_num = model.number_of_cheeses()
    moves = MoveSequence([])
    four_stool_solution(moves, cheese_num, 0, 1, 2, 3)

    #Then we apply it to our existing model, animating with delay if
    if console_animate:
        for move in moves._moves:
            model.move(move[0], move[1])
        for move in moves._moves:
            model.move(move[0], move[1])
예제 #3
파일: 프로젝트: AmandaHassoun/A1
def tour_of_four_stools(model: TOAHModel,
                        delay_btw_moves: float = 0.5,
                        console_animate: bool = False):
    """Move a tower of cheeses from the first stool in model to the fourth.

       model - a TOAHModel with a tower of cheese on the first stool
                and three other empty stools
       console_animate - whether to animate the tour in the console
       delay_btw_moves - time delay between moves in seconds IF 
                         console_animate == True
                         no effect if console_animate == False

    n = model.number_of_cheeses()
    list_of_moves = moves_list(n, 0, 1, 2, 3)

    if console_animate:
        for move in list_of_moves:
            TOAHModel.move(model, move[0], move[1])
            print('Moving top cheese from {} to {}'.format(move[0], move[1]))
        for move in list_of_moves:
            TOAHModel.move(model, move[0], move[1])
            print('Moving top cheese from {} to {}'.format(move[0], move[1]))
예제 #4
def tour_of_four_stools(model: TOAHModel,
                        delay_btw_moves: float = 0.5,
                        console_animate: bool = False):
    """Move a tower of cheeses from the first stool in model to the fourth.

       model - a TOAHModel with a tower of cheese on the first stool
                and three other empty stools
       console_animate - whether to use ConsoleController to animate the tour
       delay_btw_moves - time delay between moves in seconds IF
                         console_animate == True
                         no effect if console_animate == False
    # Call helper functions to move the cheese
    # If console_animate is true, print each step
    if (console_animate is True):
        # Pass true in the parameter to print
        four_stool_hanoi(model, model.number_of_cheeses(), 0, 1, 2, 3, True)
    # Otherwise don't print it
        four_stool_hanoi(model, model.number_of_cheeses(), 0, 1, 2, 3, False)
예제 #5
파일: 프로젝트: YueGan/TowerOfHanoi
def tour_of_four_stools(model: TOAHModel, delay_btw_moves: float=0.5,
                        console_animate: bool=False):
    """Move a tower of cheeses from the first stool in model to the fourth.

       model - a TOAHModel with a tower of cheese on the first stool
                and three other empty stools
       console_animate - whether to animate the tour in the console
       delay_btw_moves - time delay between moves in seconds IF
                         console_animate == True
                         no effect if console_animate == False

    four_hanoi(model.number_of_cheeses(), 0, 1, 2,
               3, console_animate, delay_btw_moves)
예제 #6
파일: 프로젝트: YueGan/TowerOfHanoi
def tour_of_four_stools(model: TOAHModel,
                        delay_btw_moves: float = 0.5,
                        console_animate: bool = False):
    """Move a tower of cheeses from the first stool in model to the fourth.

       model - a TOAHModel with a tower of cheese on the first stool
                and three other empty stools
       console_animate - whether to animate the tour in the console
       delay_btw_moves - time delay between moves in seconds IF
                         console_animate == True
                         no effect if console_animate == False

    four_hanoi(model.number_of_cheeses(), 0, 1, 2, 3, console_animate,
def tour_of_four_stools(model: TOAHModel, delay_btw_moves: float=0.5,
                        console_animate: bool=False,):
    """Move a tower of cheeses from the first stool in model to the fourth.

       model - a TOAHModel with a tower of cheese on the first stool
                and three other empty stools
       console_animate - whether to use ConsoleController to animate the tour
       delay_btw_moves - time delay between moves in seconds IF
                         console_animate == True
                         no effect if console_animate == False
    # store the number of cheeses in n, because it's shorter and easier
    n = model.number_of_cheeses()
    # create an empty list to store the moves (in tuple form)
    moves = []
    # call the helper function so the solution can be stored in moves
    helper_four_stools(moves, n, 0, 1, 2, 3)

    # if user wants to animate
    if console_animate is True:
        # grab a movie one by one and apply it to the given model
        # until the moves list is empty
        while len(moves) != 0:
            # temp is basically the first move in the list
            # it's a tuple
            temp = moves[0]
            # delete that move from the original moves list because we
            # already saved it and we won't need it again
            moves = moves[1:]
            # since temp is a tuple, temp[0] is the original stool and
            # temp[1] is the destination stool: temp = (temp[0], temp[1])
            model.move(temp[0], temp[1])
            # if user wants a delay between moves, use sleep to pause
            # print a visual representation of the model being changed

    # if user does not any animation, only the model is changed
        # exact same thing but this time there is no delay between moves
        while len(moves) != 0:
            # get origin stool
            temp = moves[0]
            # get destination stool
            moves = moves[1:]
            # change the model
            model.move(temp[0], temp[1])
예제 #8
def tour_of_four_stools(model: TOAHModel, delay_btw_moves: float=0.5,
                        console_animate: bool=False):
    """Move a tower of cheeses from the first stool in model to the fourth.

       model - a TOAHModel with a tower of cheese on the first stool
                and three other empty stools
       console_animate - whether to use ConsoleController to animate the tour
       delay_btw_moves - time delay between moves in seconds IF
                         console_animate == True
                         no effect if console_animate == False
    src = 0
    spare_1 = 1
    spare_2 = 2
    dest = 3
    num_cheeses = model.number_of_cheeses()

    rec_four_stools(model, num_cheeses, src, spare_1, spare_2, dest,
                    delay_btw_moves, console_animate)